InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha 24/7 ❯ Realization ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: I know, the title is a bit corny and not very creative, but it's all I could think off!! Anyways...*drum roll* What everyone's been waiting for!! What's that you ask? Well, why don't you read and find out? :}

Inuyasha 24/7


Kagome's eyes shut after a burst of iridescent light surrounded her. She heard Inuyasha's voice but it seemed so distant. Her life seemed to flash before her eyes. In the past, she had pushed away this placid phrase as just something they arbitrarily add on to soap operas to increase the drama. Now she understood its meaning. She understood how people felt before something so indescribably prodigious such as death occurred to them. She understood their helplessness, their vulnerability and the frustration they felt when they knew they couldn't do anything about it.

But then again...

Kagome was a special type of person.

If it had not been for the natural human impulse of shielding one's self with their arms, Kagome would have been another teenage death statistic. Luckily for her, her spiritual powers as a miko saved her without her realization.

"KAGOME!" she heard the clear, familiar voice of Inuyasha yell out.

Kagome gradually lifted her eye lids, as if reluctant to see what lay in front of her. Her eyes widened with amazement. A barrier had shielded Musou's attack, causing it to reflect and return to Musou.

Kagome watched as Musou's figure was thrown back against the trunk of a heavy willow. She put her hands down and stared at them as if they had left her arms to go hiking in Africa and had just returned. She felt Inuyasha's presence close to her.

"" he asked. Kagome looked up at him with a look of utter confusion.

"I don't know..." she replied.

The two looked back to Musou, who quickly recovered from the painful impact and was now staring at the two. He gave a feral growl.

"This is not over..." he said in a stern, gruff voice. With that, he was gone.

"He's gone," Kagome said relieved, before she fell to the ground, unconscious.


The return to the Higurashis was not very pleasant. Incessant prodding and instigating surrounded Inuyasha as he carried the unconscious girl in his arms. He simply muttered replies and gave an occasional grunt when they asked him what happened to her. He would tell them later. Right now, he just wanted to get back to the shrine so he could tend to Kagome's wounds.

The entire trip back to Great Aunt Maeko's was unnerving and silent. Inuyasha averted everyone's eyes as he gazed silently towards the street. There was something about him that seemed a bit resentful...

Inuyasha set Kagome down onto one of Maeko's couch once they reached the house. Great Aunt Maeko painstakingly attempted to gain control in the treatment of Kagome but Inuyasha simply disagreed. The others learned to stay back when Inuyasha wanted to be alone with her.

"Do you think she's going to be all right?" Souta asked Inuyasha, kneeling down next to Inuyasha who was gently rubbing some ointment on Kagome's small cuts and bruises.

"Yeah, just bug off," Inuyasha growled. Souta stood and backed away from him. Why was he so upset? Souta wondered.

Eventually, everyone decided it would be best to leave Inuyasha and Kagome. Mrs. Higurashi reluctantly left, though she continuously glanced back at the door. Great Aunt Maeko smiled at her and set a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

"I know that Inuyasha will take care of her. No need to worry my dear," Great Aunt Maeko said. Mrs. Higurashi smiled softly and gently nodded her head.

I let her down...if she didn't have those damn powers to protect her, she would've died...and it would have been all my fault...all my fault...

All my fault...

"I'm sorry Kagome...I should have protected you..." Inuyasha said, staring into her face with a look of utter anguish. He put his head down against the side of her head and breathed as deeply as he could. He knew that he had to make sure this was still Kagome; Kagome's hair, Kagome's eyes, Kagome's face, Kagome presence... He breathed her scent in deeply, then he relaxed, knowing that his nose never failed him. He had to make sure that she was still alive and all right. Plus he needed to breathe or else he knew he was going to cry. "Don't act like a damn baby Inuyasha..." he told himself crudely.

Oblivious to Inuyasha, who was sulking deeper and deeper into his despondency, a hand had snaked its way around his head. When he felt the contact, he tensed. It's the destructive headlock!! Was he just caught hugging Kagome like that? He shut his eyes tightly, waiting for the slap. She'd probably think he was trying to take advantage of her while she was unconscious. He was surprised when the hand simply surrounded the crown of his head, hugging him close to her body.

