InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Easy as 1, 2, 3... ❯ If at first you don't Succeed... ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, just Fluffy's chocolate addiction.



Easy as 1, 2, 3…

Chapter Thirteen




Sango and Miroku were already eating breakfast the next morning before starting the day's work, when a loud shriek sounded from the vicinity of Kagome's room. Miroku continued to chew his food as if nothing were out of the ordinary, but Sango grimaced and wondered what Inuyasha must have done this time.

"Those two are acting like a couple of two-year-olds." She muttered, picking at her scrambled eggs. "Next thing you know, Lady Rumiko is going to have us babysitting them and reading them bedtime stories. I wish they would grow up!"

Miroku sighed. "Ahh, but isn't it wonderful watching true love bloom before your very eyes? At this rate they won't even need the entire month to get to know each other."

Sango almost choked on her toast at this, not able to believe that Miroku thought things were actually going well between those two! But before she could gather her wits enough to respond, a very furious Kagome entered the room with water dripping from her long, black hair. Inuyasha wasn't far behind.

"That was NOT FUNNY!" She growled at him, shaking out some more of the water. A few drops slung on the half demon, but he just grinned and ignored them. "I do not appreciate you dumping water on me to wake me up!"

"But I just thought you might need some cooling off after last night!"

Miroku and Sango's eyes widened in shock, not able to believe what this statement was implying! Could they really have gone and done something like that?

Kagome ignored the statement, the bright flush on her face being the only indication that she actually heard what was said. She grabbed a plate off the counter and started piling it full of different kinds of food.

Deciding to wait till Kagome was done and out of the way, Inuyasha sat down at the table and almost started laughing at the looks on his friends' faces. He was pretty sure he could guess what they were thinking, but decided not to deny anything yet and see what they said.

Miroku was the first to find his voice, and he gave Inuyasha a sly grin and a slap on the back. "I told Sango things were going well between the two of you, but even I never realized they were going that well! I envy you my friend. May I be the first to offer my congratulations?" Leaning in closer, he whispered. "How was it?"

"HENTAI!" Sango yelled, overhearing what was said. Reaching behind him, she grabbed his little ponytail and yanked it so hard he fell out of the chair and nearly into her lap. Sango ignored this though and gave him a fierce glare. "What Kagome and Inuyasha do in private is NONE of your business! So don't you dare ask any more disgusting questions!"

Kagome watched this entire scene play out, a look of horror on her face. All the pieces had clicked into place in her mind, causing her to figure out what this was all about. "We didn't do anything like that Sango, I swear! Nothing happened! Tell her Inuyasha!"

Everyone turned to stare at the hanyou expectantly, but he just shrugged. "I dunno about you, but I wouldn't call what we did last night 'nothing'."

All eyes turned back to Kagome, who couldn't seem to find her voice. She opened and closed her mouth several times, no sound coming out. Finally giving up, she stomped over to where Inuyasha was sitting. "I hope you're hungry!" With that, she dumped the plate of food in his lap and stalked out of the room.

Looking very calm with a satisfied smile still on his face, Inuyasha began to clean up the mess. "I knew she wouldn't dump it on my head. She likes my hair too much."

Sango and Miroku couldn't think of anything to say.






"I never knew those years my mother sent me to summer camp would come in handy." Kagome muttered. With a tug, she pulled the bed sheet tight. "I'd really love to do something worse to him, but I'm running out of ideas."

Finally satisfied with her job, Kagome stepped back and dusted off her hands. "There, that ought to do it! Now this is sure not to backfire on me! I haven't had that much luck lately with my revenge tactics, but what could go wrong with this one? Short sheeting the bed is the oldest trick in the book!"

Retreating from the scene of the crime, Kagome left Inuyasha's room and entered hers by going through the bathroom. Hopefully since he was out in the woods running or climbing trees or doing whatever it is dog demons do out there for training and excercise, her scent would be gone long before he decided to come back.

Leaving her room and stepping out into the hall, Kagome almost shrieked in surprise when she ran into somebody! A clawed hand clasped her shoulder to steady her, and long white hair trailed into her vision.

"Inu- Oh, Sesshoumaru! You scared me, I thought you were Inuyasha." Kagome's heart rate slowly returned to normal.

"Afraid you were going to get caught?" He questioned in a disinterested voice.

Kagome paled considerably. "How did you know? You aren't going to tell on me to anyone are you?"

"I see no reason to interfere. Although if you insist on being so childish, then you should at least be more creative. Something so simple isn't going to get him to hate you or get you thrown out of the house."

Looking down at the floor, Kagome felt herself blush. "I don't really think I want to him to hate me."

"Then why continue?"

Kagome had to stop and think about this carefully for a moment, not sure of the answer. Sesshoumaru waited patiently.

"I think- I think I don't want him to feel like he can just push me around, or get what he wants without having to try. I want him to want me for me, and not just because I'm a miko and the only choice he has." Kagome sighed in frustration. "Does that make any sense at all?"

Sesshoumaru was surprised at her confessing to him, but wasn't at all surprised at what she said. He had guessed that was probably the problem. His stupid half-breed brother was just too blind to see it.

"What do you feel about him?"

