InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fallen Sakura ❯ Smile ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(A/N: ok well if you have noticed in chapter 1 meeting, I said Kagome's age is 21, well in the first character overview Kagome's age is 20, well Kagome's age is really 20, if you haven't noticed. Well I just looked over my story and I had to clear that up. Sorry for the mix up peoples. Well I can't edit it @_@ because I was so dumb to delete that chapter from my computer, so if you don't know that, you know now. Hehe..well ok this is a new chapter, Smile. Enjoy! And people you should read these author comments!!! Why? Cuz they have a lot of important information that you need to know!!! ) review feedback is at the bottom..thank you




Chapter 11 Smiles Can be Contagious

Continued from chapter 10…

Kagome came by the bar to find Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango waiting for her. She came up to them and set down her tray, " Hey guys," she greeted.

They turned around to face her, " So when's this tour gonna happen that you promised," Inuyasha asked.

" Right now, just hold on ok," Kagome said and looked towards Shiro.

" What," he asked.

" Shiro, I'm going to show these guys around so I'm getting off early," Kagome said.

" What!"

" But you can't I mean we need all the help we can get," Shiro said.

" What about Trina and Julina," Kagome asked looking at Shiro hopefully.

Shiro hesitated awhile before answering, " Fine then but you owe me, promise you'll let me race with you and you get half pay for tonight," he said grinning, he knew Kagome was annoyed to hell when he surprisingly showed up at one of her races.

Kagome looked to her other companions who were silent and just staring.

She looked back up at Shiro who was grinning and she was sure he was enjoying this.

She sighed and finally shook his hand, " Deal," she said.

Kagome turned to Inuyasha and friends, " Ok well lets start of with introductions shall we."

Everyone nodded.

" Ok well the asshole over here as you know as bartender is Shiro, his dad Jiji owns the club, and the girl with the orange hair was Trina," Kagome stated.

Shiro scowled at Kagome, but Kagome just ignored him and got off her seat with the others. They followed her through the club to this girl with violet hair, cut short(her hair is cut like Paine umm in Final Fantasy X2). The girl turned around to look at them. " Hey," she said still gathering glasses on a table.

Kagome turned to the others behind her, " Guys this is Julina, she fights in the cage like myself, and Julina this is Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango, I'm showing them around." Julina set her glass filled tray down and shook each of Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku's hands as Kagome introduced them to her.

" Nice to meet you all," Julina said after she was done shaking their hands.

" I see you're a woman fighter," Sango stated, she wanted a little one on one with Julina and she wanted to put her skills into play.

" Yeah, what about it," Julina said grinning as she put her hands to her hips, " You fight?"

" Yeah, my father taught me some skills," Sango said smiling with a twinkle in her eye.

" Great, you up for a fight," Julina said with a grin, she just couldn't stop smiling, she was up for a fight too, she hadn't seen Sango fight yet but she thought of it as a way to have fun.

" Sure," Sango said.

" Then it's a deal," Julina said sticking her hand out for Sango to shake.

" Then deal it is," Sango said grinning.

" Ok meet me up in the cage area, and I'll see you later," Julina said turning to leave with tray in hand.

" Great," Sango said excited, " I'm so hyped up for this fight!"

" You fight Sango," Kagome asked looking at Sango curiously.

" Yeah I do, my father has been teaching me martial arts ever since I was old enough to walk," Sango said proudly.

Kagome then looked over towards the boys, " You guys do the same," she asked and saw the boys nod their heads as well.

" Great, this is going to be a fun night," Kagome said happily, "We can have matches set up."

" I'm up for a good ask kicking," Inuyasha said cracking his knuckles to prove his point.

" Ok, well before you do some ass kicking you guys have two more people to meet," said Kagome pushing Inuyasha towards the cage area.

Once they arrived there they were faced with two arguing men who looked like twins except one was shorter.

They waited for the two to stop arguing until they finally stopped to notice them.

