InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ From Here to There ❯ Inu and Kag ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters :0( and i also posted this story in under the same username KNE.

Inuyasha and Kagome have been best friends since forever. Kagome's the poor tomboy who cares for her grades and Inu's Mr. Popularity who's extremely rich, with a big ego. Everything is fine between the two friends, besides the bickering and arguing, until unexpectedly, Kagome has to leave Kyoto and move to Tokyo to live with her father that she had never really had a good relationship with. It's up to Inuyasha to bring his best friend home. But, when he sees Kagome for the first time in a few months, new feelings surfaces, and Inu starts seeing her in a different kind of way.

~Chapter 1-Inu and Kag~

quiet and wonderful peaceful morning in Kyoto was suddenly interrupted when the young teenager, Kagome Higurashi, came running down the stairs screaming hysterically. She grabbed her text books and her bag and ran out the door.

"God dammit, I'm late! I've never been late before!!!" She threw the bag over her shoulders and popped the toast that she had grabbed earlier into her mouth. She was running full speed, her hair flying behind her and her navy blue skirt fluttering.

Kagome slowed down and took a turn onto a winding driveway heading to a large mansion that was as big as a castle and began sprinting to the front door. She banged on the door and the moment the butler opened it, she pushed passed him and headed for the large stair case with royal blue carpet and gold trimming. She tripped on the top step and found herself falling forward, her books thrown all over the place. "Shit!" Kagome gathered her books and ran again down the hall. She reached a door and threw her body against the door and turned the door knob.

By the time she was in the room, she was gasping for air and she was on her knees clutching her chest. She looked at the large lump on the bed and she groaned. She picked up the biggest text-book in her bag and held it over her head.

"I..Inu.yasha!!!!" she screamed between breaths. The lump on the bed shot up, revealing a seventeen year old boy with messy, silver hair, sleepy golden yellow eyes, and was half naked in only boxers.

"Wh..What did I miss?" he asked, rubbing his eyes and looking around. His eyes landed on Kagome still on the floor gasping for air. He frowned and started to growl. "God dammit Kag! What the hell do you think you're doing!!" he shouted. Kagome's eyes turned to slits. Inuyasha's face fell and he pushed his back against the headboard of the bed. He pulled the blankets to his chin.

"Uh.Kag? He asked nervously. "I was just joking." The large text-book met his head with such force that it sent him off the bed and onto the ground. Kagome stood up with her nose in the air.

"Hmph, suits you right you idiot! I ran all the way here to get you and this is how you treat me?" she stomped out of the room mumbling to herself. It was a couple of minutes until the stars disappeared from on top of Inuyasha's head and he picked up the book and looked at it.

"Awww man! I forgot all about school!!!" he picked himself up and forced himself to the bathroom

The bell rang just as Kagome set foot into the classroom. She sighed in relief and wiped the sweat off her forehead. She snapped her fingers and smiled.

"Just in time!" Kagome hurried to her seat, while the class settled. She set down her bag and pulled out her books. Her homeroom teacher hushed the class and made her way to the front of the classroom with the list of students.

"Be quiet! We're taking attendance!" The class reacted quickly to her orders as if they were in boot camp and all sat up straight. The teacher began reading the names off of the clipboard in her hands while eyeing them one by one. Kagome bit her lip and tried to sit up straight as well. She tugged on her pony tail nervously. She had forgotten all about the test today, and she knew for sure she would completely bomb it.

The door suddenly opened and everyone turned their heads to see a certain boy standing in his school uniform with an annoying smirk on his face. The teacher looked up from her list and frowned.

"Inuyasha, this is the third time this week! I've told you once. I've told you a million times, you've got a week detention!" The class quietly giggled as Inuyasha shrugged and walked to his seat, like he didn't care. He passed a few girls and winked at them, making them blush and squirm. Kagome rolled her eyes and squirm as Inu took his seat behind her. She crossed her arms over her shoulder and didn't bother to turn around. Instead she focused on the back of Sango's head.

"What at idiot," she whispered quietly.


Inuyasha played with his pencil, trying to spin it on his finger. So far, Kagome hadn't even looked at him, which made him want to laugh. She was probably the worst person at acting out there. This was probably the best yet. He leaned over his desk and poked her on the shoulder. He felt her muscles tense.

"Hey Kag, woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" There was no answer. "Aww c'mon Kag, stop acting like a bitch." that did it. She spun around, her ponytail whipping across his face. He winced and closed one eye.

"Inu, save it! You're such a moron, you know that?"

"Wow, is it that time of the month already? God, and I thought it was last week!"



"How stupid can you get??" Kagome threw up her hands in the air and screamed. "God, you're the reason why I was almost late for class and then you wake up yelling at me?" The whole class now was practically starting a circle around them, watching the two friends fight like usual.

"You woke me up, god dammit!? You know how much I hate that! And plus you were almost late. You weren't exactly late so you don't really have a reason to be mad."

"Oh my god.Inu, get a life! You know how important school is for me!" she turned back around, her eyes twitching. Inu snorted and turned the opposite way and looked at his classmates.

