InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I'm safe at home... aren't I? ❯ Inuyasha's Mine!! ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hajimemashite and hello! Welcome to the long-awaited chapter nine. I hope you enjoy it!!
Kagome snarled a challenge and glared; the woman sneered in reply and rose slowly to face the girl menacingly. “Ready when you are,” she said with a soft laugh. Kagome snickered and tossed aside her purse. “Bring it, bitch!!”
Chapter nine: Inuyasha's mine!!
Kagome and the woman, crouched low, circled each other warily, eyes searching for any weakness. Kagome noted her hair being down and long, easy to pull, but checked it off on the list as something unhonorable to do to an opponent. She flexed her fingers, noting with satisfaction her long fingernails.
The other woman started the fight, drawing a long scratch down Kagome's face with a red-tipped fingernail. Kagome bit back a yelp and responded physically with a well-placed kick at the back of the woman's kneecap, making her drop forward onto her knees. The woman was swiftly up again, yanking on one of Kagome's earrings. The girl screeched as the earring popped out, leaving a tear in her earlobe. “Oh, so you want to fight nasty?” Kagome asked softly. “Well, I can fight nasty.” She lunged forward and yanked a snatch of hair, pulling some out of the woman's head. She shrieked and grabbed for Kagome's hair, missing a tendril by half an inch as the girl swung her head backwards just in time. With two swift punches, Kagome knocked the breath out of the woman; and while she gasped like a grounded fish and tried to get back to her feet, Kagome knocked her over, and with a sharp crack of skull on marble, the woman slumped into unconsciousness.
Kagome rose, gasping, to her feet, and an arm pulled her up and supported her. She turned swiftly around to see a handsome boy who looked to be about 17 and was clad in form-fitting jeans and a crisp white shirt that showed off his broad pecs and bulky biceps.
“Hello,” he said with a broad, friendly smile. “I saw that fight, and it really doesn't seem like your escort is worth all that.” He waved w\vaguely at Inuyasha, who was currently snoring. Kagome rolled her eyes as the boy continued, “My name is Justin. Please allow me the pleasure of taking you home?”
Kagome smiled. “Yes, and thank you.” She jerked her thumb at Inuyasha and asked, “But what about him?”
Justin eyed the snoring hanyou distastefully. “He… looks like he can make it home himself,” he laughed. Kagome smiled ruefully.
“I don't know if I should…”
“Oh, come on,” he urged. “He won't wake up for a good `nother hour, and you need to get home and clean yourself up.” Justin chuckled. “And anyway, it'd be a relief for me, because all these drunk people are starting to get on my nerves.” Kagome giggled.
“Well, all right,” she said finally. Justin's face lit up in a grin.
“Great!” he said enthusiastically. “Come on, I'll get my coat and then walk you home.” He tucked his hand under her elbow and guided her down the hallway. He grabbed a black jacket and slung it over his free arm and, taking Kagome's arm again, he opened the door and led her through it first. Kagome took one last look back at Inuyasha and, as he snorted and rolled over in the chair, she turned and walked through the door.
“Where do you live?” Justin asked, turning toward her as the heavy door shut behind them.
“Higurashi Shrine,” she told him warily, wondering if he had heard the strange stories about the shrine.
“Oh, I know where that is!” he exclaimed. “I know a great little shortcut back behind this house, I use it all the time; I live just down the street, and I use this shortcut to get to school faster.”
“Oh, really?” she said, surprised and acting fake-interested. This guy seemed to get more and more boring and eerie by the minute.
“Yup,” he replied cheerily.
They grew silent, having run out of things to say, and Justin removed his hand from her elbow to stuff it in his pocket and finger the sharp, shiny object he had placed there earlier.
Inuyasha mumbled something and rolled over in his sleep, and fell with an unnoticed crash out of his chair. He blearily opened his eyes and stared around, wondering for a moment where he was, then crashed through into the reality barrier.
He was at a party in Kagome's time.
That woman had drugged him.
She was now lying on the floor unconscious, with Kagome's earring in her hand.
Kagome was gone.
He stood up quickly and scanned the dance floor. It was mostly empty, save for a few slow-dancing couples. He sniffed the air. She wasn't in the house… and judging the closeness of a foreign male's smell to hers, she had left with someone! Growling softly about stupid wenches, he leaned down to pry her earring out of the unconscious woman's hand and tucked it into a pocket.
