InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ As Fate Would Have It ❯ Chapter 29

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 29- oh my gosh… I'm almost done! One more chapter, I think, and then I'll start on the sequel! Millions of thanks to everyone who has reviewed and commented on this story- they were truly delightful! I hope to see you back here again for the next tale about the family of Inuyasha and Kagome. Arigatou, minna!
“Look, Da-dee! Iza ish crawling!”
Inuyasha looked up from the peek-a-boo game he was playing with Inusouta. “Hai, wolf-girl. I see her.”
Indeed, the tiny black-haired girl was managing to scoot herself along the soft grass fairly well- heading towards her mother, who was returning from a private conference with Sango.
“Wow! Look at Mama's big girl!” Kagome gushed as she scooped up the petite hanyou and gave her a big hug. “Pretty soon you'll be jumping through the forest with your Papa, won't you?”
“I'd take her now if you weren't such a worry-wart.”
The miko rolled her eyes. “Don't give me that. You're too worried about running into demons while you're with them that you would never actually take them any further than the Bone Eater's Well or Goshinboku.”
The silver-haired hanyou grunted. “What did Sango want anyway?” he grumbled, turning his attention back to his squirming son.
Kagome sighed. “Well… she… she needed… a pregnancy test.”
“Nani? She just had her pup two and a half months ago!”
His mate shrugged. “Well, she still hasn't started her courses again… and she says she's been nauseous lately. She just wants to be safe than sorry.”
“Keh! That monk'll be the sorry one if she turns out to be breeding again.”
Izayoi squirmed to be set down on the grass again, so Kagome let her go as Minako raced over to play with her sister. “I doubt she is. I mean, it was so hard for her to get pregnant the first time- why would she end up pregnant again so soon after giving birth?”
A shriek coming from the woods had Inuyasha on his feet and Tetsusaiga drawn before Kagome could even move. “Kagome! Get the pups inside- now!”
She blinked. “That… sounded like Sango…” She scooped up a twin in each arm and motioned to Minako to follow her. “Go make sure she's safe, Inuyasha!”
He nodded and raced off toward the source of the cry. He bounded through the forest, jumping from tree branch to tree branch, looking for the youkai he was certain was attacking his friend.
Instead, he saw Sango, walking rather quickly back to the village. Stalking might be a better word. Fury radiated from her like a youkai's youki. He could practically see it swirling around her as she stormed through the trees.
He glanced around, sniffing. He certainly didn't smell any youkai… and if the cry had come from Sango, she certainly wasn't in any danger. Unless Miroku had done something inappropriate again, but then again, he was married to her… he was allowed to grope her now.
The hanyou followed the taijiya back to the village, watching from a safe distance as she entered her hut. His ears flattened against his head as Sango's severely livid cry echoed through the walls of the hut.
Damn you, Miroku! You got me pregnant again!”
Nani?” Dead silence. “How, Sango? We only did it that one time- about three weeks ago, remember? How could you possibly be pregnant again?”
Inuyasha jumped down from the tree and cautiously walked over to his own hut, acting as if he wanted to keep himself unnoticed as he passed by Sango and Miroku's hut.
“I had Kagome bring me a test that can tell if you're pregnant- you remember those, don't you? And it says I'm pregnant!”
The monk sputtered as Inuyasha neared the door to his hut and safety. He tried to keep his ears flat against his head so he couldn't hear nearly as well, but with the ire in Sango's voice, it was nigh on impossible. “B-but… can't the test be wrong?”
“It's nearly 100% accurate, you baka sukebei! I knew I shouldn't have let you touch me!”
Rustling sounds indicated that Miroku must have moved across the room. “Sango, itoshii- why are you so upset about this? Didn't you want to have more children?”
The scent of tears hit Inuyasha's nose as the sound of sniffling reached his ears. He paused. If that monk was making her cry… he couldn't stand a woman's tears. “I did… but not so soon! I mean, Hidama is still just a tiny baby! I'm still nursing her, for Kami's sake! I should be devoting my time to taking care of her, not worrying about nausea and stretch marks!”
A long pause. “So… you don't want this baby?” Miroku asked quietly.
Sango gasped. “Of course I want it! I just didn't want it so soon!”
Another long pause. “What do you want to do about it?”
Sniffling. “…Go ahead with the pregnancy, of course. I have no other choice. I would never get rid of my own child.”
Inuyasha had heard enough. Let them battle it out. He slipped into his hut to find his mate standing there with a rather irritated look on her face. “And just where have you been?”
He blinked innocently. “Um… fighting youkai?”
Brown eyes narrowed. “How come I didn't sense any youki?”
“I, err, blasted them before they could get close to the village.”
Kagome let out a growl worthy of an inu-youkai's mate. “Don't lie to me! You were eavesdropping on Sango and Miroku, weren't you?”
“No, wait, Kagome! It wasn't like that!”
Kagome opened her mouth.
Osuwari!” Minako yelled before her mother could say it.
Inuyasha winced before he realized his daughter had said it and not his mate. He and Kagome looked down at the grinning wolf-hanyou in surprise. Minako looked up at each of her parents, quite proud of herself. “What?” she said innocently.
