InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Demon's Seeker ❯ Hatred ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4- Hatred
Ayame put her head on Koga's shoulder as they looked out over the small lake in the park, she sighed and he looked down at her and frowned at the worried look on her face, she looked up at him.
“I'm worried about Inuyasha and Kagome...they aren't even talking to each other anymore.” she whispered worriedly. He chuckled softly.
“That mutt face probably said something and Kagome got mad, that's all.” Koga laughed. Ayame sighed and shook her head.
“I don't think so. If it was just that...Kagome would still sit with us. But she hasn't been at lunch or breakfast for the past few days.” Ayame whispered. Koga looked back out over the water and thought about it.
“You're right, well...we'll just have to wait Ayame...Kagome doesn't like it when we butt into her life.” Koga said, Ayame sighed, then nodded in agreement, she had to trust in Kagome's judgment.
* * * *
“Argh!” Sango cried as Kagome refused to pick up the phone, she looked at Inuyasha who seemed to be in a deep depression. Miroku was sitting beside him on Sango's couch, Kohaku was standing beside the couch not uttering a sound.
“'ve reached Kagome Higurashi! Sorry, but I'm busy, so leave a message at the beep and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Thanks!” Kagome's answering machine picked up.
“Hey, Kagome its me, Sango, listen I really need to talk to you. I'm worried about you, so please call me back when you get the chance!” Sango said then hung her phone up and sat down beside Miroku.
He gently took her hand and rubbed it. She looked sadly at her phone willing it to ring, but it made no peep. She closed her eyes, wondering why Kagome had closed herself off from all off her friends.
“Sis, she probably just needs time. I mean if you told someone that you wanted me dead I'd probably be upset for a while too.” Kohaku said. Sango looked at him sharply.
“I'd never do such a thing, Kohaku!” Sango snapped angrily, but Kohaku smiled encouragingly as Kilala jumped up into his arms.
“I know that, but Kagome probably thought that her sister acted like you do towards me, she never expected Kikyo to want her dead. And she's probably vulnerable right now, trust me, I might be young, but I bet if you let her figure things out she'll be okay!” Kohaku said.
“Kohaku, time for your medicine!” their mother called from the kitchen. Kohaku made a face and walked out of the living room. Inuyasha seemed to be thinking over his words, finally he stood up and pulled his jacket back on. He looked out the living room window.
“I better go pick Meka and Rin up from therapy.” Inuyasha sighed, Shippo ran in with a folded piece of paper and held it out for the half-demon.
“Could you please give this to Rin-chan?” the little fox said. Inuyasha sighed and nodded putting the folded piece of paper into his jacket pocket and Shippo ran out of the room in search of Kohaku.
“He's been really worried about Rin and are they?” Sango whispered as he went to the door. Inuyasha sighed and shook his head.
“Meka...she's devastated...and Rin...I don't think she realizes that Sesshomaru is gone...she thinks he's on vacation. Mom can barely talk to her without bursting into tears, and dad...he's blocked himself off from all of us.” Inuyasha said. Miroku sighed.
“Well...any time you want to get away....I have a couch....” the boy said. Inuyasha nodded and walked out of the house and climbed into the red Malibu that he had gotten for his sixteenth birthday.
`Kohaku was right...Kagome is vulnerable...yet. She won't talk to me, she won't even look at me, and she got her schedule changed so I only see her in the hallways! She really is pissed at me.
`But I have to avenge Sesshomaru's death! Normally she wouldn't argue with me! Why all of a sudden is she arguing about what I have to do?!' he thought as he parked. The drive home was silent, and suddenly a scream reached their ears.
“Brother!” Rin cried as he stopped suddenly. He jumped out having recognized the cry. He cracked his knuckles and jumped at the demon that was attacking Kagome. She looked like she was about to collapse from fear. The Inuyasha realized it wasn't fear, but loss of blood that was about to make her collapse. It was staining her school shirt.
He growled and jumped at the demon who laughed in glee and dodged with expert skill, and Inuyasha growled angrily at the demon. He tried to slash at the demon that dare attack Kagome again but it was to fast for his senses.
“Inuyasha! Behind you!” she screamed as he found that the demon was gone, he turned and barely avoided a blow that would've had him out of commission for quite a while. He growled at the demon and lunged at it.
“Ahh....” Kagome screamed as the demon reversed it's attacking course and streaked across her left shoulder, she collapsed to the ground holding her bleeding shoulder. The demon's attack on her seemed to enrage Inuyasha even more than when he had first arrived.
“Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!” Inuyasha growled ripping the demon into shreds. He looked back at Kagome and saw that she was staring at him with wonder and awe shining in her eyes. She seemed like an angel, one that seemed to have been thrown from heaven after a bloody battle.
“Kagome, are you okay?” he asked kneeling down in front of her. She looked up at him, and he realized with a sense of guilt that blood was staining her face, her eyes were lifeless and she seemed to be in a melancholy mood.
“Inuyasha...” she whimpered as he touched her stomach wound and he shook his head, his usual smirk in place, and Kagome wished she could see it every day like she had once been able to do.
