InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Consolation Prize ❯ Denial ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Standard Disclaimer: Based on advice and prodding from my sons I must tell you that I own exactly jack crap. The idea for this story was mine, but the players those belong to RT and her rather impressive imagination. Dang that woman is good!

Chapter Six - Denial

He ran.

Trees whizzed by, and sound bled away until the slap of his feet against turf was all she heard beside the steady thump of his heart. Within her clutched fingers rough material clung, a lifeline as faint white strands of soft hair tickled her nose.

Absently she wondered why it was he never seemed to tire, was demon physiology so aggressive that it replaced as soon as it was spent?

Whiskey eyes studied the profile above her and her heart roped her absent rambling thoughts back to now, to her position in his arms and his current aim, to talk.

Today had been wonderful.

She worried her bottom lip she didn't want it to end.

She wiggled slightly and his arms tightened, but he didn't stop nor did he look at her. His expression was focused, unchanging, impassive as he sped further away from the others.
She was worried, exhilarated as well as bone weary. Heavy eyelids fluttered shut as the night sky raced overhead and within moments she slept.

Only when he felt her grow slack in his arms, did he look down at her, his arms tightening impossibly before he returned his eyes to the path ahead his speed slowing as a fire cat landed softly just ahead.

Sunlight weakly prodded at her closed eyelids. It's brilliant massage teasing them open in a blink against an early autumn morning. Bird song flitted through the canopy of russet painted leaves and she dropped her hands to push up against a bed of gold and reds beneath her. Across her a red fire rat haori shed it's warmth against the morning chill.


She stood, pulling the fire rat up with her and pushing her arms through the long sleeves wrapped it around her, "Inuyasha?" her breath smoked on the morning air.

The snap of a twig, and the soft thud of a warm body announced his presence, "sleep well?"

He tossed three mid size fish down and began scrounging branches for a fire. She nodded when he looked up at her a branch in each hand.

"Where are we?"

He stacked the branches, "does it matter?" his gaze lifted to hers.

"No" she whispered rubbing her arms.

He smiled.

Picking up a couple of flat sharp stones she watched fascinated as he began a fire by hitting them together. His cheeks puffed as he blew on the spark embedded within a bundle of tinder. Within a few skill filled minutes he had a nice blaze going with the three fish impaled upon upright sticks close to the fire.

Satisfied he turned his eyes locking with the miko's, and held out his hand.

She looked from his eyes to his hand, then pushing back a haori sleeve placed her palm in his. With a small tug he pulled her into his lap and wrapped the haori around her legs as they faced the fire.

"You're not a consolation prize" He jumped in both feet first.

Kagome gasped, her body growing rigid as she jerked to leave his lap. His arms tightened waiting.

Her struggles stopped and she grew still, "you heard."

"Yea" he kissed the top of her head. The sound of meat sizzling, a fire crackling and birdsong filled the silence as the couple sat wrapped in a cocoon of warmth.

"I've been a jerk" Inuyasha finally admitted his voice gravely with regret.

The girl in his arms was silent as he continued, "and I am sorry for hurting you."

Hurt a hard knot within her chest unfurled, "it's easy now isn't it?"

"Yes" honesty, he owed it to her.

She nodded and pushed out of his arms but not before he caught the scent of tears, "it's easy because there isn't a choice anymore, right?" her voice was harsh with tears.

His head bowed, "yes".

She took off running, as he knew she would, but he made no move to follow. They were on a small island in the middle of a large lake, there was no where to run, no where to hide, not for her, not for him. He pushed a twig into the fire and let her run, he would wait as the fish cooked, wait till he knew she had run herself out, wait until he thought she would listen to him.

He had chosen this place of confrontation with care, and planned the next few days with the aid of the housi and the fire cat.

It would be four days before they returned, four days to show her, four days to tell her, four days to start repairing all he had done to her. He wondered as he shoved the twig into the fire whether it would be long enough.

She ran.

Tears streaming she ran until before her a long body of water stretched unblemished to the horizon. Clutching the haori to her she turned and walked unmindful of where she went as long as it was away. Away from the confusion, away from the pain, away from the half-demon she loved.

The refrain was hauntingly familiar, wasn't this what she always did?

She pulled the haori tighter at the brush of a cool breeze off the water. The thought was unsettling, she could face down demons, Naraku, Sesshoumaru, death, and yet she did not have the courage to stay and talk with the man she loved.

What was wrong with this picture?

She sighed and picked up a long stick dragging it through the mud as she walked the beach. What was it she feared hearing? She had already admitted to Sango that she thought she was second best in his heart, that he settled so why did she fight so hard to keep away from hearing him say the words?

'Because' her heart whispered, 'if the words aren't said you can pretend it's not true.'

'Yea' her mind argued 'but what will that gain us?'

'Inuyasha' her heart begged.


Her internal turmoil bubbled as her mind and heart warred, until mid morning found her back where she had started.

He found her there, head bowed staring down at her own footprints in the sand. She didn't look up when he approached, "there's no where to run" she whispered.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and slipped the other beneath her knees and lifted, "No" he whispered against her hair cradling her against his chest, before turning and heading back to fire, "there's only me."
