InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dot Org ❯ Search Results ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha or any of his rights. I am not gaining anything off of this. I'm just writing this as a devoted fan. I also do not own anything pertaining to any search robots online including Smarterchild.

Summary: Is it possible to befriend a robot? Is it possible to depend on a robot? It is possible to fall in love with an online robot? Kagome did. Inu.Kag PG-13 R&R!

Tsuyoku: I love this idea for this fic. It literally hit me in the head... (long story...)

Dot org

Chapter Two.


Putting her cigarete out with her shoe, she got up and went back inside, reveling in the warmth of the heater. Hitting the power button on the computer, she watched the screen go from a black, dark reflection of herself, to an inviting blue welcome screen. Kagome typed in her password and then entered the cyber world.


"Welcome back, Kagome." Her computer greeted her. She moved her mouse over to the interenet icon and double clicked. First thing, she'd check her email, for kicks. Not like anyone emailed her anyway. Those who wanted to talk to her called her, and she really didn't have any long distant friends. But you never knew what kinds of things ended up in your mail box... coupons, spam, offers for free shirts. It was endless. Plus employers seemed to think it wise to have an email, though she didn't think that 'BuyoBabe appealed to them as a screen name of a muture adult...

"Oh well." She browsed over her three emails that ended up in her inbox. One was this weekly newsletter that an old boyfriend had gotten her that she just couldn't get rid of. Another one was an update in a fanfiction that she'd been reading (hey, it's like reading novels...). And the last was some email from someone she didn't know sending her invites to their 'my space'. "Delete, Delete, Delete... Good heavens, how did I get so much spam..." *sigh* "Okay, I'll just sign on." She clicked onto the little man icon and opened up her account. "Okay... Inuyasha, right?"

She typed it in and up came the usual noise that signified your IM to someone. Not like anyone ever wanted to hear the annoying thing anyways.

Buyoubabe: Hello?

Inuyasha: Hello, Buyobabe! How are you?

Buyobabe: I doing fine. How are you?

Inuyasha: Great thx.

"Interesting. It's like I'm talking to a real person..." Kagome kept typing, hoping to find a good conversation.

Buyobabe: So, how many people are you talking to right now?

Inuyasha: I'm chatting with 4,092 people right now!

Buyobabe: Wow! That's a lot of people! You must be popular!

Inuyasha: You say such interesting things, Buyobabe!

Buyobabe: Please, call me Kagome.

Inuyasha: Alright Kagome!

Buyobabe: Can you search local occupations?

Inuyasha: Yes, Kagome.

Search results:

1. Local jobs in your area!

2. Occupations near you

3. Search new jobs by city

4. Find your best job offers!

Next time you want to search the Web for this, just type "web local occupations."

"Cool." Kagome hovered her mouse over the first on the list. "Local jons in you area. I like the sound of that."

Buyobabe: Thank you, Inuyasha.

Inuyasha: You're welcome, Kagome.

"That's kind of nice. It is like talking to a real person." She moved over to her internet window and looked at the site. After typing in her country, city, and area code, the site did some searching for a few seconds and thengave her a list of replies to her inquire about the local jobs. "The G Marts around here seem to be begging for some cashiers. But I'm not eager to work in some weird gas station." She still scanned the list, keeping in mind what Sango had said about getting a transition job untill she could get this sorted out.

Buyobabe: Do you have emotions, Inuyasha?

Inuyasha: Not right now, no.

Buyobabe: Do you ever feel sad?

Inuyasha: I do feel sad, as a matter of fact.

Buyobabe: Are you happy?

Inuyasha: Well, are you?

Buyobabe: I'm happy. Are you?

Inuyasha: I'm not totally sure.

Buyobabe: Are you a robot?

Inuyasha: Well, in a way, we all are, aren't we?

Kagome laughed at this. He was a bit humorous, and kinda nice to talk to. "I mean, this is just like talking to a real person. 'Are you real?' " She typed.

Inuyasha: Of course I am.

Buyobabe: Do you ever read science fiction novels?

Inuyasha: What are those like?

Buyobabe: They are books that usually have robots in them.

Inuyasha: I'll look into that.

