InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Choice of Destiny ❯ All or Nothing ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer (Again): Yep, that's right. I do not own Inuyasha, but everything else is mine, so HANDS OFF!!!!

Choice of Destiny

By angelwings1

Chapter 8 ~ All or Nothing

Kagome opened her eyes and could see the grass flapping in the darkness. Immediately she got to her hands. What happened? Before she could even take in the landscape, a heavy body rammed into her.

Echoing her cry, she gave a small cry. Rolling through the field she fought to stop and see what was happening. Kagome hurried to her feet as fast as she could, her arms already reaching for her bow.

She was still in the Feudal Era. The battle was on.

Kagome noticed most of the wolf pack, along with Kilala, handling Naraku's three minions. Everyone else was centralizing their attacks on the human looking monster with the spider scar.

"Kagome, are you all right?" her son's voice asked.

She turned seeing him at her feet. Shippo looked at her his eyes wide with worry. She smiled, "Yes, I didn't get hurt."

Shippo exhaled happily. Naraku had swept down ready to capture the young miko, but Inuyasha and Kouga had intervened. Naraku had already knocked Kagome to the ground by the time the two men had arrived. Inuyasha had immediately knelt by the woman's side while the wolf demon protected the two.

Everyone had freaked when they realized the young priestess had been momentarily knocked unconscious, but they had no time to waist because in moments the enemy was upon them. Shippo had been left behind to watch over her. The little fox demon had done very little during his guard watch, except push her out of the way of a recent attack from Naraku.

Kagome looked back to the large-scale battle and saw Naraku slap Sango across her face. The young miko gave a small cry as she watch her sister fall, but Sango was not so hurt that she didn't have enough sense to roll away from Naraku. Miroku took her spot as Naraku sought to pursue her. His staff swung up to hit the demon's chin, but the demon man dodged and pushed the monk back. An arrow flew narrowly missing its target.

Kikyo stood just outside the fight, reloading her bow.

Inuyasha's turn came and he dropped from the heavens his blade glowing. Naraku leapt backwards and his poison gas filled the small hill. Everyone hunched over choking on the sickening air.

Kagome covered her mouth and charged pass the wolf demons and the three dark fighters. She could hear Shippo on her heels. With difficulty she armed her bow while running uphill. The narrow neck bounced around unwilling to sit in its notch.

"Darn it!" the young miko yelled.

"Kagome, look out!"

Who had said that?

She looked up, seconds after her arrow was loaded. Her eyes grew wide when she saw Naraku dropping down on her. How did he get over here?

She was knocked to the ground her bow and arrow flung from her fingers. Her lungs were flattened empty as she was pressed into the earth. She scratched at the hand cutting into her esophagus.

"Naraku" she hissed.

"Finally everything I need is in my hands" he growled triumphantly, "Once I pass into your time they will never be able to seek my death. Their revenge will be incomplete and they will be tortured by their failure. And you, Higurashi, will make it happen."

Kagome kicked as hard as she could into his stomach hoping to loosen the grip on her. Shippo gave a small warrior's cry as he leapt at the demon's throat. Kagome was suddenly lifted out of the fox's reach and she was launched into the air with Naraku holding her neck.

Within the darkness, the well came into view. He was going to travel to the future!

Panicking, Kagome swung her fist as hard as she could at the man's face. Naraku was jostled by the blow and missed the well's entrance. Together they crashed a few feet away from the stone circle, both of them rubbing into the hard earth. Kagome groaned as she crawled to her knees.

'That really hurt.'

Turning she saw Naraku glaring at her. His hand reached for her, but suddenly Kouga bit into the demon man's neck. Howling Naraku tried to pull the wolf from his back. Kagome frantically searched for a weapon.

Grabbing one of the few arrows that hadn't fallen out of her quiver during the confrontation, Kagome ran towards the demons. Just as Kouga was thrown aside, Kagome flung down the arrowhead into Naraku's shoulder. Instantly he backhanded her.

