InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Every Soul ❯ Battling A Legend ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5
Battling a Legend
Kagura shifted positions on the branch she had been sitting on for the last several hours and sighed. She had watched the monk pray, eat, relieve himself, sing, and even make up some ridiculous fantasy involving he and the demon slayer using his hands to make stupid talking gestures. And in between all of that entertainment, he had stared down into the hole, watching for any sign whatsoever of his friends return.
Kagura knew what was down in the darkness waiting for dog boy and his friends. And it wasn't as if she wanted to be a part of that, even she wasn't stupid enough to go up against something as nasty as Nanoransu. What she did want was to get her sign from Naraku letting her know that it was time for her to take out some of her frustration and boredom on the perverted monk below. All this waiting and watching was giving her a headache, not to mention a numb butt. It's not like the branch she was on was all that comfortable.
She sighed again and looked down at the monk. He was sitting perfectly still, staring down into the blackness. He hadn't moved from that position for at least fifteen minutes. “He's going to get a numb butt just like me if he's not careful.” She thought casually to herself. What could be keeping Naraku and Kanna?
A sudden movement out of the corner of her eye drew her attention from the purple-clad statue below and she looked to the left. Barely discernable against the blinding rays of the still powerful sunlight, Kagura could see a single black cloud moving quickly away from the area. She looked closer and realized that it wasn't a cloud at all. It was several of Naraku's demon insects, the Siamyosho. At that moment, a pair of deep crimson eyes burned themselves across her mind's eye. It was Naraku's signal. He and Kanna were safely away from the cavern and on their way to Kikyo's temple. She chuckled to herself. It's about time. She turned her attention to the monk still sitting by the edge of the crater. He was blissfully unaware of Kagura's presence and his own impending doom. “I've waited for this for a long time.” Kagura's chuckle was cut off as she attempted to stand and got pins and needles running from her butt down into her legs. She stretched carefully, wincing at the painful, tingly feeling but shook herself off and rose from the tree. She descended on the monk swiftly and silently, not calling out her attack until she was almost on top of him.
“Dance of the Wind.”
Miroku had been waiting for what felt like days. His worry had begun to abate into boredom. He couldn't help it. Even a worried mind needed something to keep its attention and there hadn't been so much as a twitch from the darkness. He could feel himself falling into a blank stupor. As it was, his brain freeze was so bad that he almost didn't hear Kagura coming up behind him. If he hadn't heard her and moved out of the way at the last moment, he would surely have died. Luckily, his monk training was still as strong as ever (even if his brain had taken a temporary boredom vacation) and he was able to throw himself to the right, away from the crater. He heard a large boom behind him and the earth shook from the impact of Kagura's Dance of the Wind attack. Miroku got to his feet as fast as his numb legs and butt would allow and turned to face his opponent.
“Kagura. What are you doing here?”
“You looked bored monk. I thought I'd keep you company for a while.”
“You know, I think I was happier being bored.” Miroku leapt out of the way once more as another barrage of energy was blasted in his direction. He took refuge behind a large tree on the border of the forest to gather himself together. What was Kagura doing there? He refused to believe that she had just happened upon him sitting here. “If Kagura's here, does that mean Naraku is involved in this somehow?” He said to himself, his eyes widening. “Of course! God how dumb can I be? Who else would have the power, not to mention the evil soul to bring Nanoransu back to life? But why would he do it? Has this all just been a huge trap?” His thoughts suddenly returned to his friends down below. “Inuyasha. Inuyasha doesn't know. And there's nothing I can do. My friends, please be alright.”
Inuyasha and his friends were far from alright. Kagome's soul had been stolen, the cave had been plunged into complete darkness again with Kanna's exit, and the most feared and vile demon of a thousand years was just around the corner and getting closer with every passing second.
Inuyasha stood, tensed and ready at the mouth of the cave Nanoransu would soon come out of. He could hear its cruel laughter and the smell was getting so bad he was really having a hard time breathing. He could hear Sango calling to Kirara somewhere behind him. He was relying on his demon senses again so he couldn't see much but he hoped that Sango had gotten Kagome out of there.
“I will get you back Kagome.” Inuyasha said growling. “As soon as I'm done with this stupid demon I will find Naraku and get your soul back. I promise.”
“You should not make promises that you cannot keep.” A low menacing voice that sounded like a whisper came from the tunnel in front of him. “The girl is gone and now that I have been freed, I will take great pleasure from devouring you alive.”
