InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Eien Ni Nakunatta Shunkan: A Moment Lost Forever ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hey there! Thanks for all the reviews! Some spoilers --- third movie --- just a mini-mention of the sword, Souunga. Anyway, hope you like it. I might have rushed this chapter but, oh well, I was having too much fun!


Chapter 15: Dandan Kawatteyuku


Inuyasha charged into the mouth of the yawning cavern, the Tetsusaiga already drawn and ready to unleash its full power. The hanyou's keen eyes adjusted rapidly to the sudden shift in lighting from the blinding snow outside to the inky darkness of the cave.

He steeled himself for the worst, detecting the distinctive scent of his ruthless, evil brother all around him. He turned warily, half-expecting to run across the mangled, scorched corpses of Rin and the equally unfortunate Totosai at any moment.

In the next few seconds, Miroku was at his side. The monk's jaw was tense, his lips set in a grim line, and the hanyou smiled wickedly at his decidedly violent expression --- he hadn't seen his old friend this angry in quite some time. Well, they both had DAMN good reason to seek vengeance now --- neither had forgiven the taiyoukai for using their own women against them as leverage. With those thoughts, Inuyasha cast a nervous glance back to Kagome and Sango. Both women were mounted astride Kirara and waiting somewhat uneasily at the mouth of the cave with an equally angry-looking Kohaku.

He turned to motion silently to Miroku, and together they cautiously proceeded further into the forge. Inuyasha noted that many of the fine pieces of armor and weaponry had been knocked to the floor; everything was lying about in haphazard, jumbled piles. His nose twitched again and he rushed forward, his golden eyes suddenly coming to focus on the twisted, crumpled form of Totosai.

"Jiji!" he shouted, seizing the old demon by the shoulders. Was he dead?! He shook the unconscious sword-smith roughly. "Totosai!" he hollered.

The old demon's eyes flew open with a startled snap. "What the hell?" he shrieked, slapping the hanyou away. "What the HELL is wrong with you! I just settled for a nice nap and you have to come scare the hell out of me with that ugly face of yours?" He poked a gnarled claw at the half-breed's bruised cheek. "Ohhh --- looks like big brother gave YOU quite the pounding!"

Inuyasha dropped Totosai to the floor in disgust, clenching his hand into an angry fist. "What's wrong with ME? What the hell is wrong with you, old man? Where's Sesshoumaru?" he raged. "Where's Rin? Is she still alive?"

"Of course, she's still alive," Totosai countered, as if it were the most obvious fact in the world. "They left together, after all!"

At those words the rest of the assembled party trotted forward in near perfect unison. "WHAT?!"

"Sesshoumaru took Rin back?" Kagome murmured happily. "I'm so glad." Inuyasha looked at his grinning mate, absolutely dumbfounded.

"Can't say I blame him either," Miroku added thoughtfully, his anger temporarily forgotten as his hands moved in the air to trace a perfect outline of a woman's soft curves. "After all, she is a beautiful, simply gorgeous, delicious little thing."

Sango snorted and tightened her grip on the Hirakoutsu. Despite her husband's roving eye and rather hentai imagination, over the years his hands had stayed to himself, (or rather, strictly to her!), and that was all that mattered. "Sukebe houshi! You're a dirty old man," she chided scornfully.

"Easy with that old man stuff, wife," he shot back.

"NANDA??" Inuyasha bellowed again. "What the hell is wrong with you people? Have you all lost your minds!? Have you forgotten what Sesshoumaru's done?"

He began to count the taiyoukai's recent transgressions on his fingers. "Number one, Shippou can't EVEN move from all the running around he's had to do over the past two days! Two, our house is nothing but splinters! Three, Kagome --- Kagome ---"

His words faded into a menacing growl. "I don't care about the rest of you, but I'm tracking that son of a bitch down and I'm flattening him! I swear, I'm gonna strangle him with his own tail! I'm gonna ---

"You will do no such thing!" Totosai cried. "You leave `em alone, or so help me I'll break that precious sword of yours faster then you can say `I'm covered in fleas'!'"

"You fucking old lunatic! I DON'T have fleas!"

"Well --- begging your pardon, Master Inuyasha," came another scratchy old voice, "but technically you do!"

Inuyasha's golden eyes came to settle on the tip of his own nose. Or, more specifically, they came to settle on the minuscule creature hopping excitedly there.

"Iteeee!" he hissed, reaching up to flatten the unwelcome little blood-sucker.

"Myouga-jiji? What the hell do you want?"

"Well - I came to deliver some news," the old flea began. "But while we're on the subject of Sesshoumaru and that girl, for what's its worth, I'd like express MY humble thoughts on the matter! I'm simply delighted that the old master's heir might be thinking of finally taking a mate --- especially one as sweet and ---"

Before the creature could get another word out, Inuyasha had promptly squished him again, a maniacal expression lighting his face.

Totosai rolled his eyes at the hanyou's actions. "You rotten mutt. Honestly, boy, maybe you could accept the possibility that your brother's in love with her?"

"In love with her?"

"Yeah - of course, he's in love with her --- he just doesn't know it yet. Just give them some time, let them settle. Let them nurture and heal their relationship --- you'll see."

"Sesshoumaru --- nurture?! I think I'm gonna throw up," Inuyasha scoffed.

"Not on my floor," Totosai quipped sardonically. "Now get out, spoiled puppy."

That was it --- the hanyou had reached the end of his patience and, before Kagome could stop him, he had delivered a well placed cuff to the old demon's skull. The miko merely backed out of the way of the rushing blast of orange flame that ensued, and directed an exasperated sigh at the squabbling pair. She paced the length of the cave, absently rubbing small circles on her growing belly. Everything was going to be alright --- everyone was happy.

Well, maybe not.

She caught a glimpse of Sango wrapping her arms around Kohaku's shoulders to give him a small encouraging squeeze. The young man looked dazed, and was currently struggling to hide his obvious disappointment about Rin's fate. "It's okay, aneue," he whispered down at his caring sibling. "I understand. I didn't know her very well, after all." He turned to stare wistfully at a carefully carved kabuto lying against the wall, the piece an obvious example of the pretty young girl's work.

"I've always known she was in love with --- him," he gritted on. "You can see it in her eyes. Besides, if the powers of the Tenseiga are truly as Totosai-sama says, she would be better suited for a life among youkai than --- than with someone like me."

At the young demon slayer's words, Inuyasha stopped his brawling and appeared to draw inward to his own thoughts as well. "This makes no sense," he whispered, his words directed at no one in particular. "I don't fucking understand Sesshoumaru at all." The hanyou gazed into the distance, appearing somewhat sad and unguarded for the slightest of moments. "I don't KNOW him at all."

The sword-smith came to stand at his side, their short brawl temporarily forgotten. "Then you've got to trust me," he stated patiently. "It'll all work out. Sesshoumaru can't be forced into anything. He's got to realize his own mind. But he loves that girl. Though, mark my words, he'll be the last to admit it! He needs her," he fixed his beady eyes on Inuyasha, clapping the very confused demon on the shoulder. "And he needs you too. Just wait --- you'll see."

Inuyasha's eyes narrowed at Totosai's rather cryptic warning. Before he had time to ask him to explain, the old demon's hands shot in the air to deliver a resounding slap to his already bruised face. "And you! What the hell is this --- bringing your mate up into this weather in such `delicate' condition!?! Honestly, I think you may have taken one too many blows to the head!"

"I told her to stay home, but she never listens," Inuyasha whined in his own defense, scowling at the miko's back. "She wouldn't stay behind," he argued.

"Well, see there, my boy," Totosai observed. "That's one thing you and aniki have in common already. Like I've said before, you both seem to fall hard for these headstrong, determined, and willful girls."

Kagome smiled at the pair --- in her mind those words seemed the highest form of compliment ever. She had spoken the absolute truth --- she was happy for Rin. Though she didn't really know her very well, it delighted her to think that the young girl might be getting a chance to have what her heart so desperately longed for. Even her mistrust and less than favorable opinion of the ruthless, cold taiyoukai seemed somewhat diminished at the thought that he might truly care for his indomitable little human companion.

Miroku's staff abruptly gave a rather pronounced rattle, the resounding noise snapping her out of her dreamy reverie.

"Gentleman!" the monk called out. "And, of course, most beautiful, gorgeous and --- ahem --- voluptuous ladies!" He threw a rather naughty wink at Sango. Even after all these years, he still couldn't help admiring just how amazing her slim form looked in that tight, shiny black leather battle gear. Though his beleaguered wife merely shook her head in annoyance at his quick, flirty gesture, she couldn't hide the pink blush that presently stained her cheeks.