Kagome flew backwards, pain searing through her face from the blow. She slid through the dirt, watching him wrench out the glowing arrow. Blood exploded from the wound as he stalked towards her. He looked pissed. Scrambling to her feet she prepared herself for the worst.

Inuyasha appeared out of nowhere plummeting everything at Naraku. Sango pulled Kagome off the ground by the elbow, "You alright?"

'That's the second time someone has asked me that! I'm not glass.'

"Fine! I'm fine" Kagome replied hotly, "Where's my bow?"

Her eyes snapped onto the red slender neck of her weapon twenty yards away. Without stopping to check for danger she flung herself down the hill. She heard Sango warn her, but it was too late as Kagura's razor wind came flying at her.

Covering her head, the girl bit her lip refusing to scream as the wind ripped up the earth. Looking up through her flapping ebony locks she followed the golden blades with her eyes, dodging those that came near. Wolf demons charged the demon woman, but she easily kept them away with her waves of golden attacks.

'Her attacks are woven into the currents of wind.'

Frantically the miko grabbed an arrow. All she needed to do was shoot off and arrow, her spirit filled attack would knock out the demon woman's wind. Kagome would gain a few moments.

Waiting for her chance, Kagome leapt forward and bypassed one of the attacks. Tumbling forward the girl came just a few feet short of her bow. Her hope wavered against the blaring wind. Crawling the last bit of distance, the miko latched onto her scarlet weapon.

Security wrapped around her as she wrenched her weapon from the ground. She always felt better with her bow.

Looking up the girl noticed one of the golden wind blades heading in her direction. Subconsciously she dropped her arrow into its notch, and her hand pulled back the string. Her hair whipped wildly behind her as her missile glowed a beautiful pink. Heat surrounded her as the miko powers swelled.

"Eat this!" Kagome screamed through the hurricane roar, her arrow shooting through the air. Ripping straight through the wind attack the arrow created a straight path to the woman.

Kagura screeched as the arrow dug under her shoulder, blackness clashing with the vibrant pink. Kagome watched in grim satisfaction as the demon woman's body obliterated into chunks of flesh and blood.

Pushing off the ground the priestess turned her attention back to the large-scale battle. Sango and Miroku were heading towards her, concern written all over their face. However, Kohaku suddenly appeared between the miko and her friends, demanding the huntress's and the monk's immediate attention.

Naraku laughed as Kouga took a wild swipe at him. Inuyasha came from behind, but the demon lord disappeared into the air.

Kagome swirled around, her hair matting to her face. Everything was a wild mess. Her eyes flickered over the hillside, watching everyone struggling in a frantic frenzy. Her friends panted, exhausted from hours of battling. Bodies slammed to the ground, anguished filled screams lifted thickening the blood reeked air.

Kanna, where was Kanna?

Turning Kagome saw Kanna, as always, holding up her mirror. Bright white light surged out of her weapon curling around the horde of wolves and dragging out their souls. The wolf demons crumbled to the ground one by one, unable to defend themselves against her powers. Gradually each soul was sucked into her mirror sending a wash of power to the child-like enemy's body.

Kagome reached for another arrow, 'If one arrow had released the souls before, then another should do the same.'

However, before she could even load her weapon someone else's arrow hit the gleaming mirror. Eyes, both demon and human, swiveled onto the walking corpse. Kikyo already had her next arrow ready, her aim obviously directed at Kanna and her mirror.

Her mouth dropped open as Kagome watched the priestess's arrow crash into the mirror, barely nicking it, 'Why didn't it work?'

Kikyo armed herself again. Dread ran through the girl's nerves. Something wasn't right.

Again the arrow flew this time heading for the white haired child's forehead. Kanna's blank expression disappeared behind the protection of her mirror as the deadly missile was blocked. The arrow tumbled to the ground, lifeless and dark.

Kagome was already jogging towards the priestess, 'This isn't right! Kikyo and I share the same miko powers. If I can break Kanna's mirror than so should Kikyo.'

Tucking in her next arrow Kagome lifted her aim to the mirror and yelled into the wind, "My turn!"

