InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Love You, My Mortal Enemy ❯ Chapter 5: You're a Double Edged Sword ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I apologize for the wait on the last chapter, I was stressing out because my grades were unfortunately dropping like the stock market crash before the Great Depression… yeah….
So I put this story on a hiatus-unofficially- so I could get them up before finals. I am proud to say that I don't have to worry about them anymore, because my tactic worked and I passed with a semester GPA of 3.8!! This chapter is a little celebration for my success. And, damn, I was so freaking annoyed by the time finals came around with everything. But now I'm happy. So, it's party time.
I just finished reading the Sailor Moon mangas- I was very nostalgic over the weekend- so this chapter is going to be very soft. I decided I need to speed things up a bit.
Oh! And thanks so much Inu_Yokai for reviewing! I'm happy you like the story so far and I think you will really like this next chapter.
… … …
Chapter 5: You're a Double Edged Sword
Kagome sat on her rather large and comfortable bed with Sayuri (AN: I was going to save that name for later. It was originally going to be Ai, but I liked this better.), the small cat demon purring slightly as Kagome massaged her ears. “It's been a couple days Sayuri and I haven't had a single conversation let alone any contact with InuYasha. I think he is avoiding me,” she said sighing as she rolled onto her back, ringlets of black swirling around her and her yellow t-shirt rising above her stomach . Her blue eyes began to water.
Protector? What is the matter?
“I told you Sayuri to address me as Kagome. Protector and Princess are both way too formal for me.
I apologize Kagome. But, you still haven't answered my question. Is it the hanyou?
“No... It isn't him. I just…” Kagome stopped talking for a second, lost in thought. “I miss them…” she whispered. Tears began to fall down her cheeks, but she quickly wiped them away. “I can't afford to lose it now. I need my reserve now more than ever.”
Kagome had quickly become friends with a number of people in the palace. Her days consisted of playing with Rin, Sayuri and a new fox demon servant named Shippou who had been orphaned in the war, wandering the gardens and practicing her archery. Today was the ball where she would be introduced as the crown prince's mate. I'm nervous as hell, she thought. The idea of being introduced to the Royal Court as well as the rest of the demon race was quite unnerving to the priestess.
The sun was beginning to lower as she grabbed her bow and arrows and headed to the archery range along with her demon companion. The wind picked up slightly as she walked towards the range, blowing her long, onyx colored hair and her red print, gypsy skirt away from her body.
She notched an arrow on her bow, took a strong stance, and let her arrow fly void of any spiritual powers. “Lady Kagome! I found you! Her Highness has been looking for you! She wants to talk to you immediately,” relayed Rin, a little human girl who served the royal family and whom considered Kagome an almost mother-like figure.
“Thank you Rin,” Kagome said smiling. She ruffled the little girl's hair before running off. “Entertain Sayuri for me please! She shouted back to the girl.
“I wonder what Izayoi wants,” Kagome said to herself. The sun was close to the horizon by the time Kagome reached the Empress's chambers. “Um… Lady Izayoi? You called for me?”
“Kagome, such formality is not necessary. Come in please,” she ordered. The princess walked into the chambers. The room was not her personal bedroom, but rather a meeting room. There was a large fire place surrounded by sofas and chairs. The room itself was a beautiful forest green, decorated elaborately with gold and silvers. “Today is the announcement ball my dear and I wanted to give you one last thing.” The Empress moved over to a wooden chest with carved jade dragons. She pulled out a smaller gold chest and gave it to Kagome. “Don't open it until you are ready for the ball. Rin will know, now go. I have to get ready myself,” said Izayoi before leaving the sitting room.
“Tank you Izayoi,” Kagome said, bowing and leaving. I wonder what it is. “Oh my god I have to get ready!” she exclaimed, running back to her room. Kagome slid open the doors leading into her room from the gardens.
“Lady Kagome! You're late! The bath is ready for you,” Rin said, rummaging through the closet to find the dress Kagome got three days ago.
