InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Collected Works ❯ Puppy Love ( Chapter 43 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Puppy Love
Author: LuxKen27
Genre: General/Humor
Universe: Canon (post-manga)
Rating: K+
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100
Summary: Kagome explains a very simple fact of life to Sesshoumaru.

Entry for: dokuga_contest [Sess/Kag] Drabble #25, “Elbow”

Disclaimer: The Inuyasha concept, story, and characters are copyright Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Media.


Sesshoumaru narrowed an assessing glare as Jaken bustled out of the hut.

“Rin doesn’t wish to see you, my lord,” the imp declared in a much put-upon tone. “Something about being all elbows and knees.”

Sesshoumaru frowned, looking up as the door covering rustled once again. “What sorcery is this, miko?” he demanded, sending his piercing gaze Kagome’s way. “What’s wrong with Rin?”

Kagome quirked an eyebrow as she studied her brother-in-law. Could such an astute creature, usually so sensitive to his surroundings, truly be so oblivious?

“It’s called being in love, my lord,” she replied with a knowing smile.