InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fall From Grace ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ch. 7


Inuyasha stood there, a frown on his face. What was he supposed to do now? It was bad enough that he'd let her see him, but having her faint on him only made matters worse. He ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

Kneeling down, he gently scooped her prone body in his arms. He was going to regret this later.


Kagome sat on the cement steps, trying desperately not to cry. She heard the music from the gym filter down the hallway and outside to where she sat. She should be in there with the rest of her classmates, dancing and laughing without a care in the world. It was her senior prom for god's sake!

"Stupid jerk!" She muttered, feeling a tear slip free. She felt a presence by her side and immediately knew who it was.

"Just say it, Inuyasha!" She said miserably, not turning to look at him. After a few moments of silence, he responded, "Say what?"

"Just say I told you so! Say you knew something like this was going to happen!"

Inuyasha sighed and threw an arm around her shoulder. Reluctantly, she scooted closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. He smelled nice, clean, like a bright summer day. "Kag, you should know me better than that. Although I do like letting you know when you're wrong, I'd never throw it in your face when you're hurting like this ."

Kagome nodded her head weakly. She'd known this, but she was so upset that she just wanted to lash out at the first person she could. "I'm sorry," She whispered. "I just don't understand how he could do something like this to me! I-I thought he loved me…" She felt another tear threatening to spill and angrily brushed it away.

"Kouga Watanabe is an ass!" Inuyasha said angrily, his grip tightening around Kagome's shoulders. "Just say the word and I'll go back in there and kick his scrawny little ass!"

Kagome couldn't help the giggle that escaped her. She'd like nothing better than for Inuyasha to do just that, but she knew it wouldn't be right. She sighed heavily. Just because Kouga dumped her on the night of their prom and in front of practically the whole school didn't mean he should be physically harmed. He certainly needed it, though.

"You're too good for him," Inuyasha said quietly. Kagome leaned back to look up at him. Half his face was covered in shadow, but the other half shown beautifully in the moonlight. He turned to look at her, his amber eyes glittering.

"I always thought so."

Kagome didn't know what to say. She had no idea Inuyasha had felt this way. It was no secret that the two had never gotten along, but when she'd started dating Kouga their sophomore year, Inuyasha had put his differences toward Kouga aside.

Kagome looked away from his penetrating gaze, blushing slightly. She couldn't help thinking how handsome he looked tonight in his tux. She'd seen the way the other girls had looked at him, whispering and throwing him seductive looks. She remembered briefly thinking how she'd like to scratch their eyes out for even looking at him like that.

Inuyasha hooked a finger under her chin and tilted her face towards his. "What's going on in that head of yours?" He asked, grinning that crooked grin that she loved. Wait, what was going on here? Where were all these thoughts coming from?

"Umm, I was just thinking how maybe I'll never find anyone right for me." She lied. Inuyasha brushed a thumb across her cheek. "Of course you'll find someone," He told her. "You'll find someone who loves you more than anything in the world, someone who'll treat you like the precious jewel that you are." Now it was Inuyasha's turn to look embarrassed. He dropped his hand to his lap and looked away, his hair falling around his face like a curtain.

Kagome bit her lip, disappointed that he hadn't said more. She didn't know why she was feeling the way she was, but deep down she knew she'd had these feelings for Inuyasha for some time now, maybe even from the day they met.

They sat there, neither speaking, the music from the gym still spilling through the open doors. The song suddenly changed to a slow ballad and Kagome looked down at her lap, her hands playing with the hem of her light gray strapless gown. Taking a deep breath, she said, "Dance with me."

Inuyasha glanced at her, a small smile on his face and stood slowly, extending his hand to her. She took it and let him pull her to him, his arms encircling her waist. Tentatively, Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck, her gaze level with his chest. She was too nervous to look at him; fearful that he'd read everything she was feeling for him in her eyes.

"I forgot to tell you how beautiful you look in that dress, Kag." Inuyasha said. "The color matches your eyes perfectly." Kagome smiled, ducking her head. "Thank you." She whispered. Inuyasha tightened his grasp on her waist and pressed her closer against him. A contented sigh left her lips as she let her head rest against his chest.

"You'll always be there for me, won't you Inuyasha?" She whispered against his chest, burying her face in his tuxedo jacket. He nodded resting his chin on the top of her head. "Always, Kagome."


Kagome's eyes fluttered open. That dream…she'd been dreaming about that time at her senior prom, the first time she realized she was in love with her best friend. She frowned, suddenly remembering her close call.

She sat bolt upright, fearing that she was still in danger, her eyes looking around in panic. No, she'd been rescued by…

"Inuyasha!" She said loudly. He'd been there, her Inuyasha. But how could that be? He was dead…wasn't he? She closed her eyes, confused. Maybe her ordeal had been more stressful than she'd realized and she'd imagined it was Inuyasha who had come to her rescue. She sighed, opening her eyes to survey her surroundings. Then who had saved her?