“Stupid. How could you think to fight a demon by yourself?” he asked as he put pressure on the wound, to stave the bleeding, she gave a small laugh then winced in pain as he pressed harder.
“You know me...I...I was at the library doing some research and when I was walking to my apartment the thing jumped out and began to attack me.” Kagome shivered, the demon had been to fast for her senses and she hadn't been able to change into Seeker in time and that was when Inuyasha had showed up.
“Seriously Kagome, you need to be more careful.” Inuyasha said. “And I'm driving you the rest of the way.” he finished before she could reply to his first statement.
“Inuyasha, my apartment is right there! I think I'll be okay!” she stood up wobbly and picked up her research with the hand that wasn't bloody and wobbled off before Inuyasha could even try to stop her.
She made it up to her apartment and unlocked the door. She threw her papers down on the couch and started to bandage her wounds as she listened to Sango's message. She sighed and looked at the phone and shook her head before walking out to her balcony.
`I'm sorry, Sango, I'm just not ready to talk to anyone, yet. Ayame only knows by a chance of being to nosy.' Kagome thought with a smirk. She sighed and leaned against the railing as a wind picked up, she looked in the direction that the wind was coming from and gasped.
A girl stood up there in a short skirt and shirt, similar to her Seeker outfit under her jacket, and held a bow in her hands. Kagome immediately changed and jumped to where the girl was, but she was gone before Kagome reached the building, Kagome spotted her again and followed, it was like a game.
Finally Kagome caught up to her and the girl laughed as though delighted that Kagome had caught up to her, the girl's face was in shadows so Kagome couldn't get a good look at her features.
“Good. Good, I'm glad you were able to keep pace with me!” the girl's voice was light with laughter and it reminded Kagome of what she had been at one point in time.
“Who are you?” Kagome asked the girl. The girl gave another delighted laugh and walked out of the shadows, Kagome took a startled step back.
“I am Miko. And I'm here to test you, so be ready!” the girl laughed.
“Kikyo?” Kagome whispered as the girl turned away, the girl's head turned towards Kagome her smile still in place.
“Nope, Miko.” she disappeared into the night and left Seeker standing there, wondering who Miko was. She sighed and shook her head and leapt back to her apartment, which was a good thing considering as she slid open her balcony door her front door opened, but she had touched her scar, giving the person visiting her a good look at her changing from Seeker to Kagome.
“KAGOME!” Sango cried.
“Sango! I-I didn't know that you were coming over here!” Kagome whispered. Sango was pale with shock and Kagome thought that she was going to faint.
“I should have know that you were Seeker. I mean she's always protecting the weak, just like you when you're out on the streets and you can't change form.” Sango laughed and Kagome realized that she was going into hysteria. Carefully Kagome led Sango to her couch and made her sit down.
“Kagome...Inuyasha is going to go crazy if he finds out!” Sango laughed. Kagome slapped Sango hard across the face and quite suddenly Sango's laughter stopped and she was back in her normal Sango-like mood.
“He will never find out! Sango, you and Ayame are the only ones that know my secret, if anyone knows that you know who I am they'll be able to use you against me.
“I finally figured out who killed my family, his name is Naraku and he's been hiding for almost four years, and he's responsible for Kikyo's desire for my death, he's controlling her.
“If he finds out that you know Seeker's true identity he'll use you!” Kagome begged her friend grabbing Sango by the shoulders trying to make her understand the importance of her statement.
Sango gulped. “Okay Kagome, I promise not to tell anyone, not even Miroku. But Kagome...what about Inuyasha?” Sango asked gently. Kagome let her head drop as tears formed in her eyes.
“I lost any friendship I ever had with him when he desired Seeker's death, I didn't mean to kill Sesshomaru...” Kagome said. Sango sighed and decided it was time to tell Kagome the one thing that she didn't seem to know.
“Kagome, they never found Sesshomaru's body. The police just assumed that he was dead. The only person that doesn't think that is Rin.” Sango said.
“Bu-But I saw him fall to the ground!” Kagome cried. Sango sighed then nodded in agreement.
“So did Ayame. But there was no body, Sesshomaru was filed as missing, but his mother and father are convinced that he's dead, and from how much Inuyasha wants Seeker dead...he thinks it as well.” Sango said. Kagome looked at the carpet, her eyes filled with tears.
“I have to find him!” she jumped up but was tugged back down by Sango pulling the back of her shirt, she gave a small squeak as she landed on the couch with a thump, she saw that Sango was glaring at her.
“Not right now, you're hurt, and if you don't mind call Ayame and tell her to come over here, I have a plan on how to get Seeker around easier when a demon arrives and you are with the group.” Sango said a glint of mischievous that she had gave Kohaku shining in her eyes.
* * * *
Kagome walked quietly down the streets of Tokyo with Sango, Ayame, Koga, Inuyasha, and Miroku. It was unusual for the group of friends to be so quite, but if you truly glanced at them you could almost see the tension between two of the members.
Inuyasha and Kagome were as far apart as they could be from each other and still be walking beside their friends. Kagome had only said thanks once again for saving her life before she had started giving Inuyasha the cold shoulder again.