" You cheated you bastard I saw you," the short one said getting up in the taller one's face and pointing his finger at him.

" What ever you're just jealous because you always lose," the taller one said.

This went on for awhile before Kagome coughed and they stopped to turn around and say hi to her.

" Guys these two are Tanuki," Kagome said pointing to the taller one, " and this one is Tanaka," she said pointing to the shorter one.

" These guys over here are from work, this is Sango, Inuyasha, and Miroku," Kagome said pointing to each one of them.

Kagome spoke once again, " Tanuki and Tanaka are brothers, Tanuki, Julina, Shiro and Chubu, and I are all on one team when we do tournaments and such, Chubu is the big guy over there who checks the IDs', she said pointing in the distance.

Inuyasha and friends just nodded.

" Hey you guys up for a match?" Kagome asked.

" What these guys fight," Tanaka said is disbelief.

" Believe it," Inuyasha said, " So who am I going against he said looking towards Kagome.

" Ok well Julina is joining too, so we'll have Julina against Sango, Inuyasha against Tanuki, Miroku against Tanaka, and any one who wins from those matches get to fight me," Kagome said.

" Got that?"

Everyone nodded his or her head.

" Kagome, are there any rules that we should know," Sango asked.

" Ok the rules are money can be betted if you want, there will be prize money so who ever wins will get to take the money home. Each player that competes has to bet money, ten dollars or more. In the cage you are not let out until there is a loser, if the person can not be able to continue fighting

you have to stop, and if a person gives up and no longer wants to fight they have to say it verbally, but they lose anyway, if there are close to death circumstances you have to stop, you can injure the person but you can't kill them," Kagome explained.

" An umm boys," Kagome said slowly.

" Yeah," they all said.

" No groin kicking, this goes to girls too, you can't kick the guys in their family jewels," she said trying not to grin.

Sango blushed as well as the others at Kagome's little lecture about no ball* kicking.

" Inuyasha and Miroku you can follow Tanuki and he'll show you the lockers, Sango you can come with me," Kagome said.

Everyone left as they were instructed.

Kagome reached into a bin and pulled out a pair of shorts, tank top, and white bandages, throwing them all at Sango.

" Here put these on, put the bandages around your chest, feet, and hands if you want, its much better, and if you need help just call me," Kagome said walking outside, " I'm already prepared so I'll wait out for you."

Sango nodded and started to get dress.

Outside Kagome walked to the announcer and clearly told him that there was going to be a special request match, then after that she gave him the list with all the competitors' names on them.

The names were posted on a large board and hanged above the announcer's table. An 'X' would be placed next to the competitor's name if they lost, if they won their name would move up.

Sango soon came out of the locker rooms wearing a navy blue tank top and yellow shorts with an orange stripe on the sides.

Miroku whistled and Sango just sent him a glare.

Sango came by to stand next to Kagome, " So who's fighting first," she asked.

" Look," Kagome said pointing to a board with all their names on it.

Sango looked to see that it was Miroku and Tanaka fighting first.

" Come on lets get a place to sit," Kagome said walking to the cement seats, the one that they sat on the first time Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku came to the club

Sango and Kagome joined the others: Julina and Tanuki, as they waited for Miroku's and Tanaka's fight to begin.

They watched as they chose weapons. Miroku chose a bamboo stick and Tanaka chose the same thing.

Kagome looked at Sango and asked, " Has Miroku trained of stick combat?"

" Yeah he has, he has a staff back at home and he fights pretty well with it," Sango said turning around to speak to Kagome.

Soon the announcer announced Miroku's and Tanaka's names' as they entered the caged fighting area and bets were being taken.

" Who do you think will win," Sango asked turning to Inuyasha who was staring at Miroku and Tanaka.

" I think they're equal," Inuyasha replied not bothering to turn and face Sango.

" What about you Kagome," she said turning away from Inuyasha to face her new friend who was currently sitting next to her.