The whispering voice came even closer and the smell was now so bad that Inuyasha felt as though he would vomit. He couldn't help it. He had to close his eyes momentarily, they stung from the fumes. He wiped at them furiously and opened them again, instantly wishing that he hadn't.
An impossibly huge face, a snake's face, was less than ten feet away from him. It was so huge that the fully transformed Tetsusaiga could have fit comfortably up one of the slitted nostrils without touching the sides. Inuyasha discovered he could see quite well again but that everything had taken on a reddish tint. It was Nanoransu's eyes. They glowed like live coals in a fireplace and its gaze was fixed right on him. Its mouth was open and a massive forked tongue flicked out in between two gigantic fangs that dripped a green viscous substance onto the rocky floor. As Inuyasha watched, horrified, the rocks that were hit with the disgusting goo were instantly melted away.
Inuyasha took a step back in spite of himself. For the first time in his life, he felt a very real rumble of fear in his belly. This was worse than Naraku. Inuyasha found himself for the first time unsure of what to do. How could he take on something like that? Something that was so powerful that it could not be slain, only sealed?
His face must have betrayed his feelings for Nanoransu laughed a deep booming chuckle of pleasure. “I see it in your eyes Inuyasha. You are unsure of your ability to defeat me. You are thinking of running away. I am disappointed. I was told that you would make much more entertaining prey.”
“Who said I was running? I was just shocked by how goddamn ugly you are. And who told you I would be entertaining? I ain't running a cabaret act here.”
“Oh I have received some very useful information about you from the one who freed me.”
“Naraku….no it was not him. He was the baboon pelted half-demon who imbedded within me a shard of the Sacred Shikon Jewel before I was awakened.”
Inuyasha gave a start. “A Shikon Jewel shard? So that's what Kagome sensed! Naraku imbedded a Shikon Jewel shard in you…this whole thing was a trap by Naraku to lure me down here so that you could kill me isn't it? He's refusing to do his own dirty work again the bastard!”
Nanoransu laughed again. “Oh my you are a conceited one aren't you? The one who freed me was right. You think this is all about you when in fact you are only a side plot.”
“No I know Kanna stole Kagome's soul from her. Although why Naraku would want Kagome's soul is beyond me.”
“Many things are it would seem.” Nanoransu whispered deviously.
“Grrrrr enough with the chit chat! If we're going to go at it, then let's go!” Inuyasha raised the Tetsusaiga above his head and leapt at Nanoransu. Nanoransu did not even try to move out of the way. Inuyasha brought the Tetsusaiga down directly on Nanoransu's head. He felt a brief moment of triumph as he felt skin giving way under the blade but triumph was replaced by shock and pain as a there was a bright flash and he was thrown several feet in the air to slam into the wall on the far side of the cavern. He slid slowly down to the floor, blood dripping from the side of his mouth. He recovered quickly however and got to his feet with the Tetsusaiga held out in front of him once more.
Nanoransu let out a raucous laugh that shook the walls of the cavern. In the red glow of Nanoransu's eyes, Inuyasha could see Shippo, Kirara and Sango, cradling the unconscious Kagome in the far corner of the cavern, all with horrified looks on their faces.
“Oh you are entertaining!” Nanoransu said gleefully. “She said you were reckless, violent and hard headed. She was right. I will enjoy devouring you.”
“Enough!” Inuyasha yelled back. “Who told you all this about me? Who was stupid enough to free you? If it wasn't Naraku then who was it?”
“You still haven't figured it out? Very well. I shall accept the honour and pleasure of telling you and watching your pain. It was someone of very close acquaintance to you. The one who awakened me and freed me from my prison was the undead priestess Kikyo.”
Inuyasha was stunned. “Kikyo? NO! I don't believe you! Kikyo would never have freed you. She learned of you in her priestess teachings. She was taught to reseal you if you should ever awaken! She wouldn't…she couldn't POSSIBLY…”
Inuyasha leapt again at Nanoransu with the Tetsusaiga held out in front of him intending this time to impale the snake demon with the blade. Once again he achieved nothing more than a bright flash and being thrown into the wall. He recovered quickly enough again but more blood flowed from the new wound in his shoulder.
