InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Family Instincts ❯ Family Instincts - Playing with Dolls ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Family Instincts - Playing with Dolls
By Majicman55
Okay, okay. I do not own any part of InuYasha. I just like to play with the characters.
“You did what?” Naraku's eyes narrowed as he contemptuously regarded the three fools who dared call themselves his sons. Once again, Naraku's words simply manifested within their heads.
Seijika glanced at Bengoshi, who was only then recovering from the shock of having one of his arms burnt off by his father. “It was his idea, father. He said you would want to dispose of InuYasha and his family as soon as possible, so we should lead them here.”
“They are on their way now?”
“They wish to rescue the girl,” said Onaraku, indicating Nyoko. “The girl mated with InuYasha and Kagome's son, Akamaru…which is how your physical form was conceived.”
“Well, at least that was nicely ironic,” thought Naraku. “Show me.”
Onaraku closed his eyes and visualized the whole process, starting with how the three brothers cooperated in eventually producing Nyoko, showing how they had worked behind the scenes to bring the girl and Akamaru together and concluding with their performance of the ritual of fusion which gathered together the fragments of Naraku's black, shattered soul and fused them with his new body. When Onaraku opened his eyes, his “father” was staring back at him.
“A clumsy process, but at least it worked.” Naraku scowled. He might be able to put up a barrier, but he knew he wasn't strong enough to fight a battle yet. However, he did hold the girl's life in his hands, and that might buy him the time he needed. Still within his barrier, he floated over to the exhausted girl who lay where she so recently had given birth to him.
“May I kill her now?” pleaded Seijika, who was still holding an ice pack firmly in his lap.
“No.” Naraku smiled. “After all, she is my mother.” He removed the manacles that restrained Nyoko.
Kagome clutched her bow tightly as she looked over the side of the enlarged feather. “Thank you for coming along, Kagura. I know that place has many bad memories for you.”
The wind sorceress smiled back at the miko. “If that bastard's going to make another appearance in this world, I want to be there to give him the welcome he deserves.”
“Oi. That goes for all of us.” InuYasha was hitching a ride on the back of his half brother's cloud as the four of them floated thousands of feet over the outskirts of Tokyo. “I get him first.”
“No,” said the Great Lord of the Western Lands, “I get him first.”
“Back off! I said I get him first!”
If Kagome and Kagura had been less busy rolling their eyes, they might have noticed a smirk creeping over Sesshomaru's face. An instant later, the “substantial” part of the cloud InuYasha was riding turned “insubstantial.”
Unlike in cartoons, the hanyou did not momentarily hover in mid-air before plummeting to earth.
He dropped like a rock.
“InuYasha!” shouted Kagome, before glaring at the taiyoukai. “Damn you, Sesshomaru! It's not funny.”
Even Kagura glared momentarily at her mate before commanding her feather to plunge after InuYasha.
While the sudden drop in altitude startled Kagome, she was so engrossed in following the red dot that was her mate that her only concession to her own safety was the whiteness of her knuckles as she hung onto the edge of Kagura's feather.
“We're catching up,” Kagura shouted over the rushing air.
“Yeah, but I don't like how fast the ground's approaching!”
“Can't be helped!”
“I know!”
They were close enough to be able to hear the ranting of the rapidly-descending hanyou.
“Does he always curse like that?”
“Actually he's cut back quite a bit!”
“I think I can get under him, but stopping before we hit the ground is going to be dicey!”
“What are you talking about? You're a magical creature! Just catch him and stop!”
“There's this thing called inertia…”
“It takes time.”
The wind witch maneuvered her feather to catch InuYasha, who was still cursing, and slowed the three of them down as best she could.
Kagome looked over the feather's edge. “Eep! Can you slow down a little faster?”
“There's this thing called inertia I was telling you about...
For once Kagome wished she didn't have the youkai-enhanced eyes that allowed her to see the ground they were fast approaching, but then the miko got an idea. “InuYasha?”
“Can you send a wind scar straight down?”
“Feh! Of course I…”
“Do it!”