Kagome blushed. “Maybe… I should stop doing that around her…”
“Keh! Ya think so, wench?”
Kagome patted Sango's shoulder as she tried to console her friend. “It'll be okay, Sango,” she reassured the older woman. “You did tell me you wanted to have more children.”
The children were all peacefully asleep in their own beds and the adults were having a little pow-wow in Sango and Miroku's hut to discuss the “happy” news.
The taijiya shot her husband a Look as he pretended not to notice while stirring the cook pot. Then she softened and gave Kagome a little smile. “Hai… I still do.”
Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. “So you're okay with this now?”
“I have to be. I already love this baby as much as I love Hidama.”
The hanyou snorted. “If you and that hentai monk had used those smelly things Kagome and I have been using, you wouldn't be in this mess.”
Kagome blushed furiously. “Inuyasha!”
“What? What did I say?”
Miroku shook his head as he continued to stir the cook pot's contents. “I will not use any sort of pregnancy-prevention-device, Inuyasha. It is wrong to play with Kami's plans like that.”
Kagome looked at him, confused. “Plans?”
He nodded. “Obviously this child was meant to be created at this time, just as your babes were chosen to be created when they were. By using those strange things you have been utilizing, you are messing with destiny.”
Kagome and Inuyasha exchanged a long glance. Were they really messing with their fates?
Sango agreed with her husband. “I was not happy about this at first, but Kami decided that this child would be created now and I am not one to argue if that is our fate.”
The miko looked at her hands, abashed. “I-I never thought of it that way…”
Miroku tasted a bit of the broth that he had made for his stew-craving wife. “I am positively delighted that my beloved Sango and I are going to be blessed with another child so soon. She is the perfect mother and I have every faith in her abilities to handle this with devotion and aplomb.”
Sango blushed. “Hush, houshi-sama…” she murmured, using the formal nickname she gave him when she was particularly emotional.
Inuyasha harrumphed. “So you're saying that we're trying to play Kami by preventing pregnancy the way we are?” he grumped, returning to the subject at hand.
Miroku gave a noncommittal shrug. “I cannot say one way or the other. I just know how I feel about it.”
Kagome gave her friends a bright smile- too bright, the taijiya thought- as she stood up and left the hut, leaving her mate to watch after her.
“You need to go after her, Inuyasha,” Sango urged. “Something is obviously bothering her.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I kinda gathered that too. I'll go see what's up.”
He found her easily, sitting quietly by the softly burbling river, the gentle wind blowing through her black hair. “Oi, Kagome. What's wrong?”
The wind shifted slightly and he caught the scent of tears. She's crying?
Moving next to her, he crouched down into his usual four-point sitting position and stared at her. “Speak, wench. I can't help you if you don't tell me the problem.”
She sniffled. “They're right. It's like we're trying to be Kami or something.”
“Who cares what they think? We just didn't want another pup right away, like they ended up.”
With that comment, she burst into renewed tears. “Oi! Wha-? No! Don't cry!” he yelled, his eyes widening.
“I did! I wanted more children right away, but you said you didn't want any more!” she wailed, tears streaming down her cheeks.
He paused. “You… you did? You want another pup right away? Why?”
She wiped her cheek with the back of her hand. “I loved carrying your babies around, Inuyasha. I loved the feeling of them inside me, moving and kicking, growing strong. I loved the fact that I had a little piece, or rather, pieces, of you with me all the time, whether I was sleeping, eating, or bathing. Now, it seems that the twins are growing up so fast that they won't need me anymore.”
Blinking, she looked up at him. “You are such a wonderful, caring father. We could have a whole…”
“Litter?” he offered helpfully.
She wrinkled her nose. “Well, yeah, I guess, but I know you'd be patient and loving to each and every one we have.”
He snorted lightly. “Who says I have patience?”
She raised an eyebrow. “You do with the children. Maybe not with anyone else, but with your own `litter' you are extremely tolerant.”
Inuyasha pulled her into his arms in a snug embrace. “Kami, woman… why didn't you just tell me that you wanted more? Then we could've skipped all that smelly con-dumb stuff.”
“You said you didn't want any more. I was trying to do what you wanted.” Her voice was muffled from where she had buried her face in his haori.
“I do want more! I love the twins and Minako more than anything- except you, sneaky wench,” he murmured into her hair. “I thought you didn't want any more.”
She pulled back and looked at him with brown eyes still bright with tears. “So… we'll stop using the condoms? And let Kami decide if we should have any more kids?”
He nodded, smiling gently as he bent his head to kiss her sweetly. “And let it be as fate would have it.”
A/N: sukebei- lecher, pervert, but a much stronger term for it (I think)
Hidama- “Falling Star” (Miroku and Sango's firstborn daughter)
Inusouta- “Handsome Dog” (Elder of Inuyasha and Kagome's twins)
Izayoi- “Sixteenth Moon” (Younger of Inuyasha and Kagome's twins)
Minako- “Beautiful Child” (Adopted wolf-hanyou of Inuyasha and Kagome)