InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Don't try it a Second Time ❯ You Will Fear Me ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3

Kagome tapped her foot impatiently on the glass floor as she wait for the secretary to come out of the printing room with her schedule. "What is she doing in there?" she mumbled to herself, she sigh after a minute "fucking the principle" she also responded.

"Hey aren't you that girl that set the school record for triple jump in our school's track meet last year?" asked a blond girl

"Umm...yea" answered Kagome confusedly

"Wow, you went to the Final Champion Ship and won 1st place.! How did you feel?" asked the girl

"Nervous" came a simply reply

"Are you going to join the spring track team again this year?" asked the girl

"Umm...I'm not so sure...things change" said Kagome

"Come on! Don't tell me its because of the incident last year with the guys and your sister" said the girl

Kagome felt the unpleasant memories kicking in and the girl continued on "I mean, especially that love triangle with Inuyasha, you and your sister" she continued

"Look!" cut Kagome with a yell and then she calmed down "I'll think about it okay" said Kagome

"Of course!" laughed the girl happily " my name is Niku by the way, see you around!" yelled Niku as she ran down the hall.

The painful memories Kagome have been trying to heal from have once again appeared and right now all she want to do is fall on the ground and cry her grief. "Okay Kagome, it's been a year now, get over it!" said Kagome trying to convince herself "you're are more than just one of the guys and more of a girlfriend material, now you just have to prove yourself and more importantly, you're a change girl" continued Kagome putting pressure on herself.

Kagome felt a hard gaze on her back and she turned around to be face to face with no one than Sesshomaru of the Moons. Kagome rolled her eyes and turned around as she went back to tapping her foot on the floor. She felt he was still staring at her and she felt uncomfortable. She turned once more and saw those hard, cold, golden eyes of his. "You have a problem?" asked Kagome

"..." silence. Kagome growled in frustration and turned around once more, but she still felt his gaze. "What is the matter Spider, am I intimidating you?" asked Sesshomaru in a cool voice

Kagome 'Humph' and turned to face him. "Hardly" she mumbled.

It was quite again and Kagome growled. She walked to the desk and started banging on the bell "where the hell are you!" she yelled as she stop

"..." no answer

"When you're mad, you take it out on things around you?" smirked Sesshomaru

"Shut it mutt" said Kagome

Sesshomaru advanced on Kagome and hold her by the throat, "don't talk to me in such a tone and friendly matter" he growled

Kagome's piercing red eyes leveled with Sesshomaru's piercing gold ones 'she shows no fear of me' thought Sesshomaru. Just then the secretary came and Sesshomaru quickly let go of her neck

"What's going on here?" the middle age woman asked

"Nothing of your business" replied Sesshomaru coolly

"Can I have my schedule?" asked Kagome annoyed

"Umm...Yes...Here it is" said the lady as she handed her the piece of paper

Kagome grabbed the paper and turned her heels, she purposely walked by Sesshomaru and bumping him hard and continued her way down the hall gracefully

Sesshomaru growled and he swore under his breath " I'll make you fear me girl" he said as he came face to face with a scared secretary.
REWIEWW!!!!!!!! & Thank you