And Inuyasha knew good and well that he deserved it because of all the things that he had said to her about Seeker, but he couldn't take it back. His brother was dead because of Seeker, never mind that they had found no body, knowing Seeker she had probably taken the body and hid it just to spite him, the evil little witch!
If possible his hatred grew towards the woman that had turned his life completely upside down and put his entire family, except Rin who was to young to understand, in a deep depression. How was one woman able to do that all alone?
“Give me...your soul!” a soft voice said. Kagome gasped as Kanna appeared in front of them, Kanna was a bully no doubt about that, but she had never used her powers before, and Kagome really didn't want to see them put to use.
“Kanna, go away.” Inuyasha growled, he really wasn't up to having the sisters getting onto him. The girl looked at him blankly and he realized that she was showing her true form.
“I am under my master's orders. Give me your soul.” she pointed the mirror that she held at Kagome, Kagome gasped as her entire body was paralyzed. Suddenly Sango pushed her behind Ayame who was busy glaring at Kanna.
“Run, find Seeker!” she cried loud enough for the others to hear even though they were battling Kanna. Kagome nodded and ran off down the deserted street, she turned the corner and ran into the apartment building near the attack and ran up all the stairs and changed before she reached the top.
She jumped from the building and landed in front of the group fighting Kanna, and Kanna didn't seem to be scared of her like she normally was. This confused Kagome until she remembered that Kanna had said that she was under her master's orders.
`Is it possible that her master is Naraku? She once bragged about knowing who my family's killer was but she would never give the name! And she said that her father knew the man well.
`I bet Naraku is the one pulling her strings!' Kagome thought as she dodged the deadly glare of the mirror. She threw an enchantment and it hit the mirror straight on but the mirror only absorbed the power!
`Oh, no!' Kagome thought and then the mirror caught her in its glare. She gasped as she went stiff, and then fell to the ground as a blue light came from her body, her entire body was enshrouded in pain and she could barely even think.
“Hiraikotsu!” she heard Sango cry, the boomerang bone that Kilala must have brought Kagome's friend cut off the view that the mirror had had on Kagome and Kanna gave a small cry and disappeared, and along with her Kagome ran off, only to be intercepted by Miko.
“Well done, you're friends are very reliable, but...” Miko shrugged as she stared down at where her friends were helping bandage the small scrapes they had received in avoiding Kanna's attacks.
“But, you must be more prepared, I cannot let you fight your enemy if you cannot pass my tests, so for now...train!” with that Miko was gone, quickly Kagome detransformed and ran back down the stairs that she had ran up only fifteen minutes ago. She ran to where she had left her friends.
“Kagome...are you okay?” Sango asked, Kagome knew it was a two sided question, the first part being she didn't get any cuts and scrapes when she had been fighting as herself and if she felt okay after almost having her soul sucked out of her when she had been Seeker.
“Yeah, just a little bruised, but I'll be okay.” Kagome smiled brightly, but the others saw a hint of worry shining in her eyes, but no one asked her what was wrong and as she didn't bring up the subject no one had the courage to.
`Kagome...why do you always disappear whenever Seeker makes a scene?' Inuyasha thought as they walked on and each member went into their respective buildings, until it was just him and Kagome, she was staring down at the concrete sidewalk avoiding his gaze.
“Kagome...are you really okay? That's a pretty bad scrape you have on your cheek.” Inuyasha grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at him, she tried to jerk from his gentle, yet firm grip that he had on her chin.
“Yeah, it doesn't even-ouch!” he disproved her theory before she was even able to come up with it, he gave his trademark smirk as she leveled her best glare on him.
“You were saying?” he grabbed her by her arm and took her up to her apartment and made her sit down on the couch as he went and got the medical kit that she had in her bathroom.
He cleaned the small scrape, and Kagome hissed in pain as he put the antibiotics on the scrape, he smirked again and she resisted the urge to slap the over confident hanyou. He put the medical kit back up and stretched as he walked back into her living room.
The light atmosphere that they had managed to gain disappeared in an instant, and Kagome cleared her throat as she fingered the bandage that Inuyasha had put on her cheek, she looked up at him and wished that he would forget his quest of revenge.
Her eyes went wide, was that the kind of person that she had become? She couldn't ask Inuyasha to give up revenge for his brother just as she couldn't give up hunting Naraku and avenging her family. Had she really become such a horrible person?
“Inuyasha, you should leave now.” she whispered hiding her face and hiding the ugly expression that she knew had to be on her face. Inuyasha gulped and looked at her, he had to try and fix their relationship.
“Kagome, we have to talk.” he said, but she shook her head and he felt his heart constrict as he smelt her tears, he had been able to make her cry a lot lately, and that only intensified the guilt that he already felt about ten times.
“N-no, please Inuyasha...just go.” she whispered, Inuyasha snapped, fine, he didn't care anymore, okay that was a lie, but he was tired of never having a chance to explain himself to her.
“Fine! Kagome, I'll go, see if I ever help you again, see if I ever save you again! I guess I was wrong when I thought we were friends, you can tell Seeker to burn in hell! And...I hate you.” he hissed between his teeth before slamming the door shut.