InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hardly There ❯ Perverted Monks and Demons ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Okay, I had more reviews than expected. Why? I don't know. *shrugs* I can't complain.

Answers and comments to reviewers at bottom.

Summary: A/U Kagome, Sango, and Rin are three Junior High girls who gets dared into going into the creepy abandoned old house across the school and bring back something. While they're exploring, they encounter three ghosts that date back to the Sangoku Jidai. IY/K M/S S/R

Hardly There

by Kumori Ryuuzaki

Chapter Two: Perverted Monks and Demons

It took awhile for Kagome to get the guts into moving again. Th screams of "Hentai" and a smacking sound got Kagome moving again, anxious to see if Sango was alright. It couldn't have been Rin, she was softer and didn't hit people. Sango? She's beat the crap out of them.

The glow of her peice of the jewel died down, but it was still there, a faint pink. But Kagome was too interested in finding Sango and find out what the heck she meant by a "hentai ghost". A prank, maybe?

After a bit of exploring with renew courage, she gave up looking for Sango and Rin. Maybe she should snatch a futon and get the heck out of there? Maybe...the thought was beyond tempting.

Although, she thought, a bit of exploring couldn't hurt. Wasn't that what Sango said?

She opened a door partially, before she forcefully pulled in against her will, a hand over her mouth. She couldn't see the hand, but it felt like it had long sharp nails.

Stuggling against her captor, Kagome went into a debate with herself whether to attack him or not. She could elbow him, but would he let her go? If he did, would he be able to capture her? If he did, would he hurt her?

Deciding to take her chance, shoved her elbow as hard as she could to her captor's stomach, who let go rbief from surprise of the attack. Kagome managed to get of of his arms and to the door, before it was slammed shut and she was facing almost glowing amber eyes.

And what she could see of his face in the dark, he didn't look too happy.


Sango, panting heavily, was climbing up the stiars to the top floor, before flopping down onto her back. Before today, Friday October 17, at around 4 o'clock, she had been convinced there was no such thingsw as ghosts. Now, about a half an hour later, she was very much convinced ghosts exist, and they can be very much perverted.

"Hello there," said a cheerful male voice at her feet.

Sango immediatly jumped to her feet and started backing away from the same ghost thing she had smacked earlier...funny how she could actually smack a ghost...

"Aaaaw, don't run!" the ghost exclaimed, frantically waving his arms. "I didn't mean to scare you!"

Sango raised an eyebrow. He was doing a pretty bad job not scaring her...I mean, who wouldn't be frighten of a ghost who al of sudden popped out of nowhere and started rubbing your butt?

"Okay, I'll admit, I didn't do very well on that," he continued, leaning on his staff slightly. "I just want one decent human conversation with someone who wouldn't beat the crap out of me for stress relief!"

So he had companions? More of a reason to jump out of the window a few feet away...

"I apologize for such a greeting," he continued on, his eyes never leaving hers. "I was very rude. For my actions, I don't deserve to be in the presence of such a lovely young lady."

Sango could feel her cheeks heat up a bit. First he scared, touched her, and now he was giving out compliments? What's next, is he's gonna ask her to bear his child?

"I do however, have a favor to ask you. I'll be forever in your debt if you do."

Jump out the window and never com back again? Sure, that would work for her...

"Would you please," he said, and grabbed her hands and looked in her eyes, " accept the honor of bearing my child?"







RIn stepped back a bit, biting her bottom lip nervously, wondering how fast she could open and bolt out the door and through the front. But it was really hard to think when there was what looked like a ghostly image of a bishounen in the room in front of you staring intently at you.

"Who, are you?" he asked in a low voice, his gaze never leaving her.

"R-r-r-ri-i-in-n," Rin stuttered, looking down intently at her shoes, which were becoming highly interesting. Oooh, she never realized how shiny the buckle was her shoe! And such an interesting gold color, too.

"What, are you doing here?"

"..." Rin didn't say anything as she looked the toher way, and continued to chew her lip nervously. The last thing she really neeeded was to get caught trespassing into a house that is not hers, get lost, and find a guy that looked like he jumped out of samurai movie.

