InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bane of My Existence ❯ Prologue Part 5: The Sweetest Things ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and friends were created and lovingly brought to life by Rumiko Takahashi. Expoland does exist, and since I've never had a chance to visit this theme park and my research could only go so far, I took some artistic license in describing the attractions.

Author's Note: This AU fic was initially intended to be a prequel to The City by the Bay, but having fallen in love with the Kagome and Bankotsu pairing, I'm writing it both as a prequel and a stand alone piece. There will be two endings to this story. For the summary, special notice, pairing, and spoiler information, please see the previous chapters. Thought expressions are indicated by '__'.

Also, one of the hardest things about sharing my stories is the chances of my stories being plagiarized. My story, A Demon Should Act Like A Demon, was plagiarized, and it hurt me a lot. It felt like a piece of me was stolen. It took a while finding the strength to write again.

I'm very happy, though, that someone took the time to let me know that my story was plagiarized and reported it. I really appreciated what this person did. So I would like to dedicate this chapter and the next chapter of all my working stories to Helene. Thank you so much for letting me know and for helping to end plagiarism.

My new Inuyasha fansite, The Inuyasha Enthusiast, is now live. Please visit and let me know what you think.

To all my readers and reviewers: Thank you so much for reading, and most of all, reviewing my stories! I hope you enjoy this next chapter! ~ Ericedwyn

By Ericedwyn

'Neechan - Casual for "Oneesan" which means Big Sister
Hai - Yes
Kawaii - Cute
Kuso - Damn; Shit
Minna-san - Everyone
Nani - What
Onegai - Please

Prologue Part Five: The Sweetest Things

~* Expoland, Sunday morning *~

Hojo straggled behind the others; his feet dragged along the concrete as if made of lead. His brown gaze fell on the clasped hands of the couple ahead of him, and he felt a deep sense of loss. "Kuso... I should have stayed home," he said, beneath his breath.

Nobu, who was the closest to him, heard him and gave him a huge pat on the back. He knew that Hojo has had a crush on Kagome for years. He also knew that Kagome only saw Hojo as a friend. He doubted that even if Hojo tried, he wouldn't be able to change how she felt about him. Nobu began to crack some of his lamest jokes to cheer him up.

It had been Jak's idea to visit Expoland, an amusement park in Osaka. It was one of his childhood haunts, and amongst one of the places he wanted to visit before leaving for the United States. Luckily, Nobu, Hojo, and Ban were off from work and were able to join him and Kagome's group--which included her nine year old brother, Souta, and her six year old cousin, Shippou.

The group had just ridden the Fujin Raijin II, one of the rollercoasters in the park, and they were looking at the land map of the park.

Jak glanced at Kagome and Ban, who were both looking at a shared map. It had been just last night when his greatest wish had come true, right on the dance floor to the tune of a classic. His lips curved into a huge smile as his brother and best friend both reached for each other's hands. 'How kawaii!'

He checked for the location of their young wards and found the boys in front of a music box store. He walked the short distance towards them.

"What about that one? Do you think 'Neechan will like it?" Jak heard Shippou's not so quiet whisper. He turned to the young boys who were gazing at a music globe with a fairy inside.

"Maybe. I wonder how much it costs..." Souta murmured quietly as he counted the bills in his wallet.

Jak reached into his back pocket and retrieved his wallet. He took a couple thousand yen bills, and looked back to make sure that Kagome wasn't looking before the young man quickly stuffed them into Shippou's small hands. He whispered to the little boy's ear.

Shippou's face broke out into a grin. He suddenly grabbed Souta's hand and pulled the older boy inside the store while Jak returned to the older members of the group.

A few minutes later, a female's voice, laced with amplifying panic rang out. "Souta, Shippou-chan?" Kagome looked around her, pulling her hand away from Bankotsu's. She turned to Jak. "Jak, did you see where they went?"

Jak shook his head. "We better go look for them." He said in a very concerned tone. "Hojo, Nobu-kun, why don't you guys go that way..." He commanded pointing East. "Kagome, you and Ban go that way." He said pointing West. "I'll stay around here and check the nearby shops and rides."

"Onegai, minna-san…" Kagome whispered, tears welling in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Kagome. We'll find them." Hojo replied, quick to try to make her feel better.

