InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Anxiety ❯ Pain in the neck…literally! ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's note:
Now there is purpose for me having the whole western land ruling thing….you just have to wait and see. Kagome, Inuyasha, and even Kyasha will be impacted by this statement later on in the story; I hope you'll like the twist…
+++Chapter 8+++
++Pain in the neck…literally!++
The School bell rang, signaling for Kyasha to wake up. She hadn't been getting a lot of sleep lately. Ever since she was attacked by Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha's brother, the side of her neck, where she was actually hit with his claws, continued to sting once in a while. She never thought much of it; maybe it was just the healing pain like the itchiness that sometimes comes. Either way, it was making sleep not very relaxing.
“Kyasha, hurry we have to go to play practice.” Kana screeched as she nudged Kyasha's shoulder to wake her up. She moaned to herself, but lifted her head and looked at her friend.
“What scenes are we doing today?” Kyasha asked.
“We're actually just having a meeting, Mrs. Boute wanted to tell us some information she has just been told and hand out the costumes.” Kana informed. That's right; the play was only in a few days or so, next week. Kyasha had been working hard, not that she would admit it, and she was actually somewhat excited to be in this play.
“Okay, I'll be there in a sec.” She stood and Kana raced out the door to reach the outside stage. Kyasha reached her destination and saw everyone sitting in their circle of chairs. She sat down beside a young girl who had been playing the part of a young human girl named `Rin'.
Mrs. Boute had came and told us that she had found the character's names from an anonymous friend. But surprisingly, she didn't know the names of the hanyou or the second priestess. It was weird in Kyasha eye's that the two people the story was about and they didn't know there names. It was very frustrating.
“Okay, I will hand out your costumes and then I have a few more things I need to tell you all.” Mrs. Boute said as she lifted a huge box in front of her. “I will call your name and you will come up and get your costumes, I will just warn you now, these costumes are one of a kind, and if you lose them or ruin them, you will be paying full price.”
Kyasha blurred out the voices, her neck was killing her. She could feel her heart beat everytime she laid her hand on her mark. Kyasha then decided she would walk over to Mr. Izayoi's and ask Kagome about it, knowing she would have some information to lend her. She was brought back to reality when she heard her name called; she stood and approached the teacher.
“Now, Kyasha, this costume was extra expensive, we had to find a material resembling the old, and very famous material, fire rat, but we did it, so please be careful with it.” Mrs. Boute asked, Kyasha nodded and took her bag. She went and sat down again. Kyasha slowly took out the contents of which were going to be her costume.
First there was a fake sword and sheath, black and thin. Next was a small beaded necklace with small dog fangs around it, resembling her own concealment necklace, Kyasha thought. She then pulled out a rather large white undershirt. Then, what came next made Kyasha's jaw drop, she pulled out a large red Haori and matching hakama. Kyasha was amazed at the fine detailed sewing they did. Mrs. Boute gave them the signal and the class went to change into costume. Kyasha stood and entered the washroom.
She pulled on the undershirt, necklace and Hakama, then tied the haori on and pulled the necklace on. Kyasha looked in the mirror and smiled, the clothes were very comfortable. Mrs. Boute, to her surprise, came walking in holding something big and white in her hands.
“Kyasha, your character was an Inu-hanyou and therefore, had inu ears. I have this for you, whom I forgot to give to you, oh, that outfit fits you perfectly, like you were made for it.” Mrs. Boute pointed out as she handed Kyasha the wig and ears, then left.
Kyasha gazed at the wig and ears then grumbled. An idea popped in her head, she reached up and grabbed her necklace, tore it off as her hair turned its natural silver and her inu-ears appeared. She smiled, no one would notice right?
She walked out with an amazing amount of confidence. Everyone's eyes were glued on her now, and it made her sweat with fear. Did she do something wrong, did they know it wasn't a wig? Did they know that it was natural? Shit, she was in for it now…
“Kyasha that outfit…it's amazing.” Kana exclaimed, having the same expression as everyone else.
“Thank you…uhhh…yours looks good too.” She said as she stammered for the right words. Kyasha brushed the sweat that had built up on her forehead with a deep sigh in relief.
She blushed and began working on the set for the first scene, they were going to try to make a dress rehearsal, but the real one wasn't for a few more days. Kyasha just sat there, nothing to do, in her (fake) fire rat haori, pouting.
Inuyasha had taken the afternoon off since he had no classes, so he went home early. He decided to take the long way home and visit a certain person on his way by. Sesshoumaru had some explaining to do, and he wanted to hear it.
He walked up the old, long hill towards Sesshoumaru's large mansion. Sesshoumaru, along with some other youkai's that Inuyasha knew, lived up until now, but kept quiet so they didn't disturb any humans. Sesshoumaru wasn't too good at keep a simple life; he was, in fact, the wealthiest man in all of Tokyo, maybe even Japan itself.