Inuyasha opened the door, releasing himself from the bad-smelling prison. Cold, crisp night air greeted his nose and he inhaled deeply to get a sense of where Kagome had gone, and to remove the old smell from his nose.
A piercing smell shot through the air, and Inuyasha turned white with rage and fear. Kagome's blood!! He raced off in the direction it had come from, praying he wasn't too late.
Kagome backed up against a tree, eyes wide with fear, not noting the harsh bark scrape across the back of her bare arms. She stared at Justin like a deer in headlights. “Why-why?” she stuttered.
He shrugged. “I find it fun.” The boy grinned and leaned close. Kagome turned her head and closed her eyes tightly, preparing to feel the cold-edged metal dig into her neck. “Run,” he whispered. “It's much more fun that way.”
She edged out from between him and the tree and took off, blood dripping languidly down her arm. She ran into the darkness of the woods, Justin's laugh of glee following her and ringing in her ears.
She ran until her legs gave out and her lungs were chugging like an engine. Kagome slumped to her knees under a huge oak tree and gasped for breath for a moment.
A crashing nearby startled her up the tree like a chased cat. Several branches up in a few seconds, she stared down to see what had made the noise.
A squirrel looked up at her (AN: With a “o.O” face on lol) and chattered, and Kagome sighed in relief before glancing around at the tree. It was about the size of the Go Shinboku, with thick branches rising up into the sky and disappearing into a darkness made by thick branches of leaves. Deciding quickly, she began to climb into the tree.
Kagome stopped near the top, perching on a slim branch. She leaned back against the solid trunk and sighed.
A sharp dart of pain in her right arm made her inhale sharply and cradle her arm in her lap. She turned her arm to examine the wound, and winced. The short knife had made quick work of the strap of her purse, and though she had taken most of the cut on that, there was still a two-inch long gash up her arm that was languidly dripping blood that was creating a new pattern on her dress. With a quickly-restrained whimper, she tore a wide strip off of the skirt of her dress and bound the wound as quickly as she could, biting back a flinch.
That done, Kagome peeked over her branch and watched for Justin.
A tousled brown head popping out from under a bush right below her scared her into biting her lip hard enough to contain a shriek. Pain flared as she bit through her lip, and she closed her eyes tight. Her heart pounded rapidly and she clutched the branch under her in fear she would fall. If this was the end, she didn't want to see it.
Justin looked around, and, peeking, she froze. His eyes traveled slowly up the trunk of the tree and a tear slipped from Kagome's eye, sliding slowly down her cheek and leaving a wet streak.
The boy glanced up, past Kagome, and adrenaline flooded through her body. Abruptly it left as Justin turned and walked away from her, in the direction of the house. Feeling empty and devoid of any feeling, the girl curled up into a ball and covered her head, allowing silent tears to flood down her face. Shivers that were not from the cold wracked her body, and she leaned into the tree, praying that Inuyasha would find her soon. She sunk into the fog in her brain, hiding from the reality that kept hurting her.
A yell of “Kagome!” lifted her from the daze, and she brushed away the tears away and blinked at Inuyasha as he landed next to her on the branch.
Fire blazed in his eyes. “What happened?” he growled as he came up next to her. She flinched at his tone. “I f-fought that girl wh-who drugged you and then a b-boy offered to w-walk me home and then he attacked me. H-He's down there somewhere and I thought you wouldn't come, I-I thought he was gonna kill me a-and I climbed the tree…” she half-sobbed.
The hanyou's eyes widened. “That little-” he began, starting to get up from kneeling in front of Kagome. The girl hiccupped and stared up at Inuyasha, eyes wide and red from crying. He looked down at her and slowly sat back down, drawing her into his arms. “It's okay, Kagome,” he murmured as she started to cry softly into the front of his haori. “Everything's going to be all right, I promise. I won't let you get hurt again.” The last few words were muttered under his breath as he silently vowed that never again would he leave Kagome's side… for anything.
Alrighty then! Next time, on Inuyasha (lol) : the introduction of two totally new characters! This will all make sense very shortly!
Kagome14 out~