Jak bit his lip, suddenly feeling quite guilty. "We'll find them, Kagome-chan. I'm sure of it. We better start looking." Kagome nodded and began to walk away. Ban fell into steps with her but not before he gave his younger brother a peculiar look.

Jak gave a sheepish smile before turning around and appearing to consider a store to enter first. 'Eep. Forgot about his spidey sense…'

The young man shrugged before entering the gift store the boys ran into a little over five minutes ago. Jak walked the aisles, looking for his charges, and leaving at least three globes playing their tune. Finally, he found Souta and Shippo in front of one of the displays.

Fifteen minutes later, Jak stepped out of the souvenir shop and called Kagome on his cellphone. "Hi, Kagome-chan. I found the boys… No, they're fine. They saw something inside a store, walked inside, and lost track of time."

Jak listened with half an ear to Kagome's tirade while he opened the door for the boys. "No need, Kagome-chan. I already talked to them about what they did." Jak rolled his eyes at the boys before glancing at his watch. He sighed and interrupted. "No, there's no need for you to backtrack. The boys are okay and they're with me. Besides, we can probably get a ride or two in before lunch. Let's meet at the arcade like we planned. I already spoke to Nobu-kun and Hojo and they're okay with this, alright?"

Jak finally grinned. "Good. See you then," the young man said quickly before hanging up and placing his phone into his holster. He gave the two boys a conspiratorial look. "Now, remember what I said, okay?"

"Are you sure it's okay to lie?" Shippou asked with green eyes set widely.

Jak adjusted his collar which started to feel just a tad constricted. "Only this time. It's for a good cause."

Souta just snickered.

Kagome frowned after placing her cell phone inside her small daypack.

"What's wrong, Kagome?" The boys are okay, right?" Ban reached for her hand.

"Yeah, but I wanted to talk to them…" Kagome murmured quietly, looking down at their joined hands.

"Talk or lecture?" Ban said while vainly trying to keep a straight face.

Kagome looked up, glared at him, and yanked her hand loose. "Oh!" She exclaimed and stomped away.

Ban gave way to laughter. "Nani?" The young man asked while taking several large steps to catch up to Kagome. "Come on…," he turned on the charm. "I was just kidding."

"You weren't." The young woman retorted accusingly.

Ban grinned as he grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. "You got me there, but I couldn't help it. I have been teasing you for at least 12 years." Ban stepped in closer, and his smile grew wolfishly when Kagome didn't make any move to step back. "Besides…" He said huskily close. "You're just mad because I hit the truth of the matter."

Kagome suddenly found herself unable to make her brain think of anything to say. She had chosen to stand her ground to show that she wasn't intimidated when Ban stepped closer, but his close proximity unfortunately sent the butterflies in her stomach into a flutter. "It's not working…" She managed to breathe out, like a mantra she was trying to affirm.

"What's not working?" Ban leaned in even closer, knowing full well how much he was affecting her.

Kagome broke loose, and finally pushed him back. "What you are trying to do."

"What exactly am I trying to do?" Ban cocked his head to one side and tried to look as innocent as he could; although, he couldn't wipe the amusement from his eyes.

Kagome shook her head and rolled her eyes at his expression. "Those charms may have worked on others, but they do not work on me."

"Oh well. Don't blame me for trying." Ban's lips broke out into another smile. "Just as long as you still like me." He said while touching her arm.

"That..." The dark-haired lady sighed dramatically before continuing, "is unfortunately the case." Kagome laughed and Ban joined her.

"Never change, Kagome." Ban said soon after, when the laughter had died down, as he brushed the back of his fingertips against her silky face.

Kagome felt a growing emptiness in her stomach as his words suddenly reminded her of her impending departure.

With Kagome's downcast eyes and the abrupt silence, Ban couldn't help but want to steer the mood into something less heavy. Ban turned his hand to cup Kagome's chin to raise her face. "How about we try that attraction over there?" He gestured to the side with a tilt of his head.

Kagome glanced to the right at a looming building with a ghoulish facade. "The Big Ghost House?"

"Of course, we don't have to go if you're scared…" Ban taunted.

