InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dear Diary ❯ Airport Delamma ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We could only wish that we all owned Inuyasha and the others, but, sadly, they are all owned by their rightful owners.
Unfaithful is by Rihanna
Who Do You Love is by Backstreet Boys
Dear Diary
Chapter 7 - Airport Dilemma
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After the incident with Lord Sesshomaru in the hospital, neither Mama nor Kaede would let me be left alone, either one of them was there or they both were. When I was finally allowed out, I went home for a few days to get things ready for school and pack a bag to go to Japan to record with Lady Kaede. Souta was coming with me to go spend some times with his old team mates and have some fun while Mama and Gramps were cleansing the house and doing whatever they did while the two of us were away.
Dragon, the man in the poster that gave me the Shikon no Tama was sitting opposite my bed, and every now and then I would stare at it, waiting to see if he had any tips of anything for me. But since I had gotten the Shikon no Tama off him, he was only a figment of my imagination.
Looking at him one last time, I snapped shut the small bag that I was taking and walked out of the room, holding onto the Shikon no Tama with my other hand.
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Arriving at the Japan airport, Souta noticed a whole group of media walking around, looking for something. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed Souta's hand and walked over to the area where we had to pick up our bags. Waiting for the belt to begin to move, I felt something tug on the bottom of my shirt.
A little child, probably no older than eight or nine, was standing there, looking up at me adoringly.
“Can I please have an autograph Miss Higarushi?” she asked me sweetly, holding up one of my old albums and a pen.
No one else had noticed me yet, so I quickly signed it. As she began walking away, I grabbed her hand.
“Wait a minute,” I say as the belt began moving, “I have something I think you would like.”
She stood next to me quietly, not letting go of my hand with the sudden rush of people going for their bags. Souta was hanging on tightly to my other side, keeping an eye out for our bags. Finding them, he grabbed mine and his, handing me mine as we walked out of the crowd. Finding a bench to sit on, I sat down and dug through my bag, finding a piece of paper, a pen and my phone.
First, I turned it on and rung Kaede, asking whether I was allowed to bring some people along with me and Souta. She agreed, hanging up after she told me Sesshomaru would be picking us all up.
“Does the person you are here with have a phone that you can ring them on?” I asked as I handed her my phone.
Watching her shake her head, I shrugged my shoulders and picked up my bag, slinging it over my shoulder and starting to walk away.
“You two coming?” I ask them over my shoulder as I continue walking.
“Where are we going sis?” Souta asked as he caught up to me.
“We are going to find the people that she came here with,” I said, looking at them both, “because Kaede has invited them to the studio to listen to the new album. Think that you would be allowed to come?”
“Mama and Tilly would love that,” she replied happily, looking out them, “they are both fans of yours.”
“Cool,” I replied as we walked around, “by the way, what is your name?”
“Milla,” she replied as she smiled.
Running forwards, she ran to a woman and tapped her shoulder. The woman turned around quickly and hugged Milla close as she noticed us. Milla quickly ran back and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the woman.
“Mama, Tilli,” she said rather calmly, “this is Kagome Higarushi, the singer that we all like and her little brother Souta Higarushi. Kagome and Souta, this is my Mama, Ranne, and my twin sister Tilli.”
I bowed low to show my respect, tucking my loose hair behind my ear as I stood straight again. Milla was smiling at me and I winked at her before I turned my attention to Ranne.
“My manager, Lady Kaede, has invited you all back to the studio to listen to the new album before it is released. Would you all be interested in coming?” I ask as I look at Ranne.
“we would love to come,” she replied with a giant smile as her daughter's squeal and hug her, “but how would we get there.”
“Your escort is here Miss Higarushi,” Sesshomaru's voice came from behind me, “and Lady Kaede has already warned me that we will be having other visitors.”
I turned around to Sesshomaru, bowing to him and looking into his now golden eyes, “good to see you are back to normal Lord Sesshomaru,” I comment just loud enough for him and Souta to hear me.
“Good to see that you are over your sickness Miss Kagome,” he replied with the hint of a smile playing at his lips.
Noting that the media had finally realised that I was here, I turned to our guests.
“How do you all feel about the media?” I asked quickly as I looked at them in the corner of my eye.
“Would prefer to avoid them,” Ranne said as she looked around, “Why?”
Because they are trying to get pictures and stuff,” I say as I turn to Sesshomaru, “what is the easiest way out without being mobbed by media. Fans I can handle.”
“Through the front doors,” he replied as he began ushering us out of there, “the limo is waiting out the front for us all.”
Moving to the front of the group, I walked behind Sesshomaru as he lead the way, looking all around in case someone came after the jewel. I knew that he was being careful after he saw what it could do to yokai, being affected himself. I stayed on guard as I watched the media fight their way through the crowd.
One reported in particular would not stop staring at me and I felt uneasy about it. Watching him, I realised why. He was pushing everyone out of his way, woman, children, even other reporters. Walking along side of me, I knew then that he was after the jewel.
