InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Chaos Happens ❯ Kagome is not yuor woman Kouga ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



I don't own Inuyasha

Chapter 5

When Inuyasha and Kagome got to the village they saw Sango and Miroku. Miroku had a really red hand mark on his face from groping Sango way to many times. Sango looked like she could kill someone.

"Hi Sango, Hi Miroku" Kagome said to her friends.

" Hi Kagome" Sango and Miroku said at the same time

"Shall we be on our way you guys"

"Yes" Sango answered.

" We heard there's a shard near where Kouga lives" Miroku said

`Oh well that's just great'

" Guys lets go already we have to find the shikon shard"

"OK" Everyone, said in unison

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" I sense two jewel shards coming this way and fast" Kagome said (A/N: Give you one guess on who it is)

" Hey Kagome are you ready to ditch this mutt and come with me as my woman"

"Hi Kouga and no I' m not going with you" Kagome answer.

" Why not" Kouga asked.

"Because one I'm helping Inuyasha and the others find the shards and two I' M NOT YOUR WOMAN!" Kagome yelled

`That's because she's my woman' Inuyasha said in his mind

" Your good at lying Kagome"

"WHAT? Lying, I'm not lying"

"Come on Kagome you know you want me"

"OK that's it I'll show that I'm not you woman."

Kagome then walk up to Inuyasha and asked

"Can I kiss you just to get he off my nerves"

"Fine" Inuyasha answered

Kagome pulled Inuyasha towards her face when their lips met. Kouga was shocked to see this. He was stemming with angry.

"Kagome do really love Inuyasha" Kouga asked

"Yes Kouga I do love Inuyasha but please don't tell any or it may put us in great danger.

"OK Kagome I won't. I'll see you later. Bye."

Karen (me): Well What do you guys think. PLZ REVIEW