InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Family Instincts ❯ Family Instincts - Special Touch ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Family Instincts - Special Touch
By Majicman55
Okay, okay. I do not own any part of InuYasha. I just like to play with the characters.
Nyoko tossed and turned. In her dream, an angry-looking Akamaru advanced on her until he got within striking distance. He then drew his “katana,” which looked an awful lot like…well…a flaccid penis.
If you could blush in your sleep, Nyoko did. Yet she found she had an odd fascination with the katana.
When Akamaru waved it at her, she found herself seizing it. Once in her grasp, the katana transformed into a magnificent, slightly-curved blade. Despite the admonitions of her father and uncles, she wasn't afraid of it. She continued to hold it and even fondled it. She looked up at Akamaru. Her “mate” was not scowling any longer, but rather seemed to be lost in rapture.
This aroused her even more. She glanced down as she felt herself getting wet. When she looked up again, Akamaru was writhing as if he, himself, was in her grasp. This time there was a waterfall (that looked like Niagara Falls?) behind him. An urge built within her…
When Nyoko woke up, she felt like she had slept for days. She rubbed her head, trying to remember her dream. Something about waterfalls…
When she rolled out of bed to toddle her way to the bathroom, she wondered if she hadn't slept for months.
Her belly couldn't be this big.
Nyoko panicked. “Uncle Bengoshi! Uncle Seijika! Father!” she yelled before sitting heavily back onto the bed.
The door flew open and her father and uncles practically tumbled into the room. Nyoko sat before them, unable to speak. All she could do was hold her distended belly. “H-How?”
Her father sat down beside her and put his arm around her shoulder. “Take it easy. You're safe.”
“B-B-But…h-how?” Nyoko began rocking within her father's arms. “How could I be this far along? H-Have I been in a coma?”
“Of course not,” exclaimed Bengoshi.
Nyoko sniffed and looked wonderingly at her uncle.
“We have been using our…powers…to speed up your pregnancy You are now at the equivalent of seven ningen months.”
“Why are you doing this to me?”
“So we can rid ourselves of you sooner,” Seijika mumbled under his breath.
Nyoko gasped and stared briefly at her uncle. She was quite sure that normally she wouldn't have heard what Uncle Seijika had said. But, come to think of it, both her hearing and her vision seemed better…her sense of smell, too. She could certainly tell that neither her father nor her uncles had bathed recently. Was this an effect of her pregnancy?
She focused on Seijika. “What did you say, uncle?”
Both Seijika and Onaraku drew back from the girl…as did Bengoshi until a look of comprehension graced his features. “It is his blood.”
Seijika looked sharply at Bengoshi. “What's that?”
“They mated. She took some of his blood. Her human senses are being augmented by his youkai blood.”
Seijika looked away from Bengoshi and towards Nyoko. He walked up to her and stabbed her with his finger as he spoke. “You (poke) are (poke) tainted! (poke!)”
Nyoko hung her head. “Is that why you want rid of me, uncle?”
Bengoshi placed his hand on Seijika's shoulder to silence him; then answered for his brother. “We are all a little bitter, Nyoko. Seijika doesn't hide his feelings well, that's all.”
Bengoshi smiled and shrugged. “We have opposed Akamaru and his family for centuries. Not only do we have to conceal ourselves, but anyone close to us becomes a target.” Bengoshi placed a hand on each of Seijika's shoulders. “Your uncle merely resents that we had been forced to keep our distance from you, and that now that we are together, it is painful to him that we must remain in hiding. We can only hope that once you have delivered the baby, Akamaru and his family will lose interest.”
“Ummm, sure.” Nyoko didn't think Akamaru would lose interest, and she thought it was silly of Bengoshi to suggest it, but she was willing to play along till she could discover where she stood.
Onaraku was rubbing Nyoko's back. “That is why we have been speeding things up. The sooner you deliver, the sooner you are out of danger.”
“Are you hungry,” asked Seijika. “You should have something to eat, if only for the baby's sake.”
“Sure. I need to use the little girls' room and take a shower, anyway. I'll have something to eat after that.”
“Good girl,” said Onaraku.
“Do you think she believed us?” asked Onaraku as the three prepared a meal for his daughter.
“Why not?” spat Seijika. “Ningens are stupid.”
“Shhh!” warned Bengoshi. “You are forgetting that her senses are sharper now and, even if you think she's inferior, all you have to do is say the wrong thing within earshot and you'll ruin it for us all!”
Seijika scowled at his brother. “We don't need her much longer.” He picked up a knife and measured the sharpness of the blade. “When Naraku's big enough, I'll just cut him right out of her.”
Bengoshi frowned. “I don't think father would approve.”
“I say we get rid of her!”
Onaraku made a “V” with his fingers, exclaimed “Oh! A wise guy!” and poked Seijika in the eye.
Seijika stumbled backwards. “Bengoshi! He's doing it again!”
Bengoshi grabbed Onaraku's shoulders and looked him in the eyes. “Not now, brother.”
“Another wise guy, huh?”
Bengoshi shook Onaraku. “Baka! Onaraku no baka!”
“Who are you calling an idiot?” snarled Onaraku.
“You were channeling the Stooges again.”
“At least he didn't go into `Niagara Falls' again,” said Seijika.
“Niagara Falls!”
Bengoshi glared at Seijika.