Miroku smiled warmly at her rather telling rosy complexion, and cleared his throat.

"Anyway, I think it's time we discovered just why our tiny friend is here!" The young monk gestured down at the still recovering Myouga as the little flea hopped up from the dirt floor to land on Totosai's shoulder, wisely staying out of Inuyasha's reach.

"Yeah," the irritable hanyou snapped in agreement, "Just what the hell to you want, jiji?"

Myouga's prickly little moustache bobbed vigorously as he spouted his hurried news. "I've just come from the Northern Lands, my lord! I have word from Kouga and the wolf packs. He wanted me to give you a message --- he wanted me to tell you word-for-word --- "

The flea trailed off, suddenly appearing deathly afraid.

"What does that bastard want? What did he say?" Inuyasha's eyes narrowed in suspicion to gleam threateningly in the murky gloom of the cavern.

"Um --- word for word, my lord? Really?! I don't really know if I can!" the flea wailed.

"What did he say?!" Inuyasha hissed again, raising his fist as the others all began to back up.

Myouga's voice became nothing more than a petrified squeak. "He says: Inu koro, get your LAZY, pitiful, good-for-nothing, foul-smelling, stinking, fucking worthlesshide up hereNOW!"

A rather inhuman snarl began to reverberate through the cave. "Keh! Me --- come to him? Is Kouga out of his mind? I answer to NO ONE, let alone one skinny, scrawny, STUPID, pathetic, yase ookami that should have been drowned at birth! Why doesn't he get off his ass and come here?" Inuyasha jeered.

"Well, my lord, the lady Ayame DID just give birth to another strong and healthy young pup! He can't abandon her now --- not with so many other mouths to feed!"

Kagome's eyes widened and she couldn't help interrupting the tiny flea's explanation for the wolf's prolonged absence. "ANOTHER pup?" she cried. "USO! Just how MANY is that now!?!"

Myouga held up three of his hands, ticking off the numbers on his near microscopic little fingers. "Ahhh - Let's see. One, Kouki; two, Choukyosei; three --- ohhh, I forget that one's name, but he's a wicked little devil --- sharp teeth!" He paused, as if remembering some intense pain.

"And --- and let's not forget four and five. Mieika and Kousai, are twins and the spitting image of their mother; six, Akukaze; seven --- " the flea scratched his little head thoughtfully. "Wait - I think there's another set of twins in there," he mumbled absently.

Inuyasha scowled, not at all pleased that the northern lands would one day be overrun with countless miniature versions of that AWFUL wolf. The girls appeared equally horrified --- though more at the thought of poor Ayame enduring labor for nearly as many times as years that had passed. Miroku, of course, appeared rather impressed.

"And of course, Ginta and Hakkaku have started new families of their own as well," Myouga continued with a chuckle. "I think that's another five between the two of them! Gotta make up for their pack getting decimated all those years ago, after all."

Inuyasha brushed his bangs off his face with another snicker. "Keh --- so what the fuck is Kouga's problem anyway? Too many bottoms to wipe?" the hanyou mocked. "That scrawny bastard's always bragging about how powerful he is --- why doesn't he take care of his own troubles himself?"

"Because, Lord Inuyasha, he believes he knows where Naraku is," Myouga stated ominously.

"What the hell did you just say?" Inuyasha breathed.


Sesshoumaru awoke gradually, finding himself tangled contentedly in warm, soft blankets; his arms still wrapped around one equally warm and soft dark-haired human woman.

He shifted slowly, and pulled his limbs free from hers, trying desperately not to wake the still slumbering girl. He rose from the comfortable feather mattress, and carefully brushed back the fine netting surrounding the bed with his claws. Without a sound, the taiyoukai moved to stand at the window overlooking the ocean.

These were the mornings he used to love best. The threatening grey clouds had dissipated, but the gale had not fully blown itself back out to sea. He was struck with a sudden memory from the carefree days of his youth --- how he used to spend blustery sunrises such as these racing Aun against the wind, skimming over the foaming crests of the breaking waves.

Nowadays, the same dramatic weather changes were NOT marked by matching excitement, but only by the shooting aches and dull soreness in his still not fully-healed left arm. He flexed his claws, already beginning to feel that annoying tingle as it spread through the new muscles and tendons in response to the dampness and chill in the air.

The blinding glare of sunrise was magnified by the stark white walls of the room, and Rin suddenly snapped awake, blinking rapidly to adjust to the streaming dawn light. She felt cold, and reached out for the taiyoukai --- only to find him gone. "Sesshoumaru-sama?"

That small coo and the steady rise of her drumming heartbeat alerted him that Rin had roused behind him, even despite his best efforts not to jostle her from sleep. He cast a quick glance back to the bed just in time to see the young woman sit up, arching her back and stretching languorously. Her slow movements were all the more provocative because they were not meant to be so --- her actions were innocent and guileless, not intentionally alluring.

Which only served heighten the seduction, he realized with dismay.

The girl's eyes were wide and solemn, and she pulled the blankets up to her chin, looking increasingly unsure of what to do next. She offered him a warm smile and he suddenly wished he'd remained looking out over the water.

Rin still couldn't believe this was really happening. Sesshoumaru-sama was staring down at her, and all she could do was continue to remind herself to breathe. He was so, so beautiful now, just standing there with his form somewhat obscured by the thin layers of netting and the intense orange glow of daybreak.

She had just spent a SECOND night in the taiyoukai's arms --- she ran her hand along the soft blankets, dimly wondering who else had awoken in her place over the centuries.

In all the years since she had come to travel with him, she couldn't recall a occasion when he'd brought a demoness back here. Of course, he HAD often left her and Jaken behind, disappearing from time to time to engage in his own pursuits. But she had always known her place and had the wisdom to never question him about where he went or WHO he met. She suddenly thought of what happened between Kagura and her master, and bristled heatedly.

She sighed in resignation --- Sesshoumaru-sama was handsome and powerful, and it was foolish to envy his undoubtedly numerous past lovers. His undoubtedly numerous, countless, plentiful, abundant, FREQUENT past lovers, she grated in her mind. Her jealous thoughts were suddenly interrupted as her stomach grumbled loudly in protest and her hands flew down to her belly in embarrassment. Rin was suddenly painfully aware that her last meal had been BEFORE she had departed for the miko's village ---

Sesshoumaru's brow furrowed. "Are you hungry?" he asked in a stern tone, startling her from her discomfiture and indecision.

Rin swallowed noisily and pushed the covers aside. "Yes, my lord. My last meal was two days ago," she whispered in a faint, somewhat raspy tone. "So much has happened since then, that I really didn't think about it --- until now."

Sesshoumaru watched in alarm as the girl rose slowly, stumbling in disorientation. In the next instant, he was at her side.

Rin cursed herself for her weakness. So far she was doing a `brilliant' job to prove to her master that she had some strength and substance! Well, if anything, she thought sarcastically, at least this would ease her lord's fears about this strange bond between them. Judging by how weak she felt at the present moment, she really couldn't have drawn in TOO much of his great strength.

The taiyoukai did not utter a word and stood at her elbow to help guide her down to the large kitchens. Halfway there, he huffed impatiently. He was tired of merely assisting and, most especially, he was definitely tired of their annoyingly slow and tedious progress. Gently, he picked Rin up to carry her the rest of the distance, even despite her soft protests and characteristic display of stubborn pride.

Luckily, in that last tirade, when he had emptied the contents of the girl's room, he had not raided and destroyed the contents of the kitchens as well. The cupboards were still stocked with food palatable enough for a human: walnuts, chestnuts, hie, hoshi-ii, salted abalone, and toasted goma filled the shelves. Everything was dried and carefully preserved keeping with the demands of their traveling, roaming lifestyle.

Compared to his Father's day, however, the pantry was relatively empty. Many demons, Chichiue included, accepted tithing and offerings from local ningen villages, a practice HE'D always held in contempt. To accept contributions from a human, to accept their aid, or lead them to believe they had secured some protection or safety in exchange for their pathetic bribes --- that was truly repulsive and weak.

It would appear, however, that Jaken had NO problems with the practice. Sesshoumaru scowled at a few earthenware jars of fine sake that had been recently added to the shelves. It was obvious that his small servant had been drowning his woes and easing his loneliness with fine spirits in his master's absence.

All and all, this was not the most ideal, nutritious or appetizing of selections, but it should prove adequate enough for the present. Rin was weak and would doubtlessly need something more substantial to regain her vigor --- sometime in the next few days he would need to hunt game to provide something fresh.