“Thank you Rin.” Kagome grabbed her towel off the hook and locked the door to the bathroom. The strong scent of lilac and vanilla wafted from the tub. The miko stripped off her clothes and lowered herself into the hot water, bubbles swarming around her. I wonder what the ball will be like... I hope people like me, geez what am I thinking. I've probably killed some of their family and friends…Kagome sighed as she washed her hair with shampoo and conditioner that smelled like cucumber and coconut.
“Kagome, it's time to get dressed,” Rin said through the door. Kagome opened her eyes, shaken from her thoughts.
“Alright, I'm done anyways,” Kagome shouted back. She got up from the bathtub and wrapped her wet body with her towel. She towel dried her hair quickly and unlocked the bathroom door.
“Your dress and other items are lying on your bed,” said Rin as she set up the make-up and hair products on the dresser in the closet. Kagome slipped on her undergarments as well as the slip that went under her dress, the fabric was almost see through. The slip was a cream lace corset with a silk skirt. The corset was opened back for the most part, hugging Kagome's body effortlessly. Rin appeared from the closet and helped the woman tie the back so it would stay up.
“Excuse me, Lady Kagome may I come in?” asked Miroku, waiting behind the door leading to the royal suite.
“Of course Miroku, what is it?” Kagome asked as she grabbed her silk robe and covered herself before letting the monk in.
“Oh, Kagome, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but have you by chance seen InuYasha? He hasn't been in his room all day,” asked Miroku, somewhat drooling over Kagome's exposed form.
“No I haven't seen him. In fact, I haven't seen InuYasha for a couple days now,” said Kagome, closing her robe even tighter. “Do you think that there is something wrong?”
“I don't know… Could you go look for him? I have to meet with the Emperor and Empress to finish last details of the ball. Please?” begged Miroku. Kagome thought for a second. She didn't know why, but she felt like InuYasha needed her. Is this me feeling this or Kikyo? I don't like InuYasha… I can't, he pisses me off so much, but I feel the need to comfort him. I don't know…
Go find him Kagome. Kagome looked over at Sayuri, sitting on the bed, staring at Kagome intently. He is the hanyou meant to protect you, if you like it or not. But, before he can do that you must show him that you are willing to protect him.
“I see…” she murmured. “Do you have an idea of where he is Miroku?”
“No I do not, but I must go now. Please find him,” Miroku said as he walked towards the main castle. Kagome was left there.
Look with your heart Protector. He is as much apart of you as you him.
… … …
Kagome had been drawn to this beautiful meadow filled with daisies and sunflowers. She was still in her robe and her slip; her hair had curled into beautiful waves. In the distance Kagome could see a silver figure lying in the grass next to a memorial. It looks like a grave stone… could it be hers? Kagome walked closer to InuYasha and the grave marker.
“What are you doing here wench?” asked InuYasha, growling that someone had come near him.
“So, this is where she is buried…” whispered Kagome. She knelt on one knee and held her hands close in a prayer of peaceful rest. Then she placed some flowers she had picked by the base of the stone.
“You haven't answered my question!” yelled InuYasha as he threw Kagome away from the grave. His hand made contact with her face as he slapped her. “Answer me!” She fell to her side.
Kagome raised her hand to her cheek. She could feel as bruise beginning to form. InuYasha towered over her; his claws had grown and sharpened, his cheeks were covered in purple claw marks and his eyes were completely red with blue irises. There was no inkling of his former amber eyes. “InuYasha, listen to me. Don't do this. Do not let your beast control you!” Kagome shouted. Her response was a deep primitive growl from the back of InuYasha's throat.
“Mine…” he growled. InuYasha grabbed Kagome by the wrists and pinned her down to the ground.
“InuYasha! Wake up! Please!” screamed Kagome as she wiggled underneath his body weight. She threw InuYasha off of her using her spiritual powers and quickly stood up. “InuYasha, please wake up,” she said, beginning to cry. I can't lose him… Not like this, not because he refuses to heal. I…
InuYasha charged towards Kagome. “InuYasha!” she screamed as she ran towards the trees. I should have brought my bow and arrows, she thought, casting spiritual energy towards InuYasha, who was close behind. She could hear his growls from behind her as the energy connected. She ran farther into the forest surrounding the meadow, jumping easily to avoid roots and stones.
