InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Do You Love Me? ❯ Back From The Dead...? ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: I wasn't very happy with this chapter (and even less from some of the reviews I got) So it is re-written! (And I now distinguish where it is!)


Do You Love Me?

Back From The Dead…?

by: bs~

~Sengoku Jidai~ ::Hebi::

"I can't believe you!" he raved. Glaring at Hebi, Maverick grabbed his enormous ax and slammed it - right next to Hebi's neck.

"Ouo Maverick." Hebi stated nervously, with a smile and a huge sweatdrop as she slowly edged away from the tempermental man.

Maverick only growled. "I'm gonna kill you."

"Hehe. . . you don't want to be rash. It was for the Order."

This new information made Maverick freeze as he processed it. As he slammed his ax into the ground, Maverick spired<~ (the official word now for them) and Hebi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank Kami! I thought he would never leave!"

"Well. . . now you never thought that you would see me here either." A voice sneered behind her. Turning around, she gasped.

It was no other than. . .


^.~ Sengoku Jidai ::Inuyasha::

"I can't believe you!" Inuyasha raved. He glared at Sango, who was scratching her head while trying to maintain an innocent expression.

"What did I do?"

Inuyasha cringed. She was so convincing! He would have believed her if it were not for the fact that she was with no one else.

That was a dead giveaway.

"What did she do to you?" he growled in a low tone.

Sango chuckled nervously. "Oh Inuyasha~ I don't know what. . . you. . . are. . . GYAAA~"

Inuyasha winced and opened his eyes and chuckled while unsheathed Tetsusaiga as he surveyed the scene before him.

"So. . . come here often?"

Manten snorted an offended sounding snort.

Sango shoved Manten off and glared at him.

"Who the HELL are you?"

^.~ Present Day ::Kagome::

"Leave me alone." Kagome said evenly as she kept her fast pace and stared straight ahead.

Inuyasha snarled. He had been at this for A WHOLE BLOODY HOUR. How much longer could she walk like this before collapsing from exhaustion?

"Stop it Kagome." He said, more exasperated than angry. He was still a bit shocked to see such. . . hateful emotion on her face.

The only thing he could think of was. . .


Why was she so angry? So bitter?

And WHY the HELL did she have to walk so damn fast?

"Kagome!" Inuyasha snarled, grabbingt her roughly by her right arm. "I'm getting tired of this stupid game! Answer me! Who the HELL would answer your questions? We ARE. There just isn't. . . just. . . isn't. . ."

"Isn't any WHAT?" Kagome spat out, glaring at Inuyasha whie sharply jerking her arm away from him.

"Time." Sesshoumaru finished for his half-brother as he walked up to Kagome. She in return gave him a glare.

"Well there is NOW!" Kagome shrieked, much to the apparent surprise on Inuyasha's face. His ears flattened against his head and he squinted, hissing, while baring his fangs.

Kagome stopped her rampage for a second to stare at him. "What are you? A vampire?"

"What?" Inuyash asked with a mask of confusion, returning to his normal egotistical self.

"Nevermind. Anyway, I want to know what's going on."

"We'll tell you when we get back." Sesshoumaru stated coolly, already walking again.

"No." Kagome said. This caused Sesshoumaru to stop. Turning around slowly, Sesshoumaru glowered. His entire being was surrounded by a dark aura. No one. NO ONE challenged his authority. Inuyasha and Kouga were idiots who had no idea of what they were doing, but this girl. . . for this girl. . . this rather intelligent girl to say no to him. . . she needed to be taught a lesson. . .

"What. Did. You. Say." Sesshoumaru gritted out, secretly glad Rin was not here.

"I said No." she replied back haughtily. Why was he making such a big deal out of this? "Wait - Sesshoumaru are you - " and was cut off as Sesshoumaru suddenly flashed forward and grasped her shoulder with one hand, the other glowing green and poised above her face, ready to attack. . .

^.~ Sengoku Jidai ::Hebi::

Hebi sighed and glared at the man standing before her. He was standing there, leaning on his scabbard and had a very bored looking expression on his face. "What are you doing here anyway?" she snapped as she paced in front of him.