In quick succession, InuYasha drew Tetsusaiga, transformed it and yelled “wind scar,” sending a blast straight down beneath them. “Don't know what good you think this'll do, but…”
Suddenly a return blast, reflected off the fast-approaching ground below, struck the underside of Kagura's feather…jostling the three of them, but slowing their conveyance to an almost complete stop. At the same time, a wall of some type of brown, semi-liquid material shot straight past them into the air.
“What was that?” asked Kagome.
“I dunno,” answered InuYasha, “but it sure didn't smell very good.”
Kagura, remembering that what goes up usually comes down, moved her feather out of harm's way and began a long arc back to where they had left her mate.
Up in the sky on his traveling cloud, the Great Lord of the Western Lands giggled to himself. Sure, it wasn't the smartest strategy to dump your strongest ally into Japan's largest organic fertilizer plant on the eve of battle, but it had been too good to resist.
Besides, he reasoned, it wouldn't be the hardest landing…and didn't even ningen skydivers sometimes survive falls from great heights? No, InuYasha would be fine by morning, anyway, and would…and would…and…what was that mass of…?
Sesshomaru sniffed. It couldn't be. He pulled his own katana and called out “dragon strike!” The Great Lord of the Western Lands smiled as the flying filth was blown back the way it came.
“InuYasha!” exclaimed Kagome.
“Oi. What is it?”
“I sense demonic power approaching from above.”
“Got it!” said Kagura. It was a good thing she had moved her feather. She had only to move a little more and the mass would miss them completely. She began edging out of the way.
The hanyou looked at his mate. “You're kidding.”
“But it could really hurt someone!”
“What do you want me to do about it?”
“Can't you use Tetsusaiga on it?”
“It's a katana, not a pooper-scooper!”
“Fine. I'll do it.”
InuYasha glared at his mate. “You'll do what?”
Kagome quickly drew an arrow and sent it flying at the descending mass. When the sacred arrow hit it, the whole thing began to glow. Soon the mass formed into a giant, floating, pink-glowing ball that, for some reason, followed the miko at a range of about 100 metres.
“Keh. Great. Now what are ya gonna do with it?”
“I…I'll think of something.”
“Well, at least ya can't smell it inside that barrier of yours.”
One of Sesshomaru's eyebrows almost made it above his hairline when he saw what the miko had in tow. “That isn't what this Sesshomaru thinks it is, is it?”
“Keh!” spat InuYasha. “She's being followed around by a giant ball of sh…” InuYasha looked around to find Kagome glaring at him. Well, he had agreed to cut down on the cussing. “…of…of…poop?”
Kagome sighed, but nodded her okay.
InuYasha relaxed. “…which she wouldn't have to deal with except a certain worthless half-brother of mine…”
The hanyou looked back to his mate.
“If I have to say…it…Kagura and I won't be catching you again.”
“Keh! Fine. Let's just get on with finding that bastard!”
Naraku dropped his barrier and floated down into the Nyoko's lap. “It seems that...”
Naraku's eyes got big when Nyoko instinctively grabbed him and held him in her arms. They got bigger when she loosened her kimono and exposed one of her breasts to him. An odd compulsion washed over Naraku and he found himself sucking on the exposed nipple.
After a few moments of work, a warm liquid filled his mouth.
Nyoko looked down upon her charge and noticed one thing not right. “Diaper,” she mumbled, and was promptly supplied with one. Naraku squalled when he was removed from the teat, and wouldn't quiet down until Nyoko offered it to him again.
All three sons of Naraku stared as their newly diapered father suckled from a ningen woman's breast.
“This is just a temporary setback,” all three heard inside their heads. “Now, go out there and stand guard against InuYasha.”
“Oi. Is it my imagination, or is that thing starting to glow more?”
Kagome sighed. “It's not your imagination. I have to keep pumping miko energy into it to keep it aloft.”
“Drop it, then.”
Kagome looked down. House lights were so close together that there was no good place to drop the thing. “Where would you suggest?”
After a few more minutes of supporting the floating blob, Kagome was getting bored. When InuYasha looked over from his perch on the back of Sesshomaru's cloud, he saw his mate gesturing with her hands, an intense look of concentration on her face.
