InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Gambling Your Way to Freedom ❯ Open Mouth, Insert Foot ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Gambling your Way to Freedom

Chapter Six: Open Mouth, Insert Foot

His arms were around her waist. His arms were around her waist and she wasn't happy about it. Not at all. Her skin itched with the need to get up, except she also didn't want to risk waking him. So, she continued to lay there, trying not to move. She definitely wasn't happy about it though.

I should have put a barrier up around myself. She thought, resisting the urge to sigh. She'd woken about twenty minutes ago, momentarily thrown off by her surroundings. She had to admit though, it was much more comfortable to sleep in a bed than on the cold floor cramped in a closet.

“Can we stop pretending to sleep now?”

She jerked, craning her neck to look at him. “You're awake?!”

He chuckled. “Perhaps.”

Shoving his arms off her, she huffed to the bathroom, hoping to Kami that he would take the hint and leave. Twenty minutes later, she finally meandered downstairs to find him cooking breakfast.

“I trust you slept well,” he said, casually flipping an egg. She glared at him and he chuckled. “Did you really expect me to leave you to sleep in a closet?”

She ignored him, heading towards the coffee pot only to find a plate of sausage, eggs, and toast thrust in her face.


Taking the plate, she mumbled a quiet “Thank you,” and headed to the table. Once again, she was floored by his cooking. They were just simple eggs for crying out loud, but somehow he'd elevated them from good to heavenly. In fact, now that she took the time to look around, this was definitely the most customized room she'd seen so far. Calphalon pots and pans hung from the ceiling. Herbs grew in tiny pots in the windowsill, waiting to be trimmed and added to his next creation. And behind him she could see a large pantry stocked to the gills with everything you might need. He clearly spent a lot of time in here. Sango would kill to get her hands on just a handful of this stuff.

“What are you thinking?”

Her eyes met his and she debated ignoring him again. However, since she was clearly going to be here a while, she might as well try to get to know him.

“I was wondering if this was your favorite room,” she said, her eyes still scanning everything around them.

His eyebrows furrowed, a quiet “Hmmmm,” slipping from his lips as he thought about it. “I do love to cook,” he said finally, standing to refill his coffee. He offered her more as well, but she shook her head. Shrugging, he sat the pot on the table. “Over the centuries, as humans began overrunning the Earth, youkai had to learn to adapt. Fighting became more of a hassle as there wasn't really anywhere safe to unleash our full power. While technically I am still the reigning Lord of the West, it's only a formality; most humans don't even believe we exist so it's not like I actually rule them anymore.”

He looks sad. Kagome thought, watching as shadows seemed to cover his eyes for a moment. She'd never thought about how difficult it must be for youkai in this modern age. While it was true, those with spiritual training still knew about youkai, most humans had passed them off as myth. Most youkai even masked their auras and hid their markings. Sesshoumaru himself had worn a concealment charm whenever they'd gone to the apartment the day before to hide his claws, fangs, and markings. She only saw through it because of her training. Everyone else simply saw a man who'd either bleached his hair or grayed prematurely. She'd never wondered at what that would do to his pride to have to hide.

“Anyway,” he continued, gathering their now empty plates and heading towards the sink. “I had to find something else to occupy my time. Everyone always has to eat and there's always a new skill to learn. However, the dojo is still my favorite room.”

She almost dropped her mug. “You have a dojo?” she gasped, swiveling her head around as if expecting the room to materialize in front of her, but she stopped almost immediately, a surge of embarrassment surrounding her. He was a warrior; of course he would have a dojo.

“It's on the other side of the house,” he said, gesturing down a hallway she hadn't noticed before. “You're welcome to train anytime you like. I believe there is a bow in there somewhere, but we can get a new one if you'd like.”

She knew her eyes had lit up. She couldn't even remember the last time she held a bow. Already she could feel her skin itching to run to the dojo, but she also couldn't help but worry how he would react to her reiki.

“I promise not to get mad if your reiki gets out of hand. I'd imagine you haven't had the chance to use a weapon in quite some time. I understand the need to let it all loose.”

How did he do that? How did he guess her very thoughts as if she'd said them aloud?

“You also might want to take a walk around the grounds. The weather is supposed to be nice today. It might do you some good to get some fresh air.”

She didn't bother asking why he wasn't concerned with her running away. He was a tai. He could catch her before she'd even taken a step. She pondered for a moment. The walk definitely sounded nice. She'd been trapped in the city for so long, she longed to walk through a forest. And while most of the area surrounding the house seemed to be fields, she could see a line of trees in the distance. Their swaying branching calling to her like an old friend. However, the lure of the dojo pulsed deep.

Sesshoumaru seemed to guess her decision, extending a hand to help her up. “Come on, I'll show you the way.”


