InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Family Instincts ❯ Family Instincts - One, Two, Three ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Family Instincts - One, Two, Three
By Majicman55
Okay, okay. I do not own any part of InuYasha. I just like to play with the characters.
InuYasha and Kagome were having tea when Akamaru, Midoriko and Aoimaru entered the kitchen.
“Find anything?” asked Kagome.
“We've got good news…” said Aoimaru.
“…and bad news,” finished Midoriko.
Akamaru was looking more than a little embarrassed. “We got a hit on Nyoko.”
“That's great!” exclaimed Kagome. “So what's the good news?”
Aoimaru smiled sardonically at his brother. “We've been able to eliminate half of Tokyo.”
“Oi, what's the bad news?”
Midoriko used her thumb to gesture towards Akamaru. “If loverboy, there, hadn't gotten carried away, we might have narrowed it down to a city block.”
InuYasha looked at his son. “What does she mean, `carried away?'”
Midoriko glared at Akamaru. “He played with himself to get a stronger response from Nyoko.”
“Keh! You turned into a dog on top of some building in downtown Tokyo and…”
“I did not!”
InuYasha just stared at Akamaru.
“I did it the ningen way.” Akamaru held his hand up, palm out. “With this.”
“Ewwww, put that away.” Midoriko glared at her brother. Do you know what it's like to be a woman and experience a man's orgasm?”
InuYasha was starting to blush.
Kagome raised her hand slowly. “I do.”
All three kids looked at their mother. “Huh?”
“And your father knows what a woman's orgasm feels like. Isn't that right, InuYasha?”
The Great Lord of the Western Lands appeared at the kitchen door. “This Sesshomaru has to hear this.”
“I think it was about eighty years after the final battle with Naraku. There was this slightly nutty priestess…but she was a lot of fun, wasn't she, InuYasha?”
“Feh, again.”
“Anyway, we were sitting around a campfire with our guest, just having a good time, when the conversation turned to the differences between men and women. Well, your father remarked that the only way a man could really know what a woman felt was to actually be one.”
“Little did I know…”
“Little did your father know, but the miko took his words to hear and decided to let him experience how a woman felt…in all ways.”
“You never told me about this, brother.”
“Since we were a couple, she switched our spirits. I was in your father's body while he was in mine.”
Midoriko was amused. “Why didn't you have her change you back?”
“Oi, because some spells aren't like that. We were stuck like that for three days.”
“That must have been weird,” Aoimaru observed.
There was a low laughter from the Great Lord of the Western Lands. “InuYasha…as a girl. Why didn't this Sesshomaru get to see that?”
“That's one, asshole.”
“Be nice, InuYasha.” Kagome continued. “For the first night, it was so strange that, although we slept together, all we did was sleep. But you know your father.”
“Oi! What's that supposed to mean?”
“Okay, neither of us could resist.” Kagome blushed. “Besides, our curiosity got the better of us.”
“You two actually mated that way?” Sesshomaru looked at his brother. “So, little brother, who was on top?”
“I was.”
Everyone looked at Kagome.
“Hey, it was a once in a lifetime.”
The Great Lord of the Western Lands turned to face back through the doorway and out of the kitchen. A sort of guffawing could be heard.
InuYasha had been growling at various points in the conversation and was growling again.
“Anyway, that was how our 83rd and 84th children were started.”
Midoriko looked wide-eyed at her mother. “You impregnated dad?”
Kagome nodded.
“Did he…I mean…did you two switch bodies before the miko/youkai conception orgasms hit?”
Sesshomaru was rolling on the floor, laughing.
Kagome tried to pacify her mate. “I must say, your father took it well.”
“You ain't helpin', bitch!”
“Now, there's a word I haven't heard in a while. At least not outside our bedroom.” Kagome looked at her husband and a faint glow appeared around his neck. “Osuwari.”
The hanyou was pulled down, his chin landing - unfortunately - in his teacup.
“Oh, InuYasha. That was my favorite setting.
“Why did you try to escape?”
Nyoko regarded her Uncle Bengoshi with some trepidation. She still hadn't figured out quite where she stood in this, so she decided to play innocent. “I'm sorry, uncle. It's just so stuffy in there. I guess I just wanted some air.”
“Don't you know how much danger you placed yourself in? And us, too,” hissed her Uncle Seijika.
“I…I'm sorry.” Nyoko noticed her father had not joined the conversation and was instead watching the TV intently. Nyoko had seen some of the old black and white shows herself and knew her father was watching The Three Stooges again. “D-Dad?”
