InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Battle of the Youkai (original) ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi guys! Been one year, hasn't it? Well, here's the final chapter. I hope you enjoy it, though it wasn't exactly what I planned it to be like. I'm kinda disappointed that it dropped off where it was, so I will probably do an epilogue. Anyway, on to the story!
Disclaimer: Haven't done one of these in a while. Anyway, me no own. Simple as that.
Battle of the Youkai Chapter 9
"What the hell?!" Inuyasha yelled, eyes wide at the scene before him.
Kouga, who was right behind him, gasped at the sight in front of him.
"Kikyo?" Inuyasha whispered after his yell. (A/N I changed the previous chapters, but for some reason some of them don't seem to change. Darn. Anyway, yes, Kikyo's still 'alive' in this one.)
Sango and the others watched silently as they surveyed the area in front of them. A few feet away, a small form could be made out, lying in a pool of crimson liquid. It appeared to be a girl, stretched limply on the ground.
"Kagome!" Kouga yelled, running to her.
Next to Kagome, a young miko stood, staring at the white haired hanyou observing her. "Hello, Inuyasha."
Inuyasha slowly walked forward. "Kikyo?"
During this time, Kouga revived the previously unconscious girl. "Kagome! Wake up! It's me, Kouga! Kagome! Please wake up!"
Kagome slowly opened her eyes and saw the form of a wolf youkai. "Kouga, is that you?" she said softly, still a bit dizzy from the loss of blood.
"Kagome!" he yelled, embracing her swiftly. "Kagome! Thank Kami you're alright!"
Kagome slowly got out of Kouga's embrace. "Kouga, how'd you find me?" Looking past him, she gasped. "Inu…yasha?"
Inuyasha missed Kagome's voice and kept staring at Kikyo. "Kikyo, why are you here?"
Kikyo smirked evilly at the man she loved and hated. "Inuyasha, I knew you would be here. You can not stand to be away from me."
Inuyasha continued to stare at Kikyo and repeated his previous question, worried about her wellbeing.
Kikyo smiled and walked towards Inuyasha. "Inuyasha!" she yelled, embracing him.
Swallowing, Inuyasha wrapped his arms around Kikyo. "Kikyo… what happened…I missed you…but what about…." Looking past Kikyo, Inuyasha saw Kagome lying in a pool of blood. Eyes wide, Inuyasha wrenched himself out of Kikyo's embrace and quickly ran over to Kagome.
'Kagome, what happened? Who did this to you? Was it Kikyo?' Kneeling down to check her over for the location of her wound, he voiced his thoughts. 'Kagome… what could have happened? If you got hurt… I don't know what I'd do with out you….'
Kagome blinked and frowned sadly, thinking about what she just saw. 'Could Inuyasha really care about Kikyo still?' "Inuyasha, don't ask me that." (A/N dejá vu)
Inuyasha blinked back, trying to understand. "Kagome. What do you mean? Why shouldn't I-"
Kagome cut him off as tears silently streamed down her cheeks. "You don't want to know, Inuyasha. Why does it matter to you? You can't kill your one love just because your precious shard detector was attacked."
Inuyasha shook his head and took her in his arms, trying to wipe away her tears. "Kagome! Never think that! You're not just my shard detector! You're so much more! You've always been! Oh, Kagome… can't you see how much I-"
Kagome cut him off as she jumped out of his arms and slapped Inuyasha. "NO! Stop it! Stop toying with my emotions! Don't lie to me! You've hurt me too much! I don't want to be hurt by you any longer! I'm tired of you lying to me!
She collapsed into Kouga's open arms, crying.
Inuyasha looked at Kagome, indescribably sad. "Kagome… I'm not lying. I love you, Kagome. I really do. Please listen to me. I can't live with out you! Please, Kagome, please listen to me," he cried to her, lowering his head.
Kikyo watched the conversation with a frown. Deciding it should end now, Kikyo walked behind Inuyasha and wrapped her arms around his body. "Inuyasha, come with me," she whispered to him.
Raising his head, he slowly turned his head to look at her.
"Inuyasha, you can't love her. Remember, you promised you would go to Hell with me. Besides, look at her. She loves the stupid ookami. You see how she cries into his arms. They love each other. Don't be bothered by my foolish reincarnation. I will give you everything that my copy can not. Inuyasha…."
Frowning, Inuyasha looked at Kagome again. Sighing, Inuyasha turned back to Kikyo. "Kikyo, you're wrong. She's not just you're copy." Turning to look at Kagome, he continued. "She's so much more. Kikyo, I love her. I love her as I used to love you, when you were alive. Kikyo, you do not belong here. Though it pains my heart to say it, Kikyo, you must go. I will not be able to leave with you to go to Hell, as I must stay with my love… Kagome. Even if she does not become my lover, I will watch over her and protect her forever."
Kagome, tear stains now evident on her cheeks, stared at him. "Inuyasha, you don't mean that…."
Walking towards her, out of Kikyo's grasp, Inuyasha kneeled down. "Kagome… did you really think I would go to Hell with Kikyo? I love you too much, Kagome. I do love you." Grabbing her shoulders and pulling her towards him, he growled at Kouga. "Kagome, I love you too much to be taken by Kouga. I know you do not truly love him, yet you would go with him, leaving me alone and with out your love. Kagome, I will not give you up with out a fight."
Tears once again rolling down her cheeks, Kagome laid her head on his chest. "Inuyasha, do you really mean that? Oh, Inuyasha." Whimpering, she clutched his haori and enjoyed the warmth that came from knowing she was truly loved.
Arg! I can't get this ending right! I hate it the more I do it! Well, that was the true alternate ending. Hope you liked it.
I don't think I'll do a sequel, cuz I'm really busy, but I might do an epilogue.
I just wanted to thank all of my faithful readers. I never would have believed so many people would like this little story. And some of you are famous Inuyasha fanfic writers. Imagine my amazement at seeing your reviews! Thank yous go to:
Battosai Yuriko
Crimson Rogue
Pearl Namekk
Miss Ducky Lennox
Kawaii Kitsune and Hanyou
Lonely Angel of Sadness
Lady MoonShadow1
Kenya Skadi
Lonely Angel of Sadness
Kota Magic
My best friend since kindergarten, Mirokulover88
Crystal Twilight
Dark Heart2
Thank you oh so much for putting up with me, as I'm an absolutely terrible author for not updating for exactly one year. Well, all I can say is that I really do appreciate the support and kindness I've received from all of you, especially since this is my first fanfiction ever. I hope you enjoyed this. And, I'm sorry for the problems that have occurred here on I tried to replace some old chapters, but it won't allow me to. well, thank you again!
Even though some of you have flamed me, I take it as constructive criticism and I appreciate your reviews nonetheless. Also, I think it's quite funny that even my best friend flamed me. Lol. Sorry it took me so long to update. I've been dealing with going to high school and getting a TON of homework compared to last year. It's been great, and I can't thank you enough. Oh, well, cya!!!