"Can I help you? Or do you all just have a staring problem?" he hissed. The class immediately turned around and continued talking. Inuyasha crossed his arms over his chest and scooted his desk over to a small boy with red hair.

"God, what is it with women?" Inu asked. "They're all serious and crap about the stupidest things!"

The boy, named Shippo laughed, "I don't know about you Inuyasha, but all the girls that go to school here are nice to me. Maybe it's just you!" Inu glared at him, making his smile nervously.

"Well it's not just me. It's more like her. I can't believe I grew up with that witch," he mumbled. "All she does is lectures me. Inu do this, Inu do that, Inu stop it, Inu Inu Inu!!" he said, mimicking her voice. Shippo raised an eyebrow.

"Inuyasha..Kagome's really nice. If she probably wasn't your best friend, you would have turned out worst than you already are." Inu made a fist.

"I dare you to say that again!" He made a grab for Shippo's collar but Shippo dodged.

"Inuyasha, I think it's just your temper. God, I don't' know what girls see in you!" Shippo screamed as Inu chased him around the classroom.


Kagome slammed her head on the desk a few times. Sango watched her friend pissed off as usual when she was around Inuyasha.

"Kagome, calm down. Relax a bit.."

"Relax a bit! How the hell am I suppose to relax with that loser around here! Oh my god, I cannot stand him!! What is it with men!!" she shouted.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with men. I think it's just Inuyasha," Sango said, twirling a strand of brown hair around her finger and looking at Inuyasha talk to Shippo.

"He was such a pain when we were little. I should have known!" Kagome whined. Sango patted Kagome on the back.

"You say that every time you fight, but you know you two are inseparable. God, I've never seen such good friends that are boy and girl without having some kind of romantic relationship." Sango folded her hands across her chest in satisfaction. Kagome looked up and scrunched up her nose.

"That's because Inu is stupid and ugly," Kagome pointed out. Sango shook her head.

"Sorry to break it to you honey, but Inuyasha and Kikyou are going out. The two most popular and rich people for your information! And half the girls in this school go crazy when they see him. Kagome, it's just because you're his best friend that you don't see that side of Inuyasha."

"Like hell I don't. If any of these girls, including Kikyou knows half of Inuyasha, they would drop dead right away." Sango laughed and sighed.

"Kagome, you're just saying that. Don't tell me you've never thought that Inuyasha was just a little cute?" Kagome shook her head.

"Never did, never will." Kagome stopped thinking and thought back through all the years that she and Inu had been friends. It never occurred to her that she had never really thought of Inuyasha in that sort of way before. Kagome bit her lip and shrugged. Inuyasha wasn't the romantic type anyways, even from the moment they met.


Three year old Kagome stood at the bottom of the large Sakura tree, sobbing quietly. She was wearing a bright pink kimono and her hair was in two pigtails. It was a summer festival, and everyone was out celebrating.

"Hey girl, why the hell are you crying, it's hurtin my ears!" a four year old Inuyasha came, wearing a red kimono with a toy sword at his waist. Kagome looked up, seeing the boy with silver long hair who was the cutest little boy she had ever seen. Kagome rubbed her puffy eyes and sniffled.

"I can cry as loud as I want," she pouted. The little boy snorted.

"You call that crying? You sound like a goat calling for his mommy," Inuyasha sat down next to her. "So why are you crying?" he asked. Kagome looked at him and frowned.

"I thought you didn't care," she said.

"I don't care, girl! I just want you to shut up!" he screamed. Kagome covered her face and started sobbing even harder. Inuyasha's scrambled up. "S.Stop crying. I didn't mean it. Just tell me why you're crying!" Kagome swallowed and pointed her finger up at the tree.

"My kitty cat's stuck in the tree," she pointed. Inuyasha squinted his eyes and saw a little cat on the highest branch meowing hysterically.

"How the hell did that little rat get up there?" he questioned himself. Kagome hugged herself.

"Buyo's gonna be there forever and ever.." She broke out before finishing her sentence. Inuyasha sighed and walked towards the tree. He put his hand on the bark. Kagome looked up. "What are you doing?"

"Feh, what I do for women," he mumbled and boosted himself up on a branch and swung his legs over. Kagome gasped. How could a little boy try to climb a tree that high! Inuyasha jumped up the branch and held tightly as he pulled himself up on each branch. He finally reached Buyo.

"Be careful!" Kagome whimpered. Inuyasha reached out for the cat and grabbed it by its tail. Buyo went crazy, scratching Inuyasha in the face.

"Awwww, damn cat!" she heard him swear. "I'm throwing him down!" Kagome opened her arms and prepared herself to catch Buyo. Inuyasha tossed him lightly over the branches and it fell directly into her arms.

"Buyo!" Kagome shrieked and hugged the cat smiling. She looked up at Inuyasha. She had a new hero now.


Inuyasha ended up fracturing his arm coming down the tree, but in the end it had formed a new friendship between Kagome and him. But of course Inuyasha and his big ego always caused trouble.

There was a loud crashing sound, causing Kagome to look up. Inuyasha was chasing Shippo around the room, threatening him as he tried to make a grab.