She seemed to be in a motel room. The room was neat and appeared clean: a single bed, small table in the corner, cheap oak dresser and a small screen TV near the single window cloaked in a drab brown curtain. Off to the left was a dark room that she assumed was the bathroom.

Frowning, she threw her legs over the edge of the bed and stood, placing her hands on her hips. Where the hell was she? She didn't remember driving to any motel and even if she had, there was no feasible reason for her to do so. Maybe the guy who'd helped her out earlier had decided to take her here so she could rest. After all, he wouldn't have known where to take her. But if that was the case, why hadn't he called the cops to report what had happened?

`Because what happened was beyond logical explanation.' A voice in her head said. Kagome sat down on the edge of the bed, visions of sharp fangs and red eyes haunting her. Did she really see someone get beheaded and promptly turn into a pile of dust?

"You're definitely losing it, Higurashi." She muttered to herself, suddenly feeling a throbbing start up in her head. She got up and walked to the small bathroom, flicking on the light switch. The tiny room was immediately bathed in weak yellow light and Kagome looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was slightly mussed from sleep and her mouth was set in a deep frown. She was worried that she was going crazy, imagining fighting demons and her dead best friend.

She turned on the cold water tap and splashed a couple of handfuls of the refreshing water onto her face, welcoming the cold water on her heated skin. She dried her face with one of the complimentary towels and walked back out to the common area. She looked around the room once more, spying her purse and shopping bags near the door.

"At least I know he's decent enough to not steal my stuff while I'm asleep." She said, bending over to pick up her purse and check to make sure everything was still in place. Satisfied that nothing was missing, she decided to call for a cab. She'd go to the mall tomorrow for her car. She just wanted to forget this experience ever happened.

As she sat at the table and dialed the main desk to arrange for a cab, she heard a key in the lock. Before anyone answered she hung up, ready to dial the police if necessary. She turned her gaze to the door. She still wasn't sure if her rescuer was trustworthy and wanted to be on her guard.

The handle turned and opened and in stepped a familiar face.

"Sesshomaru?" Kagome was surprised. She hadn't expected to see him walk through the door. He closed the door behind him and glanced at her, his expression concerned. He was holding a brown paper bag and immediately set it down on the table.

"Kagome, are you alright?" He asked, coming to her side. Kagome blushed and looked down at the table. "Yeah," She answered softly. She looked up at him curiously. "How did you know I was here?"

Sesshomaru sat in the chair opposite hers. "It was strange," He said. "I got a phone call from some stranger saying you'd almost been mugged and were here at this motel." He studied her face. "When I got here, you were laying on the bed."

Kagome frowned. "There was no one else?" She asked. Sesshomaru shook his head. "I asked the motel manager who had rented the room, but he said he hadn't been the one to check the man in. He'd stepped out for a moment and his wife had taken over, but by the time I got here, she'd already gone home for the night."

Kagome nodded, feeling as if something wasn't right. Why would her mysterious rescuer just up and leave like that? And how did he know to call Sesshomaru? Even if he had checked her purse for an address, there would be nothing in there indicating that she was currently staying at Sesshomaru's address. Could it be that…?

Kagome gave a small shake of her head. She refused to let the thought fully form, not wanting to get sucked down that road again. She should just be grateful that she'd gotten away from that lunatic that had attacked her and was now safe.

"I bought some food," Sesshomaru said, interrupting her thoughts. He reached into the bag and produced a loaf of bread, lunchmeat, a package of cheese, a bag of potato chips, paper plates, plastic cups and a bottle of coke.

"It's not much, but…"

Kagome shook her head quickly. "No, it's perfect! I'm starved and I'll eat just about anything right now." She assured him. They fixed a couple of sandwiches and poured some coke into two plastic cups. They ate the chips right out of the bag, chatting idly. Kagome was thankful that he didn't press her about what had happened back at the parking garage. She wasn't up to reliving the horrific experience.

After they were both reasonably full, Kagome looked at him questioningly. "Are we…staying here for the night?" She asked, noticing how late it had become. Sesshomaru glanced at his watch.

"I suppose it would be the most logical thing to do," He reasoned. "The room is already paid for and you should rest." Kagome nodded and cleared away their trash before turning awkwardly toward him.

"Well, there's only the one bed and…uh," She felt flustered all of a sudden. Sesshomaru raised a brow. "Of course I'll sleep on the floor." He told her. Kagome laughed nervously. "Of course," She rambled on. "I mean, of course you weren't going to be sleeping with me…not sleeping with me, but laying in the same bed as me…"

Sesshomaru looked at her with mild amusement and Kagome realized she was probably making an ass of herself.