"I'm sorry…" Inuyasha whispered as he relaxed into her arms.

"It's not your fault Inuyasha. You can't protect me all the time. Please don't blame yourself like this! Besides, I'd rather eat my socks before I die without finding all the shikon no kakera first," Kagome said, stroking Inuyasha's hair gently. Inuyasha pulled away and looked straight into her eyes.

"Are you all right?" he asked benignly with genuine concern.

"Yes, I'm all right," she said, smiling reassuringly at him. He gave a half-hearted smile. Kagome knew he was doubting what she said. But she was fine! Musou barely touched her! It had been her new-found powers that made her faint. She widened her smile for him just to show him she was really fine. She suddenly realized how wonderful it felt to have someone care so much for her that they even had an obsessive desire to protect her. She continued to look into those gold eyes in silence, just happy that he was safe and away from Musou's grasp.

Inuyasha stood up and walked over to the desk behind him. Kagome watched as he came back over to her, holding a first-aid kit.

"What's that for?"

"You got a cut on your arm."

"But I'm fine Inuyasha. Cuts heal quickly, whether you're human or not. Besides, it's small," Kagome said, glancing at the cut on her right arm.

"You don't want to get it infected. Give me your arm."

"Inuyasha, please. I told you--" Kagome began.

"Will you just give me your damn arm?" Inuyasha interjected, taking her arm. She yanked it back.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Let me see it--"



"Dammit Kagome!" Inuyasha grabbed her arm without realizing how close he brought her to him. The two froze, trapped into each others' eyes. Kagome didn't dare blink as she watched his frozen facial expression, nor did she pull herself away from him.

Okay...Kagome, don't screw this up...oh, what do I do now? Kagome told herself in a panic. She knew the mistake she had done last time. She cringed internally just thinking about it. How could she sit him?

It seemed like an eternity until Kagome finally blinked, allowing herself to relax a little. Inuyasha wasn't holding her arm too tightly. His grip seemed to loosen every time she blinked.

Had he ever realized that Kagome was this beautiful? His face was so close to hers, he could feel the warmth radiating from her skin. Her light, crimson lips pursed as if she were about to say something but somehow was attacked by a wave of lethe*. Her ebony tresses rough and tangled with bumps; her elaborate hairstyle destroyed--yet it made her even more desirable. Inuyasha gulped. Her eyes...those penetrating, dark eyes seemed to call to him. What is this feeling?

Before he could bring himself to think of awful thoughts, he leaned forward languidly, allowing Kagome time to think of what she wanted before he actually did what he wanted to do. When she closed her eyes and mimicked his movements, that wordless gesture was enough for him to understand that it meant her consent.

With that, their first kiss was sealed. Kagome felt awkward at first, but slowly she relaxed in his arms when she felt them circle her waist and his hands rested on her lower back. Their lips touched softly in small uncertain pecks until their mouths remained against one another's to experiment. She felt the subtle touch of his tongue, tapping at her lips, needing her consent to let him enter. Kagome blushed as she parted her lips, allowing his tongue to enter her mouth. She moaned unconsciously and pulled Inuyasha closer to her. The kiss was gentle at first, then it became more desperate, demanding. Inuyasha mouth began to move against hers frantically as his hands moved to the back of her neck. She shut her eyes tightly as she allowed the feverish kiss to continue, thrusting her tongue back at Inuyasha. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, pushing her body up against him. Inuyasha groaned as he continued to kiss her harshly, causing her numb mouth to burn. Kagome's hands pushed at his chest, ripping herself away from his lips. He panted softly as he looked up into her eyes in confusion.



"Y ou're stepping on my foot."

"Oh? Sorry," he grinned sheepishly.


Naraku had seen the entire thing through Musou's eyes.

That little ningen radiated so much power from those pathetically small hands. What was it with this "Kami-sama" who gave such strength and power to something so insignificant? Did He think He could actually make humans equal to prevailing youkai such as himself?