" Oh, I don't really know, Tanaka has been practicing but he hasn't mastered everything yet, although he doesn't give up easily, and as for Miroku I never seen him fight before," she said propping her head on her arms and looking into the ring.

When the bets we're all taken and the crowd settled and the lights dimmed on the crowd to focus upon the two fighters

Awhile later…

Miroku and Tanaka we're both panting trying hard to catch their breaths. Both their bare muscular backs covered with sweat, their whole body drenched. It and been awhile since they started the match, and both seemed to be getting tired and both were very well matched. Miroku and Tanaka came at each other, both their bamboo sticks clashing. They came together and once in awhile they would kick at each other, blocking and performing great skill.

The crowd seemed to be getting tired of the fight and the announcer had announced that they had little than 2 minutes to finish each other or the match would be declared a draw. Miroku and Tanaka seemed to have heard because they fought each other harder and tried to increase their strength. The clock was ticking away and the announcer started counting down.

Suddenly the crowd roared again at the new sight they witnessed. Tanaka had just been knocked down and was on the ground with Miroku standing, pressing his stick to his chest. The crowd cheered to finally see some good action. Miroku grinned thinking he was about to win since there was little time left and he was in the dominating position.

But beneath him Tanaka smiled painfully, he wouldn't go down that easy. He looked up to see Miroku grinning, and he noticed that he let his guard down a little therefore he didn't put enough pressure on him so he couldn't get up. Tanaka grabbed the stick, which was on his chest and knocked it up causing it to hit Miorku on the chin and straight up to his nose. Miroku backed away and gave Tanaka enough time to stand up again.

Now Miroku's nose was bleeding as he backed away holding his nose in pain. " Uh shit!" he spat pinching his nose to stop the blood from flowing down onto the ring's white mat.

Tanaka only got up right back on his feet with a grin on his face. Miroku looked over to him and sent him a glare.

Tanaka watched as Miroku pinched his nose one last time before wiping away the flowing blood with the back of his hand, smearing the blood a little.

The match went on after awhile and was later declared a tie. Since it was a tie, the two didn't have a chance to fight the others.

Next Inuyasha and Tanuki entered the ring quietly. As the announcer declared their names both men stood in fighting stance.

Once the fight began Inuyasha charged with speed ready to kick his opponent, but Tanuki moved out of the way turning back to return a kick. Both we're very good and the match lasted awhile, but in the end Inuyasha came out the victor, out speeding his opponent. During the fight the crowd cheered for the men for the fight was very exciting.

Next were Julina and Sango. As the two entered the ring, the men whistled at them. Especially for Sango whom Miroku sent his best wishes to was constantly cheering on.

The two women battled, swords clashing as they tried to take the other out.

" Sango's pretty strong," Kagome thought, " She's a good match with Julina."

Meanwhile in Miroku's mind…

" Come on Sango baby, you could do it," he thought following Sango's movement with his eyes.

" Damn she looks hot!"

" Sweaty and wet," Miroku thought earning a lecherous grin on his face as he fantasized.

" Bad thoughts, bad thoughts!"

" If I keep thinking these thoughts Sango's gonna kick my ass!"

" But she'll never know."

Miroku grinned to himself still watching Sango with a perverted stare.

. Sango had been too stubborn to back down and refused to lose, but her and Julina were still fairly matched. Soon the match ended and was declared a tie by the announcer. As both women exited the ring, they stopped to congratulate each other.

" You'rE pretty good," Julina said drying her face of the sweat that had collected during the match

" Same to you too," Sango said.

Then both girls looked at each other and grinned reaching their hands out to shake.

" Rematch," they declared laughing after.

Next was Inuyasha and Kagome's fight. As they entered the ring no look of emotion was on Kagome's face and as for Inuyasha he was as cocky as ever.

The cheering soon seized and the crowd quieted down. The announcer then spoke up, " Ladies and gentlemen, this is our final match for tonight, please welcome Inuyasha in the red shorts and our own champ, Kagome, in the other red shorts."