“Curse this slip!” she yelled when she tripped over the hem of her robe causing the girl to fall down a hill towards a creek. InuYasha was on top of her in an instant, digging his claws into her arms. “InuYasha! Wake up!” Kagome screamed.
Then, her body emitted a bright light, engulfing the prince. Moments later the light disappeared, leaving a young teenager with long black hair and violet-gray eyes. “Oh my god,” Kagome whispered, hoping InuYasha wouldn't be angry.
InuYasha looked at Kagome confused. “What the hell happened to you?” he asked looking at her ripped robe that had slipped almost completely off. The robe itself was dirty and grimy from the fall down the hill, there were also blood stains on the sleeves.
Kagome could sense his fear from the blood that was unfortunately trickling down both her arms as well as soaking into his fingernails, which were no longer claws. InuYasha looked down at his hands. “I- Where are my claws?” he asked confused. Kagome's eyes widened slightly at the mention of his claws, quickly deciding to get up and walk back to her room so she could finish getting dress. She stood up, fixing her ruined robe to cover as much as she could before speed walking out of the woods. “Hey! Get back here you wench! Tell me what happened!” InuYasha said, catching up to her easily. Kagome kept walking, hoping she could get rid of him soon. “Hey!” he yelled, grabbing Kagome's arm and turning her around roughly. “What the hell happened?”
“Um… Well, I came out to find you because Miroku was worried and hadn't seen you for awhile and asked me to look for you because he was a little busy with preparations for the ball tonight,” explained Kagome, growling on the inside for her craptastic luck.
“And? Come on get on with it woman,” ordered InuYasha, unwilling to let her go before she finished explaining her story. He wanted answers.
“Well, I found you over by Kikyo's grave marker. I paid my respects to her but you were really irritated and apparently turned full demon for some reason. I had to protect myself from being killed and ruining the pact I made with your father that I would marry you and end the war, so…. I purified you..” she said quickly before forcing herself out of InuYasha's grasp and walking away.
“You did what!” InuYasha screamed furiously. He was human? The night he has to announce to all of his friends and the court that he was mating this pathetic wench! “Great, fan-fucking-tastic. What am I supposed to do now? It was bad enough that I am a half-demon, now I get to be ridiculed for being human,” InuYasha ranted.
Upon hearing that InuYasha was unsatisfied with being a half-demon, Kagome whirled around and slapped InuYasha across the face. “Don't you ever feel worthless InuYasha,” she said firmly, staring into his surprised eyes. “You are no different from any other human being or demon and don't let anyone else say otherwise. Be proud for being unique, not a cry baby who closes the world out because people don't see that like I do.” She smiled before walking away from him for the third time. “And don't worry, you should be back to normal in ten minutes or so.”
InuYasha was left there in awe at the young miko-princess who took charge and stood up for him. No one had done that before except his mother.
… … …
“Where is she?” asked InuYasha as he paced in the hallway leading to the ballroom. He was growing irritable. He wanted to talk to Kagome, learn about her since she had obviously gone through the trouble of reading him, though he didn't understand how she could understand after only a few days of knowing him.
“Calm down my son, she will be here shortly,” Izayoi stated, waiting with her mate and life long lover the Emperor. The Empress's soothing words did nothing to calm the hanyou's nerves. “Be still, you are going to ruin your tuxedo pacing like that Inuyasha.” He was wearing a black tuxedo with a red dress shirt underneath. On his right breast was a broach in the form of his family's crest. InuYasha's hair was down and his ears were twitching at every sound the guests made on the other side of the doors.
