InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fall From Grace ❯ Ch. 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

a/n: well, i'm back again(sooner than i thought)! I was so amazed at the reaction to my last story that i decided to jump right into the next one…plus it was bouncing around in my head and driving me crazy! well, enough talk…on to the story!

p.s. i DO NOT own Inuyasha or any of its characters(although i wish i did)

Ch. 1

You can never hurt me, Kagome.

"Kagome, are you even listening to a word I've said? I swear, girl, you have the attention span of a cocker spaniel!"

Kagome looked up at her mother, remaining silent. She watched as Mrs. Higurashi placed her hands in her lap, waiting for the maid to clear away the dishes.

"Bring in some tea, Dorothy." She said, her voice cool and commanding. The maid nodded with a pleasant smile and hurried off to do her mistresses' bidding. Kagome sighed. She hated the way her mother acted towards the staff, so cold and superior. Kagome smirked to herself. `Much the same way she treats me,' She told herself.

"As I was saying, the Johanssen's dinner party is this Friday and I want you to be there," Mrs. Higurashi placed her hands on the table, clasping them together. "You need to get back out in society to show people that you're…better."

Kagome looked down at the table, not wanting to look at her mother's false expression of concern. She didn't give a damn if Kagome was better or not; she just wanted to stop the rumors that were spreading around their ultra posh, ultra uptight neighborhood. Michiko Higurashi, or Chi Chi as she liked to be called, did not tolerate abnormality in any aspect, whether it be with work, the household or even her only child.

"I don't care about being seen in society, Chi Chi." Kagome said quietly. She looked up quickly, seeing her mother stiffen slightly. She hated when Kagome called her by her nickname, preferring to be called mother instead."

"How can you not care?" Mrs. Higurashi's voice didn't raise an inch, but the deceptively calm conversational tone still cut like a knife. "Ever since…last year you haven't been the same." Her jaw clenched. "Your father and I are worried about you, Kagome." The words were said carefully with just the right touch of parental worry. Kagome didn't buy it for a second, at least not from her mother.

"Cut the crap, Chi Chi." Kagome glared at her mother. "The only reason you want me to go to this party is so all your friends can see that your daughter hasn't gone crazy like everyone is saying." She rose from her seat. "As for what happened last year, you'll never understand what I went through!" Her voice faltered, unbidden memories flooding her mind.

You can never hurt me, Kagome.

Mrs. Higurashi looked toward the swinging door that led into the kitchen and back at her daughter. Her normally icy brown gaze was now ablaze with fury.

"Sit down!" She hissed, her hands clenched into two fists. Kagome returned the glare, tired of being talked to like some simpleminded child.

"Go to hell, mother!" She shouted, spinning on her heel and running from the dining room. She tuned out her mother's angry shriek and headed straight for the front door.

"Ms. Higurashi, where are you--"

Kagome ran past the startled butler and out to the curving driveway. Her only thoughts were of getting as far away from the house as possible. She glanced back at the large, imposing structure that she called home. If felt foreign to her now, like she didn't belong there.

She went straight to her black Honda Civic and slid into the driver's seat. Her mind was a jumble of emotions, ranging from sorrow to anger. How could her mother be so insensitive? How could she not see that Kagome was in pain?

Kagome turned the key in the ignition and gunned the engine. She threw the car into drive and sped down the driveway, the tires spitting up a wave of gravel in her wake. She had no set destination in mind, only the need to be free. Free from her mother and free from him.


Kagome snuck a glance at the man walking beside her. The pale moonlight illuminated his features, making him appear otherworldly. It still amazed her that a man could be so…gorgeous. She frowned at the turn her thoughts were taking. This was no way to think about your best friend.

"What's up, Kag?"

Kagome looked away from his intense gaze, instead looking up at the star-studded sky. Even his voice had an affect on her, it's smooth richness wrapping around her like a blanket.

"Damnit!" She cursed under her breath. He lifted an eyebrow at her strange behavior.

"Kag, you alright?" He asked, slowing to a stop. He put a hand on her shoulder, his warmth filtering through her white down jacket. She shivered, but not because of the chilly winter night.

