InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Gambling Your Way to Freedom ❯ A Defiant Return ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Gambling your way to Freedom

Chapter 5: A Defiant Return

“You can't be serious.” Kagome stared at him in astonishment, unable to believe what she was seeing.

“You said you wanted to learn to crochet right?” He motioned towards the store and a grin erupted onto her face as she practically skipped towards the store.

“This is so cool!” she squealed, her eyes wide as the doors opened and they walked into Joann Fabrics and Crafts.

Sesshoumaru had to admit as he took in the aisles and aisles of fabrics, fake flowers, and seasonal home décor that it was rather impressive. He'd never really had an interest in crafting, and Rin had always gone with her friends to purchase her sewing supplies, but as Kagome's eyes lit up, he knew he would become a frequent visitor. It was worth it just to see the joy on her face.

They walked casually through the store, Kagome occasionally pausing to look at something in the aisles, until they reached the section set aside for yarn. Again Sesshoumaru found himself slightly shocked. There were six aisles devoted to yarn, something he wouldn't have thought possible until this moment. How was it possible to need this many different types of yarn? Kagome seemed to be having similar thoughts as confusion darkened her expression.

“Perhaps we should ask for assistance?” he murmured, glancing around for someone who could assist them. Unfortunately, while there were ample supplies everywhere you looked, other than the cashier at the front of the store, he had yet to see another employee.

“It's a little overwhelming isn't it?”

Sesshoumaru turned to face the frail looking old woman who'd appeared before them, her smile warm as she pushed a cart full of yarn towards them.

Kagome nodded, her eyes still devouring the different colors and brands on the shelves. “There's so many choices! I…don't know where to begin!”

“Well,” the woman said kindly, following Kagome's gaze. “What are you making? Perhaps I can help you narrow it down.”

“I, um…I don't know. I'd heard some people talking about things they'd made and wanted to try it, but I have absolutely no idea where to start.”

“Ah, I see! Well, in that case…”

Sesshoumaru watched as the woman ushered Kagome around the store, showing her the different tools she needed and what yarns brands she recommended for beginners. There was apparently a lot more to it than he ever would have guessed and the cost was quickly escalating as Kagome filled their cart. Not that that mattered. He had to admit it was interesting how much money was required to make things by hand.

“What about instructional books?” Kagome said, stopping in front of the display of books.

“This one is pretty good,” the woman replied, picking up a thick volume. “It describes all the different stitches and gives you some pretty good starter patterns. But to be honest, I would recommend just watching videos on YouTube. My granddaughter who lives in Ohio tells me all the time about how much easier that is for her since she can actually watch the instructor do the stitch and then pause the video and actually do it herself. She says it makes it easier to follow since she can rewind the video and rewatch it as much as she needs to.”


“Mmmhmmm, I haven't actually looked at it that much myself, but she seems to like it a lot. I can definitely recommend some good books as well, but that's definitely the way I would go. I also offer lessons as well if you ever get stuck.”

“Oh wow! Thank you!” She beamed at the woman, graciously taking the business card the woman held out. “That would be amazing. I have to admit, I'm really nervous to get started.”

The woman chuckled, patting Kagome's arm warmly. “You'll do fine honey. Just look online for beginner crochet patterns. And then after that, your only problem will be what to make next.”

“Thank you,”

Sesshoumaru followed silently, content to listen to their banter as they walked to the front of the store to check out. He was pleased to hear her opening up to someone, even if it wasn't him.

“Did you leave anything in the store?” Miroku said when they walked over to the truck a few minutes later.

Kagome's good mood seemed to evaporate before his eyes and Sesshoumaru had to force himself not to growl. He knew Miroku hadn't meant anything by it, but he suddenly wished he hadn't asked him to follow them.

“I believe we can get the rest of it,” he said, glaring pointedly at Miroku as he unlocked the car and began placing the numerous large reusable floral bags into the trunk.