“Sesshomaru,” I managed to say seconds before the reporter jumped on me and threw me over his shoulder, running away with me.
“KAGOME!” Sesshomaru screamed as he took off after me, knowing that he couldn't use his yokai powers in the middle of the air port.
Struggling against the reported, I realised that, he too, was a yokai. His speed was faster than the normal persons. Grabbing onto the jewel, I grabbed his shoulder and gave him a sudden burst of power, knowing that it would cause him great pain.
I was right. He roared with pain as he threw me on the floor, falling on top of me and winding me for a few seconds. Panting, he pulled my hand away from the Shikon no Tama and tried to rip it off my neck. He pulled as much as he could, not knowing that it was an unbreakable chain. He clawed at me as he realised that it wouldn't come off, scratching me in the stomach.
Sesshomaru roared as he saw the blood, eyes glowing red as he ripped the demon reporter off me, pulling me up into his arms and bolting back to the group. Souta was smart enough to have made them get into the limo that was waiting for us, leaving the door open as he saw Sesshomaru running with me in his arms.
Sesshomaru screamed for the driver to take off, knowing that the demon reporter and how ever many other demons were in there would be after us as soon as they realised. I grabbed the Shikon no Tama off from around my neck and healed myself, knowing that it would work. Thankfully, Sesshomaru had returned to his normal self and had jumped into a different part of the limo so I could heal myself without the others having to see what had happened to me.
Breathing, I realised that Milla and the others were all safe, and they had grabbed my bag that I dropped as the demon reporter grabbed me. Souta passed my bag through the curtained area, knowing that I would have needed a new shirt. Waiting for Sesshomaru to turn around, I pulled my shirt off and put the jewel back around my neck, pulling the new top over my head.
Not even realising, that we had reached Kaede's studio until I heard the door being pulled open by the driver. Looking over at Sesshomaru, I noticed that he had some of my blood on him. Pulling a small face, I knew that he wouldn't be happy with it because of his demon senses, he would smell double the scent.
I hugged him before I climbed out of the limo, heading into Kaede's studio. Wiping the sweat off my forehead, I turned around to the guests that had began following me.
“Anyone hungry,” I asked, putting my bag on the floor in Kaede's office, Souta doing the same, “thirsty even?”
Souta raised his hand instantly, mainly because he just wanted to go see Kohaku, who was only slightly older than him. Milla and Tilli shrugged while Ranne shook her head. Shrugging, I lead them into the kitchen, knowing Kohaku would be there already. Walking in, I saw him with his back to us, looking through the fridge. Putting my finger to my lips, I snuck up behind him, checking to see if anything was in his hands before I zapped him in the sides of his stomach.
He jumped greatly, looking around to see who it was. I began laughing as he saw me, hugging me close.
“Can we grab some drinks off you Kohaku?” I asked as I sat in my normal seat, “Please.”
“Sure thing Miss Kagome,” he replied, turning to the guests, “what would you like. Water, cordial, juice, milk, soft drink, milkshake, spider, thick shake?”
A chorus of combinations came as Kohaku began making them. Everyone found a seat and began talking together, while I spaced out for a few minutes. I didn't even notice Kaede and Sesshomaru walk in and talk to the guests.
Sesshomaru shook me as they began walking to the recording studio that was normally occupied by me.
“Are you sure you are okay Miss Kagome?” he asked as he helped me stand while my head spun, “you have been acting very oddly since the hospital thing in America. I am honestly sorry about that.”
“It is okay Sesshomaru,” I tell him as we slowly make our way there, “I'm just trying to figure out why the Shikon no Tama chose me out of all the miko's that are around these days. I mean, what is so different about me that it just chose me? Is it because I am famous as well?”
“I think it is because you are the most able,” he replied, stopping in the middle of the hall and turning to me, “even when you are scared, you still make sure the jewel stays both un corrupted and safe. You yourself would rather be tortured than have to see the jewel corrupt. Much like a miko that lived 500 years ago. She created the jewel, and yet, you and her are near the same.”
Walking into my normal studio, Lord Sesshomaru turned at the door and nodded at me, knowing that I would need some time before I would go in. sighing, I stood against the nearest wall and slid down, pulling my knees right into my chest. Resting my head for a minute, I thought of the reasons of why Dragon would give me the Shikon no Tama. Looking towards the studio door, I could hear small amounts of laughter coming through and decided it was time for me to follow them all in.
“Have you got all ye song's Kagome?” Kaede asked as I walked into the studio, knowing that I would have probably forgotten them.
“They are already in the studio Kaede,” I replied at I walked into the studio, closing and locking the door behind me, not wanting anyone to walk in and disturb me.
Flipping through my music, I look up at Kaede and silently ask how many she wanted me to sing. Two was her answer. Nodding, I look down at the songs again and flip through them, choosing two.
First one that I chose was Unfaithful, a song that one of my old friends and I had written together. It was about her cheating on her boyfriend without him wanting to realise. the only sad part to this song is that a week after it was finished, she was killed in a car crash.
Story of my life
Searching for the right
But it keeps avoiding me
Sorrow in my soul
Cause it seems that wrong
Really loves my company

