InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fallen Sakura ❯ A Different Kind of Morning Greeting ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I'm very srry for not updating for a long time, I was just very busy with school, homework, projects, personal issues, and family. So please forgive me, to add to my stress I couldn't log onto the internet for a long time…uGH something wrong with stupid friend wanted me to play StarCraft..[heard of it] well I installed it and it ended up messing with the internet ugh.. Now I have to use internet explorer[freakin AOL!!!] ok I don't wanna bored u so on with the story!!!

Chapter 8 New Job and Morning Greetings

The Next Morning after the match~~~~

Kagome got dressed wearing a tight fitting white ¾ button up blouse and a tight black skirt that ended right above her knees. She wore black tights and black heeled shoes to match. Her hair was up in a high ponytail. Kagome normally wore these clothes when she went to apply for new jobs or came to visit Souta and Shippo and school. She wanted to look proper and fit in and not look like a person off the streets, she wanted to be accepted.

Adjusting her blouse and pulling her skirt down she looked at the mirror and smiled at her reflection. "Perfect" she whispered pleased at her look. She walked to the living room/ dining room where Trina was currently at drinking coffee. The night before Trina offered Kagome a place to stay, saying it was the best she could offer as a thank you to Kagome for giving her money for her and Tanaka's date. " Hey you look great," said Trina looking up from her coffee. " Thanks, I'm really anxious to work, maybe more nervous, I've never really worked in a tall building. " You'll be find, " Trina said waving it off. " Its just the job jitters" " Oh and call me if you need anything, I'll probably be out at 2 so just call Jiji's place Oki," Trina said. " Oh how's your wound," she asked, a concern look suddenly appearing on her face. Kagome touched where the bandages were, " its ok." " Well come by after ok, I'll need to rebandage it and you can help waitress," Trina said taking another sip form her mug. Kagome smiled. Trina might look like a girly girl but she was so caring and kind, almost like a mother she never had, although the girl was younger than she was. Kagome smiled, the smile never reaching her bluish grayish eyes.

After biding their farewells Kagome left the shabby apartment. Hopping into her car she drove off. Parking at the diner which was near the building where she would be working she started walking the streets.


Kagome sighed and took one last look at the new building in front of her where she would be working till Inuyasha's secretary would come back. Finally walking inside the building she was greeted by a smiling Yuna. She came up to her returning a smile. " I see you got the job Ms. Higurashi," said Yuna. " Yeah, I guess, thanks, but please drop the formalities, just call me Kagome ok," Kagome asked leaning on the receptionist's desk. " Umm Yuna," Kagome asked. " Yeah what is it, do you need anything because I'll be right here. " I don't exactly know where Inuyasha's office is, can you help me," Kagome asked fumbling with the hem of her short skirt. " Oh ok, well Inuyasha's office is on the 89th floor, once you exit the elevator turn to the right corridor and a door with Inuyasha's name is his office, " Yuna said not looking up from the papers she was staring at. " Oh ok," Kagome said, " Good bye" " Bye"

"Wow the 89th floor, damn Inuyasha couldn't he just pick a lower floor to put his office in, I don't mind heights, but the elevator ride would probably be annoying as hell, a whole bunch of people, smelling and sweating coming down from all the floors. Good thing I asked Yuna, my first day in this place I'll get lost." Kagome thought walking very slowly to the elevators. She worked here now and she'd have to get use to it.

Kagome was suddenly interrupted from her thoughts by a rough male voice from behind her. " Move it wench, you're in my way, god you're slow," said the voice. Kagome turned around to see Inuyasha walking towards the elevator like her, only in a faster pace. " I was thinking," Kagome said stopping her slow walk, watching Inuyasha walk ahead of her to the elevator. " Well you better get your ass moving before you're late," Inuyasha said grinning, before the elevator doors closed. Kagome looked at the lobby clock, not noticing that Inuyasha was already gone. Finally turning her head up Kagome yelled wait up, but Inuyasha was already gone.

" Come on, come on," Kagome repeated looking back to the elevator clock and floor numbers. " Oh man, I'm gonna be late for sure, my first pay cut on my first day" Finally reaching the 89th floor she walked to the right corridor she looked for a door with Inuyasha's name on it. " There," she thought to herself seeing a large oak door with Inuyasha's name on it in what seemed like gold letters.