“She is taking forever though,” InuYasha stated, acting somewhat like a toddler. Just then the door opened, revealing Kagome clad in a Roman style dress that was a deep violet. The dress was made with an almost see through fabric that flowed freely. The straps fell off her shoulders lightly and there was a lighter purple ribbon that wrapped around her waist in a criss-cross fashion. The back of the dress fanned out slightly in the skirt. Her pale back was exposed almost completely until the small of her back where the dress buttoned up. The ribbon that criss-crossed in the front also did so in the back before tying into a small bow at the small of Kagome's back.
Her hair was in an up style, curled so that her bun looked wavy. Ringlets fell from the gold head band that was one of the gifts the Empress gave her (AN: Think of Taylor Swift in the music video for “Love Story”.) Some gold butterfly pins were placed decoratively in Kagome's bun. Her face was clear and pale like porcelain; a thin line of purple eyeliner framed her blue eyes along with gold eye shadow, making them pop. She was wearing shoes that matched the color of her dress as well as the style, straps wrapping up her leg.
“Sorry I'm late,” Kagome said smiling. The Empress, Emperor, and InuYasha were staring at her.
“Why, my dear, you look absolutely gorgeous. I know that dress was made for you,” Izayoi said as she approached the girl. “InuYasha, don't you have something to give to this gorgeous woman standing in front of you?” stated the woman rather than asking. InuYasha stepped forward, his amber eyes eating every detail of the princess he was going to mate.
He could smell her from across the room, a strong scent of vanilla and lilacs drowned his senses. He began to get tunnel vision. Mentally shaking his head to rid himself of his stupor, InuYasha walked towards Kagome.
“Here,” he said putting a small box into her hands, “it's a symbol of my and my father's protection.” Kagome looked at her hands and opened the small box. Inside was a small silver ring with a red diamond. On the band were crescent moons and on the inside in calligraphy the family name. She looked up at InuYasha, who was placing the ring on her finger.
“Thank you,” she said, smiling happily. “Shall we?” she asked, motioning towards the large chestnut doors that kept her from the entire Royal Court. InuYasha nodded, placing his hand on the small of her back and led her to the doors behind his parents. Kagome's entire body almost burst into flames from the mere idea of InuYasha's hand on her back. Her heart beat faster than it should have. Damn him and his ability to make my knees go weak. I haven't even known him for very long and my body is reacting like I've loved him my entire life. The giant doors slowly opened as a fox demon loudly announced the Emperor, the Empress, and InuYasha. The demons in the room knelt to their knees as a sign of respect before their royal family. They rose at the sound of the Emperor's thundering voice.
“Fellow demons and loyal friends, I present to you my son, the crown prince InuYasha and his mate, Princess Kagome, future ruler of the human kingdom,” he announced, his voice leaving no room for argument or discussion. However, some demons protested as others kneeled once again, pledging loyalty to their prince and his mate, human or not.
“If you have problems with this mating Lord of the North and master of the snow Lord Yuki, take it up with my son and your future Emperor,” stated the Inu lord coolly as he led his wife to their thrones at the opposite end of the room.
“Of course,” Yuki said bowing his head in respect. He turned his attention to InuYasha and Kagome. Kagome was nervous as hell, but holding her composure. “My prince, I question your logic in taking the enemy's only heir as a mate during this time of conflict. Her brothers have killed many of my people; her fathers have killed many of yours. In fact, I'm sure that this warrior princess has killed most of your beloved friends and family After 500 years of hate, do you honestly expect me to believe that the prince who started this glorious war to suddenly fall in love with a human girl, as pretty as she may seem?” said Yuki, persuasion in his voice. His eyes looked Kagome up and down, lust filling his eyes. Soon many other demons began to murmur and whisper in agreement to the Lord of Snow.
“Lord Yuki,” said InuYasha, stepping forward with Kagome following him, “Do I sense lust in you? Are you jealous that I have found a beautiful mate with a pure heart who has a passionate and fiery spirit in this time of hate and bloodshed? Well, my dear friend, before you get the idea in your empty head that you have authority over myself and the choices I make, remember this, my mate is the Protector, and if you anger her as much as you have angered me with such disgrace and disrespect, I will not hold her back. As for this war, I am the one who started it, and now I am ending it. With the merging of both human and demon kingdoms through my mating the Lady Kagome, I declare that no demon who is apart of this court and kingdom is to attack any human otherwise risk the ultimate consequence. Lady Kagome's people are my people and therefore yours. She has sworn to protect her people and therefore you, this war is over.”