The crowd cheered again, mostly for Kagome and some for Inuyasha.

The bell sounded, and the announcer yelled, " Begin!"

Kagome and Inuyasha both got into their fighting position looking into each other's eyes like they were ready to kill each other. Inuyasha charged kicking his way to Kagome making her back up to keep from getting kicked. Then Kagome grabbed his foot and twisted it around, almost making Inuyasha loose his balance. He recovered though, bringing up his other foot to kick Kagome on the head, but was unsuccessful.

The crowd watched in amazement as they watched Kagome continue fighting the man they all knew was a half demon. They cheered and shouted from the stands trying to get their choice of a winner to win. They thought Kagome had no chance in competing against a half demon, she was only human they thought, but they still had faith in her since she was after all the champion of the ring.

Then came the sword fighting. Inuyasha had grabbed his sword first swiping it at the moving Kagome who was trying to dodge his every move. She didn't manage to dodge one swipe though.

Kagome felt the blade of Inuyasha's sword rip through her shirt in one swift swing making a line, she also felt the cold metal lightly sting her skin. She wanted to wince, but she couldn't show Inuyasha any sign of pain. She hardly felt it anyway. Kagome moved across the ring quickly grabbing her sword and holding it tightly in front of her.

She saw Inuyasha smirk as he stood in front of her, also pointing out his sword.

Kagome wanted so bad just to wipe of his stupid smirk. She never fought a demon before, well not one as strong as Inuyasha. She thought it wasn't really fair either, he was a hanyou after all, she could sense it, and with his demonic strength he could easily overpower her, but she wouldn't let. Kagome smirked inside as she slowly infused her sword with her miko powers, a blue aura suddenly surrounding it. She never had to do this either.

Inuyasha looked at Kagome surprised. He knew she was a miko, but he didn't exactly know what she could do. The crowd also looked on in astonishment, but continued cheering anyway.

Inuyasha just growled though. It wasn't going be as easy as he thought.

Their swords clashing making aloud clang, as the two fought to bring each other down. It seemed like no ordinary match anymore, more like a death match. Both Kagome and Inuyasha leaned on their swords trying to push the other back as they held their ground.

It wasn't easy for Kagome because of Inuyasha's strength, and it wasn't easy for Inuyasha because of Kagome's new miko sword.

They fought on, from time to time making attempts to block and dodge each other's blows and attacks. The crowd carried on cheering, seeing that the two we're fairly matched. No one at that point knew who would win.

The two were still going on strong after the elapsed time of 15 minutes, but finally Inuyasha had managed to pin Kagome down.

" Finally got you now, huh Kagome," Inuyasha spoke above her. " Yeah right you do," Kagome said back trying to kick Inuyasha, but he backed up preventing her from kicking him. Kagome stooped low and swiped her leg from under him making him stumble back. The fight went on until the last minute and it was either going to be tie or die.

It was down to 10 seconds and all Inuyasha had to do was keep Kagome pinned to the mat, but Kagome was still fighting to get out of his hold. From above her Kagome saw that Inuyasha was smirking triumphantly thinking that he had just won.

" Not just yet," Kagome whispered. She never thought she had to this, but why not, it was Inuyasha after all. Arrogant and sometimes jerk wad Inuyasha.

She hesitated and analyed her thoughts quickly. Inuyasha didn't notice but under him Kagome was forming a bright blue ball, and she was just waiting till the right time.

The announcer along with the crowd all started counting down. Five, Four Three…

"Almost there," Kagome thought. Two…

She grinned and pushed the ball into Inuyasha's chest pushing him back and sliding onto the mat with a burnt mark on his chest.

The announcer yelled, " One," and the crowd cheered. He continued loudly on his microphone, " With the last few seconds Kagome has managed to throw the equally great Inuyasha down with a surge of blue energy making her the winner of tonight's match. That was a close one ladies and gentlemen, but Kagome is still the Queen of the Ring and still holds the title."