Nanoransu just chuckled. The legends about him had not lied. He was having great fun tormenting Inuyasha. After all, nothing was more painful than the truth. “Ah but she did. She has told me much through the telepathic link she had to keep with me to maintain control over me so that I would not kill the girl when I first saw her. It seems she has something that Kikyo desperately desires. I was told that when Naraku's minion had was she needed, that I would be free to destroy you as I saw fit.”
Inuyasha couldn't speak. He didn't want to believe it but Nanoransu knew too much for it not to be true. Kikyo had released the demon of the depths. The one thing Inuyasha believed she would never do, she had done.
“How could she?” He said to himself more than anything. “I never thought…does she hate me that much? Enough to release a demon that she was taught all her life was the epitome of evil? And even Kagome, again she's trying to kill Kagome. Kikyo why?” Inuyasha was so shocked and upset by this news that he failed to notice that Nanoransu had come farther into the main cavern. He reared his head until it touched the high ceiling and bared his fangs. Apparently his fun with tormenting Inuyasha mentally was coming to an end. Time to inflict the physical punishment.
“Inuyasha! Look out!” Sango yelled from her end of the cavern.
Inuyasha looked up just in time to avoid a blast of corrosive venom. He jumped away, watching as the rock he had been standing on only moments before bubbled and melted like ice held over a fire. He landed deftly several feet away from Nanoransu and was shocked to see that it wasn't even all the way into the cavern. Its body still extended into the tunnel he had travelled down just a short while earlier. “Man it's massive!” He thought to himself. “And the Tetsusaiga can't penetrate its skin. What am I going to do?”
“Inuyasha!” Shippo yelled. “Use the wind scar!”
“Are you stupid?” Inuyasha yelled back. “If I use the wind scar in such a small space, it'll bring the whole place down!”
“I don't think we really have a choice here!” Came Shippo's exasperated reply.
“You do not have to worry about choices.” Nanoransu cut in. “You will not have a chance to exercise any choice whatsoever. You will die first!” It raised its head again and with lightning speed thrust itself at Inuyasha. Inuyasha was just not quick enough. The impact drove him several inches into the cavern's wall. He slumped to the ground, not moving.
Over in the corner of the cavern, cringing behind Kirara's hide, poor Shippo couldn't hold it in anymore. He opened his mouth screamed out his terror and worry at seeing Inuyasha unconscious. It was a shrill sound that echoed off the walls over and over. Sango had to cover her ears and she could see Inuyasha stirring on the other side of the room. She then looked up at Nanoransu and was surprised and heartened by what she saw. The giant snake looked like it was in agony! Its head was whipping back and forth, its eyes were shut tight and it was trying to back up into the tunnel.
Sango had a brilliant idea.
“Shippo. When I count to three, I want you to scream as loud as you can okay? I will too.”
“Look at Nanoransu. You screamed and it reacted in pain. It must be that it's been down here in the quiet for so long that it can't stand loud noise. And the smooth rock walls amplify sound. Inuyasha and I noticed it earlier when we were trying to be quiet. So if we scream…”
“Nanoransu will be hurt and it will give Inuyasha time to get away.”
“Exactly. Ready? One…two…THREE!”
Shippo put his hands over his ears (Sango put her hands over Kirara's ears), they opened their mouths wide and let out the loudest shrieks they could muster. The sound was enormous! It was amplified a thousand times over and ricoched off the walls and through the tunnels. Rock and dirt crumbled off the walls and ceiling from the impact of the sound waves. Inuyasha groaned and sat up, instantly grabbing his sensitive ears in pain. He looked around wildly and saw Sango and Shippo letting it rip for all they were worth. He was confused at first but when he saw Nanoransu he understood.
Nanoransu was in agony! The noise was like a spear in his brain. The tiny slits that were his ears began to ooze blood. It hissed madly and whipped its head around even more frantically. It kept hitting its head over and over on the walls and ceiling in an attempt to block out the noise but it did not notice. It was completely insane with pain. It began to back away, trying desperately to wriggle back into the tunnel it had come from and away from the awful noise.
“Oh no you don't.” Inuyasha growled. He raised the Tetsusaiga and looked over at Sango and Shippo. He knew Shippo was right. The only way he was going to defeat this monster was with the wind scar. But if he used it, the whole place would come down. The others would need to be ready to split fast. Still screaming, Sango saw Inuyasha's look and nodded that she understood. She grabbed Kagome's motionless body and threw her on Kirara. Then she and Shippo jumped on to the large cat as well.