He could go tomorrow, he mused, as he watched her rifle enthusiastically through the stores of food. Or, perhaps, right now --- as soon as her appetite was satisfied --- they could go down to the beach and forage in the receding tide. It had been so long since he had enjoyed the simple pleasure of just walking along the water's edge with Rin.

He cast a quick glance back at the girl, shaking his head in disapproval as he caught her automatically reaching for a small parcel of sweet noshiume.

"No," he declared firmly, as she groaned in protest. He pulled the dried fruit from the girl's hands as she was about to bolt it down. He frowned; the sticky plums were one of her favorite treats, but he doubted she'd be able to keep anything that sugary or syrupy in her stomach after so long without a meal.

He continued to watch her, noting how the rosy bloom had begun to return to her soft cheeks. With each passing moment, her strength and spirits appeared to rise. She seemed to be increasingly more confident with his close proximity --- unconsciously, he reached out to stroke her hair gently, unable to keep himself from touching her.

"Are you feeling better now?" he queried as she quickly finished her more practical, appropriate, and wholly tasteless meal of plain hoshi-ii.

"Un," she piped, sniffing dubiously at one of the tokkuri brimming with strong sake. She put the jar down with a grimace of disgust.

"De wa iku zo," he stated gruffly.

"Yes, my lord. Where are we going, Sesshoumaru-sama?" Rin asked curiously. She trotted at his heels, trying to keep up with his long, fixed strides. He headed purposefully to the shrine, stopping within to pick up his o-yorai from the corner.

He did not answer, completely intent on the many buckles and clasps of the new armor. Damn it --- the fucking weather! Every time it changed as quickly as this, his left arm would suffer and pain him, his fingers becoming stiff and numb. Sesshoumaru struggled unsuccessfully with the ties of the o-yorai, cursing Inuyasha and the Tetsusaiga for the thousandth time that year alone.

Rin watched in indecision. She kept reaching out to assist him, only to pull her hands away as his look became increasingly dark and frustrated. Offering him aid when he obviously didn't want or need it is what got her into this whole situation to begin with.

Finally, she could take his struggles no longer. After her months of independence she would not allow herself to fall back into that old insecure pattern of submissive, weak-willed behavior. They were alone --- and if this was to wound his pride, so be it. If she was to remain with Sesshoumaru-sama, she couldn't spend each day fearing she'd displease and offend him.

Sesshoumaru jerked in surprise as he felt a small, cool hand gently take hold of his wrist.

"Here, my lord," came Rin's soft voice. "Let me help."

The girl sidled close, and he allowed her to push his aching arm out of the way so she could tug expertly at the knotted laces. Deftly, she moved to fasten the armor firmly around his frame.

"I can change this for you, you know. Make it more suited to your --- needs," she stated carefully as she eyed the rivets critically. He threw her a quizzical look.

"I mean no disrespect," she continued to babble on, mostly just to distract herself from the fact that she was running her hand over his ribs. "It's just that this piece was originally commission for another youkai."

Sesshoumaru's breath deepened in relaxation as he allowed those delicate fingers to tend to him. She had learned much at the forge and he watched in fascination as she adjusted the o-yorai as skillfully as any seasoned warrior. She fastened the final bindings, reaching to absently brush a long lock of his hair over his shoulder to keep it from tangling in the many vicious, sharp spikes. She waited demurely for his appraisal.

"Hnnn." He moved his arms experimentally, finding the armor perfectly balanced and comfortable --- tight and secure, yet not constrictive in any way.

"Go retrieve your weapon," he ordered. "You will need it."

The young woman quirked her brow. "Where are we going?" she repeated.

"The tide is low. Have you forgotten how to dig asari for your supper?" he chided.

"Certainly not," Rin answered in a mock huff.

As she hurried off, he turned and made his way deeper into the shrine to retrieve Tenseiga and Toukijin from the far end of the room. He was still having trouble believing he had been so distracted last night that he had left the two swords here. He tucked the blades firmly into his sash and strode imperiously to meet Rin at the ornate entry way.

She stepped through the massive doors ahead of him, racing forward to grab an old woven basket from the corner of the garden. He followed her into the sunshine, quietly surprised that she returned immediately to stand at his side so he could carry her down to the shore. He was pleased --- she needed no urging or hints this time.


Together they slowly paced the whole long length of the white beach, seeking out the unmistakable divots that marked the breathing outlets of the shellfish trapped by the receding tide.

Though he offered no assistance with the actual digging, Sesshoumaru was rather eager to point out all of the ones that she missed. Rin couldn't contain her brilliant smile of delight at watching his predatory nature and rapacious instincts so obviously war with his equally strong desire to remain dignified, aloof and meticulously clean!

She ignored the fussy taiyoukai, as she stabbed her naginata into the sand yet again. After pulling the blade out, she would then burrow her fingers into the deep hole she'd created to snatch up another one of the surprisingly quick clams with a small shout of triumph. "Iya!" she laughed as it squirted a jet of salt water at her. She dropped the wriggling, slippery little creature unceremoniously into her woven basket.

Rin began humming quietly, and she smiled back at Sesshoumaru every so often, taking full advantage of this opportunity by studying his profile. He was so perfect, so gorgeous, and just the thought that she had shared his bed last night made her head whirl. Would they lie together AGAIN tonight? She wasn't sure just how she really felt about that --- the feeling was lost somewhere between one part anticipation and one part mortal dread.

The taiyoukai was taking this time to quietly examine his energetic companion as well. He watched as she squished the cold sand between her toes, and tried to ignore how fetching she looked in his old sea-grey haori. She seemed distracted by everything, darting here and there, just like one of the little chidori playing in the foam. She was currently poking at an upside kubutogani with a piece of driftwood, as its spidery legs waved haphazardly in the air. She helped the unfortunate creature right itself, smiling as it scuttled back to disappear into the waves. He shook his head at her playful, mischievous antics, suddenly struck with the desire to hear her pleasant voice again.

"You spoke to my half-brother," the youkai intoned. Rin squinted up against the bright sunlight to focus on him --- his words were more of a statement than a question really.

"Hai," she returned simply, stooping to resume her hunt for her supper. "I arrived in his village soon after you departed."

"His woman --- lived?" the taiyoukai inquired blandly. Rin looked up in surprise at his uncharacteristic show of concern.

"Yes, master. Both the miko, and the little one she carries, were fine when I last saw them."

Sesshoumaru's eyebrow rose marginally, but otherwise he showed no other reaction.

Rin's lips curled in a cynical smile. "Inuyasha was another matter entirely, my lord," she drawled, rocking up onto her tiptoes, as she edged past him. "One couldn't help but notice he was very soundly beaten." She was always proud of his victories, no matter who the opponent might be.

Sesshoumaru tried not to smile himself as he noticed Rin trying to stifle her mildly satisfied, smug look. He supposed that over the years his strong negative opinions of Inuyasha had definitely come to color her perceptions and influence her viewpoints on the hanyou as well. That, or the fact that when she was young, his half-brother had once nearly attacked her while he was transformed and possessed by the mysterious sword, Souunga! Being charged by a ravening, mindless demon would most definitely bias anyone, he noted wryly.

And, speaking of Rin's attitudes and opinions, this was the perfect opportunity to discover her outlook on THAT most recent and unexpected development between the pathetic bastard and his equally annoying miko.

"And how does that strike you?" he inquired blandly. "That foolish woman carrying HIS pup?"

"I am not sure," Rin answered slowly, deciding to risk his ire again in favor of being completely truthful and honest. "The miko has always been kind to me and I am happy for the pair of them, but --- but this pregnancy certainly will cause quite a few problems." She reached up and knotted her long, slightly-damp hair at her nape to keep it out of the wet sand. She waited for her master's reaction to her words, dimly wondering how he managed to look so regal and dignified with that entire length of silvery mane dancing around his attractive face in the strong wind.

Sesshoumaru straightened his shoulders and regarded her critically as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Explain," he commanded.

"Well, I mean, what will they do about Naraku? With the Shikon no Tama so close to completion, how can Kagome-sama be called upon to purify the jewel while carrying a child with youki in its blood?" With that the girl gave an abrupt elated squeal, and her thoughtful discussion was temporarily forgotten as she scampered to snatch up a couple of purple sea urchins trapped in a small tide pool.

The taiyoukai stared down at the girl, his amber eyes glowing with pride at her words. His little woman was quite clever, keen and incisive --- he had been thinking along the very same lines himself. Wait --- HIS little woman?! He shook his head, surprised he would make such a statement, even in his mind.

"Yes --- I-I have been pondering over the same concerns," he agreed, quickly recovering from his wayward thoughts to leap after her. "The half-breed had better entreat the gods that the wolf prince is up to the challenge of defending his shards. Naraku will no doubt come for them soon."