By the end of InuYasha's speech the entire court, including the Lord of the North, were kneeling down in respect for their future rulers. Kagome was smiling kindly hoping to gain some friends in the mass of demons. But, on the inside she felt like she was falling apart. The man she had agreed to marry/mate-whichever way you look at it- was the same man that began the war that ruined her life. Let's not forget that your heart cares for this man even though your mind says that it's all simply politics. Just when Kagome was beginning to enjoy herself, she finds out this secret. She had to get out soon.
InuYasha and she walked down the large staircase, his hand still on her back leading. Once they reached the marble floors a crowd of demons surrounded the couple. They ranged from birds to toads. All were simply staring at the two. InuYasha looked down at Kagome, she was looking at the crowd, but it seemed that she really wasn't looking at the hoards of demons eager to examine the new arrival. The two walked around the ball room, avoiding the demons dancing elegantly. The greeted every demon that came up to them and held civil conversations with the majority of them. InuYasha could sense that his court was content and comfortable with Kagome, even though she hadn't covered her spiritual energy. “Hey wench, maybe you should hid your spiritual energy. I don't want anyone to feel threatened,” InuYasha whispered in Kagome's ear while walking back to his parents.
“I am retard. I can't conceal it all, but I am concealing most of it,” Kagome replied. She stepped away from InuYasha and walked out to the balcony. He could sense that she was pissed off, and his beast was feeling challenged by the amount of spiritual energy that had flared when she talked to him. Now was not a good time to get into an argument with Kagome though.
He walked back to his parents growling with frustration. “InuYasha? What is it?” asked Izayoi, concern on her face.
“Women. That's what's wrong. You guys are so damn complicated,” he huffed, sitting on his throne in a slump. He couldn't understand why he felt so defeated when Kagome wasn't near him. He could still sense where she was, but having her close by like when they were walking around talking and gaining the confidence of his people is what InuYasha really wanted. He needed to protect her.
“I'm guessing you and that darling Kagome are still on shaky ground,” said InuYasha's father, looking towards the balcony where he felt the spiritual energy that identified Kagome. “You need to let her in my son. She's probably angry with you.”
InuYasha frowned. “So it's my fault?” he asked.
“Take it from me darling,” Izayoi said smiling. “Most of the time it is the guy's fault.”
“Are you serious?”
“The woman is always right InuYasha,” his father said, ending the conversation. Inuyasha frowned even more, looking for Kagome in the crowd. Suddenly, his beast felt threatened as he smelt something he hadn't in a long time. That damn wolf is here…
… … …
Kagome stood leaning against the balcony looking up at the moon and playing with the ring on her finger. She hadn't seen the moon in person before. But, Kaede did teacher her about the spiritual powers the moon could grant when it was full. Unfortunately, the moon wasn't full, but it was getting there. It somewhat disappointed her that the first time she saw the planet she had read about night after night was not up to its full capacity, but it was nonetheless beautiful in every way.
“Why, could it be the goddess of the moon that graces this court with such beauty and power?” asked a man standing behind Kagome. She turned around and faced him blushing.
“I don't claim any such thing sir,” she said smiling. She looked at him intently. He was a wolf demon obviously, his long brown hair up in a pony tail. His actual tail flowed behind him, contrasting with his black tuxedo. His blue eyes and tan skin matched perfectly. She declared him very handsome in her mind, but she got the sense of something predatory from the wolf.
He bowed deeply in respect. “My lady, I am Kouga, prince of the wolf tribe in these lands,” his eyes looking over the woman in front of him, smiling so that a fang popped out of his mouth.
“I am Kagome, princess and protector of the human race,” she said replying out of courtesy. She didn't mind the wolf prince, but she wasn't willing to be familiar with him either. Kouga looked surprised when he heard her name and title.