“Alright, well I guess I'll take the rest of this stuff to the house. Do you still need me to pick up Ri…”

“No,” Sesshoumaru interrupted, glancing quickly at Kagome. “That's been delayed. We should be good tonight. Thank you Miroku.”

The former monk's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Oh…kay. Well then, I guess I'll see you at the house.”

Sesshoumaru nodded, opening the passenger door for Kagome. When they were both comfortably seated and Miroku had driven off, he reached over and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Are you ok?”

“I'm fine,” she said, pulling away to look out the window. “It's just been a long day.”

He sighed, his hand dropping to the gear shift. He wasn't convinced in the least, but decided to let it slide for now as her stomach rumbled loudly.

“Would you like something to eat?”

“I'm ok,” she murmured, yawning widely as she slid further down in the seat.

He frowned, thrown by her sudden mood shift. It was as if she just completely shut down. Pulling into a nearby fast food restaurant, he hoped maybe some food would cheer her up.

“Let's go through a drive thru.”

Ten minutes later, they sat in what he hoped was a companionable silence as they munched on their burgers. He wanted to say something, to ask her more about herself, but he had absolutely no idea where to start. Not to mention, considering she'd barely wanted to talk to him long enough to tell him her order, he was worried she was overwhelmed. It had been quite a day for both of them.

Kagome meanwhile was trying to come to grips with what was about to happen. They were returning to his home, and she wasn't stupid enough to believe he wouldn't be expecting a performance when they got there. But what really scared her was that a small part of her wanted to sleep with him again. She was disgusted with herself for even considering letting him do what he wanted. Where was her fight? Her determination? Could he really buy her off with just some books and yarn?

She was so lost in her thoughts, she'd barely noticed they'd stopped before he opened her door and extended his hand to help her out.

“What are you thinking?” He asked quietly as he pulled her up.

She didn't answer, reaching down to pick up her new books from the floorboard, ignoring his slight frown as she began walking towards the house. But she'd barely made it a few steps when the books vanished and she found herself once again trapped between the car and him.

“Tell me,” he murmured, nuzzling the side of her neck almost absentmindedly. She couldn't help her gasp as he nibbled just below her ear. Clambering to retain control, she shook her head and attempted to push him away. He was having none of that though and merely stepped closer, reducing her world to him.

“Please,” he breathed, his hand tangling in her hair as he pulled her against him.

Something hard pressed against her abdomen and Kagome felt her resolve harden.

“No,” she hissed, glaring daggers into his eyes.

He growled, pulling away from her abruptly and stomping to get her bags from the trunk. Smiling triumphantly, she collected her books from the top of the car and followed him into the house, happy to have won, if only for a moment. She followed him in silence up the stairs, surprised when he stopped outside a door she hadn't noticed yet.

“I wasn't planning on showing you this until tomorrow,” he said quietly, startling her as he glanced over his shoulder at her and then opened the door.

Curiosity getting the better of her, she glanced around him into the room. She didn't see anything that could be meant for her. It was just an empty room.

“This is your room,” he said, setting the bags of yarn on a nearby table. “I thought you might like a space of your own to with what you will.”

She frowned at him. “So you're locking me in a cell? There's not even a bed in here. Do you expect me to sleep on the floor?”

“The bedroom is down the hall.”

She scoffed, crossing her arms as she stared at his back. “Your bedroom maybe, not mine.”

“The only bed you will have is mine,” he growled, his body trembling slightly as he fought for control. “A mate should want no other bed.”

She laughed, the sound echoing off the walls. “I am not your mate. Or did you forget, you forced this on me!” She turned her back to him, determined to get as far away from him as possible, but she only made it a few feet before his growl vibrated all around her and his hands were upon her, forcing her to face him.

“This says otherwise,” he hissed, leaning down to nip his mark on her neck. She jerked involuntarily and he smirked against her skin as he continued kissing her neck. “It appears your body disagrees with you as well,” he murmured, burying his nose in her neck as he inhaled deeply.