"Right," He responded, rising from his seat. Kagome removed the comforter from the bed and handed it to him. He laid it out on the floor, removing his shoes. Kagome took off her own shoes and crawled under the sheets. She reached over to the nightstand and switched off the lamp, the room immediately plunging into darkness.

It was some time later that Kagome awoke in a cold sweat, her breathing coming in gasps. She could still hear the voice of her attacker, taunting her from the recesses of her nightmares. She clutched the sheets in her balled fists.

She almost jumped out of her skin when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Her wide-eyed gaze turned to one of relief when she realized she was looking into Sesshomaru's golden gaze. She'd half expected to see two red glowing orbs glaring down at her, a pair of razor-sharp fangs waiting to sink into her vulnerable flesh.

"You were yelling out in your sleep," Sesshomaru whispered, the barest hint of concern visible in his gaze. Kagome sucked in a breath, willing her heartbeat to return to normal.

"I-I was dreaming that the man…the man who attacked me earlier…" She wrapped her arms around herself, all of a sudden feeling very cold despite the warm air blasting through the air vents.

Sesshomaru smoothed the hair back from her face, not needing her to explain further. He didn't know what to tell her, feeling as if anything he had to say wouldn't be good enough. She'd already been through so much and now this.

"Go back to sleep," He told her softly, moving to get up. Kagome reached out and grabbed his sleeve. "Will you…lay here with me, please?" Her voice was soft and pleading. Sesshomaru was surprised by her request. Not saying a word, he nodded his head. Kagome scooted over and he climbed in next to her.

"Thank you." She whispered in the darkness. Sesshomaru felt her snuggle up against him, her head resting lightly against his chest. He closed his eyes, unwanted feelings stirring within him. It was going to be a long night.


"Yash, where were you?"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes and flicked his cigarette to the ground. He walked through the foyer and toward the grand staircase.

"Out. Patrolling." He said shortly. Kikyo frowned and trailed after him. Inuyasha sighed, wishing she'd leave him in peace. He walked down the hall and to his room, opening the door. He was prepared to shut the door in Kikyo's face, but she slipped past him before he could do so.

"Kikyo, I don't feel like putting up with you tonight so go find someone else to bother." He snapped. Kikyo folded her arms across her chest, her eyes narrowed. "You know, you've been really shitty toward me lately and I don't really appreciate it."

Inuyasha threw his coat to the floor. He gave her a hard look. "I really don't care how you feel so why don't you leave." He made his way toward the bedroom, but Kikyo jumped in his way.

"What's going on with you lately, Yash?" She asked, searching his face. He looked away, his jaw clenching. "None of your damn business, bitch!" He snarled. Kikyo felt a shiver of unease crawl up her spine. She knew better than to push Inuyasha when he was in a foul mood, but she was fed up with him treating her this way. She squared her shoulders.

"Is that what you're gonna say the next time you wanna fuck?" She accused, her eyes flashing. "Is that what you want?" He taunted. "You want me to throw you down on the floor right here and do you?" He gave a short bark of laughter. "Sorry, baby, but that's not gonna happen tonight." Kikyo let out a breath of air, frustrated with his attitude.

"No, that's not what I want, you asshole! I want you to talk to me and tell me what's going on." She pleaded, grabbing his hand. Inuyasha snatched his hand from her grasp, missing the flash of hurt in her cinnamon orbs.

"Drop the concerned act, Kikyo!" He spat. Kikyo shook her head in denial. "It's not an act! I really do care about you."

Inuyasha's cold laughter echoed through the room. "You, care? Now that's funny!" His laughter gradually died down, the coldness flowing to his eyes. "There's nothing but sex between you and me," He told her, his voice low. "There will never, ever be anything more than that."

Kikyo suddenly felt a streak of hatred shoot through her. "It's because of her, isn't it?" She accused. Inuyasha just stood there, not saying a word. She didn't need him to answer, however. She already knew the answer.

"When are you gonna get it through your head that you can never be with that bitch ever again-"

Kikyo let out a squeak of surprise as she found herself being held against the wall, Inuyasha's hand wrapped tightly around her neck. His eyes were swirling pools of amber mixed with flecks of crimson. Kikyo knew she'd pushed him too far.

"Don't you ever say a word against her," He threatened. "She's everything you'll never be. As for me ever being with her again, that's not for you to worry about." He dropped his hand from her neck and walked into the bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Kikyo gasped for air, gingerly rubbing her sore neck. She glared at the closed door behind which Inuyasha had disappeared.

"You're damn right I'm not going to worry about it," She muttered to herself. Why should she worry about someone who would soon be dead?

a/n: another chap done! i kno it seemed like inu and kag were finally going to reunite, but i suddenly got the urge to hold off on it…but don't worry, it's coming. thanks for the reviews and encouragement…it's greatly appreciated! well, keep on reviewin and i'll see ya next chap!