Kagome frowned. "I'm not completely sure. I know I like him even though he's a jerk. I feel sorry for him because he's so lonely, and I want to help. And I know that I'm attracted to him. But I have no idea if I actually love him."

It was quiet for several moments as each thought about this. Finally, Sesshoumaru spoke once more.

"Well, until you decide, may I offer you some advice?"

Looking a bit wary at any advice that might come from this man, Kagome nodded.

Sesshoumaru have her a solemn, serious look. "If you ever want him to hate you, just shave his head."






Inuyasha yawned widely, looking like he was ready to collapse. He'd gone out to get a little exercise in the woods, something he hadn't done since Kagome arrived, and now he was almost dead on his feet. As long as she didn't try anything tonight, he was sure he'd get a good night's rest. Heck, even if she did try something he'd probably sleep through it!

Already tucked into bed in her own room, Kagome listened carefully to the sounds coming from his side of the bathroom, just waiting for him to find her little surprise. She couldn't hold back a small smile as she heard the covers rustling.

"What the-?"

Some more sounds could be heard before a light thud caused Kagome to start giggling. Any minute now she was sure he'd start yelling at her! After all, that made two nights in a row Kagome had either directly or indirectly made him fall out of bed!

Several moments passed, and all was quiet. Straining to hear something, Kagome herself nearly fell out of bed but caught herself just in time. 'He couldn't be so tired that he just passed out in the floor could he?' Kagome smirked at this thought. 'He did seem pretty much dead on his feet earlier. Maybe I should go look? Oh, what I wouldn't give for a camera!'

Just as she was about to follow through on this thought, Kagome's ears picked up the sound of footsteps, and they were headed for the bathroom! Ohhh, not good!

Closing her eyes, Kagome tried to stay still and even out her breathing so he would believe she was asleep. Maybe then he'd leave any possible confrontation until morning and just go back to bed.

One door opened, and a moment later the door to her room opened as well. Kagome cursed herself for forgetting to lock it before going to bed.

She waited for Inuyasha to say something, still faking sleep. But instead of saying a word, he continued walking towards the bed!

Still Kagome held her ground, not moving an inch. Well, until she felt the bed moving.

Eyes popping open, a very shocked Kagome stared at Inuyasha as he got into her bed! HER BED! What the heck did he think he was doing?

"I knew you weren't asleep." He smirked, making himself comfortable.

"You pervert, get out of my bed!"

Inuyasha ignored her.

"I said get out of my bed!"


Kagome finally sat up and glared at him. "Why not?"

Inuyasha closed his eyes and smiled slightly. "You mess up my bed, I sleep in yours. Fair trade."

Kagome's left eyebrow developed a sudden tic. "Arrgg, no it's not! Go back to your own! How hard can it be to fix a sheet?"

"Too hard. Besides, this is great revenge."

Trying to keep a tight reign on her anger, Kagome held her breath and counted to ten very slowly. Letting it out in a rush, she seemed a bit calmer. "Fine. I can deal with that. I messed up your bed, so I'LL sleep in it."

Throwing the covers back, Kagome slid her legs over the side and tried to stand up, but Inuyasha was a lot quicker than she was. Despite how tired he was, he was still able to reach out and grab her with one arm, wrapping it around her waist securely. Ignoring her gasp, he drug her back to him until she was close enough that he could get his other arm around her.

So now Inuyasha was lying on his side, both arms around Kagome who looked like she would have run screaming if she could have gotten up! She could feel his breath on her neck, warm and even, causing a small shiver to run down her spine.

"Inuyasha, let go of me! This isn't funny!"

There was no response out of him.

"Are you listening to me at all? There's no way you can be asleep already!"

Still not a sound was heard out of him.

Kagome sighed in annoyance and turned her attention to trying to pry his arms off of her. Her fear of him trying something was long gone, but she still wanted out of the bed! What if someone caught them like that? Not to mention the feelings she was getting from being so close.

When she pulled on one arm though, the hanyou at her back gave a low growl and tightened his arms without actually waking up. Obviously even when he was asleep, he was still stubborn!

'Acckkk!Now what am I supposed to do? I could wake him up, but then I'd have even less of a chance of getting away!' Kagome stayed still for a moment, trying to think of a way out, when she realized something. 'Why am I trying to hard to get away anyway? Is it really that uncomfortable? Actually, I have to admit I kind of like it.'

Gradually Kagome began to relax, letting her mind drift and enjoying the feeling of comfort and security his arms gave her. She had never felt so safe and protected by anyone before.

A sleepy smile crossed her face as she snuggled into his chest without really thinking about it. This action caused a deep rumbling to start in his chest, almost as if he realized in his sleep that she was finally giving in to him.

Getting away suddenly didn't matter to her anymore. It felt right, staying where she was. Why fight it? They weren't doing anything wrong.

Now fully relaxed, Kagome's mind became fogged with sleep. 'He may be a jerk most of the time, but it's moments like this that make it all worth it.' With that final thought, Kagome drifted off completely, one of her hands resting on his.





Awww, a fluffy moment! Are you guys happy? Ahhh, but don't get too comfortable, because you never know what will happen next! ^_^