He peered at her, his eyes shining with concern. "Kag, will you please answer me?" He pleaded. Kagome looked up at him, smiling slightly at his uncharacteristic tenderness.

"I'm ok, just…thinking." She said noncommittally. He frowned, not satisfied with her response. "About what?" He asked. Kagome ducked her head, not wanting to admit that it was him that she was thinking about.

He hooked a finger under her chin and forced her to meet his gaze. "I've known you forever and I know when something serious is on your mind." He told her knowingly.

"So spill it." He gave her a lopsided grin, causing her breath to quicken. How did she tell her best friend that for the past couple of months her feelings for him had changed? She no longer looked at him as the boy she used to camp out with in the backyard when they were kids, no longer saw him as her Friday night movie buddy. Kagome now saw him as the man he'd become, the man she was beginning to fall for.

"I…I…" Kagome couldn't find the words. He was looking at her so intently, his eyes searching her own. He laughed softly. "This is a first," He joked. "The girl who always has something to say suddenly can't seem to talk." Kagome couldn't help laughing.

"It's just that…well, for a while now I've been…" Again, Kagome faltered. Obviously she wasn't chock full of courage tonight. She noticed from the steady tick in his jaw that he was beginning to become irritated.

"Damn, Kagome, just spit it out!"

Before she could lose her nerve, Kagome pulled him to her and pressed her lips lightly against his. She saw his eyes widen in shock at her unexpected gesture. `Oh, god! Am I really kissing him right now?' She thought to herself, her heart beating madly. She quickly pushed away from him, spinning around. She buried her face in her hands.

"I'm so sorry!" She gushed, her body heating with embarrassment. What would he think of her now? Did she just make the hugest mistake of her life?

The silence between them seemed to stretch on painfully. `You idiot! You just ruined the best friendship you've ever had. Serves you right for trying to pull a stunt like that.'

"I didn't mean for that to--"

Kagome let out a surprised yelp as she felt him roughly yank her around to face him. His expression was one of total confusion and, oddly enough, relief.

"Shut up, Kag." He said softly, dragging her to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and looked down at her, a slight smile on his lips. "I've been meaning to get around to that," He whispered as his lips descended upon hers.

Kagome rejoiced in that simple touch. His lips were surprisingly soft and she instantly melted into him, her eyes drifting closed. She felt like she was in a dream. He was really standing there, his arms wrapped securely around her, their lips melded together. Nothing could ruin this moment.

Kagome noticed his eyes widen and she frowned when she tasted something bitter and tangy on her tongue. She leaned away from him, pressing her fingers to his lips.

"You're bleeding," She said, concerned. He looked at her, grimacing in pain. Kagome was suddenly afraid. "What's wrong?" She asked, feeling panicked all of a sudden.

"I…feel a little…lightheaded," He said slowly. "I think I bit my tongue." He swayed a little and Kagome grabbed him, trying to give him support. She cried out as his legs gave way and they both fell to the ground.

"Did I hurt you?" She asked, confused. What had happened? He shook his head slowly and it was at that moment that Kagome noticed the two small puncture wounds on his neck.

"You can never hurt me, Kagome." He told her as if she was stupid for even asking such a question. His head lolled to the side, his eyes sliding closed. Kagome called out to him, his name echoing in the still night.


Kagome jammed her foot on the break, the car coming to an ear-splitting halt. She leaned her forehead against the steering wheel, closing her eyes tightly.

You can never hurt me, Kagome.

"Damn!" She whispered, tears spilling from beneath her tightly closed eyelids. Why couldn't she stop thinking about that night? Why couldn't she stop obsessing over those words? She picked her head up and leaned back against the seat. She wanted to be normal again, the way she was before that night.

"Is it possible?" She asked herself aloud. Was there life after-

She didn't finish the thought, not wanting to believe that she was fated to live out the rest of her life miserable and unhappy because he was no longer with her.

You can never hurt me, Kagome.

"Can't I?" She whispered brokenly. Wouldn't moving on and forgetting about him be doing just that?


Kagome saw lights on in the modest brick home and knew he was there. She cut the engine and slowly got out of the car, shivering as a cold breeze blew through the night. She looked up at the sky, noticing a few snow clouds. She wrapped her arms around her, wishing she hadn't been so hasty in her retreat. She could certainly use a jacket right about now.