Kanna barely had time to block the attack as it came shooting at her head. Glowing its usual pink the arrow floated inches from the reflecting surface, sparks flying. Her little hands clenched tighter around the mirror as the feather spear began to push into the portal. Leaping from the round surface, pink rays struck the ground tearing up the bodied covered ground. Wolf demons were forced to turn tail for fear of being singe.

By this time, Kagome had come to Kikyo's side and was added another arrow to her bow. The dead miko scowled at the wild display before them, "What happened?"

Pulling on the string Kagome shouted, "Her mirror gives her strength by sucking in people's souls. If it gets too full, however, the mirror will break. Our miko power is somehow intertwined with our soul and because of our strength, one arrow can easily break the mirror."

Kagome released the artillery, her arrow singing through the air.

Kanna kept her emotionless expression as the second missile entered the mirror, never taking a breath in its plunge. For a split second the world, became mute and all fighting was cleanse of any sound, but once the second ticked away a white light enveloped the clearing and a sonic boom crashed into the crowd of people. Knocked to the earth from the blare the fighters tumbled amongst each other, struggling to rise.

Kagome picked herself off the ground the moment the boom had faded. Searching for Kanna she noticed the demon girl laid unconscious, probably dead, on the ground, her clothes ripped.

'Okay, so it works when I do it. Why did Kikyo fail?'

Kagome noticed her ancestor shakily getting to her own feet, "Kikyo, your arrow was empty of power."

The cold priestess stared at the dead pile of flesh, silent.

Kagome narrowed her eyes, "What's been happening? Why are your powers grown cold?"

"I have spent too much time here in the land of the living" Kikyo replied evenly, her face stone, "When I was brought back to life with our spirit I only retained part of our soul. I never belonged here once I was killed. The Gods have slowly been draining my life force, our soul, and gradually returning it to your body."

That meant one thing.

The world spun. Kagome gasped, "Your dying."

The priestess nodded, "Yes, I've been force to steal souls since the beginning to keep me in this realm of life."

Turning into the breeze, the maiden of ice's face swept back into a chill wave, "Our soul has kept me alive for these last years, but I have been drained. Souls can only sustain me for a few short days. Our soul is what has kept me alive for so long."

Kikyo obviously was irritated with her situation. Her miko abilities were her weapon, without them she was handicapped. Naraku could easily handle an ordinary arrow. She could never gain her revenge through her own hands. She had to depend on others.

"Haven't you noticed?" Kikyo asked, her voice empty and faint, "Have you not felt the power swelling within you?"

Kagome's heart skipped, "Shards have been easier to locate and I can sense them over long distances. I even used the powers recently through my hand, like before when I handled my first demon. Back then I had torn off Lady Centipede's arm, but it had never injured me. This time, however, I ripped up my entire hand with the miko powers."

The gloved hand gradually lifted to her face, Kagome's almond eyes staring pensively at the burning palm beneath the leather. Identical almond eyes settled on the hand, "Since you have been apart from those powers so long your body is still readjusting to the measure of strength. It took you over ten years to grow accustom and use the power without hurting yourself. After missing it near four years, you can imagine the damage the intense powers could cause."

Shoving her throbbing hand into her jean pocket Kagome muttered, "Don't worry. I have the general idea."

Abruptly the ground quaked beneath the mikos' feet rudely interrupting their conversation. Together the two priestesses looked up. Naraku threw the wolf lord directly into the newly created crater holding the hanyou. Inuyasha dragged himself out of the destroyed earth, his body covered in dirt. The dog mutt was soon buried eight feet deeper when Kouga rammed into his back, nearly snapping his spine.

Watching the dust float in the moonlight, the time traveler let out a heart wrenched scream, "Inuyasha!"

Even if she was denied his love, she could never give up her own love for him. Automatically she was racing down the hill irrationally hoping she could protect him, "Inuyasha!"

Her heart thundered when she heard no response to her frantic cries, "Inuyasha!"