Kagome raised her chin even higher. "Not at all," was all she said before she made her way towards the attraction.

Ban smiled as he followed her inside.

Kagome entered through the heavy door with a little trepidation. While she tried to show she's not scared of these things on the outside, she really hated the dark, the unknown, and being scared out of her wits. With small steps, she stepped into a narrow corridor with spider webs hanging from the ceiling and its corners. The space was only large enough for a single file. Something flew across her path as soon as she crossed to a sort of anteroom, and she nearly jumped out of her skin. She heard an ominous laughter first before an apparition showed itself before them.

"Welcome, visitors, to my home. I am Lord Kurunosuke. I hope you enjoy your visit, but please be in your good behavior, or you might find yourself roaming these halls as full-time residents searching for salvation…"

Kagome felt suddenly chilled as the holographic ghost's demeanor changed to something sinister. She felt the hair on the back of her neck stand out and she didn't need to touch her arms to know that goose bumps had suddenly sprouted there.

"You okay?" Ban asked from behind her when Kagome didn't move forward after Lord Kurunosuke disappeared.

"Hai…" She murmured before taking cautious steps into a room, dimly lit by a candle-like contraption. Kagome reached for Ban and curled her arms around one of his, which made Ban smile in the dark room.

The couple walked through each room braving ghoulish greetings from several of the sophistically designed "residents." Kagome felt safe next to Ban and she even began to enjoy some of the light displays of the holograms. However, when she saw the red exit sign nearby, she felt a little more at ease. Unfortunately, she didn't count on hands grabbing her from behind.

Kagome shrieked nearly hysterically as two pre-teen boys shot past Ban and Kagome laughing their heads off.

Kagome plunged against Ban and tried to bury her shaking body against his.

"It's okay, Kagome." Ban said against her hair in soothing tones as he held her close. He maneuvered them both to an alcove near the exit as he tried to calm her down.

"Th…those br…bra…ats!" Kagome shakily shouted against his shirt.

"It's okay." Ban continued to reassure, placing small kisses atop Kagome's head. When Kagome stopped shaking and sobbing, he ran his palms up the young lady's back to her neck, and brought them forward to cradle her face. His eyes had gotten accustomed to the dim lighting of the attraction and from the light of the exit sign; he could see the wetness against her skin.

He gingerly wiped below her eyes with the padding of his thumbs before placing a lingering kiss on her forehead. "Feeling better? 'Cause I don't know about you, but I'm feeling rather excited having you this close to me." He said teasingly.

Kagome's eyes opened widely and she made to move away, but not before she felt the telltale evidence of his words.

"Not yet…" Ban murmured, before his lips captured hers.

A few moments later, he finally released her from his amorous embrace. He gave her a tender look. "I think I can go out there without embarrassing myself now…"

Kagome broke out into a chuckle. "You really are something else…"

"And that's why, you adore me."

Kagome went from chuckle to laughter in zero-to-one second.

The couple endured a full hour's wait to ride Orochi, the "King of the Roller Coasters" for a very short 6-looped ride before ambling dizzily away towards the meeting place.

Ban and Kagome were slightly late when they arrived at the "Hat Trick," but it didn't matter when they finally found Hojo, Souta, and Shippou in the outskirts of a big gathering watching a Dance Dance Revolution competition between, none other than, Jak and Nobu.

From the intensity of the game and their near sweat drenched shirts, Kagome guessed correctly that Jak and Nobu have been at it for a very long time. When the two find something to compete at, it usually meant a long wait for the rest of them.

Kagome sighed and started converting bills to tokens. She gave some to Souta and Shippou, and reminded them not to run off again.

While keeping the boys within sight, she slipped onto one of the motorcycles, a recently acquired fascination, to try the racing game. While she leaned in to pay the required tokens, she felt the motorcycle tilt a little backward from additional weight. When she straightened, she smiled as Ban whispered something silly in her ear.

Kagome, with a blush and a huge smile on her face, started the game, and with Ban's assistance, maneuvered through it. She lost the game though, but it mattered not, because Kagome felt, she won far greater than that…

To be continued…

Next time on BOME: Ban shares a little bit of himself to Kagome, and when Jak interferes once more, Kagome realizes something very important…