No… Naraku thought. It was simply impossible. And if it were?

Then I'd just have to stop it, Naraku thought with a cynical smirk.

This time he wouldn't underestimate this skinny little bitch. He'd just have to show her where her place was in life…with care, of course.

The smirk was quickly wiped off when he remembered distinctly what had happened before any physical fighting actually began.

Why had Musou kissed Kagome?


That night, Kagome silently crept out of the room and walked to Great Aunt Maeko's library where a small table with a lamp was. She brought the large, sakura tree-imprinted book with her. She didn't want to wake Souta or Inuyasha up. She knew that if she did, they'd both want to come with her, they'd both bug her about what to do next, Souta would make up stories about talking ethnic trees and their origins, and Inuyasha would scratch and complain about wanting some ramen.

No…she'd rather have them sleeping.

Kagome smiled to herself. Was she dreaming when she kissed Inuyasha? She pinched her arm, hoping it wasn't a dream for she only left him a couple minutes ago.

"Ouch! Dammit..." Kagome cried out in pain. Wow, I'm spending way too much time with Inuyasha... Still, was it really necessary to pinch so hard? She rubbed the pink bruise.

Okay, Kagome began to wonder, what was she to Inuyasha? None of their previous problems have been solved yet, such as Kikyou and such...but then again, if Inuyasha really, really wanted to go to hell with Kikyou, why did he kiss her like that?

Kagome didn't have time to continue further thought because of the freezing weather. Before she left the room, she added another pair of socks over the ones she was already wearing and grabbed her yellow bathrobe. She tiptoed out of the room and gently shut the door. She needed to find the answers concerning Otsune and Toshiharu. There were so many things in their tragedy that were unanswered and it unnerved her. Kagome had never had the patience when she couldn't find the right answer to something.

Once she entered the library, she flipped on the lamp light and began re-reading the story.

There seemed to be no missing pages or misprints in the book at all. She re-read it once more just to make sure. The story of the Boy and the Hanyou remained the same.

She shut the book and put her head down on the table.

"I want to know…" she whispered.

"Kagome?" a sleepy voice called from the hall.

Oops. She left the door open.

"Yes Great Aunt Maeko?"

"Why aren't you in bed?" she asked, yawning before she walked up to the desk. Kagome looked up at her great aunt.

"I wanted to find out about the history of your shrine," Kagome said with an innocent smile. "Besides, I couldn't sleep."

"You made up with Inuyasha? Is he a good kisser?"

"What-I-we…we weren't fighting!" Kagome said with a look of disbelief. "And I…didn't…I was…Great Aunt Maeko!"

"Okay, okay. I'll stay out of your business," Great Aunt Maeko said with a playful smirk. Her eyes scanned the desk. She froze when she saw the book. She quickly grabbed it and lifted it up as if she needed to make sure she was looking at it correctly. "Where did you get this?" she said with a cold voice.

"I…found it in the festival-"

"No. No, no, no, no, no… This was supposed to be gone…completely gone." Great Aunt Maeko held onto the book as if it contained her life and began to exit the room. "You are not to talk about this book with anyone."

"What do you mean? What are you hiding?" Kagome asked, standing from her seat. She felt angry. There was definitely something Great Aunt Maeko was hiding. "Does this have anything to do with two people named Otsune and Toshiharu?" Kagome asked.

Great Aunt Maeko stopped in her tracks. She seemed to be thinking deeply about what Kagome said. She turned unexpectedly and looked Kagome straight in the eyes, defeated. She sighed.

"I guess I should tell you about it. You already read it. Plus…I'm tired of hiding it…"

"Hiding the book?"


"Then what?"

"Hiding the true story of Otsune and Toshiharu."

Lethe - This means a state of forgetfulness. It's strange. I never really thought there was a word for that type of thing where you thought of something to say but you forgot it right when you were about to say it. Do guys get that?

A/N: Not much of a cliff-hanger is it? I hope not. I wasn't really planning on anything too drastic. So what do ya think? Care to express your thoughts? Hm? Hm?