“A goddess indeed,” he said grabbing one of Kagome's hands, “I can sense that you are a strong miko Lady Kagome, and the title protector fits you well. Pray tell, do you have an escort this evening? I gladly offer my arm for you throughout the night.”
A deep growl was heard behind Kouga. Kagome gasped as she saw InuYasha. His eyes were slightly red and getting redder by the second. “Hello mutt, you're interrupting us,” Kouga said shortly. His reply was a loud snarl.
“InuYasha! Calm down,” Kagome ordered, ripping her hand from Kouga's and rushing towards the hanyou. She hugged him tightly. “Don't hurt him, he didn't do anything.”
InuYasha's eyes returned to their normal amber when he wrapped his arms around Kagome's waist. “I reserve the right to kick your ass the next time you touch my mate wolf,” InuYasha said coolly, glaring at Kouga. Kagome was then dragged into the ball room leaving Kouga in shock. That gorgeous and powerful creature belongs to that mutt face! Un real. She will be mine if it's the last thing I do.
Kagome squirmed in InuYasha's grasp. She wasn't going to lie, she loved his arms around her, but she was not thinking with her heart right now. She was angry and she was going to let him know that she hated him in her head. They had reached the gardens outside the royal chambers when she finally broke free of InuYasha's grasp. “What the hell is your problem wench?” InuYasha asked furious that she was being a stubborn ass.
“Is it true?” she replied looking into InuYasha's eyes determined to get the truth. InuYasha was confused.
“Is what true?” he said. Kagome looked like she was going to break in front of him.
“What Lord Yuki said. Is it true? Did you start this war?” she asked on the brink of yelling.
InuYasha looked down at his feet, unwilling to answer her. “It is true isn't it!” screamed Kagome as she stepped back from InuYasha, shaking from the pure rage she had been holding inside of her the entire time. InuYasha was still silent, his ears folded down on his head. “I can't believe it! It is true! I hate you! Your are such a jackass! You ruined my life!” Kagome screamed, tears forming in her blue eyes that were turning pink. Spiritual energy swirled around her, lashing out at everything. Whips of her energy slashed down trees, broke the bridge, and left scars in the ground. The wind picked up around Kagome as she cried and screamed at InuYasha. “If it weren't for you I would be a normal teenager instead of the Protector!”
Fearing that she would attract unwanted attention to herself, InuYasha ran towards Kagome. He took her in his arms roughly and held her there as she lashed out at the world around them with spiritual energy. She punched hit his chest screaming louder to let go of her, but InuYasha refused. The amount of spiritual energy she is releasing in unimaginable, he thought as he withstood Kagome's punches and spastic movements. He looked into her eyes, now completely pink and shining brightly. Her hair whipped around with his, white mixing with black.
InuYasha was scared for Kagome. He had never heard of a miko losing control of her powers this much due to their emotions. He just stood there and hugged her even tighter, burying his nose into her hair. It seemed like forever to him, but finally the wind slowed down and the spiritual energy disappeared. InuYasha let go of Kagome to look into her eyes. They returned to her natural blue state, but she was tired, and her exhaustion shone in her eyes. Kagome crumpled into InuYasha as she began to cry harder and harder. Once more he held her tightly, smoothing her hair out and purring slightly to get the girl to calm down. He felt heartbroken seeing her cry like this, and the smell of salt in her tears made the experience even worse.
Finally InuYasha decided to get inside before someone saw them. He picked up Kagome bridal style and carried her into the royal suite. Kagome was still crying hard when he reached his room. It was gold and filled with weapons, a television and books. His bed was near the far end of the room by the window. Like Kagome's room, there were sets of sliding doors and a regular door. InuYasha set her down on his bed before he disappeared into his closet. He came back moments later with a large red t-shirt and a small face towel.
“What are you doing?” whispered Kagome, her voice scratchy from yelling for so long.
“You're a total mess. Here, change into this. I'm sure it's more comfortable than an evening gown,” InuYasha said, offering the t-shirt to Kagome. “Go change in the closet.”