Inuyasha stopped in front of a large set of bronze gates that closed off his older half brother's home off from the world. He pressed the buzzer button and an old man's voice came on.
“What can I do for you sir?” The voice rang out.
“I need to see my damned brother…” Inuyasha smirked as all of a sudden the gate doors swung open. He walked inside and was guided into one of Sesshoumaru's many office/libraries.
“Good to see you little brother.” The older brother proclaimed without even looking at him.
“Why the hell did you do it?” Inuyasha grumbled.
“What ever are you talking about, little brother?” Sesshoumaru added meaning to the world `little', making it into an insult.
“Why did you attack me, and hurt Kyasha.” He demanded.
“Oh, that little hanyou….she was in my way,” He said as another thought came to mind. “You best keep an eye on her. After an attack like that, she may be acting a bit…different, so to say.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean, why do all you old youkai have to speak in so many damn riddles, why can't you just come out and say what the fuck you want to say.” He stated as he walked out of the office and slammed the door.
“Oh, and Inuyasha, you still owe me payment for breaking the other door.” Sesshoumaru added, knowing Inuyasha heard him full well when he heard his butler scream and the front door slam shut. Sesshoumaru smirked and continued to read his newspaper he had so rudely been interrupted from.
Kyasha was beginning to feel nauseous and very tired; she could barely keep her eyes open. She was now on her way home from practice, they had gone through the whole play in under an hour, which was very bizarre but was a relief to Kyasha. She felt like collapsing there in the side walk, wondering if anyone would even stop and help her. Kyasha shook her head from her bleak thoughts and continued walking home.
That's when something strange happened. Her sight began to blur, her hearing became more and more fuzzy. Her head was spinning and she couldn't do a thing to stop it. She began to black out, but as she slowly fell to the ground and close her eyes, she saw…silver.
Inuyasha had been completely pissed off at Sesshoumaru, but his advice caught him off guard. `Watch Kyasha closely?' He thought. Why would he have to do that?
However, his instincts kicked in and he began to feel a tinge of nausea. He began to look for Kyasha, beginning to worry more than he thought he should. He began to sniff around, and right away caught her scent drifting behind him. He darted in her direction to see if she was safe.
He ignored the weird looks and decided, when no one was looking, that he would jump up to the roof of the buildings to hide his true identity. He finally reached her, but was shocked at what he saw. Kyasha wasn't okay. She was slowly and softly falling to the ground on the sidewalk. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, to catch her before she hit the hard pavement.
Inuyasha made it in time, but when he had reached her, she was unconscious. He was so worried, but then something caught his eye. What she was wearing completely shook him. She was wearing an identical, but in her size, hakama and matching haori, identical to his outfit that he preferred to wear in the feudal era. His fire rat robe. He was awestruck; he couldn't believe she would be wearing that, or how she got it. But he decided to worry about that later. Inuyasha carried Kyasha, bridal-style, to Kagome, back at the apartment.
`Oh god, does my head hurt…' Kyasha thought, as she unconsciously raised a hand to her head. Her eyes felt heavy, but she some how opened them. She found herself in a simple white room. It had a beautiful black dresser and matching side tables beside the bed, which was a king size. Kyasha looked up and saw a tall mirror hanging on the wall beside a tall closet close to the door. She was so out of it, she didn't even notice there she wasn't in a familiar place, until the owner of the room came in.
“Oh, Kyasha, your up…are you…okay?” Inuyasha asked hesitantly. He had been very worried about her, it had been quite a long time since she fainted on the road, and Kagome had gone to her Mother's, at the shrine, which was now rebuilt and finished a few days ago. Kagome just had to go over and help her unpack.
“Yeah, just really, really dizzy is all…how'd I get here? What happened to me?” Kyasha asked as she slowly sat up. Inuyasha sat down at the edge of the bed and handed her a cup of cold water, she drank it hungrily.
“Well, I'm not really sure what happened to you, but when I saw you, you were fainting on the sidewalk a few blocks from home, I already called your mother and told her what had happened, she understood and let you stay here for the night.” Inuyasha explained. He didn't add the part of her mother and his conversation about how he had to pretty much go over there and scare the woman to let her stay with him and Kagome, her mother truly had no love relation for the girl, which was terrible since she was such an amazing kid, kind hearted, and spunky.
“Okay, thank you…” She said as she looked down at her clothes, she still had on the play outfit; she was dead if she ruined it. “Do you, by chance, have anything I can change into? I really can't ruin this outfit.”
“Oh, yeah, you can borrow something of Kagome's; I don't think she'd mind.” He said as he stood up and grabbed one of her outfits. “By the way, where did you get that outfit?” He was dieing to know since he brought her home.