"Ahhhh!" Shippo screamed and ran behind Kagome. He grabbed her by the shoulders and closed his eyes. Kagome held a fist in the air.

"Inuyasha, leave Shippo alone," Kagome said.

"Why the hell should I listen to you, wench!"

Kagome launched forward, just as Inuyasha launched forward. Sango grabbed Kagome by the arm and jerked her backward, while Shippo did the same with Inuyasha. The two blew up into a deadly argument, calling each other names and trying to strangle each other.

"Inuyasha! Kagome! The two of you, out in the hall, now!"

Kagome snorted and spun around on her heels. She headed towards the door and slammed it shut before putting her back against the wall and sliding down to her butt. A few seconds later the door opened and Inuyasha came out swearing. He shot her a dirty look and stood next to her against the wall, facing the opposite direction with his hands in his pocket. Kagome rested her chin on her knee. The door opened again, and this time the teacher came out with a stern expression. She faced the two of them.

"Kagome, I am very disappointed in you. Disrupting class and blowing up like that! I expected more from you! You better fix up your behavior as soon as possible," she said.

"Sorry Mrs. Tsuya." Kagome said quietly. Mrs. Tsuya then faced Inuyasha.

".and you, Mr. Takashi! I have had enough of your rude behavior. Showing up to class late, making rude comments, not paying attention, and failing your classes! I swear if it wasn't for your brother, you wouldn't last a single day here." Kagome and Inuyasha kept quiet, but Kagome could tell that Inuyasha was mad. He hated when someone talked about his brother. "Now, you two cannot come back to class until you sort out this problem of yours," Mrs. Tsuya turned and disappeared behind the door, shutting it.

"It's all your fucking fault," Inuyasha said, shooting her a cold look. Kagome smoothed out her navy blue skirt on the ground and turned her head away.

"Whatever," she mumbled.


Inuyasha snapped his head and looked down at her, sitting on the floor. He sighed and slid down next to her. She sat with her head lowered and her bangs covering her eyes. She looked like a cute little girl who was upset about losing a puppy.

"Look Kag, I'm sorry about yelling at you earlier," he said so fast that it came out as one big word. Kagome looked at him, her eyes wide, but she didn't say anything.

"Next time don't get mad so easily," she said, quietly.

"What the hell do you mean?! You were the one that went crazy just because I woke up a little late," he said.

"A little late? We had five minutes before school started, and you call that a little late? "

"Okay Okay! Stop lecturing me, wench!" he shouted. "I get the point. I won't lose my temper and you stop lecturing me." Kagome smiled and crossed her arms over her chest. He eyed her and smirked. "But you have to admit, you it is that time of the mo." Kagome smacked him across the head.

"Shut up Inu, before I get mad again," she said. Inuyasha shrugged and then his eyes lit up.

"Hey! There's a baseball game after school, are you coming to watch!?" he asked. Kagome looked up at the ceiling.

"I dunno."

"What the hell do you mean you don't know? You gotta come!" he yelled jumping up. "You have to come see me hit a homerun again!" he raised his arms up in triumph. Kagome snorted.

"That's the point. You hit a homerun every game and it gets boring. The only funny part is when you do your little victory dance at the end," she said. Inuyasha smiled and pulled his collar.

"You gotta admit I look good, don't I?"

"Oh, stop boasting about yourself you conceited pig. It's not you that's funny; it's how all the girls react."

".and how do they react?" Inuyasha asked while his smile widened.

"You know how they act Inu," Kagome said. "They all blush and giggle and drool over you. It's pretty funny though," she said. Inu sighed and leaned against the wall. He too, looked up at the ceiling.

"You know you love it," he said. Kagome raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

"You mean watching you or watching them?" she asked.


"I can watch them every day and not get bored. You, I see you every day already and trust me, I'm suffering badly." Inuyasha snorted.

"Feh, you love me and you know it," he said. Kagome's heart skipped a beat. She knew that he was joking but for some reason it triggered something inside her. It must be because of that certain conversation with Sango that she had earlier. Kagome shrugged it off and looked away.

"How long have we been out here?" she asked, standing up next to him, and leaned her back against the wall with him.

"I don't wanna go back in," he said. "That stupid bitch of a teacher always yells at me."

"That's cuz you deserve it." Inuyasha glared at her.

"Wench," he muttered. Kagome smiled.

"You're doing it again."

"Doing what?"

"Losing your temper for no reason." Inuyasha frowned.

"..and you're lecturing me again." Kagome shrugged and tried to stifle a laugh, making Inuyasha mad as hell. His face turned red and he opened his mouth to shout but Kagome grabbed his ear and jerked it. "Owww!" he shrieked. "Ow owwww!" Kagome laughed out loud.

"Say sorry."

"I didn't do anything!" he yelled trying to twist her hand away but they were suddenly interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Inuyasha and Kagome looked up, looking quiet funny with Inuyasha still struggling to get her hand away from his ear.


ReViEw! ReViEw! ReViEw! ReViEw! ReViEw!