InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Heart ❯ Five ( Chapter 6 )

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Change of Heart
By: Hope Poe26
Disclaimer: Inuyasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi. I, certainly couldn't do this type of work myself, simply because I can't draw shit.
Summary: What would happen if after almost getting killed in a vicious verbal fight (ok.. maybe not only verbal but physical as well) between Inuyasha and Kagome, a fairy would put a spell on them to learn the limitations of each of their bodies and the only way they could disperse the spell is to be true to each other's feelings?
“Inuyasha's what?!” - Ayame yelled. Which in itself was totally out of character for her because she usually was composed and she had learnt that yelling was totally un-ladylike. Something that while she was still learning to be, she didn't like to yell all that much.
Shippou tried to calm her down by shushing her... but found he could not control both situations at once. Ayame may have been sitting on the ground, but he knew she was fast and also knew that if Kouga made an attempt at touching Inuyasha, the hanyou would be defenseless as Kouga would find himself occupied with Kagome's rage.
He sighed. Was about to run back to the village, but decided to stay in case…
“Wolves.” - said a distinctly but nonetheless toneless voice.
Ayame stood up in a minute recognizing Sesshoumaru's voice at once meanwhile Kouga as brash as he always was - and probably would always be - ignored him in favor of reaching over to touch Inuyasha's arm.
And then a series of moments happened at once.
Sesshoumaru flung Kouga aside from Inuyasha, Shippou quickly put himself closer to Kagome - instead of Inuyasha - knowing that the Lord of the Western Lands had not forgotten the spying incident, and Ayame ran up to Kouga to check if he was alright. Everyone stood still in their current locations and awaited with tremulous breath to see what the Lord of the Western Lands decided to do.
“Now that I have your attention…” - he turned to Kagome and commanded: “You are not going to come near Inuyasha until mating season is over. And you if you forget your true mate again then you'll have to drop your title n' your pack!” - then he grabbed Inuyasha's arm and hugged her to him.
They left in the wink of an eye and Ayame crashed back onto the ground not knowing what to say. Silence reigned.
Kagome went back to his time and found himself accosted by his mother constant mothering and had to buy new pants and new shirts and new - here he shivered internally - underwear. Souta had become a pain in the ass - more so now because he knew things that Kagome had only gotten to learn just barely out of necessity lately.
After awhile, he felt at ease because after finishing his studies and assignments he began to learn some self - defense techniques. His mother had insisted that he had no excuse now and that since Inuyasha was not coming for him anytime soon, he had plenty of time to kill.
Of course, going to school was out of the question. He couldn't pretend more than the thought of wearing a skirt while he was male made his insides turn. He had to tie his long hair into a ponytail as he really didn't want to cut off his hair if there was always a tiny bit of a chance to change back into being a she, he wouldn't like the fact that he'd have to grow it back.
Nevertheless there were things that he didn't like about this body. Erotic dreams of Inuyasha had been sort of okay to deal with when he was a she. But now… she would wake up with an erection! Something that while he thought it wasn't really that great for a guy to have - he understood its function and everything else - he hadn't known that it would hurt if ignored or how messy it could be if tended to afterwards.
One thing was nice about it though… he didn't have to worry about being attracted to other girls. For this he was grateful although he had the idea that had Inuyasha's sibling known this he wouldn't have agreed to it. He had the idea that after this, Sesshoumaru wouldn't allow his sibling to mate anyone he didn't considered worthy.
He gnawed the pencil with his teeth in thought. Would Sesshoumaru be a bastard if Inuyasha returned to normal? He didn't think it was possible. He sighed. He wished there was some way to know about Inuyasha. He missed her. A lot. He decided then that he would buy stuff Inuyasha had liked and when he was able to go back, he would be courteous and nice so he could make up for the time he had been mean to her both as he were now and before the change.
Four freaking months had gone by and still Sesshoumaru would not her leave the castle. Four freaking months of learning to be a lady - as if she were going to stay like this forever - and training her mind and body to become stronger. It wasn't as if she hated the attention, but she wanted air!
She needed to run thru the forest and feel a bit more like herself. But anytime she looked at the window with longing in her eyes, her brother would growl in anger and tell her most definitely that she wasn't allowed out. She was beginning to think that Sesshoumaru was never going to let her out of the castle. Ever. She began to whimper in distress. She didn't notice that Rin was coming up to her with a question when tears began to run thru her cheeks. And it was then that her sister in law decided to have a little chat with her mate.
“What is it?” - he asked without raising his eyes from the document he was reading.
“How much longer until mating season is over?” - said Rin while she shut the door tight.
“Mating season was over two months ago.” - he said without ever raising his head and continued to read on.
Silence followed the sentence and it made him raise his head to see his lovely mate looking at him with a curious expression he had never known her to make before.