He pulled back and she looked away, unwilling to face him and admit that he was partially right. Her body wanted him. There was no denying that. The moment his lips touched her skin, her body had willed itself to melt into him and give him whatever he wanted. But just because her body craved his didn't mean she was just going to give in and let him do as he pleased. She tried to pull away, but he merely chuckled and held her tighter.

Before she realized what she was doing, her hand had reared back and she heard the loud smack as it came into contact with his cheek. He froze and she jerked away from him.

“I'll never sleep with you,” she hissed, bolting down the stairs before he could react.


Three hours later, Sesshoumaru found himself wondering how long she planned on keeping this up. He'd let her go earlier after seeing her spirit had finally returned. The defiance he'd seen in her eyes just before she'd slapped him had pleased him immensely and he hadn't been able to restrain himself from chuckling. Unfortunately, she most likely took his laughter the wrong way, and so he'd left her alone, thinking it best to give her some space. Now however, he was ready for bed and while he was prepared to fight tooth and nail during the day, they both needed sleep.

He made his way downstairs slowly, trying to scent her out. He could tell she was still in the house, but her scent was everywhere. His little minx had obviously tried to prevent him from following her, but she'd never dealt with a tai before.

He found her lying fast asleep in a closet near the back of the house. He frowned. Would she really rather be uncomfortable than share his bed? He knew he probably should have given her her own bed, but the mark called to him, urging him to stay as close to her as possible. However, he realized as he picked her up that he'd never explained this to her. He'd assumed as a miko that she would know, but regardless, it could wait until the morning. He carried her up to their room, pleased with the way she curled against him.

At least her subconscious accepts me. He thought as he laid her down, pressing a soft kiss to her temple.


“I can do this,” Sango murmured, steeling herself as she reluctantly opened the door to the club. She nervously tried to hide her face as she slowly made her way to the dressing room. She'd tried as best she could to cover up her bruises with makeup, but there was nothing she could do for the swelling. She only hoped no one would ask for her tonight. She doubted she'd be able to dance without falling.


She jumped, trying to plaster a smile on her face. “Oh, hi Keiko,”

“Where've you been?! We were worried you were sick!”

“I'm fine. I just tripped on the stairs and hit my head pretty hard on the railing so I had to take a couple days off.” Good one Sango, I'm sure there's no way she'll see through that lie! She waited on bated breath for Keiko to call her out on her bruises, but the young girl merely frowned in concern, her hand coming to cover her mouth.

“Oh, that's horrible! Are you ok? You sure you're well enough to dance?”

“I'm hoping I won't have to. I'm on support duty tonight unless someone asks for me.”

“Well, that's good. It's been pretty slow today so just take it easy. I'll cover for you.”

“Thanks Keiko,” she said, and this time the smile reached her eyes.

“So, have you heard from Kagome?”

Sango jerked slightly, unsure how to respond. While she'd known the other girls would find out, she hadn't expected word to travel quire this fast.

“She's great,” she said, trying to sound as sincere as possible even as every word served as a reminder that her friend wouldn't be there to help her anymore. “You remember that man she met in the private room the other night?”

“Oh yeah!” Keiko replied, nodding and waving to another of dancer as she passed. “That's the last time I saw her.”

“Well,” Sango said, trying to think of a plausible lie. “Turns out he's an old friend. He just moved back to town and wanted to surprise her.”

“Oh wow! Is that why she quit?”

“Yeah, he offered her a job on his ranch. The pay is better and she was getting tired of living in the city.”

“Really?” Keiko's upper lip curled, clearly disgusted with the thought. “I'd be bored to tears if it were me. I love the city! So much excitement!”

Sango laughed, if only the girl knew. Keiko was one of the few girls here by choice. She liked dancing and seemed to have mastered the art of selective hearing and vision. She acted as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on here. Must be nice…