Kagome didn't listen though, she really didn't care at all, so she walked off to find a seething Inuyasha. She sniffed the money she had won as a prize closing her eyes and then opening them again grinning.

He continued to glare at her and said, " You cheated and you know it."

Kagome stared and just said, " No I didn't, I played fair and won fair," and continued walking off.

Inuyasha watched her retreating form. He knew she won fair, but he didn't feel like admitting he just lost to a girl, so he yelled off to her turned back, " Don't deny the truth Kagome!" She just continued walking off anyway not even bothering to say something back.

He growled anyway and followed her into the crowd. He wasn't really mad, he just had to play it.

He watched as Kagome went over to Sango and Julina to tell them about the match.

Then Kagome walked over to him and smiled. Inuyasha couldn't help but smile too; her smile was like a virus. He'd been smiling a lot when he was around her and he just started noticing it. At first he was frustrated that a girl, especially Kagome, could make him smile like that, and he even got more angrier thinking that why couldn't Kikyo, his girlfriend of 3 years couldn't make him smile so often like that.

He remembers Kikyo as having a cold demeanor, emotionless face and eyes, and a person who didn't smile so often. People didn't approve of their relationship, and described her as spoiled, greedy, and everything the opposite of Kagome. Sango didn't like her much either and so did the people at the office. They called her bitch and all sorts of things, but Kikyo just ignored it and passed it of as jealousy for her beauty. He didn't care what they said though, Kikyo had always acted " kindly" to him when he looked at it, but their relationship had always been so boring and plain. Sure they would go out on dinners, outings and such, but then it would always be about Kikyo. He would buy her things and give her probably everything that her little heart would desire, hoping that that would help brighten up their relationship and keep it going. And in return she would tell him the things he wanted to hear. The words of love, and with those precious words would slowly ease his loneliness, and he felt better. It was if like he was paying for her keep and their relationship was just like a schedule they'd follow everyday.

Around Kagome there was no such things as a schedule, they'd play out life just the way it is, no plans, no boundaries, just playing like there was no tomorrow. Around Kagome he was himself, being around Kikyo was different. He'd have to watch himself, especially what he said. It was his personality, he couldn't help but say things like he says to Kagome. It was just him. And he'd wonder if Kikyo liked that part of him. He didn't want to upset Kikyo and make her leave. Although sometimes he felt like he was changing himself just for Kikyo and he always had to pretend around her. It was just different with Kagome. He didn't know if other people realized it, and he didn't want them or even himself to.

People would also say that Kikyo was just using him for his money and just played him as a toy, but he chose to ignore it not wanting to hear anything. He'd get angry when they'd tell him things and just yell at them and say that they didn't know Kikyo like he did and the things they said were just lies. He trusted her and he couldn't believe that Kikyo would do that to him and she truly loved him. He just couldn't believe it. He didn't know if he truly trusted her or that he was just afraid to get hurt and end up being alone again. He didn't know really, and didn't want to know the truth. He just wanted things to stay the same and not change. He often tried to clear up the confusion in his head but he'd always push it back and ignore his problems. Afraid. Maybe he was really afraid. He'd never want to say it out loud though.

He was Inuyasha, strong and fearless Inuyasha, but he wasn't everything people believed him to be and he got mad at himself for that. Now that Kagome was in his life things started to change and he was starting to hate it. He didn't want to develop feelings for Kagome or even wanted feelings for her to begin with. He was afraid that it would change things between him and Kikyo and some how or some way it would affect everything. He didn't want things to change. He'd never admit it to himself or anybody though, that maybe he just had feelings for Kagome and he was afraid of that. He was attracted to her personality, she was fun, really fun to play insult games with too. It's just been one day since Kagome started working at Sengoku Corps, and yet she's been winning their battles. Damn he thought and smiled to himself.