Inuyasha looked back at Nanoransu who was still trying to get away from the noise. It was drooling the poisonous goo all over the cavern. Its eyes were rolled back up into its head and its head was covered in blood from the wounds it its ears.
Inuyasha tried desperately to ignore the painful screaming and with a glance at Kagome, he focused and saw his and Nanoransu's demon auras. At the point where they merged, was a blinding white bolt like lightning. Inuyasha leapt towards it and expertly slashed the Tetsusaiga through the wind scar. The power of both auras combined was sent at Nanoransu in waves. They ripped at its long body and in a matter of seconds, Nanoransu, the most feared creature in a thousand years, was no more.
The cavern instantly went pitch dark again. Inuyasha stood still for a few seconds, holding the Tetsusaiga ready and daring Nanoransu to have survived the force of the Wind Scar. When the rumbling began, his heart dropped into his stomach. How could it have survived? Was there no way of defeating it? “I don't think I want to deal with that again.”
“Deal with what?”
Inuyasha nearly jumped out of his skin at Shippo's voice behind him. He wheeled around, sword at the ready and came very close to slicing Kirara's nose off. Sango and Shippo screamed as Kirara reared backwards to avoid the sword. Sango lost her grip on Kagome and her lifeless body went rolling onto the floor. Inuyasha instantly lowered his sword and blinked furiously, trying to bring them into focus.
“In all the hells, guys you scared me! I thought that rumbling was Nanoransu.”
“No he's definitely gone for good.” Came Sango's voice from Inuyasha's left. She had gone to reclaim Kagome's body. “The rumbling is the cavern roof giving way. The wind scar toasted it. We have to get out of here now!”
“Wait!” Inuyasha ran over to where he could barely make out Sango starting to pick up Kagome. “I'll take her.”
“Inuyasha there's no time…”
“I will take her!”
Sango could hear the heartbreak in Inuyasha's voice. She conceded and climbed back up on Kirara. She could feel Shippo latch on to her arm. She could tell the little fox was crying.
“We'll get her back Inuyasha, but we have to get out of here or we'll be crushed!” The ceiling was falling in chunks all around them and the rumbling was getting louder.
“You guys go on ahead, I'll follow. Kirara's the only one who will be able to see the way out of here.” Inuyasha picked up Kagome and cradled her in his arms. She was dead weight. He looked around frantically one last time, trying to pick out the Shikon shard that had been embedded in Nanoransu but it was too dark to see. "Kagome would have been able to pick it out no problem." He thought to himself. He threw the thought aside. He had to get Kagome out of here. They could worry about the Shikon shard later.
“Kirara!” Sango said the one word and Kirara leapt off the floor and flew into the tunnel they had all come out of. Inuyasha sprinted after them. Up and up they climbed, rock and dirt falling all around them. It was a miracle that the tunnel they were in stayed clear and free of debris. They climbed frantically, feeling the cave crashing down all around them. At long last, they saw a glint of light ahead. Putting on a burst of speed, Inuyasha overtook the others and burst out into the sunlight.
Miroku had been fighting with Kagura for only a few minutes when the ground starting shaking again. He was thrown off his feet, allowing Kagura to hit him with her Dance of the Dragon attack. It hit only his right arm but it left it useless, which meant that using his wind tunnel was out of the question. He tried to gain his footing but the rumbling grew worse and as he watched, horrified, the huge hole in the ground started to get larger. More and more rocks and dirt fell away from the sides, expanding it to almost where he was lying sprawled. He crawled away as fast as he could on his backside and had time to wonder why he hadn't been blasted into smithereens yet. He chanced a look at Kagura and saw that she was focused entirely on the collapsing hole. She had stopped midway into another attack and was staring, stupefied at the growing chasm. Miroku took his chance to gain his footing and was going to use Kagura's distraction to his advantage when something huge and red suddenly appeared out of the hole and smacked right into him, knocking him onto the ground once again.
Stars exploded in his field of vision, and it was a few moments before he realized why he could not move. He was pinned under something heavy.
“Miroku!” He heard the blessed sound of Sango's voice as she and Shippo exited the hole on Kirara's back.
“What the hell? Kagura? Why is she here?” Miroku heard a familiar voice come from right on top of him. So it was Inuyasha who had crashed into him. His eyesight clearing, he saw Inuyasha slowly stand up; he noted the blood on Inuyasha's clothes and had a brief second to wonder how they had gotten away from Nanoransu when he realized he still couldn't move. He looked down and lost all breath. Kagome was lying across his lap, her eyes closed, not breathing, and no sign of life in her whatsoever.