He's more than a man
And this is more than love
The reason that the sky is blue
The clouds are rolling in
Because I'm gone again
And to him I just can't be true

And I know that he knows I'm unfaithful
And it kills him inside
To know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying

I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be...
A murderer

I feel it in the air
As I'm doing my hair
Preparing for another date
A kiss upon my cheek
As he reluctantly
Asks if I'm gonna be out late
I say I won't be long
Just hanging with the girls
A lie I didn't have to tell
Because we both know
Where I'm about to go
And we know it very well

Cause I know that he knows I'm unfaithful
And it kills him inside
To know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying

I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be...
A murderer

Our love, his trust
I might as well take a gun and put it to his head
Get it over with
I don't wanna do this
Anymore (anymore)

I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
And everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
And I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be...
A murderer (a murderer)

No no no no

Yeah yeah yeah
Looking up at Kaede, I noticed that all the people in the both were almost in tears by the song. I smiled and wiped a tear away from my own eye, knowing that they would fall soon if I didn't.
Kaede nods at me, letting me know to start the next song.
Who Do You Love was the next in the pile, the only song that has ever been written without me. One of my friends had written it and given it to me the day before she had to move away.

I know he's driving a fancy car
When you're with him
You're feeling like a star
But when I'm home alone I think only of you
So what do you know
How does it go

So how can he buy a love that's not for sale
If you two were so in love I couldn't tell, baby
Girl, but when I'm home alone I hear your heart, it spells
You gotta know
And how does it go

Who do you love
Who do you love
Girl I know that you are torn between what was and what could be
I wanna know, gotta know, wanna know, gotta know
Who do you love
Who do you love
Oh yeah

So let's take some time out to find a way
Cuz there are just so many things I need to say
(So many things I need to say)
Cause when the lights are down and love is in the air
And I need to know
Do you really care
(Do you really care baby)

Who do you love (tell me who do you love)
Who do you love
Girl I know that you are torn between what was and what could be
I wanna know, gotta know, wanna know, gotta know
Who do you love (oh yeah)
Who do you love
Oh yeah

Girl I find just I can't leave you alone
(Ain't nobody's gonna tell me I'm wrong)
I promise I will make it back home
And if you're ever in need
Put your full trust in me
And I will never leave you at home

Who do you love (tell me who, yeah)
Who do you love (I need to know baby)
Girl I know that you are torn between what was and what could be
I wanna know, gotta know, wanna know, gotta know
Who do you
Finishing the song, I kept my eyes closed, earphones on, listening to the end of the music. Smiling to myself, I knew that everyone would be waiting for me to walk out and talk to them, but I was quite happy to sit there in the darkness.
I watched my feet as a stayed on the stool, not listening to whoever was calling me through the door or banging on the window. Something wasn't right, and something was weird. I would be starting school the same day that the new album is released, hoping that no one would be able to link the two together.
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Heyya everyone,
I know it has taken me forever to get these stupid chapters up but my mum's Internet shit itself 3 weeks ago and dad refuses to let me on his, so I had to wait for school to start again before I could upload it. I know that it is a little waked atm, but the other chapters should hopefully start to be interesting.
Next Chapter
Chapter 8 - School Is Hell