Rin wrinkled her nose at that quick mention of the ookami. For the slightest instant, a tiny, dark fantasy featuring that arrogant, murderous creature being thoroughly annihilated by Naraku ran through her mind. She blushed profusely, not accustomed to entertaining such bloodthirsty little thoughts of revenge. She gasped in shock as a new thought occurred to her --- she supposed she really shouldn't hate the wolf at all. If not for Kouga, she would not be walking along this windy beach with this tall, magnificent youkai at her side. Bizarre as the logic may be, had her village NOT been attacked by the wolves, she would have NEVER seen Sesshoumaru again. She suddenly imagined herself as a little girl arriving at that mighty old tree to bring him his daily scavenged --- and entirely refused --- meal only to find him gone. Yes, if not for the wolves, Sesshoumaru would have recovered from his injuries and returned to his travels, leaving her behind without even knowing her name.

She stopped suddenly and the youkai had to shorten his stride to keep from crashing into her. Sesshoumaru looked down in mild annoyance --- until he noticed Rin's sad and faraway look. Her complexion had become sallow and ashen again, and her hands were trembling. Maybe this was too much activity for one day.

"You are still pale," he murmured. "This is far enough. I think you should take more rest."

"What will you do?" she blurted, wondering if he intended to `rest' with her.

"I wish to read through my Father's scrolls to see if there is anything further written on the Tenseiga. I wish to know more about this connection."

"Oh --- I see." Rin bit her lip, trying in vain to control her obvious look of disappointment. Of course, his greatest concerns lay in her connection to his youki! Was he hoping to learn how it could be removed? She had already reached the conclusion that if he knew about the consequences of his actions he would NOT have revived her all those years ago.

And now she had new reason wonder and doubt! If he hadn't been told about this `bond' in the first place, would he ever have RETURNED for her at all? If she were just an `ordinary' ningen girl, would she still be pining for him on Totosai's mountain?

Life was so much easier when she was just an ignorant child, only concerned with pretty flowers and stealing ripe melons from farmer's fields.

She turned, and slowly shuffled towards the winding path leading up to the sea-cliffs.

"Where are you going?" he asked brusquely, trailing at her heels.

"I am cold, my lord. I wish to go back."

"Wait for this Sesshoumaru to accompany you," he intoned somewhat sharply.

Rin looked up in surprise. She had a sinking suspicion he was really only following her to protect his power, not out of any genuine concern for her well-being.

"There is little that can harm me on the path from the beach to the shiro, my lord," she stated in a rather unfamiliar, slightly cross voice.

His amber eyes became impossible wide.

"Nevertheless, you WILL wait," he growled.

Sesshoumaru couldn't believe this --- HIS RIN was attempting to argue with him! It should have made him angry, but instead it only filled him with remorse and regret. He reached out and grabbed the girl by her tiny wrist, the action snapping her to a sudden halt. He opened his mouth to speak, but Rin's words cut through first.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, may I --- inquire about something?"

The taiyoukai blinked in surprise and drew in a deep breath. Up until now, their conversations had been flowing much more easily. Obviously, if she felt the need to ask his permission to speak again, she definitely had something meaningful on her mind. He nodded, bracing for the worst.

This time, quite unlike the morning in the forest, she did NOT go easy on him and her words filled him with apprehension.

"That night --- when you sent me away," she began, "those cruel things you said --- did you really mean them?"

He turned to regard the wind-swept landscape uncomfortably --- he HAD been dreading this after all.

"Yes," he answered slowly, fixing her with an emotionless look.

Rin felt as if her heart were shriveling in flames. She swayed, all her foolish hopes dashed with that one word. Her knees buckled and she dropped her basket, its contents spilling onto the weather beaten rocks.

Sesshoumaru grabbed the girl by the shoulders, pulling her against his body for support and bracing her upright.

"Gomen nasai," she whispered mildly, as she tried unsuccessfully to brush him away. "Rin is still clumsy and perhaps a bit weak from not having anything to eat for so long."

Sesshoumaru shook his head at her pathetic attempt to hide the real reason for her distress. He was beginning to realize that the girl would revert to her submissive, childhood speech pattern whenever she was trying to hide her true feelings from him.

"Rin, wait for this Sesshoumaru to finish," he admonished. "Yes --- at the time, I meant those words. But --- being away from you has taught me otherwise."

He cupped her chin and turned her face up to meet his. "Your companionship is something I have come to --- take pleasure in. More than that I cannot say."

Rin realized how much it must have pained him to make such an unusual and `considerate' admission. But she couldn't let him stop there --- she needed some of this intense indecision and uncertainty to just go away.

"What will become of me?" she cried. "Where do I belong now?" She met his eyes, challenging him to answer her pleas.

Damn --- she looked so lost and forlorn. Sesshoumaru felt a stab of guilt, suddenly realizing that both Totosai and that pathetic wretch Inuyasha were right. He HAD been so utterly selfish to keep this child. In allowing her to remain at his side, he had isolated her from anyone else. Over these past eight years, he had left her with nothing to cast her affection upon --- nothing save himself. The taiyoukai felt a sudden moment of doubt --- was he using her natural feelings of gratitude and her loyal devotion to his own gain? Was he taking advantage of her misplaced, misguided affections? He suddenly realized he didn't care.

He did not lie --- she brought him pleasure, and he would no longer deny himself something that he wanted. He abruptly found himself staring intently at her trembling lips and he wondered now if they would taste as sweet as they looked.

His handsome, aristocratic face descended lower and lower, and Rin could count each and every fleck of darker ocher encircling his honey-colored eyes. She watched in fascination as those inhuman, slit pupils dilated in response to the burning glare of the sun. They fixed solely on her only for an instant, before peacefully drifting closed. Oh gods --- was he going to kiss her?

Sesshoumaru could sense a momentous, dramatic spike in her fear. Wait! Usually being this close to a demoness inspired lust, hunger, and burning desire --- not terror and tension! Any romantic notions he had died in a wave of rolling confusion and disgust.

Was this a normal `human' reaction?! Or perhaps --- could it be a normal `virgin' reaction? In the course of his long, long life, he had NEVER experienced either. Until Rin, the thought of mating a ningen had never crossed his mind. And every demoness he'd rutted with had been just as talented, knowledgeable and practiced as himself --- he'd never been someone's first! Panicked he was doing something VERY wrong, he merely pressed his forehead against hers.

"It's getting late," Rin whispered nervously, avoiding his eyes by directing her gaze over towards the churning sea.

He did not move, hoping she might learn to relax in his embrace. "So it is," he replied quietly, his words fanning across her lips and cheeks, as he tried to think of ways to help calm her. She still seemed to be so intrigued by his voice, his words. "You asked where you belong," he stated quietly, pushing some fly-away tendrils of her hair off her forehead. "You belong with this Sesshoumaru."

Her shoulders slumped in relief. "Then shall `we' return home?" she whispered.

Though Rin still remained staring out at the dark waves, Sesshoumaru caught the bright, happy gleam as it suddenly returned to her hazel eyes.


Sesshoumaru scowled down at the scroll, briefly tempted to shred it into tiny pieces. There was nothing. Nothing about Tenseiga. Just more ramblings about finding something to care for --- something to protect with his whole heart. He was beginning to have the sneaking suspicion that Chichiue had been intentionally vague; perhaps by not leaving any word or explanation, he had hoped to trick him into this very situation. After all, it WAS the perfect way to discipline his most high and mighty, haughty, egotistical, over-confident eldest son --- even from beyond the grave. He thought of Chichiue smiling patiently at him and he buried his pounding head in his hands and massaged his aching temples.

He glanced fleetingly over at the girl that was the source of all his current aggravation and these peculiar new emotions. Rin had been strangely silent and giddy since he had uttered those kind, simple words on the beach. When they'd returned to the shiro together, she'd obediently lain down to rest, just as he'd instructed. The girl did not fall asleep, however, but merely stared up at the ceiling with an absurd grin --- the same damn absurd grin that she'd worn on that long ago day when he'd first spoken to her in the forest, in fact.

His eyes returned to travel over Rin's form at a more measured and leisurely pace. The girl lay across the rumpled blankets, still dressed in his outgrown haori. The material hung just above her knees, and her somewhat scandalously exposed legs were up in the air as she propped her bare feet casually on the wall. She idly fanned a cluster of pink azalea flowers in the air above her eyes and hummed that old familiar tune. He smiled to see her so trusting, sprawled comfortably and contentedly in his bed.

