InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dot Org ❯ HardWare ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha or any of his rights. I am not gaining anything off of this. I'm just writing this as a devoted fan. I also do not own anything pertaining to any search robots online including Smarterchild.

Summary: Is it possible to befriend a robot? Is it possible to depend on a robot? It is possible to fall in love with an online robot? Kagome did. Inu.Kag PG-13 R&R!

Tsuyoku: I love this idea for this fic. It literally hit me in the head...

Dot org

Chapter one.

"What do you mean I'm fired?!" Kagome fumed at her boss. How dare he do this to her after the three years she'd spent getting his coffee. 'Why that fat, balding, egotistical, lazy son of a bitch!!' Kagome fumed again.

"I'm not getting any work from you, Miss Higarashi. Your portfolio has been empty for the past few months." Kagome could see something in her boss' teeth. She tried to ignore it, but every time he opened his mouth she'd see the disgusting green thing laughing at her. Kagome was just waiting for it to spit out at her; that thing just as vile as his words.

"That's because Ms. Kanna (putting emphasis on that name) has been stealing the portfolios off of my desk every morning. They're the only thing that she can get her greasy hangs on!" Kagome retorted.

"How dare you accuse Kanna of stealing. Just because she does her work and you don't doesn't mean that she should get the blame!" The boss' face became red.

'Yeah, only because you're having an affair with her, dick head. Get over yourself.' Kagome thought. 'What am I doing thinking this. I'm about to get fired, why not...?'

Kagome trekked out of his office into the busy cubicle city seeing so many of his employees trying to work. "Hey everybody! I'm getting fired!" Kagome had attracted a few heads by now. "So, I thought I'd let out a few secrets. Ms. Kanna and the Boss Man have been going at it on the copy machine every night since she got 'promoted'." Heads turned to look at Kanna, whose face, usually white, was now blood red. "Oh yeah. I've seen him getting his butt xeroxed a few times too." Kagome looked to the copy machine and saw a few walking away in disgust. "Kanna, I know you've been stealing all my portfolios every morning. In fact, I like the last one you submitted to the board. You didn't even look at it did you?" Kagome held a few xeroxed pictures of Kanna and the boss 'entangled' on the copy machine. "I've got plenty more!" Kagome threw the papers all around the office as the walked towards the elevator.

She was satisfied now.

It wasn't until the got to the ground floor and out the building that she realized she had no job. Well, she'd go home first and make a few calls. Maybe she could get a job somewhere; after all, she did have a fine degree in fashion. Who wouldn't want her?

"What?!" Kagome exclaimed for the millionth time today. "Wait, I don't think I heard that right. What did you say?" Kagome was talking to her friend Sango on the phone.

"He's been calling people all day. The Boss has made it clear that no other agencies here in Tokyo will even think of hiring you." She paused apathetically. "He's got connections you know."

"But that can't be legal." Kagome tried.

"No, but you won't work anywhere. Too many people have respect for Boss. I mean, after your show today at the office, I don't blame him for being mad, or you for that matter. But if you'd left quietly, then many this wouldn't have happened."

But." Kagome started. "How am I going to find a job?"

"Well, you could get a small job working somewhere local until you can sort this whole thing out." Sango could remedy anything. "That would be my best guess."

"Like where?"

"Well, I started working here because I found the job online." Kagome pttfed. "Look, I know you don't like the idea of job searching online, Kagome, but this robot online helped me. Look, just go to your messenger on your computer and type in 'InuYasha' in the box."


Look, just do it okay? Not to mention he's kind of fun to talk to. You should strike up a conversation with him sometime. Well, I've got to go. The Boss could fire me to for talking to you." Sango sighed.

"I'll bet he's looming over your shoulder right now..."Kagome teased.

"Oh, Kagome, don't do that! Well, I'll talk to you later. Take my advice and use the robot! Bye."

"Bye." Click. Kagome took a scan around her room for a moment. She might as well be spending a lot of time her in her room. It did seem a bit trashy. She really should clean it, but she didn't feel like it today... Or tomorrow. Kagome turned around to face her computer. "I shouldn't. It does seem kind of like a stupid idea..." Kagome grabbed her messenger bag and a pack of cigarettes and left the apartment. She pulled her long coat around her figure as soon as she stepped over the threshold of the apt. building. The cool air still nipped at her unguarded shins, but Kagome walked fast, hoping to catch the bus.

The bus was stuffy, full of people coming home from work, and the air smelled of a sickness that she couldn't describe. But it was warm. Oh boy, it felt good. Around Tokyo this time of year, the cold was chilling to the bone, and that meant that there were tons of bakeries beginning to sell warm treats! But there was one café in particular that she thought she'd check out.

"Hi mom!" Kagome said as she walked up the last few steps. A lot of people were sitting in the tables set out; it seemed like they were busy. "Finally got the word around, huh?" Her grandafather had thought of a way that would bring more people to the shrine. And with this time of year, it was working well.