“Watch over her Miroku.” Inuyasha growled. “I'm gonna get that bitch over there to tell me where Naraku is.” With that, he leapt towards Kagura who had finally got herself together and was bracing for his attack.
“So dog boy, you managed to defeat Nanoransu did you?” She grumbled. This had not been in the plan at all. They were never supposed to come out of the chasm alive.
“Feh, it's going to take more than some stupid demon puppet of Naraku's to defeat me!” Inuyasha yelled brandishing the Tetsusaiga and raising it over his head to attack. Kagura moved deftly out of the way, at the same time unleashing her Dance of the Wind attack upon Inuyasha. It missed him by a mile and he landed and quickly rebounded off of a tree to have another go. Again and again Kagura and Inuyasha unleashed attacks on the other but it was no good. Kagura wasn't strong enough to kill Inuyasha and Inuyasha couldn't use the wind scar because Kagura was controlling the wind all around them. Kagura had to finally admit it they were evenly matched.
“Looks like we're getting nowhere fast.” She said panting from the exertion of another Dance of the Wind attack. “I guess you all get to live, for today. Well, most of you anyway.” She chuckled and leapt away from Inuyasha.
Inuyasha yelled with rage and leapt after her. “You're not going anywhere witch until you tell me what the hell is going on.” He landed in front of her and when she turned to flee again she saw Sango, Kirara and Miroku flanking her, making it impossible for her to escape. She tried to pull the feather she used to fly from her hair but with a knock from Hiraikotsu she fell to the ground and in an instant, Inuyasha was upon her.
“Talk Kagura. Why did Naraku steal Kagome's soul? Where are they taking it and what the hell does Kikyo have to do with all this?”
Kagura looked around at the hardened faces all around her and at the Tetsusaiga, sharp and now being pointed directly at her throat. She had no choice. “Oh I'm going to pay for this later.” She thought to herself. Then in utter defeat, she relayed Naraku's plan to Inuyasha and the others, starting with the first jewel he had planted for Kikyo to find which she then used in the demon to try and destroy Inuyasha and Kagome and ending with the fact that Naraku and Kanna were now heading to Kikyo's sanctuary at the rim of Lake Motosu where a ritual would be performed that would make Kikyo's soul whole again.
Inuyasha was flabbergasted at the information but Miroku nodded thoughtfully. “It makes sense actually. Kikyo has to steal the souls of the recently dead in order to remain here and get her revenge on you Inuyasha. It's been a major hindrance to her. If she had her complete soul back, she wouldn't have to do it any longer and could go about killing you as she pleased.”
“But that means that Kagome will die!” Shippo yelled from where he was watching over Kagome's still form.
“Why not level with us Kagura.” Inuyasha growled, even more furious now that he knew Naraku's plan. “Naraku has no intention of giving Kikyo's soul back to her does he? There's no way he would. If everything you have said is true, then by completing her soul, he would be putting himself in danger. She could destroy him with her full spiritual power.”
“Naraku said that no one can destroy him.” Kagura said with increasing panic in her voice. The sword was beginning to press against her neck. “But you're right. He has no intention of giving the soul back. He wants to see Kikyo suffer more so that he can kill her and the Shikon Jewel will be filled with more malicious power.”
“Arrrrrrhhhh! That BASTARD!” Inuyasha roared his rage and in his distraction, he momentarily lifted the Tetsusaiga away from Kagura. It was all she needed. She grabbed the feather from atop her head and it grew in size. She leapt upon it and floated away before anyone could stop her.
“Oh no you don't!” Sango ran towards the fleeing Kagura, the Hiraikotsu raised and ready.
“Sango stop!” Inuyasha yelled.
“But she's getting away!”
“Let her go. We have the information we need. Bring Kagome with you on Kirara, Sango. We're going to Lake Motosu.”
No more urging was needed. Inuyasha took off in the direction of Kikyo's temple and the others followed closely behind, Miroku running and Sango with Shippo and Kagome riding Kirara. Shippo was holding onto Kagome's limp body and as Kirara lifted into the air, he stroked Kagome's hand, a single tear falling from his little face. “Don't worry Kagome. Inuyasha will get your soul back for you. You're going to be just fine….I know it.”