Sesshoumaru forced his gaze away to stare back at his Father's scroll in continued frustration --- maybe he was missing something? The words of that little song of hers kept popping into his mind to distract him and interrupt his thoughts. Wait. The words. He inclined his head to the side to listen closer.

The lyrics she was currently voicing were totally different from the ones he remembered --- with a puzzled look he realized Rin was cleverly improvising new words to her old song. The taiyoukai concentrated fully, his lips turning in an amused sulk when he made out the last of her witty phrases.

Suna no ue, umi no soba

Tori no shita, sora no aosa

Sesshoumaru-sama, zutto kibishii

Nande ken to asondeiru?

Atashi wa mada hitori de matteiru yo

Sesshoumaru-sama, isshou ni neyou!

What?! What the hell did she just say? `Sesshoumara-sama always so serious'?! Always `playing' with his swords?! And still leaving her to wait?!?

Rin was --- Rin was --- she was teasing him? He met her eyes and she cast him a shy wave. He had been pouring over the scroll for several hours now --- he imagined the little thing was bored out of her mind.

The taiyoukai removed his swords, pausing to lay the pair of them against the far wall. He loosened his robe and extinguished the lantern, struck by the sudden desire to join her. Rin looked up in surprise, not really expecting that her little ploy to catch his attention would achieve such successful and simultaneously terrifying results. She turned onto her side, and scooted over to allow him more room. To her great astonishment, he only reached out to pull her back and draw her tightly into his arms.

He rested his chin on the crown of her head, and absently traced a claw across a ragged old scar on her throat, still somewhat fascinated by the texture. "The wolves --- it must have been so terrifying, so painful for you," he whispered.

"Hmmm," she answered, a little self-conscious that he would think the markings were ugly. "No. At the time, I really didn't feel much of anything --- I was too bent on trying to escape, I suppose."

Sesshoumaru shifted, his words suddenly teasing against the delicate shell of her ear. "For such a little thing, you have an incredibly strong will."

Rin laughed quietly, basking in the warmth of his unexpected compliment and the amazing sensation of his soft breath against her skin. Her nervous titter of amusement was short-lived, however, and her eyelids fluttered in surprise as his large hand unexpectedly began to knead her shoulder. "A strong will doesn't help much when you are powerless to help those you care for," she answered modestly. "My father, mother, and older brother --- they're all gone. I couldn't do anything for them."

The taiyoukai sighed in sympathy, feeling slightly ashamed that he had never inquired about her past. He pulled her even closer against him. "What do you recall?" he asked soothingly.

"Our province was very poor. There was a drought and people were desperate to survive, I guess," she began composedly, still staring out at the wall. "Bandits came raiding our village one night. They took our grain, slaughtered our livestock. I remember we were all in the barn just trying to hide --- hoping they would leave. When they went to burn our home, my father and older brother raced out to try to stop them." Rin shook her head. "They were killed quickly."

She let out her breath slowly and continued. "My mother --- she yelled at me not to speak. She warned me to stay silent, to remain hiding in the straw. When I saw what the bandits did to her --- I couldn't make a sound anyway. It was so terrible."

"I didn't speak for months after that. The local villagers, I think they thought my mind was broken --- nobody wanted to take me in. I had no other kin to provide for me." The young woman's voice suddenly became lighter, and the demon could feel her heart begin to race.

"But then I found you --- and --- and you became my family." Her cheeks flared scarlet in mortification at her own silly, ineloquent words.

Rin felt his grip tighten again, and his entire body had suddenly become so stiff, so rigid, so tense. He released her suddenly to roll onto his back. "My lord?" she whispered frantically over her shoulder.

He remained eerily silent, and, for the first time, she turned to face him and meet his eyes in the darkness. Had she angered him somehow? He looked shaky, lost in a memory. Rin curled into his side and reached up to stroke his striped cheek, attempting to draw him back to the present. "My lord?" she prompted again.

"This Sesshoumaru had a family once too," he murmured. His eyes and voice seemed so distant now, so detached. Rin remembered Totosai's story of Sesshoumaru-sama's sad history. She felt horrible to have spoken so casually about her pain --- hadn't he suffered as well? Hadn't he lost his family in an equally gruesome manner?

The uncomfortable silence was suddenly broken by her master's deep voice. "Those I cared for," he began quietly, "were taken from me as well. One died right here --- killed by Ryukossei, an ancient youkai, and an enemy of my Father's." Rin's chest constricted painfully to hear his voice so mournful and despondent.

"I was young, not much bigger than you were when I first found you." He reached out to brush a few strands of hair away from her face tenderly. "There was little I could do." He closed his eyes, remembering the cruel taunts, the high-pitched screaming, and being crushed in the creature's merciless grasp ---

Rin's hands fisted gently in his long hair. "Would you --- tell me what happened, my lord?"

He eyed her warily, than nodded in agreement. "Ryukossei had long desired this domain. He had killed much of my mother's kin and thought his time to reign over the West was near at hand. When he learned that my honored parents were mated and that they had produced an heir, he knew all his struggles and power-mongering would soon be in vain. Chichiue's strength was legendary, and that cursed demon knew he could not stand against my father AND an equally powerfully son."

"He thought to destroy me while I was still young and weak --- while I was still easy prey for him --- and before that inevitable day when the three of us would drive him off together. Hahaue --- she could have escaped, but ---" The taiyoukai shook his head and his words trailed off.

"She fought him well," he stated proudly. "But in the end, it mattered little."

Rin swallowed nervously as he continued. "I remember being caught in those talons and very near to death. I was so broken and defeated that I wished that I could just fade into the Other World with her. Those jaws were stained with her blood and they moved to close around me --- and then I knew no more. That was when Chichiue finally returned. I do not know the full details of their combat. Ryukossei's claws had pierced me many times and I lay fevered for weeks."

"The years passed quickly, faster and faster. Father and I had nothing to say to one another. Then he found that --- that woman --- and sired my pathetic half-brother. I hated them. I hated him with them. I sometimes wonder if it was my urging and the guilt I laid upon him that prompted him to seek Ryukossei out when he returned to our lands again. I should have aided him in that fight, but --- but I didn't."

He paused, distracted by the sounds of the waves on the beach and Rin's still rapidly beating heart. "Anyway, Chichiue succumbed to his injuries, but not before sealing Ryukossei and avenging my mother. My powers had reached their present level and I longed to revive that vicious snake so I could tear him to pieces. But being sealed and stripped of his own jyaki seemed a fate worse than death. Pinned to that mountain, as helpless and feeble as Hahaue and I were before him."

"Of course, then that worthless pup, Inuyasha, had to release Ryukossei. He robbed this Sesshoumaru of watching his prolonged suffering and humiliation ---" he grated, eyes lighting with malice at the mention of his younger sibling.

He looked back at Rin with a sigh, shocked to see that tears were running down her face. He reached out carefully to brush a clinging drop of moisture from her eyelid. "Why are you crying?" he asked.

"I do not like to think of you in pain, my lord."

"Then stop those tears at once, for they hurt this Sesshoumaru," he chided.

If anything, the tears only came down harder after his declaration. "Please stop," he implored, so concerned for her feelings that he didn't even realize he was begging for something.

"I am sorry," he apologized without thinking --- the words just flowing automatically to pour forth in absolute sincerity. He gripped her tightly by the shoulders and pulled her into a rough embrace. "Come --- this is why we should not trouble ourselves with memories."

"No, my lord, don't you understand? I want you to tell me --- I want to know everything about you. I've wanted to know for so long," Rin murmured.

His eyes narrowed in surprise. "But why? Why are you grieving for those who are long dead? For those who have no connection to you?"

"I grieve because they meant something to YOU," she stated plainly. She gripped his shoulder tightly and buried her face in the crook of his neck while he desperately tried to absorb her strange words and emotions.

"Your mother, my lord --- please, tell me. What was she like?" she whispered against his throat. The taiyoukai sighed at the feeling of those lips brushing innocently across his skin.

"Intelligent, beautiful," Sesshoumaru replied. "Fearless, and confident --- but never boastful. So very brave --- she never backed down from anything." He was suddenly painfully aware that his flattering description could also be applied to the small, young woman in his arms.

Rin wriggled back to scrutinize his noble, handsome face. She could easily conjure up a vision of such a woman. In her mind's eye, she pictured a stunning, feminine version of her master with refined, delicate features and the same long, silver hair, fierce golden eyes and the emblem of the crescent moon.

Powerful, stately, beautiful.

Gods - what would such a demoness think of a creature as low-born and undignified as herself? She felt a little sick and ashamed.

"What is it?" Sesshoumaru asked, sensing her sudden reserve and pain.