The moment Kagome reverently touched the old bow he'd unearthed a few moments earlier, Sesshoumaru knew he'd made the right decision. He'd intended to explain the details of the mating bond once they'd finished breakfast, but seeing her tension, he'd realized there was no point trying to talk now. No, what she needed was an outlet. Something to release her pent up aggression on so she could start to heal and hopefully begin to reclaim herself in the process. There was plenty of time to talk when she was more comfortable.

She lifted the old longbow and clutched it to herself, glancing over at him as if to ask for permission.

“Go on,” he said softly. “Here.”

He handed her a quiver and she hesitantly took it, still searching his eyes for a threat. A moment later, as she drew an arrow to the bow, he saw her thoughts flash in her eyes and he had to resist the urge to chuckle. To be honest, he hadn't thought it would take this long. The moment he'd mentioned the dojo, he'd expected her to seize on the notion of weapons so that she could use them against him. However, a moment later, the thoughts vanished from her gaze and she turned to face the dummy she was using for target practice.

He steeled himself as she drew the bow, forcing his youki down even as her reiki began to rise. This was for her. She needed to take back her power and he didn't want to seem like he was trying to interfere. However, as the room began to crackle with pink energy, he had to admit he was slightly intimidated. He'd known she had power. He'd felt it calling to him from the dredges of that disgusting whorehouse, seeking out someone to rescue her even if she didn't want to admit she'd needed saving. She was a survivor through and through, and it was only just now dawning on him that she'd most likely kept most of her reiki hidden to prevent drawing further attention to herself.

Now however, her power swelled, coating every inch of the room and cleansing everything. The scents of sparring and sweat melted away as her reiki pulsed, purifying everything from the air to the floor. She inhaled deeply, sliding into an almost perfect stance as she drew the bow. Her fingertips anchored resolutely to her chin and her eyes gleamed as she focused on her target. The moment seemed to go on forever until, whoosh, the arrow sliced through the air, a pink aura trailing behind it as it embedded itself directly into the “heart” of the dummy.

Blinking to hide his surprise, he murmured. “Nice shot,” even as she jumped up and down in glee.

“Oh my gosh!” She exclaimed, turning to face him. “That was amazing!!”

She rushed over, and before he'd realized what was happening, she kissed him.

However, the moment her lips touched his, she yanked back, her fingers hovering over her lips as she slowly backed away.

“Sorry,” she whimpered. “I…I don't know why I did that.”

“No need to apologize.” He stepped towards her, but she backed away and he held up his hands in defeat. “Look, there are a few things I should probably explain to you.”

Her eyes narrowed in confusion. “Ok,”

“First though, let me ask - who trained you?”


“Your training. From the way you fired that bow, I assume you've been formally trained.”

“Oh, right.” Her gaze clouded for a moment and he could practically see her memories swimming before her eyes. But then she blinked, cleared her throat, and shook her head. “My grandmother trained me. Why?”

“Did she ever explain mating marks?”

“Of course,” Kagome huffed. “It's the equivalent of a wedding ring. It also gives you some insight into the whereabouts and feelings of your spouse.”

“It's so much more than that.” He said, walking forward slowly and slowly trailing a finger over her mark. “A mating mark links two souls together in every way. Two become one.”

She huffed again, eyebrows raised and arms crossed as she glared at him. “Poetic much?”

He chuckled, moving his hand up to cup her face. “Perhaps.” She froze; her body tensing further the longer he touched her.

“Do you know why I couldn't give you your own bedroom?” He whispered, his thumb slowly stoking her chin as he spoke.

“Because you're a perverted asshole with nothing better to do?”

“No,” he replied, struggling to restrain his growl as he reminded himself her tough facade was only a defense mechanism. His fingers slid back down to her mark and he smiled. “I couldn't give you your own bedroom because the mark calls to me, urging me to keep you as close as possible to ensure your safety. My instincts scream at me endlessly if you're not by my side. Even your trip to the bathroom this morning was difficult. It took all my strength not to follow you.”

She scoffed, however he was pleased to see she made no attempt to move away from him. “You can't seriously expect me to believe that.”

“Believe what you want. It doesn't change the truth.”

“So, you're trying to tell me you can't sleep unless I'm in the same room?”

“For now, yes. Eventually we will be able to be apart for a few hours, maybe even a day or two.”

“But never permanent?”

He couldn't repress his growl this time. “You want to leave?”

“You're kidding right? Let me remind you, you tricked me into this!”

He reacted without thinking. Before he realized what he was doing, he'd slammed her into the wall of the dojo, his eyes bleeding red as he hissed into her ear. “Don't question my honor. I saved you. Don't forget that. Or should I take you back to your old master?”

She crumbled, all her fight fleeing at the mention of her old master. The scent of her tears brought him back to his senses and he released her.

“I apologize,” he murmured, watching as she slid to the floor.

She made no move to show she heard, her arms clutched around her, eyes completely vacant and body shaking horribly as her memories overwhelmed her. Mentally kicking himself, Sesshoumaru knelt before her unsure how to fix this. He extended his hand towards her, intending to cup her face, but she flinched and he felt his heart shatter as she curled in on herself.