After awhile of thinking to himself reality finally dawned on him and he looked down to see Kagome waving her hands in front of his face and that she'd been doing that for quite a while.

" Are you ok, so are you still pissed for losing, I know how boys are when they lose, especially to a girl, they get butt hurt and all" she said concern and kindness showing clearly in her eyes.

" Ah, yeah," he answered stuttering a little.

Kagome gave him a skeptical look and said, " I've been trying to snap you back to a reality and get you back to earth for awhile."

Now Inuyasha had a smug look on his face," aww did you really miss me," he said in a playful tone.

Kagome laughed and said," nah I was just wondering if you were ok because you've been spaced out for like 5 minutes and I wanted to know if I bumped you in the head too hard, and I don't really want to pay for your brain damage anyway."

His smug facade fell from his face. Damn she turns my words and twists them around into her own sick ways, he thought.

" Feh," was his reply followed with, " I just thought you really cared is all," he said as if he was really hurt.

" Really," Kagome said sarcastically, shaking her head and started to turn around, " don't get all sappy on me, it freaks me out."

Inuyasha smiled and followed her to the others.

Miroku led them outside to his car only to find out that all his windows we're smashed to pieces.

"Oh fuck," he said circling his car and combing his hand through his hair. He looked at Kagome who was just standing there.

" It happens," was all she said.

He then turned to look at Sango, " Did you look inside to see if anything is missing," she asked.

" No not yet," he replied. He poked his head through the broken window and opened the door. He looked around a little before slamming the door shut to face the three.

" Aww, they took my stereo and my fucking hundred doller sunglasses, and I just bought it last weekend," he whined.

" I'm sorry Miroku, we could ride in my car instead," Kagome said, " Take what you need from yours and here."

She threw a cell phone at him and said, " Call your insurance and the tow company or something, you wouldn't want them coming back to steal parts of your car would you."

After waiting for the two truck to come get Miroku's car, they followed Kagome to her car and waited for her to open the door.

Miroku whistled at the car, " Nice ride Kagome."

"Uh thanks," Kagome said looking at Sango.

Sango sighed and explained, " There are three things that Miroku loves: Women, cars, and money."

" Sango you know there's only one women for me, and that's you," Miroku said grinning from ear to ear.

Sango just hopped in the car with Kagome.

" Shut it," Inuyasha said before following the girls inside.


" Where are we," Sango asked, bringing her face closer to the tinted window of Kagome's car.

" Old town Tokyo," Kagome replied parking her car.

" And where the hell is that," Inuyasha asked also looking around

" We're on the West side of Tokyo, you know the place before everything is suppose to be shit and where all the old buildings and warehouses are," she answered.

Inuyasha just formed an 'O' with his mouth.

Sango walked out shivering. " Cold my dear Sango," Miroku said more then asked and wrapped a jacket he grabbed from his car around her shoulders.

She blushed and said thanks.

They walked down the street watching some people talking, trying to sell stuff, and huddling around a burning garbage can.

Miroku, Sango and Inuyasha looked on interested.

A small boy stood in front of Kagome making her stop. "Please buy one, I really need the money, my mother's sick and we can't afford to buy medicine," the boy said.

Kagome smiled kindly towards the boy and asked, " How much for one?"

The boy hesitated a bit expecting to just be ignored." Just a doller mam," he said stuttering.

Kagome pulled out a doller from her pocket and asked for a white rose. She handed the boy the doller and smelled the rose. "Tell your mom that I hope she gets well and take care." The boy smiled back.

Miroku too bought a doller, but a red one and handed it to Sango.