"Nothing, it is nothing, my lord. Rin is fine." His eyes narrowed immediately at her choice of words. There she did it again! An obvious lie! He didn't want to see her like this --- not anymore.

Rin's long lashes fluttered closed, and she opened her mouth to speak again, hoping to lighten the topic of conversation with some silly, inane question. Before she could utter another word, however, Sesshoumaru suddenly closed the distance between them and brushed his lips softly across hers. Her eyes flew open at the strange sensation, her breath coming out in a shaky gasp. That --- that was her first kiss?! Sesshoumaru-sama had just kissed her? As quickly as she registered it, the feeling was over! It wasn't fair, she hadn't even had been prepared!

She reached up to touch her lips with trembling fingers, and met his intense gaze. Just when she thought she might have imagined the whole thing, he smiled back at her, his look equally bemused and mystified.

Sesshoumaru could smell the girl's fear, but now there was most definitely the scent of another reaction clamoring within her as well. A purely physical reaction.

That chaste kiss had been an impulse really. He had desired to feel her soft lips ever since the moment he had nearly greedily taken them down on water's edge. No, he corrected in his mind --- he had wanted to kiss her for a much, much longer time than that.

As much as he didn't want to admit it --- his ego HAD been slightly shaken by her frightened, negative response to his obvious advances this morning, and he had been curious to see if he could make her WANT him. The answer was an obvious, resounding YES.

The stunned look on her face right now made everything worth all of the doubt --- worth all of the wait. He reached out and clasped her hand tenderly, bringing her delicate fingers to his own lips, just to be certain.

Rin thought she might faint as he tenderly pressed a kiss to each one.

"Why do you do this?" she whispered, trying to ignore the unfamiliar growing tingle in her pit of her belly.

"Because this Sesshoumaru wanted to," the taiyoukai answered gently.

She couldn't form a coherent response --- the only thing that would come out was a soft whimper.

What the hell had he just done? That weak, pleading moan and those beseeching eyes were causing shivers to arc down his spine. Fuck. He needed to stop this NOW before it spun out of control. Somewhere inside, the youkai knew there were still too many unknowns --- too many questions both unasked and unanswered.

He ALSO knew that was her FIRST kiss. For some reason that simple fact alone brought him so much --- happiness? And, for some equally unfamiliar, unknown reason, since it was her first, he wanted to it to remain special --- pure. Her first caress should be innocent and sweet, even if it went against every instinct in his demon nature.

"Go to sleep," he ordered, wondering if HE could follow his own advice himself.

"H-hai, m-m-master," she replied unevenly. Just how in all the levels of hell could he POSSIBLY expect her to comply?!

Sesshoumaru cracked a gleaming eye and scowled at her halting words. "Do not call me that," he uttered.

"Hai --- my lor ---" Rin trailed off as both of his eyes opened to fix her with an even more displeased and reproachful look.

"What should I call you?" she queried.

He reached around her to draw her closer still, trailing his hands up and down her spine in a soft caress. "My name," he murmured simply.

Rin's cool hand came to rest over his heart, and he smiled into her hair.


The next few days flew by, with their exchanges remaining short, poignant and sweet. As the time quickly passed, however, their interactions rapidly became less reserved, reticent and formal.

Every evening, without a word of explanation, they would silently join one another in his great bed. Sometimes they would say nothing at all, simply content to lie in each other's arms in the darkness. Other nights, they spoke quietly about the past --- sometimes whispering until the light of dawn filled the sky. Rin had now become accustomed to facing him in the dark, curled under his arms; her small chest pressed tightly to his powerful form; her leg thrown comfortably over one of his. With the utmost care, the demon lord would tenderly run his clawed hands across her soft cheeks, up her slender arms, or down her arching back.

Drawn by his coaxing, the young woman would sometimes reach for him in return. Her touch was still cautious and careful, but as the nights drifted by, her hands became more confident, roaming over the strong planes of his face, his throat, and, of course, up along the edge of those graceful pointed ears. Sesshoumaru, it seemed, was equally intrigued with her tiny human ears as well, delighting in the discovery that she was rather ticklish there.

The young woman anxiously awaited her second kiss, but it never came. Maybe, she realized sadly, he had only offered that first one out of pity, not out of any real longing or attraction.

Another night was over; another sunrise came and went. Rin stared out over the gleaming ocean, watching as the crescent moon dipped under the horizon. Sesshoumaru, had risen early, as usual, and sat on the floor fastidiously mending the pommel of Tenseiga. With her newly acquired interest and knowledge of Totosai's craft, as well as her ever present desire to remain close by his side, the young woman slowly approached to inspect his work. As she stepped closer to the taiyoukai, however, something strange began to happen --- something began to buzz in her mind, filling her thoughts with whispered, mocking words.

She shook her head to be rid of the eerie droning noise. "Did you --- did you say something?" she asked in concern. Sesshoumaru looked up at her, surprised at the shrill, shaky tone of her voice. Rin's face had gone deathly white, and her lips had taken on sickly grey hue. Her hands shot to her ears with a shriek, her face contorting in a look of pure panic and horror. In the next instant, her soft brown eyes had rolled over white. "Sesshou ---"

"Rin!" he shouted, leaping from the floor, knocking the table aside in his haste to scramble to her side. As soon as he grabbed hold of her slight form, he shook the girl roughly, trying to keep her conscious as she convulsed. What the hell!? What was happening? His panicked glance suddenly came to rest on Toukijin lying on the floor just a few feet away --- the sword was glowing, its terrible power flaring. With numb shock he realized the simple truth --- Rin --- or no human for that matter --- had never stood so close to the wicked sword while it was out of his charge and not controlled and contained at his side. He grabbed the hilt with one hand, his own youki forcing the evil aura back into the blade, while he simultaneously pulled the girl close to his chest with the other.

There was so much to worry about now --- had the sword recognize his youki within her too? Had it tried to consume her like it had Kaijinbo?

She gave a pained groan. It didn't matter that it was such a little sound --- he was just instantly relieved to hear her soft voice.

"Itaaaaaaai," Rin muttered dully. Sesshoumaru carried her to the bed and laid her down among the tangled blankets, turning to bring the now seemingly innocent sword to the other side of the room. As quickly as he'd left, he returned to her side. "What did it say to you?" he asked nervously.

"Say?" Rin repeated, feeling much better with every moment that passed. "I couldn't understand. The voices --- they said, they said I was nothing --- a parasite. They spoke of terrible things: death, power, torture, pain --- but it hurt too much to focus on anything in particular." She eyed the sword with revulsion and disgust. "Why - what does Toukijin say to you?"

"Nothing," he stated. `Just as it should. I have not heard anything since I conquered it."

He ran his hand through his hair in exasperation. Over the past few days he had simply come to overlook the basic fact that she was human. And human --- he realized with a start, did not necessarily mean weak or frail. Most demons, nearly any demon, he recognized, would have also nearly succumbed to the sword's power as well. The taiyoukai was not ready to share his new profound, philosophical discovery. "You will be the death of this Sesshoumaru," he sighed.

Rin smiled, "Impossible. My lord is far too strong and clever."

"Not nearly strong enough or clever enough to keep you from finding trouble," he countered.

"I do not FIND trouble." She cast him a roguish grin.

"I stand corrected --- trouble finds you."

"Name one time," she challenged in feigned innocent.

"This Sesshoumaru can name hundreds," he stated, hardly daring to believe she was audacious enough to antagonize him, but somehow enjoying this ridiculous exchange all the same.

The corners of her lips turned down in an unmistakable pout. "I can too," she admitted, dropping her game with a small defeated sigh. "I am truly sorry for being such a nuisance but --- wait ---"

She jabbed him in the ribs with an accusing finger. "I can justify all of my actions and you must admit at least half of the `dangerous situations' I got myself into were ENTIRELY Jaken-sama's fault!"

Sesshoumaru turned to hide his grin at her wry humor and clever banter. Yes, she and the small toad certainly did have a history of inviting disaster together. He was suddenly struck with a sobering thought and turned deadly serious again.

"The weapon you carry now --- Totosai maintains you tried to claim it after he implied you were helpless." He fixed her with his most disapproving glare. "Even though you were very aware it contained jyaki, you still sought to control it. You are no longer a child --- it was VERY foolish for you to allow your emotions to override your good sense and reason."

"Ahh, but isn't it equally foolish to live by reason alone. How lonely! How sad! You'd miss all the experiences and excitement," she contradicted with a gentle laugh.

"That old man filled your head with some ridiculous notions," he snorted inelegantly.

"No, my lord, these thoughts are my own."

He cocked his head to the side and his eyes narrowed as if he were seeing her for the first time. "You ARE a thoroughly strange and puzzling little --- thing," he stated with a frown.

