InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dear Diary ❯ Finally Talking ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We could only wish that we all owned Inuyasha and the others, but, sadly, they are all owned by their rightful owners. I do own Derek, Dan & Melissa (Inuyasha's girlfriend) though.
Dear Diary
Chapter 25 - Finally Talking
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Kagome's POV
Inuyasha literally jumped when I stretched; leaving me feeling that I was like an infected animal that everyone wanted to stay away from. I was glad to see Mama again, feeling a little bad for not trusting her enough before.
I hugged Mama, knowing that she would have been worried about me. I felt a tear fall to my shoulder, yet as she pulled back there was no evidence that she had cried at all. her smile was a little wobbly as she looked at me, noting that I was moving slowly.
“Shouldn't you be at school?” I asked Inuyasha, trying to lie down comfortably now that he had moved.
“No,” he replied instantly, looking away, “the others would have smelt your blood on my skin. Its not a hard thing to miss.”
“I'm sorry,” I mutter, trying my best to take my eyes off his bare chest, without much luck, “I didn't even know that you were here with me till I woke up. What happened?”
“Derek was trying to make his drunk arse feel better,” Inuyasha said quietly as his temper flared, “thinking that you would be the perfect target. Of course, he didn't realise that a) I was up in the tree and b) that you were seriously injured. I'm sure he would have stopped and not bothered if he knew either if those bits of information.”
“I knew you were there,” I whispered, knowing that only he could hear me, “I hoped you were there. I'm sick and tired of you having to fight with all your friends because of me. it isn't right.”
A tear fell down my cheek, only Inuyasha being able to see it.
He reached forward quietly while Mama was doing something else, quickly wiping the tear from my cheek. I smiled at him, trying to blink the rest of my tears away. He leaned forward and hugged me, careful of my side.
I buried my head in the crook of his shoulder, not wanting this moment to end. Yet, even I could hear the trample of feet as people came stampeding down the hall.
I refused to let go of Inuyasha as Miroku, Sango, Rin and Sesshomaru came barging through the door, only seeing Inuyasha and me. Sesshomaru growled deep in his throat, making Inuyasha let go and try to get out of my grip. I held on fast, knowing that I would only have one chance to do this.
Grabbing Inuyasha's cheek with one of my hands, I slide it along his face, making him turn his attention to me.
I looked deep in his molten gold eyes, smiling before I leaned in.
He didn't lean away.
Thank god…
Our lips met and I couldn't think of anything else.
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Inuyasha's POV
Oh shit.
Oh shit.
Oh shit.
Oh fucking shit.
What the fuck was I supposed to do now?
She was kissing me in front of my brother!!!
Slowly, I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around her lightly, not wanting to hurt her accidentally, and kissed her back.
God it was nice.
Her lips slightly tasted like chocolate.
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Sesshomaru's POV
This Sesshomaru knew that Kagome liked Inuyasha.
But I had no idea that this was going to happen.
I stopped in my tracks when Kagome kissed him, not sure of whether I was supposed to attack him or not. Mrs Higurashi was standing a little between the bed and the door, looking slightly shocked to see myself and the small group that were now behind me.
Rin and Sango were both at my sides, my arms the only things stopping them from jumping on Inuyasha.
One of the only times I suspect that I would ever see either of them on the verge of going youkai.
I relaxed visually as I saw Inuyasha being gentle with her, pulling her in and kissing her back. I noticed a tear trail its way down Lady Kagome's cheek. Smirking slightly, I stepped backwards, pushing their friends slowly behind me. They were supposed to be getting to school now and I knew that Kagome would be okay with my brother.
Things were slowly healing themselves.
And change was alright.
I shut the door and left.
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Another short chapter… sozz.
The next one will be long cause it's the SingStar competition that Kagome has to sing for.
Some of the others will be singing as well.
PS. plz review…