“And yet you have kept her here for two months without nary a thought of letting her go…” - there was a brief feeling that Rin was going to rant at him and he squashed it quickly because Rin did not rant. It was all for nothing though because Rin - his mate - did not rant at him. She screamed at him: “DID YOU NOT THINK THAT SHE NEEDS TO GO BACK TO HER FRIENDS!! How could you be so insensitive!! She was crying when I saw her a few minutes ago, Sesshoumaru! You told me that Inuyasha has never cried. And she was crying because you won't let her leave the castle!”
“Inuyasha is staying here.” - his word was law. And not even Rin - his mate - was going to question it.
“You told her that she would be able to go back to her normal life once mating season was over and yet you have not released her when it was over! You will let her go!” - she yelled at him and he had to stand up.
“Inuyasha is staying here. Nothing is normal anymore. She might never be able to change back into being a male and then what? Do I let an insignificant human - a miko no less - impregnate her? No. She is not birthing any more half - breeds. That human is not worthy of her. After all, if he trusted Inuyasha, then why has he not released her from the rosary charm?” - Rin was stumped for a second and then she said softly…
“Is it the royal blood you don't want to thin anymore? Is that it? You don't want half - breeds and yet I'm sure you're so glad I can't breed you children. Don't make her life miserable just because you think Kagome is not worthy of Inuyasha.” - with that she turned away from him and left the room.
Sesshoumaru scowled in frustration. When had Rin been this rude to him? In all his life, he had never meant to keep his sibling by his side. Mating season had come and gone bringing some harsh realities to the fore. He had mated Rin in the traditional inu-youkai way so that she may never leave him, so that she may grow old as he did and not die before he was willing to let her go. He had also felt deeply connected to the human in a way he had never been with any other yashas in his life.
He had given her the prize of being chosen by him, something that no human female would have been granted and she chose now to insult him like that. How ungrateful.
He sighed.
It was sad to know when mating season started that Rin did not smell like Inuyasha did. Alluring. For she had to smell like that if Rin were in heat. Sure she went thru those bouts of bleeding thru her legs, but she could not have kids. The healers had been confirmed in this when mating season came about and she did not smelled like other females did. And while Rin was attached to him, to his soul and his lifeline, he was not attached to her.
Was it any wonder that the only scent that called out to him to mate had been his sibling? He cared a lot for Rin. He couldn't say that he loved her because alas he did not know what love was. But now he knew that Rin wasn't his soul-mate, for as soon as he reconciled with himself about the hatred he used to feel for his sibling, he knew then that he had to have her. One way or the other, he had to have His Inuyasha.
Rin made her way over to the gardens not knowing if her heart was breaking or shattering at what her mate had said. She felt so wretched that she didn't know if she could handle seeing him again before she got her feelings and emotions under control. When she turned the corner, she found Inuyasha sitting in a chair combing her hair. This would have been a natural thing for a woman who was waiting for someone to appear to do something. But Rin had begun to see that Inuyasha in those four months that she had been staying inside the castle, she had changed. Seemingly aware of the fact that she might never be back to her normal self.
What would happen next? Would she leave Sesshoumaru? Rin sighed. She knew that if she left her lord, she might never be able to be fully alive. No man could replace him in her heart and she knew that others who had seen her would never take the mate of a demon. She would never be allowed to have a normal life. Why did things that seemed so good at the beginning, changed when she least expected it?
“Rin?” - she turned to Inuyasha and nodded.
“Is there something wrong?” - she shook her head. She didn't want to burden her sister in law with her problems.
“Did you argue with Sesshoumaru about… me?” - when those golden eyes turned to her, she could not help the reaction that came from seeing so much guarded grief staining those eyes.
“We had an argument and we disagreed. He seems not to want to let you leave the castle. You're no longer in heat Inuyasha.” - she expected the hanyou girl to shout and scream but was surprised to see a calm in her demeanor.
“I'm not surprised. Did this cause some sort of argument between you two?” “Please tell me it did not. It would hurt me more to know this might pose some problems for you.”
“Iie. We have problems like any other couple. It's just that I don't understand why he won't let you go. I don't understand his line of thinking. I thought he had accepted you because of your blood, and now…” - here she began sobbing because she could not contain her feelings much longer: “He says Kagome is not worthy of you and that he'd rather have you here and never mate at all than for you to give birth to half-breeds again.”
“Should this be news to me? Sesshoumaru never wanted me to have children. And I never intend to. Despite the fact that I'm now seemingly fertile because I'm a female hanyou, it doesn't mean that should I ever change back into my usual form, that I would be able to breed with a human.” - she turned to Rin and went on: “I would never put anyone thru the problem of surviving in a world of injustice to all hanyous. However… I think that this is not the source of the problem is it?”
“No. It's not. I'm not fertile. I am barren and Sesshoumaru just confirmed my belief that he never wanted children from me.” - she then laid her head on top of the hanyou's shoulder and let the hanyou comfort her.
They did not notice that Sesshoumaru had been watching them together for awhile.