Once Nyoko got out of the shower and was getting dressed, she could hear the argument in the kitchen. Unfortunately, she couldn't quite make out what everyone was saying. Fortunately, she had been provided with some clothes and she hurriedly put them on.
She pressed her ear to the door, but what she heard only served to confuse her. Her father said something about turning slowly, followed by “step by step” and “inch by inch.” This was followed by lots of crashing sounds…as if a fight had broken out in the kitchen.
She tried the door and, amazingly, it opened. She stepped out and looked in the direction of the commotion. Bengoshi and Seijika seemed to be trying to restrain her father, who seemed to be trying to choke Seijika.
Nyoko decided to leave while the leaving was good.
When she found the front door, there was a strip of paper pasted to it. The paper had carefully crafted symbols on it and the whole things appeared to her senses to glow with power. She shrugged and tried the doorknob only to receive a strong shock. Nyoko frowned. So that's what that paper did. But she had to get out of there. Without thinking, she grabbed the paper again. It crumbled in her grasp.
“How'd I do that?” she thought. But the doorknob didn't shock her anymore, so she opened the door and stepped outside…
Apparently the place where they were living was so low-rent that the front door opened onto a filthy alley. Nyoko almost retreated into the apartment, but she decided she couldn't go back. She had had enough and now she was going to find out the truth for herself.
She would find Akamaru.
She had barely made it to the end of the alley when it hit her.
“I feel her!”
Midoriko had felt a pulse, too…just before she got the call from Akamaru. “Keep sending out a signal,” she declared as she added Aoimaru to their conversation. “You have it, too?”
“Yeah! Keep it up, brother!”
Akamaru kept stroking his mating mark with enthusiasm. They had been searching for weeks and he wasn't going to miss this chance, although it was having a strong effect on him. He was glad his brother and sister weren't here. It would be embarrassing for them to see him in his present condition.
He wondered how Nyoko was feeling.
Nyoko gasped as she sat against one wall of the alley. She couldn't go out in public like this!
She closed her eyes and concentrated on collecting herself. It had the opposite effect. With her eyes closed, all she could see was a vision of her nude mate advancing on her, fully erect, a look of extreme want in his eyes. She groaned and had to stop herself from reaching into her own pants. It would hardly do to have someone stumble on her while she was doing that. Her head lolled from side to side as waves of sexual desire coursed through her.
At least there were some trash cans between her and the door to the apartment. If she could suppress her response to this stimulation, she still might get away.
She concentrated on not responding.
Akamaru had a puzzled look on his face. He could still feel Nyoko's response, but it wasn't as strong. It was almost as if she was fighting him. He was frowning when his cell phone rang. “Yes?”
Both Midoriko and Aoimaru were on the line. Midoriko spoke first. “I'm not sure of the direction, anymore. The signal's too weak. You're still stroking your mark, aren't you?”
Aoimaru joined in. “Losing your touch already, brother?”
“I am not losing my touch.”
“And you two are practically newlyweds. Well, you'd better do something or we're not gonna find her.”
“Just keep sensing.” Akamaru snapped the cell phone shut and laid it on the roof. “I'll show them,” he thought. He concentrated on his mate's image and began stroking his mating mark with one hand. With his other hand, he began stroking…something else.
Back in the alley, Nyoko gasped. She thought she had succeeded in beating down the feelings she was getting from Akamaru, but now she felt like she had been hit by a tsunami.
Unfortunately, at that moment, the door to the apartment opened and one of her uncles looked out.
Nyoko crouched down lower, hoping she wouldn't be seen. She tried to remain quiet, but the door had opened when she was so close, and waves of extreme pleasure washed over her, until…
Nyoko clamped both hands over her mouth, but it was too late. She couldn't even get up to run because her legs wouldn't support her.
Two of her uncles stood over her. Seijika's nose was screwed up as if he smelled something unpleasant. Bengoshi smiled and reached to help her up. “Time to come back inside where it's safe, my dear.”
“Damn it,” she thought, as she allowed herself to be taken back into the apartment.
Back on the rooftop, Akamaru cleaned himself up as best he could. “Another load of laundry I'll have to do myself,” he thought. “But why did Nyoko's response turn angry?”
To make matters worse, the response he was feeling from his mate had been completely cut off. It was like Nyoko had dropped off the face of the Earth. They've got her in a warded location, again,” he thought. “Maybe we got lucky, though.”
He called Midoriko and Aoimaru on three-way. “Get anything?”
“Uhh-h-hh,” was all Aoimaru said.
“Nine words for you,” Midoriko said angrily. “If you do that again, I will kill you.”
“I'm sorry.”
“I am a female. Male orgasms do not work well in females.” Midoriko paused a moment. “I mean…you know what I mean!”
“I said I'm sorry.”
“You should be.”
Aoimaru broke in. “Just, uhh, try to remember that we both feel whatever you're feeling.”
“Did either of you get a direction?”
“I did,” said Aoimaru.
“I did, too,” said Midorido. “And if you hadn't gotten carried away, we might have narrowed things down to less than half the city.”
A/N: Looks like “Naraku, The Next Generation” has succeeded in speeding up the game. They almost found Nyoko this time, but not quite. Looks like that mating mark can be both a blessing and a curse. And what will the Naraku gang do now?
And what of the beast under Mount Fuji. Thought I forgot about it, didn't you? Well, I didn't. I just don't know if he's going to get loose.
Remember, this is a rewrite.
As always, please read and review. Thanks!