Onaraku pointed at the screen and rocked back and forth while he laughed. “A wise guy! A wise guy!”
Nyoko was confused. “What's with him? He never acted like this when I was a kid?”
Seijika scowled. “Your father will be himself again shortly. We need to worry about you and these stunts you're pulling.”
“I just want my mate!” Nyoko's eyes got very big as she clamped her hands over her own mouth.
Seijika turned to Bengoshi. “See. I told you she was tainted.”
Bengoshi frowned at his brother. “She is like all children. She does not know what's good for her.” Bengoshi turned to Nyoko. “Don't you understand that we're your family and are only looking out for you?”
Nyoko looked down. “I…I guess so.”
Midoriko looked pleadingly at her mother. “Can't you at least lessen the effect it has when lover boy, here, and Nyoko make contact?”
Kagome examined the auras of Midoriko and Aoimaru. “I could…but it would make it harder to find Nyoko.”
Aoimaru spoke. “What I don't get is why we felt Akamaru's...ah…”
“You were supposed to, like your brother, be able to feel any response he got from Nyoko…and you did…but you got more than you bargained for.” Kagome sighed when she noticed everyone looking at her quizzically. “When your father strokes his mating mark, he can feel my response, and I can feel him. It builds back and forth. You were probably lucky Nyoko didn't stroke her own mark as well.”
“I think she did,” said Akamaru. “At least a little. That's why I was getting carried away.”
Midoriko glared at her brother. “Oh sure. Any excuse in a storm.”
“I can do one thing,” said Kagome. “Midoriko, Aoimaru…give me your watches.” Kagome took the proffered watches, chanted over them briefly and handed them back. “If it gets to be too much, take your watch off and place it on your other wrist.”
Midoriko finished putting her watch back on. “It will block the effect?”
“Not entirely, but it will be much weaker.”
“Thank you,” said Aoimaru.
“There's one thing I don't understand,” said Akamaru.
“Yes?” answered Kagome.
“I got the impression that Nyoko was almost…angry…with me.”
“This Sesshomaru can answer that one.”
All eyes turned to the Great Lord of the Western Lands.
“The three who we now know are named Bengoshi, Seijika and Onaraku, unquestionably have been holding your mate in a warded location. Also unquestionably, she managed to leave that location so that you were able to detect her. She probably did not get far before she felt you…and was overwhelmed.”
“After a moment, it was like she was fighting me.”
“She did not wish to be discovered. When you, hn, stepped up your, hn, activity…she reacted so strongly that she couldn't avoid being discovered.”
“You're saying that I got her recaptured.”
“Mannn, I'm such a screw-up!”
“Hn. Like father, like son.”
“That's two, asshole.”
Nyoko poked at her ramen. At least her father had settled down and was no longer quoting the Stooges at every turn. Bengoshi was reading some old book. Seijika had grumbled, but had left to retrieve some take-out oden she had a craving for. The ramen was just to tide her over.
It was really strange being seven months pregnant already.
Lately, she had begun to regard her pregnant belly with some misgivings. Maybe it was just the unnatural state she was in, but she felt a sort of malignance growing within her. She hoped it wasn't a tumor or anything like that, but who knew with everything else going on? She was frightened.
She wanted her mate.
The brief time she had felt him while out in the alley had been like a drug to an addict. She could feel her body actually craving him…and she didn't care what her uncles, or even her own father said about it.
He was her mate and she wanted him. It was as simple as that.
She thought about how she had been caught and brought back into her personal prison. “If only he hadn't been such a fool!” she thought.
Kagome stood behind a seated and slumped over Akamaru, her hands on his shoulders. “Stop torturing yourself.”
Akamaru reached back and covered one of Kagome's hands with his own. “Thanks, mom, but I screwed up.”
“It's not the first time a man wanted sex when the woman didn't.”
The Great Lord of the Western Lands had just managed to recover enough to stand up again when he heard the miko's comment. “Wait. You mean InuYasha has…”
“You're verging on three, asshole.”
A/N: Poor Nyoko. All she wants is her mate. And Seijika sounds like he'd like to perform his own version of a C-section. But there may be light at the end of the tunnel.
And what of the beast under Mount Fuji? I've thought about it and, since I've joked about it this long, it will have to come into play. But don't hold your breath…yet. A few more chapters first.
Remember, this is a rewrite.
As always, please read and review. Thanks!