He looked back at the blob and discovered that his mate was playing with it rather like a child worked with clay. First there was a horsie, then a duckie…followed by a more intricate dog that looked disturbingly like a transformed Sesshomaru…
“Hey, Fluffy. Look behind you.”
Sesshomaru sighed and looked back over his shoulder. “What is it now, InuYa...sha… What the hell is that?”
“What's the matter, Fluffy? Don'tcha like a hundred-metre statue of yourself made out of organic fertilizer?”
“Eep!” Kagome quickly moved her hands as though polishing a sphere and the manure formed back into a ball.
“This Sesshomaru suggests you make a statue of someone else.”
“'Kay.” Kagome went back to work.
When, several minutes later, InuYasha looked back again, he was startled. Obviously, Kagome was getting used to working with the material because there, floating along behind them, was a hundred-metre statue of Naraku.
The hanyou gestured for his brother to look and this time the Great Lord of the Western Lands almost smiled. “This Sesshomaru approves.”
“Watch this,” yelled Kagome. She seemed to strain in concentration as she moved her hands in a definite pattern.
The flying statue moved its arms and legs and appeared to do a little dance for them.
“ I am impressed,” said the Great Lord of the Western Lands. “It is very much like one of Naraku's puppets. Not as sophisticated, but you have made a start. This one acts only by your will and at your specific direction.”
“Keh!” InuYasha turned to his mate. “If it's like one of Naraku's puppets, order it to do something.”
Kagome looked a little embarrassed by all the attention, but concentrated for a moment, sending the mass a silent order.
Nothing happened. Then the mass began losing its shape.
“Concentrate on Naraku,” said Sesshomaru.
The mass re-formed into the image of Naraku.
“Now concentrate on getting it to do what you do. That is the next step. When you move an arm, it should move an arm. When you move a leg…”
“I get it,” said Kagome. “Sympathetic magic.”
“Correct. And once you master that, you can work on moving it with your mind, alone,” Sesshomaru continued. “Naraku could see, hear and speak through his puppets.”
“Learn something new every day,” thought Kagome. She concentrated hard and moved one arm in an arc. The first few times she tried it, nothing happened. Then…
Kagura turned around when she heard Kagome squealing.
“Look!” said the miko, and swept her right arm in an arc.
The Naraku puppet swung its arm in the same arc.
“Very good,” said Kagura as she turned back so she could look where they were going.
Kagome kept working on her control of the puppet. Fortunately, the miko was a quick learner. An hour later she could have made the thing dance a jig.
“Almost there,” said Kagura.
“Yeah, I know,” answered Kagome. “I think I'm getting good at this.”
Kagura smiled as much as she could smile, returning to this place. “No, I meant that we've almost reached Naraku's dungeon.”
Kagome looked in the direction Kagura was flying. “That's it?”
“Unless I miss my guess, it's under that closed amusement park,” answered the wind sorceress. The landmarks are all right.”
Sure enough, Mount Fuji was just ahead of them. That meant so was Naraku's dungeon.
Kagome sighed. She could feel the evil power ahead of them, which they would soon have to face. She prayed that Akamaru, Midoriko and Aoimaru would catch up with them soon. Once again she wondered at the wisdom of their going on ahead instead of waiting for all of them to be able to arrive together. Yet she knew her children were gathering additional forces whose assistance they might need.
On top of everything else, her miko senses were picking up an increasing disturbance emanating from within Mount Fuji…and that was where she had helped sealed that beast so many years ago.
“Feh. What's the matter?” The hanyou caught his mate casting worried glances towards Mount Fuji. “Stop worrying about that thing. You sealed it yourself. It's not gettin' out.”
“I can't help feeling it has a part to play in all this, InuYasha.”
Naraku looked up from Nyoko's breast. Outside the dungeon, the words “they're here” manifested within all three of his sons' minds.
Onaraku was the first of the three sons to spot the approaching enemy. “I see them,” he growled, “but you're not going to believe what they have with them.”
A/N: Looks like the beast under Mount Fuji may finally get to play a part in all this. But who knows who it would attack if it got out?
And what will Kagome do with her…puppet?
Remember, this is a rewrite.
As always, please read and review. Thanks!