The man stood up causing RIn to jump slightly. He reaglly walked up to the door, his eyes never leaving Rin, but they did when he opened the door. "Follow me," he said, his eyes finally leaving her, walking up the stairs with that bored expression plastered onto his face.

Rin nodded mutely and followed him up the stairs. She had a sudden urge to follow him anyways.


Kagome backed off a little, a bit scared. Okay, she was downright terrified. But hey, who wouldn't be terrified of totally random person pulling you into a room and then looked like he was gonna rip you to shreds?

"What," he started slowly, growling in what she noticed was in a rather doglike way, "are you doing here, bitch?"

"Bitch?" Kagome questioned, with renew courage. "First you pull me into this room, scare the crap out of me, and call me a bitch?"

"I said," he repeated, more irritated, "what are you doing here?"

"" Kagome murmured, turning away. "I really don't know."

"What??" he barked, causing Kagome to jump and face him. He really did bark. "You don't know??"

"Okay, okay, okay," Kagome said hurriedly. "Somehow we got into an argument about this house, and a friend of mine, Yuka-chan, dared my best friend, Sango-chan, to bring back a cruddy vase or something. So naturally, she didn't turn it down when her pride was attacked, and she dragged me and Rin-chan here." What's that twitching on his head?

"That's it!?" he said in a disbeleiving tone. "You're trespassing and invaded my room to find a vase??"

"This is your room??" Kagome nearly shrieked.

"Answer my question!" he snapped.

"Yes!" Kagome shouted. "I don't know how I got talked into this, okay?"

He turned his peircing gaze to the door before he jumped behind Kagome. ANd when he landed, the door opened and there stood a tall regal looking man with well kept white hair and pointed ears, kinda like an elf. And peeking in behind him was...

"RIN!" Kagome shouted, as Rin squeezed through the new stranger and the doorframe, and they embraced into a hug.

"Kagome-chan! I thought you died or something!" Rin said. "Are you okay?"

"A bit peeved," she sent a glance to the first guy, "but okay."

"Now, that the little emotional charade is over," the second guy said in a bored tone, causing Kagome to glare at him, "care to tell me what you are doing in my house?"

"A damn vase," the first one mumbled. "They're here for some damn vase. Where did Miroku put them?"

The second one raised a delicate eyebrow.

"How else are they gonna go and leave forever?" the first one snapped.

"After all that time, you're turning down the chance to see another person?"

The first boy, who Kagome now realized had kawaii puppy ears, sent a glare her way.

"I see what you mean," the second said, glancing at Kagome. "Let's find the stupid monk and the other girl. Inuyasha, stop sulking."

Inuyasha just glared, and his ears twitched. Kagome fought the urge to touch them. "Fine, Sesshoumaru-niichan."

"Don't push it," was all Sesshoumaru said when he climbed up the staircase.

"Follow him," Inuyasha said, shoving both the girls up the stairs.

Rin nodded and silently climbed the stairs. Kagome glared at Inuyasha, before sticking her nose up in the air in a haughty manner before she unwilling followed Rin, Inuyasha following.


"Oh nothing," Miroku said, letting go of Sango's hand and dusting of the nonexistent dirt on his clothes. "It's a question I ask every lovely young girls I meet." The monk leaned foward towards Sango. "But for you I'm willng to mean it."

Sango growled and tried to smack him, but her hand went through him.

"Oh," he said, closing his eyes. "You can't touch me half the-"

He was interupted by Sango, who sent a candle to his head.

"-time...?" he finished, his eyes all swirly. "Agh..."

"Stupid bozou," a voice muttered behind Sango, causing her to jump and turn around. There were men, with odd features, and Kagome and Rin smiling brightly.

"Rin-chan! Kagome-chan!" Sango squealed loudly, causing Inuyasha to wince, and Sesshoumaru to narrow his eyes dangerously. "Uh..."

"Don't," Inuyasha snapped, "do that again!"

"Okay..." Sango murmured, shuffling her feet. "Sorry..."

"What happened to him?" Kagome asked, pointing to an unconcious Miroku, who now is not.