“Thank you,” she said taking the t-shirt and moving towards the closet. “Could you help me please? The back of this dress is difficult for me to undo,” Kagome asked. InuYasha stepped around Kagome and pulled the ribbon that wrapped around her waist. It flowed down to the wood floor. He noticed Kagome was holding the dress up. He continued with the buttons that held the rest of the dress up. InuYasha felt Kagome shiver slightly when his claws lightly touched her skin. He blushed at the contact, quickly pulling his hands away as the dress slacked even more. “Thanks,” Kagome murmured, walking into the closet and sliding the doors closed for privacy.
InuYasha took this time to go into the bathroom and change into something more comfortable himself. He put on red plaid sweats that were hanging on the hook before he went to the sink and wet the facial towel. His ears twitched when he heard the closet doors slide open and Kagome walk towards the bathroom. He made a mistake looking towards the door.
Kagome was leaning against the door frame in the t-shirt he had given her. It went down to about mid thigh, still exposing a lot of leg. He looked up and down Kagome's body, mesmerized with her creamy legs. He looked at her face and saw a blush dominating her features. He blushed too. “Come on. Go sit on the bed,” ordered InuYasha as he slipped past Kagome and walked to the bed. He sat down near the head of the bed and waited for Kagome to follow. She did obediently, climbing up the bed to meet InuYasha. She sat down facing him, her eyes dull and lifeless. InuYasha took the wet wash cloth and began to clean Kagome's face carefully. Her makeup was running down her cheeks mixed with her tears. He wiped away the remnants of her makeup and threw the cloth over to the corner of the room.
He smelt salt again as Kagome began to cry silently. InuYasha's eyes widened in shock and heartbreak. InuYasha pulled the girl into his lap and hugged her, purring again to calm Kagome down. “I'm sorry,” Kagome whispered into InuYasha's chest.
“Feh, are you going to stop crying now or what?” asked InuYasha, his voice laced with arrogance. Kagome smiled and nodded. “Good,” InuYasha said softer, leaning against a pillow and bringing the blanket around him and Kagome. Kagome opened her mouth to speak but InuYasha stopped her. “Tell me tomorrow. Right now you have to sleep wench.” Kagome smiled and snuggled into InuYasha's chest.
… … …
There was only darkness as she walked down the hall of the castle she had taken over for her master. She despised him, but he had complete control over her fate. That bastard thinks he can control me; I am the wind, a wild and untamable force. As soon as I get my heart from him I am free. She walked into the room where he was sitting, kneeling in “respect”. The shades were down, making the room completely dark except for the faint purple glow from the miasma.
“Kagura, summon the witch Urasue. I have a job for her,” ordered the master of the castle.
Kagura stood up, unfolding her fan. “Of course. Urasue! Come forth!” Kagura waved her arm, her fan creating a swirling ball of wind. It dissipated, revealing an old woman with long, gray hair tied back, but flowing down her back. Her kimono draped down to the floor and her eyes were large and wide. In her hand she held a scythe that towered over her.
“You are in need of my specialty master?” Urasue asked.
“Yes. I hear you are talented with reviving the dead,” the man asked, his voice laced with conniving and scheming.
“Yes, I am. Is there anyone specific you require?” asked Urasue, calm and loyal.
“Do you remember the old days, before this glorious war? There was a story of a powerful miko who traveled from village to village destroying demons and healing the sick. She died 500 years ago. Bring her back to life and you will be rewarded wonderfully,” he ordered, ending the witch's visit with a swirl of miasma. “You may leave as well Kagura,” he said to the wind demon, which was leaning against the door, her fan covering her face.
“Yes Naraku,” Kagura said, vanishing in a swirl of wind. Naraku chuckled as he leaned against a pillow.
“My plan in well under way. Soon I shall see chaos and evil take over this world, and the war between the two kingdoms was only making things better. The hate that had developed made him stronger and devious. The tainted atmosphere pulsed through him. Naraku chuckled at the idea of seeing the world crumble in darkness.