Rin grinned brightly. The comment was stated with no malice and, as always, she found his thoroughly analytical mind, rigidly-ordered thought process, and dry delivery to be hysterically intriguing. She was very proud of the fact that she seemed to be the only creature capable of causing him reason to pause --- the only creature capable of throwing him off balance.

She turned to look at her naginata, resting across the room with the now dormant Toukijin. "Please --- everything was fine! I survived it!"

"It was not nearly so --- Totosai said you were nearly killed!" he scolded.

"Well, I'll admit things weren't exactly going in my favor, but then I touched YOUR youki and ---"

"Be silent --- I know what happened next," he cut her off, "I FELT it."

Rin paused, and threw him an embarrassed, contrite look.

"Ohhh. Ojii-sama told me as much, but I didn't quite believe him. Gomen ne," she apologized ruefully.

She sat up in bed, still feeling slightly dizzy. Her eyes widened, as she recalled the strangely warm feeling of when she had touched his power all those weeks ago --- the tenderness, the welcoming. Did he experience it as something similar? "What was it like when you `felt' me?" she asked inquisitively. "It did not hurt you?"

He stared back at her incredulously. Once again, she was only concerned with HIS well-being and feelings rather than her own.

"What did it feel like?" he echoed carefully. "It was strange --- invasive, persistent, cold. But --- but not so much at first."

"What was it like?" she insisted again.

Her breath caught as he moved onto the bed to slowly kneel before her.

"It was like this," he murmured. Sesshoumaru reached out to cup her soft cheek for the slightest of moments before gradually running his hand to tangle in the long sable hair at her nape. The fingers of his other hand trailed gently across her slightly parted lips, and down along the pale column of her throat. He slowly traced the delicate curve of her collar bone, teasing idly, boldly edging his fingers under the hem of her robe to splay over her heart.

"What are you doing?" she breathed.

"Shhhh. Do you not like it?"

"Yes, I mean --- no. My lor--- Sesshoumaru-sama."

She let out a shaky moan. "I mean --- can it please be like the other night? Are you ever going to kiss me again?"

"Many times," he answered with a small smile, fisting his hand roughly in fabric of her robe to pull her closer.

"Ureshii yo," she murmured, closing her eyes and anxiously waiting for his soft lips to capture hers again.

Sesshoumaru suddenly growled and pushed her away. Rin was already unbalanced and collapsed rather awkwardly into the soft covers. Her wide eyes blinked in confusion. No! What had she done wrong?

"S-Sesshoumaru?" she stammered, still not particularly comfortable with just referring to him name, not title. "What is it?"

She did not have to wait for him to deliver the answer to her query. Within seconds a large shadow soared overhead and she could hear the telling rumble of Aun and followed by Jaken's high pitched, excited squawking.

She gasped, gathering her rumpled clothing more tightly about her frame. Sesshoumaru threw her a pained, apologetic look. She saw his power build for an instant and then he slowly faded from her vision.

"Damnit!" she hissed, wishing she had such powers as well. She raced from the room to find her master and meet her returning companions.


"This Jaken has returned!" came a loud echoing call from the sky. Rin rushed forward curiously to where Sesshoumaru stood waiting in the courtyard. Within seconds, Aun and the small toad demon had touched down on the ground with a deafening thud. She observed that the dragon was heavily burdened and laden with large panniers and great bundles of goods. What?

"Look!" Jaken cried, hopping excitedly from Aun's back to cast a fawning glance up at the taiyoukai. "Everything as instructed, Master!" He bowed to Sesshoumaru and reached up to pull a silken tassel on Aun's harness, spilling the contents of an overflowing pack onto the stones of the courtyard. Rin's breath caught at the array of rich fabrics and twinkling chains of pearls. There were layers and layers of beautiful robes with cloth in the most exquisite colors.

But more than that, there were fine foods, including mandarin oranges, pears, and sticky sweet rice cakes. There were delicate brushes for writing, rolls of thin parchment, and large tablets of ink. With a grin she realized there were a few musicals instruments as well, including a shamisen, gekkin, and a shakuhachi. There were brand new sandals (sure to be more comfortable and much quieter than those annoying geta!), and several jars of exotic perfumes --- more presents then she could even count.

The taiyoukai stared down smugly. He might actually owe Jaken some praise in return this time --- he couldn't have selected better.

Rin was scrambling gleefully through the piles, her expression alight with absolute happiness, bliss, and merriment.

"Sesshoumaru?" she breathed, fixing the handsome youkai with a look as equally fawning as Jaken's. Upon hearing her address their master so disrespectfully, the little toad threw Rin a look of unmatched horror. The young woman caught his utterly panicked glance and quickly amended her words.

"Sesshoumaru-sama? My lord? Is this --- mine?" She gasped in disbelief.

The tall youkai had to fight to contain his grin. "This Sesshoumaru suspects you would be happier surrounded by flowers or fireflies --- but, it is not the season for providing those," he murmured. "Accept these instead."

Rin look awed and overwhelmed, her hands fisted around many yards of fine silk as if she were tearing into a blossom-filled meadow. Jaken looked back and forth between the girl and his master, appearing as though he might faint at any moment.

Never in her life did Rin imagine she would possess such fine goods. These dresses, these jewels --- they were all fit for a hime. She eyed Jaken reproachfully, wondering what less than savory methods he had used to get his grubby little fingers on these wares. She shook her head at images of him gleefully driving off scores of foot soldiers and screaming merchants to commandeer their caravans. There would doubtlessly be a few noble ladies in the province whose shipments and convoys had been raided.

Jaken, meanwhile, didn't understand what was going on at all. Sesshoumaru-sama was not acting like himself --- in fact, this present mood of his was even more difficult to understand than the darkness he had fallen into after he had left Rin with his pitiful half-brother. If he didn't know any better he would venture to guess that the taiyoukai was staring at the little ningen girl with a look of --- longing?

Fearing his master might snap out of this bizarre, peaceful mood at any moment, Jaken decided to continue to show just HOW well he had followed his lordship's instructions ---

"And look! Look! See here!" the toad piped as he moved to empty the contents of another pack. "Bedding! Red --- an audacious color to be sure, but so like those flowers you're so damn fond of, yase ko!" he chortled at Rin, poking her in the belly with a claw. "See --- just as you commanded, Sesshoumaru-sama! Now this lazy girl can lounge on fine pillows in her own room all day long!" The toad waited gleefully for Rin to hurl back a teasing insult of her own.

But no jokes, no sarcastic little quips were uttered in retaliation.

Rin's smile had effectively died the moment she first cast her eyes on the contents of this final pack. New blankets, new bedding --- all they meant was that she would not be invited to return to Sesshoumaru's room. She had no more excuses to remain curled up with her master at night. There were would be no more ways to justify holding one another in the dark.

She threw the taiyoukai a half-panicked, half-mournful look. This strange little fairy-tale fantasy was over.

Sesshoumaru looked equally aghast.How could he have known? Instead of bringing her joy, his gifts had ruined everything.

And not just for her, he realized. He thought of those gentle eyes staring back at him in the fading light, and her increasingly bold touches when they held each other in the darkness ---

And, of course, he thought of the way she had just looked mere moments ago in his bedchamber. How she had leaned in passionately when he had sought to capture her lips in what he hoped would be a bolder, much more thorough kiss.

This was a disaster. How could he let things return to the way they were before? His first completely selfless actions and look at the fucking results!

In so many ways, this paralleled his experience on the battle-field with Naraku: he had to make a decision. He had to choose Rin's fate --- and his own.

Before he could even form a thought, much less a sentence, he was suddenly interrupted by a peal of over-bright, false feminine laughter.

"Thank you, Jaken-sama," the young woman uttered warmly. "These gifts are all so lovely. Rin will take them away at once."

That telling choice of words once more --- she was most definitely upset and trying to conceal her pain. Sesshoumaru took a sudden step forward to stop the young woman, then paused in indecision. Was he ready to admit to the world that he wanted her? He watched her walk away, feeling that strange pressure build unbearably within his chest. When the hell was he going to feel like his old self again? Wait. Did he even really want to feel like his old self again?

"Jaken," he ordered quietly. "Go with her."

The toad stumbled forward, pausing to look back at the taiyoukai, confused by the profound sorrow and despair on his master's usually bland face.


Jaken hurried after the little ningen girl, following her stealthily back to her bedchamber. He was surprised to find Rin sobbing --- the whole room reeked with that distinctive, wholly unpleasant salty odor. He had not seen her emotions so out of control since she was small. With a fond and wistful grin, the toad recalled her bravery and the tears she'd shed when she thought he was dying long ago.