She knocked on the door not really wanting to be rude. Kagome waited awhile before concluding that no one was going to come and open the door. Putting her hand on the door handle she entered the room which was quite large. Inside the room she saw a tall plant, filing cabinets, secretary's work area, and another door which probably led to Inuyasha's office. She walked around a little bit, exploring her new work place. Kagome walked to the desk, which was a beautiful mahogany and sat in the comfortable chair. She fingered the edge of the desk, amusing herself at the texture of it. Finally she stopped to take a look at the computer which was a beautiful black laptop. Kagome sighed turning around in her chair to face the windows behind her. She got up wanting to look outside of the window. Leaning on the glass she peered down at the streets below. " Wow it's so high up here the people and cars seem so small" she thought to herself.

" I guess this new job is wonderful, great work area, nice employees, high pay, and maybe an arrogant rude jerk for a boss. That doesn't matter, I can't give up the job even though my boss is a stupid bastard, I need the money, if that secretary of his stays away for a long enough time, I can earn some money and provide for Souta and Shippo. I won't give up, no matter how much it takes."

Deep in thought Kagome didn't notice Inuyasha come out of his door. He stood watching her not liking the silence that lingered in the room. Finally he spoke breaking Kagome out of thoughts. Inuyasha wanted to say something nice but ended up saying something completely different from nice. " Hey wench you in your head, stop being so stuck up and stop looking at your reflection, god you ain't that pretty, plus your late so I believe I have to make some deducments," he said in a real cocky voice.

" Oh, god, stupid mouth, I hope she doesn't end up crying like the other secretary I tried hiring, she just couldn't take the torture and quit without a simple goodbye. If she cries who knows how loud the scolding Sesshomaru will do this time, my poor ears, so fucking sensitive. Damn, wench better not be a crybaby. Stupid mouth must have a mind of its own, me calling her ugly. Psshhh, , she's not ugly at all, she's quite ok I guess. Oh hell, what am I thinking now! I must be insane, there's no one in the world for me except Kikyo, and I will be a loyal dog. Now I'm calling myself dog? Well I am half dog demon. Ah, forget it. " Inuyasha thought.

He focused his eyes on Kagome once again. Kagome slowly turned around to face Inuyasha, their gazes meeting. Inuyasha stared, searching her eyes for some sort of emotion, but found nothing but sadness and a growing anger, soon he was met with a glare. He glared back just the same.

Kagome was saddened at what Inuyasha said, but like she promised herself, I won't quit the job even though my boss may be a jerk, and fact he is a jerk. She smirked in thought not wanting to lose to such an arrogant bastard. Folding her arms she slowly said " shut up you ass, at least I stare at something knowing I maybe the least beautiful, you probably never seen a mirror considering how you look." Inuyasha stood there stunned at her words, not really expecting it, his mouth hanging open. Kagome smirked when he didn't react to the insulting words she said.

Grrrrr Inuyasha started to growl not being able to think of a good come back. I cant loose to this bitch, he thought.

Becoming even more frustrated at the plastered smirk on Kagome's face he struggled to think of something. Stupid brain, work, come on work damn it. Inuyasha who at the moment couldn't think of a thing to say he came of the first word that came to mind.

" Feh"

Sighing Kagome unfolded her arms not being to happy at Inuyasha and her good morning conversation.

" So, when are you gonna start using my name, you must be retarded or what, because my name isn't that hard to say Inuyasha, its Ka-go-me, are you gonna start using it or make wench my nick name?" Kagome asked knowing that was just another point for her. 2 points for Kagome, 0 for Inuyasha.

"Shit where'd this girl come from, I never expected her to be feisty, she may have a slight resemblance to Kikyo but their personalities are totally different. Damn, I'm losing, this day is going to be one hell of a long day." Inuyasha thought.

" Nah, I think bitch might sound a little better, don't you think, I mean it describes you perfectly, " Inuyasha said with a grin.

" Hey does that mean, I get a nickname for you too, how about puppy or smelly dog, " Kagome said matching Inuyasha with a smile of her own.

" Feh,"

" I had enough of this, you have work you know, so shut up, " Inuyasha said knowing he loss again. Kagome-3 and Inuyasha-0

Kagome stopped with the insults knowing she had already one their game for the morning and decided to just play nice until the opportunity came up again.

( A/N: ugh I'm sorry if this chapter was too short for you or too long , I'm really sorry about not updating for a long time and all , but I'm already starting the other chapter. Review and tell me what you think! Thanks tot he reviewers. So what do you think will happen huh? Huh? So how'd I do for the arguments? Lol I'm pretty good at that I guess, I mean I'm trying to picture Inuyasha the all time jerk. Hah lol, that lazy ass, OK well anyways REVIEW, if u have any questions post it in the reviews and I'll be sure to answer it! Thanks! ^_^ )