The boy then left to sell more waving bye and shouting out a thank you. "And why didn't you buy one and give some support," Miroku asked in a mocking tone looking at Inuyasha. "Doesn't matter, he could have just been faking it you know, and using the money to buy crack or something, and you guy's just bought his lies and helped him become a drug addict," Inuyasha spat. No one but Inuyasha heard Kagome whisper, " But I believe." As they walked along the street to their next destination two women went up to Miroku and Inuyasha. Scratch that, maybe one woman. "Hey baby," one said to Miroku stroking his cheek with a finger, " you wanna come by to my place tonight, twenty bucks," she offered. She grabbed his ass and Miroku jumped a little surprise still not saying anything. Sango pushed Miroku out of the way and stood in front of the slut," No thank you, but I don't think he'd be coming tonight," she said sweetly. The girl said, " Whatever," and she turned to Miroku who still stood motion less, " and maybe if your little girlfriend can't give you enough, stop by anytime." She walked away blowing him a kiss and saying something about a skank. Unfortunately Sango heard and yelled back at her," Who are you calling skank ho, if you don't shut your little mouth I'll come over there and kick your ass!" Meanwhile Inuyasha was busy with his own little problem. The woman or guy who looked like a drag queen was a little more talkative then the other and was kind of freaking Inuyasha out who just kept telling him/her to fuck off and was clearly freaked out. " Hey cutie, call me some time and we could have some fun," the person said making moves to touch Inuyasha but he pulled away. " Ooo, look at those muscles, man you're so fine," he/she said. Before Inuyasha had started turning the girly man patted his ass making him jump a little. The group started walking away but the he/she yelled, " roar, you've got a fine ass boy," before walking off too. Inuyasha was blowing some steam and gritting his teeth, Kagome was quite amused but giggled anyway. Inuyasha growled at her to shut up. Kagome stopped and looked at Miroku who was still in a faze of shock and said nothing at all. " He's ok Kagome, he deserves it anyway, or does he, he just got a taste of his own medicine," Sango said. Inuyasha hit Miroku on the back," Now you'll know how the women feel when they're groped." Miroku just nodded his head. When arriving at an abandoned sub way station they got hungry so Kagome offered them what she called porridge. Inuyasha called it shit. The four sat in a circle along with other people eating from foam bowls. Sango just stared at her bowl while Inuyasha sniffed it to make sure it wasn't poisonous. Miroku who was then back from his fazed out state was eating happily. " What the hell is in this," Inuyasha asked sniffing his bowl again," It looks like muck." Kagome glared and said, " Its rice, stock, fish, and that's all, nothing bad, so stop over reacting and just eat." Sango had begun eating and just sat silently. Inuyasha finally gave in and took a bite. He actually liked it and thought for awhile. Better than ramen? Nah, ramen's always number one. After eating it was about 12 and soon they had to go. Kagome drove each of them back to their house, which later she discovered was a mansion, and that they all lived together. Kagome hugged Sango good bye and waved to Miroku and did nothing to Inuyasha who just walked away not doing or saying. She drove away with another day passed. * Author's Notes:** and Review Feedback , well srry for not updating in a long ass time, I hope I didn't take too long, lol, my computer was being a bitch!! No internet…den I updated to …school's over, but I got summer school, my computer is screwed, I don't know wast wrong with it, but I updated = )

Well if I do have spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes….umm heh forgive me lol, I should start reading over my chapters and fix some mistakes…

well as for the fight scenes I didn't elaborate much because I suck at fight scenes…lol…I mean when I think about it in my head it looks so perfect and when it comes to writing it down.i can't describe it!! And dat pisses me off..Especially when it isn't very entertaining to you!! I don't like to disappoint people especially people who are reading this fic

Well you know that fighting part about Miroku and Tanaka, lol, it sounds like you're reading a sex scene, hehe lol, ok well do you think this fic is PG-13? Or should it be rated R? I don't wanna get this fic deleted, especially when I don't have a copy of it on my comp.

O and yes I have nothing against homesexual's or transexual's!! so lemme just get that straight before I get a review saying on how I'm hating on dem.


Ok well I'll be back on the Next Chapter. I hope you enjoy this chapter , I might change the title though, sometime i think of better ones so I change it, well see you till next time