Hiten shrugged. "Marik sent me. But I was with Manten. Where is he?"

"Did you spire in with him?"

"Yeah." Hebi muttered something along the lines of `amateur' and shook her head. "Well, spire away and find him, you're not experienced enough with it to just appear next to each other! It takes practice! Now leave! Otherwise he'll be back!" she hissed.

"Who will?" Hiten asked.


Hebi turned around and glared at Maverick, who had silently spired in behind her. "So what is so troublesome that Marik had to send you, Sumi, and HIM," he pointed into Hiten's direction with a disgusted look on his face. "here for this one time portal issue?"

Hebi shrugged. "Dunno. Hiten, shed some light on this?"

"Dunno either. All I know is, we came to take you all back. Too much trouble." Hebi gaped.

Then -


Hiten was quick to run.

As was Maverick.

^.~ Sengoku Jidai ::Sumi::

"If you touch me, I'll scream bloody murder." Sumi hissed at him, sprawled awkwardly on the ground.

"Well… then how are we going to get to where we're supposed to go?" He asked, kneeling down to gently lift her foot off of the ground.

"OW! Let go!" she cried as she slapped his hand away. He frowned and placed a hand firmly on her chest and shoved her flat to the ground. His other hand went back to examining her foot. "YOU OAF! LET ME UUUUUUP!"

Growling, he applied more pressure. Too bad he forgot the use of her arms. "OW! BITCH! Why the HELL did you bite me?" he yelled, immediately letting her sit up from their awkward position.

"I hate you." She grumbled after a few minutes. She looked at a tree to her right, but lifted up her foot gently, and barely off the ground. But it was enough for him to notice.

"Thanks." He muttered as he knelt down and felt bones. After a few moments of examining her foot, he frowned. "Well… we're in for a doozy. It looks like you sprained it."

Sumi snapped her head to him so fast that he was actually surprised that it hadn't snapped off. "What did you say?" she hissed dangerously.

"It's sprained." He repeated calmly. "And I would really like it if you stopped moving, since I have to find something to brace your leg."

Sumi glared, but complied. He looked around and found a piece of wood that was long enough to be a make-shift brace.

Now was a problem of finding cloth to bind it with. "Hm…" as he looked up expectantly at Sumi. She spluttered.

"HELL NO!" Sumi spluttered. "I barely have enough to cover MYSELF!" The man shrugged and got up.

Sumi watched warily as he reached inside his sleeve and produced a knife. Shining in the sun, Sumi watched in horror as he plunged the knife downwards…

Into his own shirt. Tossing the knife onto the floor, the man set to work on ripping apart his left sleeve.

Sumi watched in stunned silence as he knelt back down and began to bind her foot.


^.~ Sengoku Jidai ::Inuyasha::

"Don't kill me!" Manten groveled. Inuyasha and Sango stared at the bowing youkai before them.

"Uh… Inuyasha? Didn't you say that he was… Manten? A member of the Thu - "

"Yeah." Inuyasha said, cutting into her halting question. "But um… "

"Oh yeah!" Manten said rather quickly, jumping up and scaring Sango half to death.

"Do you HAVE to do that?" she hissed at him, cowering behind Inuyasha. Inuyasha sighed.

It seemed that Sango had a feminine side too… she was deathly afraid of toads…

And guess what Manten looked like?

"I've been sent here by orders to tell Sumi something!"

Inuyasha nodded, scowling with impatience. "Yeah?"

"Um…." The enormous Jaken resembling thing shifting his weight from leg to leg, "The thing is… I can't remember."

^.~ Present Day ::Kagome::

"You could have just TOLD me that there was A FREAKIN' BEE NEXT TO ME!!!" she screeched.

Sesshoumaru responded. "Well, what would you have done? Whip out your handy dandy bug spray? Not quick enough. It would have killed you by that time."


"But the bee is THAT fast."

Kagome took a second to process that. She had been having too many arguments with Inuyasha… She was taking out her stress on Sesshoumaru… "Hey! I'm sorry! Come outta that tree now?"