"Yes, well, your grandfather is finally putting his culinary skills to work. But look at you, it's nice to see you again! Didn't I just talk to you on the phone last night? What's the occasion?" She teased. Kagome had a habit of not seeing her family for weeks on end. Mostly it was work to blame, but now that she got... well, she could spend time with them a bit more than usual from now on.

"There's no occasion, Mom. Where's Sota anyways?" Kagome expected that he was in the house playing video games or something.

"Oh, he's in his room playing on the computer thing. I told him that he could since he helped us out this afternoon with a rush. He can cook so well, you know?" Kagome's mom lit up like a candle. You could tell that she was proud of her children.

"Well, I'm going to go up and see hi, okay? Be right back."

Kagome entered the warm house. Oh how she missed it here. Climbing the stairs, she entered Sota's room to see that he was playing on the computer. Sota was such a genius with computers. He was going to get a nice job one day. Kagome was just a little bit jealous of his talent.

"Hi, Sota. Long time no see!" She said. He turned to her.

"Hey, sis. How are things?" When he was younger, he'd run up to her and hug her if he hadn't seen her in this long. She kinda missed that.

"So, what are you working on?" Kagome could understand the basic gist of a computer, but no near the inner workings of one like her younger bro.

"Well, I'm just chatting online right now. Hey, have you heard of this new robot called Inuyasha? I love it. I've been talking to him for a while. Not to mention that he is great for searching the web!"

"What a coincidence! A friend just recommended him to me today. Is it really that cool? I didn't know if I should try it or not." Kagome bit her lip a bit. She had a habit of doing that now.

"Well, you should. He is interesting to talk to. It's like you're just talking to another human being. Here. Watch."

BadMan12: Hi InuYasha!

Inuyasha: Hello Sota!

"Hey! He knows your name!" Kagome said. "That's so cool!"

"Yeah, I taught it to him. Now if I IM him, he just calls me by my first name.

BadMan12: So, how are you today?

Inuyasha: I'm good! How are you?

BadMan12: I'm great! So, how many people are you talking to right now?

Inuyasha: I'm talking to 3,115 people right now.

"You see", Sota started. "With this, I can talk to him. Leave messages to other members, search the web, play games, even send other people online your crushes."


"Yeah. It seems that a lot of people are jumping on the bandwagon with this robot. He's a hit for lonely people on a Friday night." Sota began typing again. Kagome hoped that he wasn't hinting at her love-life, or lack there of.

BadMan12: Let's play Hangman!

Inuyasha: Sure! Just type hint if needed. Type a letter to guess. Or solve the puzzle all at once!

. . ' . . . . . . . .

BadMan12: Hint.

Inuyasha: Hints used 1 out of 3.

. . ' s . . . . . . .
BadMan12: I

Inuyasha: I . ' s . . . . . . .

BadMan12: t

Inuyasha: It's . . . . . . t .

BadMan12: e

Inuyasha: Wrong letters: e

l I

It's . . . . . t .

BadMan12: y

Inuyasha: It's . y . . . ty

"I know it!" Kagome exclaimed. "It's 'It's my party!"

"Good job Kagome, you figure that out all by yourself?" Sota loved to be sarcastic.

BadMan12: It's my party.

Inuyasha: Good job! You're the 13th person to ever solve this puzzle!

Type 'again' to start a new game.

"Wow. Maybe I will try this!" Kagome said, looking at here watch. "Well, I have to go now if I want to make it home at a good hour. Bye, Sota. See you!" Kagome gave him a hug and a kiss and walked out the door to say good nightl to her mother and grandfather.

So, Kagome was riding home on the bus again. This time with a bag of bean pastries in hand. 'Mom, Grandpa. You guys always care so much!' Kagome lit up inside. Of course, she knew her mom was just begging for some grandchildren soon. And maybe Grandpa wouldn't be around too much longer, but Kagome didn't know the first thing about dating...

She stepped off of the warm bus once again into the even more chilly night air. Despite the temperature, it was very crisp outside. The fresh air type of crisp. Kagome finally ended up getting into her apartment after a rustling of keys, and headed to the balcony for a much needed smoke.

"Boy, I need to get a boyfriend..." Kagome said as she took a bite out of a bean pastry. She took a few puffs of her cigarette thereafter and decided that even though it was a very bad habit, she'd just be lazy and keep doing it. Taking a brief look into her room, she glanced at the computer. Then back at the city. Then again at the computer. Fine.

Putting her cigarete out with her shoe, she got up and went back inside, reveling in the warmth of the heater. Hitting the power button on the computer, she watched the screen go from a black, dark reflection of herself, to an inviting blue welcome screen. Kagome typed in her password and then entered the cyber world.


Not to much action or anything going on. An intro chappy if I have to call it anything. Well, stay tuned. More to come. THX -Tsuyoku-