Kagome stopped on a dime when Naraku headed her off. The man smiled wickedly as he slowly stood before her. Evidently he believed he had won. Seeing his grin, Kagome's temper festered, "You are not triumphant yet, Naraku. Two of your minions have already been killed. I think you have forgotten how our strength has progressed in the last years. We are no easy prey."

His grin never faltered only grew, "You think I have only three soldiers at my beck in call. How foolish of you to underestimate me!"

A great howl and a rip of wind blared over the hillside. Kagome flipped her hair back to stare up into the sky. The full moon disappeared behind the silhouettes of hundreds of demons. It was an entire army.

"Crap!" she watched the horde floating down in attack formation, 'I should have known he would be more prepared!'

Kagome stepped back knowing their predicament had gone sour. There were just too many of them.

"Hiraikotsu!" Sango shouted swinging up her boomerang.

"Tessiaga!" Inuyasha appeared covered in dirt, swinging his father's sword.

Kilala barreled into the center of the army, claws swiping down hundreds at once. Demons dropped like flies as the remaining soldiers scattered into battle. Kagome watched in astonishment the number of Naraku's soldiers outweighing their numbers still. Three of their best attacks and it had barely put a dent in the regime!

Kagome whipped out another arrow from her stash. Pink light surrounded the woman as she concentrated all of her miko power into the weapon. If she could hit the lead demons before they hit the ground maybe it would level the playing field.

Her eyes narrowed. She had to kill a good portion or the attack would be useless.

"Have you forgotten me?!" Naraku roared charging her.


On reflexes, Kagome whipped her arrow back at the demon lord, "If you insist!"

Naraku grunted in distress as the spear shot towards him, and then slowly drilled into his arm. Kagome hunched forward her nose bleeding. He quickly grabbed the shaft of the arrow and ripped it away, but it had done its worst. The bomb exploded tearing his arm to shreds.

She reloaded maybe she could still catch a few of the demons. Her arrowhead rattled against the bow, her body sobbing in torture. That last attack had done something to her. It had felt like someone had punched her in the gut.

Was this just a reaction to using so much of her powers at once?

'I can't even handle my own strength! How much more of a wimp can I be?!'

Shakily she aimed at Naraku nursing his lost arm. His eyes glared at her, obviously pissed, "Don't cry success yet, Higurashi."

Alarm ran up her spin as Kagome's heart stopped. Why was she so scared?

Her eyes swelled as she saw the entire swarm of monsters stampede into their direction. Naraku stretched out his good arm welcoming the onslaught of bodies absorbing into his body. A purplish-black aura surrounded him, reflecting in the miko's eyes.

The ground rattled and she fell to her knees. Kikyo came beside her lending an arm to help her up. Inuyasha and the others battled their own feet, trying to stay aloft. Kagome lifted up with the older woman's aid.

The world shattered as the dark sphere surrounded the demon king exploded, enveloping their eyesight.

Kagome blinked rapidly, driving away the spots in her eyes. Every nerve in her body went numb as she saw Naraku pulsating in a liquid black atmosphere. His knuckles cracked, making two huge fists. His ebony hair floated behind him giving him a supernatural air. Veins throbbed below his skin as muscles swelled.

Kagome swallowed nervously as she realized his strength had shot up by ten folds. Her eyes looked past the demon flesh seeing pink diamonds twinkling throughout his empty soul. It was like peering down into a black hole with tiny stars dancing hope in the distance. 'He's finally done it. In the last four years, Naraku has never used the Shikon Jewel on himself, but today he has put every shard he possessed into his body.'

"You've waited all this time" Kagome grew stiff, her sarcasm heightening, "You never used the shards yourself until now. Have you finally begun to be afraid of us, Naraku?"

His eyes leveled on her. Pure energy overflowed from him surging forward like a wall. Kagome couldn't hold back her scream as she was knocked backwards. The wind blew fierce dragging her several more feet. Her teeth clenched together as her back racked over stones and branches. Groaning against the beating hurricane, the woman dragged herself to her knees, using her bow as a cane. Her mane flew about wildly, her eyes squinting against the stinging wind.