“Oh, this? Well, I'm in the school play, it's about the legend of the mysterious hanyou and priestess and their love story, I play the hanyou…it's really stupid, I hate playing a guy part.”
“Oh, really? It can't be that bad playing the hanyou, now can it?” He asked, as he was completely and utterly shocked that the school was playing the story, his story. Also, this girl, this hanyou girl, was playing his part, his character, him.
“Truthfully, but don't tell anyone, `cause I hate acting, but I actually, kind of, relate and understand the character I play, his aggressiveness, everything about him comes naturally to me. His part in the play is awesome, with all the fighting and stuff.” Kyasha explained.
“That's interesting, so you really like this character?” Inuyasha asked, he was simply startled at her statement, she related to him? Understood him? He smiled inwardly, as he helped her up and into the bathroom to get changed.
“Yeah, I guess…my friend signed me up for the play, unwillingly I might add.” Kyasha stated.
He went and sat down in the kitchen and replayed the little moment they had. She was playing his role, the hanyou, and she had said that she understood the character, and the role came naturally to her. This was too awkward for Inuyasha to comprehend.
“Daddy!” Inuyasha was dragged out of his thoughts by his eight year old boy.
“Hey, Daitan, what's new?” Inuyasha said as Daitan giggled.
“Well, Uncle Souta and I played on his old play station, I kicked his butt.” Daitan said, as both of them giggled.
“Hey, Kyasha's here? Her scent's everywhere.” He asked.
“Yeah, why don't you go find her, but be careful, she's not feeling to great.” Inuyasha said as he watched Daitan run into their bedroom and then heard Kyasha scream with giggles and Daitan jumping on the bed.
“Hi, Inuyasha how was your day?” Kagome said as show walked in and gave her husband a kiss on the forehead before putting the groceries on the counter.
“Oh, it was okay…Kyasha's here…she fainted, I found her on the sidewalk, she'll be staying over night, if that's alright? She hasn't been looking too great; I might bring her over with me to see Sesshoumaru…” Inuyasha explained.
“Oh, sure, she can stay for as long as she likes…but why Sesshoumaru?” Kagome asked as she put the milk away.
“Well, I went to see him earlier today…he said something about watching Kyasha something's happened to her…I need to ask him.” Inuyasha stated, as he stood up and went to get the girl.
“Well, what do you think he meant by that? Maybe I should go to…?” Kagome asked ass she began boiling water for supper.
“No, I think me and Kyasha should go, you stay here with Daitan, he has to go to bed soon anyway.” Inuyasha explained.
“Fine, just be careful, and be careful with Kyasha, she just fainted…she's not doing so well.” Kagome concluded.
“I'm not weak…geez.” Kyasha said as she pretty much crawled into the room, Daitan on her back. “Daitan, let go of the hair.”
“Sorry, I was falling; it's the only thing I could grab on.” He explained as she dropped him on the couch.
“Well, be careful, it's all I've got,” She said as they both giggled. She turned and looked at Inuyasha. “I want to go with you…something's wrong with me, and I want to find out.”
“Okay, let's get going, we can pick something up to eat on our way there…” Inuyasha said as he got and helped her out the door.
“Oh no you don't, you two aren't going anywhere.” Kagome stated with her hands on her hips. “First we eat, and then you can go.”
“Oh, come on, don't act like my mother…” Kyasha said with a smirk. “We'll pick something up, it's our own fault if we starve or not.”
“She's got a point.” Inuyasha said.
“I don't care who's got a point, you two aren't leaving until you have something in your stomachs.” Kagome explained.
“Fine, but then we leave.” Inuyasha stated. The hanyous growled and sat down at the table. Kagome was stunned; she had never seen anyone pull of the `Inuyasha pout' but Inuyasha himself, Kyasha was almost his double. She had dubbed it the `pout' long ago, back when She, Sango, Miroku, Shippou and Inuyasha searched for the Shikon no Tama.
Daitan joined the table, and destroyed and devoured their dinner, while Kyasha nibbled at her plate.
“What's wrong Kyasha?” Daitan asked.
“I'm just not up to doing anything, I still feel disgusting from earlier.” Kyasha explained as she took a bite from her rice.
“Maybe you should take a nap before you and Inuyasha leave?” Kagome insisted.
“No, I have to find out what's wrong with me…all of my emotions are doubled in size, my head hurts, and my vision blurs every few minutes. If Sesshoumaru is the guy with the answers then I want him to tell them to me.” Kyasha demanded.
“Okay, but try not to over do it, Inuyasha, please, make sure she's okay.” Kagome asked.
“I will, don't worry, it's not I'll just leave her there on the street if she faints again.” He said in a sarcastic tone as he put his plate in the sink and went to stand on the deck to wait for Kyasha to finish with her food.
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Another chapter edited…Ooo I'm getting good!