This was too damn bizarre! He pushed his un-demonlike sentiments aside and confronted her brusquely.

"What the hell is going on?" Jaken demanded, claws clicking noisily as he scampered across the rich wooden floor.

Rin looked up at the sudden intrusion with a scowl. "Nothing, Jaken-sama. Go away," the girl pouted. "I am just tired and confused. I mean, ummm --- I am very overwhelmed by all these undeserved gifts." She laughed politely.

Jaken regarded her with deep suspicion --- this girl was a pathetic liar. Never the less, he played along willingly with her game. "It is my understanding that when women of your --- kind --- get like --- like this, they do things to make themselves at least FEEL pretty," he grumbled.

"What kind of things?'" Rin sniffled. She shifted closer, slightly intrigued in spite of herself.

"How should this Jaken know!?" the toad squeaked. "You all look the same to me --- with your flat pink faces, little eyes, and those pointy noses! Disgusting!"

Rin looked rather disappointed.

Jaken threw his hands in the air. "Stop your pouting!" he screeched. "I said they DO things to make them feel pretty! Even if I don't know what that means --- just look at all the pretty --- stuff --- this Jaken has returned with!" He stomped on a lovely kimono lying on the floor for emphasis. "You're clever! TOO CLEVER! I'm sure you can think of something!"

Rin didn't move.

"Here take this," he grated, reaching down to scoop up a few furisode and koromo, shoving great armloads of the gowns into her arms. "This noble servant went through a lot of trouble to procure them for YOU at the request our great Master. The least YOU can do is put these on and show your gratitude."

"But I do not know how to wear such garments," she muttered miserably.

Jaken was rapidly losing what little patience he had. With an angry huff, he kicked Rin soundly in the shins, feeling smugly satisfied at her sharp, resounding yelp. He pointed condemningly at her robe. "Well, first things first, HUMAN --- get out of that thing! Just what the HELL is that anyway?"

"What?" she grated, rubbing at her still stinging leg. "It's Seshoumaru-sama's old haori, I think? From when he was younger, I suppose."

"Well, for pity's sake, take it off! I can't stand the sight of those skinny, stringy legs of yours!" Jaken sneered.

"Oh - SHUT UP, you tiny little monster!" Rin shouted in defense, her spirit finally returning in response to the youkai's insults.

Jaken's beaky little mouth screwed into a determined grin. Good --- the girl was finally fighting back. "And that face of yours," he continued to jeer. "Clean THAT up --- you look like a drowned lizard!"

"Better to look like a drowned lizard than a WARTY TOAD!" Rin shrieked down at him, tramping off behind the changing screen to hastily shed her garments.

"By all the gods of hell --- you infuriate and annoy me!" Jaken ranted.

Rin popped her head over the barrier with an angry expression and stuck her tongue out at the toad. Jaken smiled secretly. He couldn't help but notice that the girl had most definitely wiped at her eyes while concealed behind the screen.

The small youkai could tell the young human was most definitely at the end of her patience. "Don't think you're so smart, Jaken-sama! I know what you're doing!" Rin shouted over her shoulder. "I'm doing this because I WANT TO --- not because of you!" Jaken wisely said nothing further to provoke her, but merely continued to supply layers of fine silk clothing around the panels placing them in her outstretched, waiting hand.

When Rin finally stepped out from behind the screen he almost didn't recognize her. If he were human, he supposed he might have said she was beautiful. Whatever the case, this woman standing before him now was a far cry from the noisy little girl he had known. The little girl whose knees were always filthy. The little girl whose hands were always filled with an assortment of ridiculous weeds.

"Are you sure it's supposed to look like this, Jaken-sama?" Rin scowled. The sleeves hung down so low she couldn't even find her own hands and with the five layers of uchiki she couldn't even bend!

"Of course, it is!" the toad snapped, turning away from her. "Think of Kagura!"

"I'd really rather not," Rin countered, unable to keep some of her distaste from creeping into her voice.

"Well --- me neither!" Jaken stated airily in total agreement. "But is this not similar to the style of robes she wears!?"

With a look of surprise, Rin realized the little demon was right. Her mouth snapped shut, her next stinging retort forgotten.

Several more moments of utterly aggravating pinching, prodding and poking passed, as together they inexpertly adjusted this finest gown over her small frame.

Finally, Rin stood dressed and resplendent in an elegant ivory furisode. Her wide, starched obi was a light sage, and dazzlingly embroidered with a pattern that looked like the graceful leaves of the hinoki tree. The many layers of sheer uchiki she wore underneath were of progressively darkening shades of rose, beginning with the palest pink and ending with the deepest plum. Jaken impatiently tugged twin trailing hikigoshi of darkest green into proper position behind her.

"Are those things supposed to hang off like that?" Rin murmured in uncertainty, gesturing down at the dragging fabric.

"I think so," Jaken muttered in a rather unconfident, extremely dubious tone.

"Then how do I keep from tripping?" she inquired with genuine panic and concern.

Jaken sighed in weary exasperation, "Ningen, you exhaust me. You'll have to figure that out for yourself."

The young woman bit her lip --- this was so bizarre. It was one thing to play "grown-up" when she was alone in the dark of Totosai's cave, but now ---

But now she actually looked the part.

"What do you think?" she queried hesitantly, spinning in a slow circle.

The toad did not answer, but smiled somewhat. He suddenly remembered something.

"Oh!" he cried. "This Jaken had almost forgotten. He reached in his billowing sleeve to pull out a small parcel. "Look, Sesshoumaru-sama requested this item specifically for you."

"What is it?" Rin whispered, bending to her knees with some difficulty. She inclined her head for a closer look as the youkai continued to unwrap the small packet.

She gasped as Jaken dropped something cold into her palms. Two dainty, matching combs for her hair glittered brightly in the circle of her hands. Lovely and finely crafted from shining silver, they were complete with curving chains of freshwater pearls that spiraled down stylishly from the hammered metal.

"Sugoi," she breathed, hardly daring to touch such a gift. Never in her life had she owned jewelry --- her only adornments thus far had been flowers.

"Jaken-sama," she whispered. "Arigatou."

The toad merely rolled his beady eyes and headed for the door. "It is not this Jaken who you should be thanking, musume!" he stated, turning to disappear down the hallway.


I really love the long reviews and hearing your opinions! Please keep them coming! Definitely makes hanging out around the computer worth it!

Yes, I know this chapter was way too warm and fuzzy: Kouga as the frickin' "old woman who lived in the shoe", Rin singing and doing her best "Pretty Woman" impersonation, and Jaken standing in for Doctor Phil. And of course, Sesshoumaru's still too damn confused to do anything about ANYTHING!



Asian Cherries: thank you for the way too kind compliment!

InuyashaPrincess 17: yeah! Sorry, I combined a few chapters! Whoops!

Bad Kittie: a very cool online name! Thank you --- I'm glad you're enjoying so far!

Antisocial Mint: Yep, the same bed thing was too damn cute to pass up!

Kagura-Yasha: Thank you! Adorability shall be my new very awesome word o' the day!

Madartiste: argh, did I spell that right! Nice to hear from you again!

Kumag: THANK YOU, I know, I know --- I have been dragging this out a bit!

Lynx9: HI AGAIN! Sorry about those cliffies --- they're just so fun and evil!


yase ookami: wimpy wolf; Inuyasha's standard term of, ahem, affection for Kouga.

hie: millet

hoshi-ii: rice that's been steamed, then dried

goma: sesame seeds

noshiume: a confection made of dry plums

tokkuri: earthenware jar

asari: clams

chidori: plovers

Kabutgani: horseshoe crab

Ureshii yo: I'm glad!

uchiki: colored, stacked underrobes; think all the layers you see Inuyasha's mother, Izayoi, wearing!

Yase ko: skinny kid!

Hinoki: cypress

furisode: long sleeve robe

hikigoshi: very thin train of silk

sugoi: amazing, great

musume: very, very insulting form of little girl! Yep, just Jaken being a tad sarcastic!

Suna no ue, umi no soba

Above the sand, near to the ocean

Tori no shita, sora no aosa

Below the birds, the blueness of the sky

Sesshoumaru-sama, zutto kibishii

Sesshoumaru-sama, always so serious!

Nande ken to asondeiru?

Why are you playing with those swords?

Atashi wa mada hitori de matteiru yo

I'm still waiting by myself

Sesshoumaru-sama, isshou ni neyou!

Sesshoumaru-sama, let's rest together!

Yes -it makes no sense but neither does Rin's current song! At least the syllables match! What can I say I'm a dork --- this whole chapter was amazingly SAPPY!
