InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I belong to you ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Before I met him, I was a cold person, not even considered a woman, not able to love, for my enemies would attack at my vulnerability.
Everybody needs to belong somewhere
Life can feel so alone without someone who cares
I was masked with the same expression, every day. I couldn’t laugh, cry, feel anything that a normal woman could. I wanted a family with him, a life.
And when life becomes something just to get through
That’s when I’m glad that
I belong to you
If he had wished to become human for me, then my work as a priestess would be over in guarding the Shikon Jewel. Then I could have had that. I wanted it, so badly. He would have been happy with me, too, I know it. I think he also knew it, for he asked me to take the jewel to him the next day.
I belong to you
I belong to you
You’re the one who will never let me down
We never even told each other that we didn’t exactly hate each other; we just knew. But I loved him, as he loved me. I thought.
Won’t let me down
I belong to you
I belong to you
So I bring the jewel to where we were to meet, at the time we agreed. I waited, and waited before I felt someone hit me in the back sharply. It felt oddly like…claws?
Sometimes life brings us more pain than we can bear alone
When hope is gone and I have no strength to stand on my own
When nothing helps, there’s nothing that I can do
You surround me and show me that
I belong to you
I fell to the ground, bleeding heavily. My bare footed attacker stepped in front of me, stepping on me hand, preventing me from grabbing my life worth’s protection. I looked up at him weakly. How did I not sense him?
“Fool.” He said. “I had no intention whatsoever to become human.” I felt like I should cry, but years of training had kept them inside. “But I will take the Shikon Jewel, nonetheless. Thanks!”
I didn’t care anymore, my tears flowed. I held out my arm to him as he walked away laughing. “Traitor! TRAITOR!” I couldn’t believe him; I loved him, and I thought he felt the same way.
I belong to you
I belong to you
You’re the one who will never let me down
Won’t let me down
I belong to you
I belong to you
I gathered up the last of my strength- physically and emotionally- and followed his presence going out of the village unsteadily. My bow was in my hand, as my arrows were on my back. I got to twenty feet away from a tree and sensed him about to run past it. I notched my arrow and aimed until the right moment.
When love is gone, there’s no one for me to live for
Letting go of all the things I’ve always clung to
That’s when I need to feel that
I belong to you
I saw him with the jewel in his hand. “InuYasha!” I screamed as I released the arrow, staying in place just in case.
He turned just a moment before he was struck. He had a look of surprise when he saw me. The jewel flew out of his hand and hit the ground, though he desperately tried to stop it in midair. He looked up at me again.
“Kikyo- I thought- you were-ugh…” He said before falling into the deep sleep I was sure would take his life. I heard people running from the village to help me, but I ignored them and picked up the jewel, looking up at him.
I want to belong to you
I want to belong to you
You were supposed to be the one who would never let me down
Never let me down
I want to belong to you
I want to belong to you
Instead of wishing to stay alive like others would, I didn’t wish at all. All I wanted was to follow him. Maybe in death he would be the one I had learned to love.
I didn’t listen to my sister, or the villagers. I just instructed her to burn the jewel with my body so it would never fall into the wrong hands again. No one ever knew that I was hurting more because of the betrayal than my wounds.
Then I told myself that death wouldn’t be so bad, just as long as I could be with him. I never realized that I had wished on the jewel. I just wished to the gods to let me stay with my InuYasha, even in death.