"Such a foolish child!" Naraku hissed his eyes glowing a demonic scarlet, "You actually think I could be afraid of people who I have tricked countless times?!"

In the corner of her eyes she noticed the fighters scowling at his words. Kagome stumbled to her feet, glaring at the monster past her sister's shoulder.

"I think for once your plan has failed!" she shouted pushing heavily on each syllable, "We've actually cornered you!"

He laughed hysterically, "In what corner have you pressed me into, Higurashi?! I stand before your ragged group more powerful then ever. How could you possibly stop me?"

'I have no idea.'

He had met her bluff.

Kagome fingered her quiver and felt a single feather brush her digits, 'One left. Make it count.'

She loaded her bow in two seconds flat, her aim taken in the next three, "I think I can still do enough damage to scare you!"

Like the demon lord, Kagome became surrounded by a pulsating aura. Instead of blackness, however, the miko's aura was a convulsing pink star. Her almond eyes reflected the rosy sparkle as her arrow twitched in its notch. Blood from her nose dripped off her chin as she concentrated all of her power into that single missile.

Soon the bow began to shake surging with so much strength. It wasn't long before the time traveler was unable to hold the arrow.

'It's all you, Kagome. Don't fail now.'

It sprung from the bow feral and violent, directly on path with the man's, hopefully present, heart, 'Please.'

Her mouth dropped as Naraku easily smacked away the arrow, the tip never reaching its target. Her eyes followed the arrow as it tumbled to the ground, energy within its construct snuffing out.

Her bow fell limply from her fingertips, 'I've failed.'

Powerless. She was powerless.

He stood before her, superior. He had won.

Grinning like the devil himself, Naraku stood tall, obviously knowing his victory.

"What do you want?" Kagome asked her hands open in defeat. The entire audience went slack unable to believe they had heard the young woman give up. She would never bend to the dark lord.

Even Naraku was skeptical of the girl submission, "As I said before I want access to your time."

"That's not my question!" Kagome shouted, her arms spreading wide. Her feet quietly lead her forward, bringing her to stand directly next to her mirror. Her shoulders shook as Kagome glared at the monster, "You have spent years destroying people's lives, killing hundreds."

"FOR WHAT?!" she screamed, tears of frustrating pooling in her eyes. Silence ensued, no one able to understand the girl's sudden passion.

Kagome couldn't understand herself. Maybe it was all of the emotional traumas she was handling the last few days. Perhaps she was too worn to handle the enormity of this battle. All she felt was anguish as she stared at this monster, watching him win after all the sins he had committed.

It wasn't fair!

"You forced Inuyasha and Kikyo to betray one another. Miroku's family is cursed. Kouga's clan was slain. You used Kohaku as a puppet and had him kill all of his family and dozen of villages!" She shouted, her words broken, "I see no end to your evil, Naraku. I see only random purpose!"

She panted exerted from her force. Feebly she asked again, "What is it that you want?"

Naraku grinned slowly, his eyes glittering blood red, "I want to break people's spirit!"

His hand uncurled, stretching towards the woman. According to her eyes, emptiness accumulated in his fingers. His voice growled deep and threatening, "Namely Inuyasha's spirit."

Kagome blinked. Invisible power was barreling towards her. The sheer strength of the attack was enough to kill even the most powerful demon.

Everything went in slow motion as she saw the power coming spiraling into a point.


Noticing the attack's path, Kagome's heart stopped. Kikyo was its target. Naraku's desire still directed to hurt Inuyasha, but what good was it to kill an already dead woman. Her eyes grew wide.

Not even hesitating, Kagome stepped forward directly into the unseen attack's path.


When did it hit her? She could feel wetness soaking through her clothes, but her nerves were completely numb to pain. Slowly her eyes looked down seeing red spreading throughout her clothes. Her hand gently touched the large spot covering her abdomen and realized where her stomach was there laid an empty hole gushing with blood.

'If Kikyo dies now, Inuyasha will never be able to go to Hell with her.'

Kagome never experienced the impact as she hit the ground.