She unlatched the gate that opened up into the well-kept front lawn and quickly walked up the gray slate walkway. She hesitated as she stood in front of the heavy oak door. It had been awhile since she's seen him last and she wasn't sure how he'd react to seeing her. For some reason, this seemed like the only place for her to go.

She raised her hand and knocked on the door hesitantly. A few minutes passed before she heard the locks being undone on the other side of the door. Seconds later, the door was opened and she was staring into a familiar pair of golden eyes that made her heart wrench.

"Hello." She said softly, a half smile on her face. The man regarded her for a few moments before responding. "Hello yourself." He stepped aside, indicating she come inside. Kagome walked past him into the familiar living room, blinking back sudden tears.

She took a seat on the sofa opposite a brown leather armchair. He took a seat in the armchair and looked at her expectantly.

Kagome looked down at her hands, twisting them nervously in her lap. She always wondered how he seemed to look right through her, as if she weren't worthy of even a glance.

"I know you're probably wondering why I'm here," She started, glancing up at him quickly. He nodded slightly, saying nothing. She looked to the right, her eyes immediately finding the handful of track medals displayed in a large curio cabinet. She looked away quickly, feeling the pressure of tears again. She knew by heart the inscription on each individual medal, knew the name they all held.

"I-I keep…" Her voice faltered as she fought back a sob. "I can't…" She gestured helplessly, unable to stop the tears this time. She closed her eyes. "Why can't I forget about him?"

She felt a hand on her shoulder and opened her eyes to see him sitting beside her. His normally emotionless face now held a hint of concern.

"It's not easy to forget about someone you cared deeply for," He told her. "No one expects you to get over it so easily, Kagome." She shook her head vehemently. "Everyone expects me to," She said softly. "My mother, my father, my therapist." She laughed humorlessly. "I'm trying so hard, but…" Her shoulders slumped. "I can't keep going on like this."

He pulled her closer to him so that her head was leaning against his shoulder. Kagome was too drained to be surprised. It felt good to have someone comfort her.

"I agree," He said, his voice rumbling deeply in his chest. "You don't seem to be getting any better despite going to therapy three times a week." His hand rubbed up and down her arm slowly, making Kagome feel drowsy. He noticed her lack of energy and instantly stood, scooping her in his arms.


He gestured up the stairs as he took them two at a time. "You're too tired to drive back home and I particularly don't feel like dealing with that witch you call mother so you will spend the night here." Once he reached the top of the stairs, he stopped in front of the first of the three rooms located on the second floor. He glanced down at her, hesitating. He seemed to think if over before making a move towards the second door.

"No," She said, placing a hand on his arm. He looked unsure but she was determined. Even though she knew she had to put the past to rest, she still had tonight. He sighed and pushed the door open, flicking on the light switch.

Kagome was instantly bombarded with his scent. The room smelled of the outdoors mixed with his favorite cologne. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, a smile coming to her lips. She'd almost forgotten about how relaxing his scent was.

He placed her on the bed and stood up. "I'll wake you in the morning."

"Thank you, Sesshomaru."

He nodded before leaving, closing the door softly behind him. Kagome stretched out on the king size bed, rubbing her cheek against the pillow. Her gaze caught the picture on the nightstand and her heart twisted in her chest. She reached over and picked up the frame, gazing sadly at the two obviously happy people in the photo.

Her finger traced over the figure with the long white hair, amber eyes and wide smile. It was hard to believe there was a time when she was as happy as she was in the picture. Of course, she could only remember being happy with him.

"Inuyasha," She whispered, clutching the picture to her chest and curling up into a ball. Forgetting was something that was not going to come easily.

a/n: ok, so I had the pairing all thought out in my head, but now I'm thinking I don't want it to be that simple so I'm just not gonna make it clear. if the first chap seems to be confusing, I'm sorry…everything with what happened on that fateful night will be explained and inu will be making an appearance. how, you ask? well, you'll just have to read to find out! please leave reviews cuz they help me and i'm just happy to get them! see ya next chap!