Miroku grabbed Kagome's hand and gazed into her. "Will you acept the honor of bearing my child?"

"Eh?" Kagome asked in a freaked out sorta way.

Next thing the poor girl knew, Inuyasha had kicked Miroku into a wall.

"Damn bozou!" Inuyasha snarled. "There's no time to be stupid and perverted! Where'd you put those damn vases!"

"Why?" The girls jumped at Miroku's fast recovery.

"So they can get out of here!" Inuyasha snapped.

"Why uou would enjoy such lovely women's company such as these girls is- beyond-" Miroku looked at Kagome. "Oh."

"Why is it that you want to get rid of me so much!" Kagome snapped. "Especially if you look at me??"

"Bad memories," was all Miroku said, before he walked up to the last staircase. "Follow me. The vases are up here."

Sango nodded, not before glaring daggers at Miroku. Kagome just scowled and stomped after him. Rin smiled and nodded.


"You know, Kagome's got a point, Houshi-sama," Sango said when the were in the attic. "Why do you not mind Kagome leaving?"

"It's not that," Miroku said quietly. "I'm sure Kagome-sama is quite a lovely person in the inside, but she greatly resembles someone we do not want to be reminded of."

"Like what?" Kagome asked.

"It's a long story, and I really only know one thing," Miroku answered. "Your resemblence to Kikyou-mikosama would not appreciated. Inuyasha-sama has it hard, so don't mind him, Kagome-sama. Actually, don't mind him or Sesshoumaru-sama. Sesshoumaru-sama may be colder to you because of your resemblence to Kikyou-mikosama. As for Inuyasha-sama, just ignore him."

"What's with 'lord'?" Rin asked.

"They're sons of a great Demon Lord. After five hundred years, it's still a habit to call them 'lord'. Plus it's annoys Lord Inuyasha greatly, and it may take his mind off of you for awhile, Kagome-sama." He picked up a rather pretty blue vase and gave it to Sango. "Here's your vase."

"Agraito," Sango said, taking the case, and giving Miroku a small bow, which he took advantage of. "HENTAI!" *SMACK!*


"Houshi-sama," Sesshoumaru growled. "That better not be my vase!"

Miroku laughed nervously and gave Sango a rather beautiful gold colored vase, and took the blue. "Eh heh, sorry Sesshoumaru-sama."

"I guess we'll be leaving now," Sango said.

Miroku sighed sadly. "Such good company wasted."

"Maybe we could come back..." Rin suggested quietly.

"Rin!" Sango gasped. "Why would we visit his pervert?"

"I meant Sesshoumaru-sama and Inuyasha-sama," Rin squeaked. "Maybe him too...I mean, if no one minds..."

Sesshoumaru shook his head, and Inuyasha screamed, "Fuck no!"

"It's settled!" Miroku said enthusiastically. "Come back as soon as you can. You can keep that vase too, if you want..."

Kagome shook her head. "We'll bring it back. I've been wondering, how can you be solid one minute and not the next?"

"Good question!" Miroku replied. "I'll tell you next time. You wanted to be home in time for dinner...?"

"Oh yeah!" Sango shouted. "I gotta go! Bye!"

Sango, Kagome, and Rin waved goodbye walking off to the direction to their homes. Miroku was waving back, Sesshoumaru looked bored and too regal to wave, and Inuyasha was scowling and pitting out the most colorful language you'll ever hear.

To be Continued...

AN: End chapter two. I got five damn reviews in one day. DO you have any idea of how much I was in shock? Five reviews! I wasn't even expecting a review! God...


FluffyLuver4Eva : Thanks! And you're my first reviewer! Yes, the hentai ghost is Miroku. -_- He never learns...

Anti [.] Poptarts : Thanks. Inuyasha still in love with Kikyou? No, not in this. I really don't like Kiykou much, especially when she's dead. But she will appear.

P-Chan, Cookie : Sure, and Thanks!

I.D. : What do you mean? I got five reviews in one day. That's good enough for me! It's more than I expected...

~Kumori Ryuuzaki