Apparently it was in inu youkai's blood to jump into trees when a tempermental female was around…

Kagome shrugged to herself. At least it wasn't like she thought… that Inuyasha had some cat blood… with his ears and all…

But then again… he rather did get along rather well with Buyo… and Kirara…

^.~ Sengoku Jidai ::Inuyasha::

Inuyasha growled as he watched Manten out of the corners of his eyes. Sango was still too frightened and too creeped out to go near the over-sized toad, so Inuyasha had sent her off to get firewood.

Miroku would kill him if he found out. IF being the key word. Hopefully Miroku wouldn't find them, but Inuyasha WAS wondering where the monk was.


Well… that answered his question. Inuyasha knew Miroku's screams anywhere. Kinda creepy once he thought about it…

Manten's head snapped up as soon as he heard the rustling of leaves. Looking around, Manten realized that Inuyasha had just deserted him. Well… what about that Sanbo woman? Where was - BWA!

And there… in all his glory… was Hiten… carrying… what appeared to be a screechin girl on his back…? And she did oh so look familiar…

Wait - he remembered now. Her name was Kagomo or something wasn't it?

^.~ Present Day ::Inuyasha::

Inuyasha yelled a curse to the skies, hoping that it would bring back Kagome and Hiten. Damn. It didn't work.

Sesshoumaru arched an eyebrow at his younger brother but said nothing. Sango stared at the sky. Miroku walked over and was rocking his arms. Rei was still a bit in shock of what just happened. Kouga was punching a tree over and over…

But… the worse one for wear in their group was Shippou… he HAD after all… seen one of the man responsible for the death of his father… who he had already presumed dead and long forgotten…

But now the kitsune was curled up and sitting by a tree. Sango was still staring at the sky in shock. "Inuyasha…?" she whispered before giving him a frantic look and collapsing to the ground. Inuyasha was there in an instant and caught her. Miroku appeared by his side a split second later, no longer holding Rei. Inuyasha gave the monk a quick glance and handed the youkai exterminator to him. Inuyasha turned around to tell Sesshoumaru something, but the words slipped his mind as soon as he caught sight of his brother.

He was holding Rei and was cooing to her.

A rather odd looking sight… but Inuyasha thought of Rin and dismissed the odditiy of the scene set before him. All Inuyasha did was walk up to his brother and tap him on the shoulder. Sesshoumaru immediately looked at Inuyasha, who was startled to see that Sesshoumaru's eyes were unusually bright.

Had he been…? No… It couldn't have been… It was Sesshoumaru they were talking about…

Inuyasha dismissed the thought as a sign that he was getting paranoid and motioned for them to go back to the house. Sesshoumaru quickly took the lead while holding Rei, followed by Sango carried by Miroku. Shippou tagged along behind.

Inuyasha however, ran the opposite direction… to the place that could take him back to where the only place that Kagome could possibly be at this moment…

After all… where else would Hiten take Kagome?

^.~ Sengoku Jidai ::Kagome::

"LET GO OF ME!!" Kagome screeched. Hiten rolled his eyes and thwacked her on the head, successfully knocking her out. Manten looked at Sango, who was twitching spastically.

"Are you sure that's a wise thing to do?"

"She was bothersome. It's easier this way." Hiten said, glaring at Sango, as if just waiting for her to say something.

But she didn't. Sango had a look of fear and anger on her face.

Should she go and help rescue Kagome?

… but that … THING… was right there…

And what if she got injured?

What would happen to the baby?

She couldn't afford to be as risky as she used to.

She was making decisions for two lives now. So she got away from the danger.

Sango ran away.


AN: I re-wrote it. It's not much different, but I presume easier to read?

I hope… Otherwise that was for nothing…

Eck… I really need a beta reader…

OH! And I finally picked a word to describe their.. `poofing'. I KNOW spire is a word already… go ahead… highlight it with your mouse and press D.

See? I KNOW!! But… it's such an easy word to use for it… so it will be. Ok?


Ta ta~ bs~ (thy name is bullshit)