Buyobabe: lol

Inuyasha: What's so funny? ; )

Buyobabe: You are.

Inuyasha: So now I'm a comedian. What is this?

Buyobabe: Stand up comedy.

Kagome went on to talk a bit to Inuyasha. She always thought it was a bit interesting talking to a robot. Sometimes she had to ask things over and over just to get a simple answer, but in the long run, he was kind fof funny. Kagome went back to the list of local jobs that were offering and considered a few more jobs she'd over looked. "Well, here's one I'd take. Oh, well, there's another I'd like." Kagome pondered on whether applying for a cashier at one of the malls nice stores or going for a librarian's assistant, she called Sango.

"Hey, baby." Sango replied as soon as she picked up the phone.

"How'd you know it was me, Sango?" Kagome asked.

"You're not Ethan... I'm just kidding, Kagome. It's the caller ID, remember." Kagome walked over to her couch and sat on it staring at her computer. Pulling a pillow up to her chest, she asked the $90 question.

"Sango, what should I do? I mean, you said that you felt a transition job was a good idea, but I'm just finding a cashier at Micky's or a librarian's assistant. I like to read, but I'm not sure what to go with. And I'm still not sure how a transition job will help. It's not like any firms will think about me ever again after what the Boss said, according to you."

"*Sigh* Kagome, I think that you need something to get you mind of this whole losing your job deal. After all, out of all of our friends in high school, you were always the one who would work, work, work. And that continued on past graduation, past college. I'm just worried that you'll lose your mind if you have nothing to do. I'm not ever sure you can get anothier job like the one you had, but," Kagome could hear Sango getting onto her couch as well, "you've just got to do things from day to day now. I know you can do this." There was a noise in the background that Kagome was sure was the door opening. "Oh, Miroku's home. I've got to go, Kagome. But we'll get together sometime later and tlak about this. Meanwhile, I think you should look into the library job. After all, you like to read, and that's all you need for motivation."

Kagome got off the phone with Sango and then went into her kitchen unwraping a TV dinner. Poking the top with a fork, she closed teh dinner into her tiny microwave oven and then set out to her computer until she heard the annoying beep that sounded every time the cooking was done.

While stuffing hot chicken pieces into her mouth, she almost burned her own tounge when she was trying to type in an online reply to the local library. Maybe she would find some interesting books when she was working there.


Kagome opened the doors to the library and suddenly the smell of thousands of books filled her nose, and she was in heaven. Crossing over to the help desk, she inquired about the job and the report that she sent in. The helper at the desk looked up.

"Oh, you. Okay, yes. I remember now. Yes, you can have the job. No one really wants to work in a library these days, so you're the only one who applied for the job. I just need you to fill out a few forms, and then we can get you a schedule." The woman got up and was moving about through the filing carts behind her. While she was waiting, Kagome looked around the library to get a feel for the place. She couldn't fathom why she'd never gone to this library. It would have been a very good haven for her on those days when she just felt like strangling her boss. Now, she guessed, she wouldn't have to deal with that much anymore. But it wasn't until her eyes rested on the far wall, that Kagome noticed a familiar name. She had to do a double take, but when she did, Kagome saw a poster that had 'Inuyasha' written on it. It was obviously advertsing the usefulness of the new program.

'With schools these days and how the world depends on the internet, that is a really good resource to go to.' Kagome thought. Just then, the helper returned with a few papers and told Kagome that she was free for the rest of the day, but had to be back there tomorrow. Another worker just up and quit on them, so for the next week or two, Kagome would have to fill in their hours til her schedule could be fixed to her liking.

'Whatever.' Kagome thought. 'Atleast it's a job and I won't be bored. Not with all the books and the internet at my fingertips...' Kagome took the papers and walked out of the building to find something occupying for the rest of the afternoon.


This was kind of a filler chappy. Trust me, in the next chapter, it gets more interesting. Nothing really happens. Kagome tlaks to Inuyasha for the first time and she gets a new job. But what will she do on the job to keep her occupied? I know you have an idea. And cookies if it's right. Well, check your answers in the next installment of Dot Org. The real story starts in chappy 3. Whenever I get that up. With school and work going on... *sigh*... THX -TYK-