InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha Marching Band ❯ Blossoming Love ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: how thick can people be? I do not own Inuyasha.


Sayonara: bye

Youkai: demon

Hai: yes

Credit: To the lovely blonde boy, Quachan484, for writing the fluffy part. (I can't write fluff to save my life.)

Review Replies~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Fool's World: That is also some one of the reason I stayed in marching band. They are just absolutely hilarious. Ok now to answer your questions well yes and no. Yes, they are the routine before band camps starts, but when band camp starts it will be go over show music, sectionals (if we have time), then drill practice on the practice football field. It will be like that until the end of marching band season.

UnlovedBandNerd: Yes, someone wrote a fic about marching band. Gosh I get that a lot. Anyway marching band is my life too (can't imagine living without it.) I'm glad you think it's awesome, thank you very much, and no offense, but CLARINET RULES!


AN: when you see `' this it means conscience debate.

Inuyasha Marching Band Chapter 3: Practice and Love

The next day of school went by pretty much the same. Kagome and Sesshoumaru's conscience didn't bother them, and Kikyo didn't get a bashing.

"Alright folks," stated Mr. Kinsey, "pull out Cell Block and Opener. We will be going over it. Also, I will be giving you a new piece called Closer. If there isn't any question let's start."

Everybody nodded no, and Mr. Kinsey counted off. When the band finished Mr. Kinsey said, "Good, good. Drum line that was good and same with the woodwinds. Now with this over with we will have sectionals."

Trumpet Sectional~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Alright," spoke a panda youkai called Loretta, (who turned out to be the section leader.) "Take out Cell Block, and Miroku don't grope anyone."

Too late. A Loud SMACK rang through the air followed by a shriek and the words, "you Hentai," shouted by Sango.

"He never learns does he?" questioned Dave, a bat youkai and the co-section leader.

"Nope," answered Tara, the tiger demon.

"Anyway, let's just take out Cell Block," said Loretta forcefully.

Everybody did what they were told and practiced Cell Block. They had some trouble with air support but fixed it quickly. When they finished both Dave and Loretta dropped their mouthpiece, and when they picked it up Loretta said, "Hey, that's mine."

"No, that's mine this is yours," argued Dave as he held up another mouthpiece.

"Nuh Ah. I have a bigger mouthpiece. Which you are holding; it even said `L.P.' on it if you look."

Dave looked at it and it did have "L.P." on it so he gave it back to Loretta with a look of defeat.

Loretta snatched it and said, "It's time to go back to the band room."

Band Room~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Now that everyone's back lets go over Cell Block and Opener," said Mr. Kinsey. Everyone nodded and started to play after he counted off.

"Good. Good. Just work on the dynamics and it would be even better. Now I'll pass out Oye Como Va/ Para Los Rumberus also know as the Closer. Please take a look and then we will go over it."

The band looked it over thoroughly for about ten minutes. Then the aardvark counted off again and ran through Closer.

"Very nice solo Bob, considering the first run through, and clarinets very good at twenty. I'm glad you guys got the fingerings right," commented Mr. Kinsey, "Okay now that we ran through the show we are going to the practice football field to do basics and run through drill."

As Mr. Kinsey finished the band put away the chairs and stands, and walked out on to the field. Once on the soft green field Drum Major Amanda went through the basics. When she finished Harold, the instructor and bear demon, arrived and said, "Hello, my dear children, we will now add some body movements into our program since we already learned all the drill."

With that the hour passed learning moves and going over drills again and again. Finally, it was nine o' clock.

"Alright, everybody did a nice job I'm very happy. Harold, you have anything to say?" asked Amanda.

"Yes, like Amanda said `everybody did a good job,' keep it up."

"To the ready. Band ten hut."


"Lions on three, one, two, three."


"You are dismissed. You can leave now," said Amanda.

After being dismissed everyone went back to the band room to put their instruments away and left.

Kagome put away her clarinet and started to walk home. Halfway up Market Street she felt someone was following her. Then the mysterious creature came out proving her hypothesis correct, and slithered his arms around her waist. Then he started to kiss her neck. Kagome struggled to get out of the beast's grasp, but couldn't so she yelled, "HELP! Get off of me."

"Why would I let you go? After all you are my woman."

"Kouga? Kouga get off me you son of a bitch wolf," cried Kagome.

"No," he held Kagome even tighter.

Suddenly a white flash appeared and Kagome was free of Kouga. Kouga fell to the ground, unconscious.

The savior walked over to Kagome, grabbed her shoulders, and asked in a cold, low, and dangerous tone, "What are you doing walking all by yourself at nine o'clock p.m?"

"Sesshoumaru…I… couldn't get a ride."

"Then you could have walked with me. A mistake like this cannot be tolerated you must be punished."


"Yes, your punishment is to kiss me."

"But, I don't know how to."

"Then I will show you."

Sesshoumaru leaned down and pressed his lips against Kagome's. Once he felt her soft lips, he knew he could not resist. Sesshoumaru gently swept his tongue across Kagome's lips. She opened her mouth and he lustfully shoved his tongue into her mouth. He softly brushed his tongue against hers, setting a rhythm. He then proceeded to softly bite her lip, giving Kagome a shocking yet soothing tickle. As Sesshoumaru ended the bite he went back to exploring Kagome's mouth, not wanting to leave. His mouth moved open and closed as he teased her with his tongue. His breathing became harder, and he finally kissed her deeply, their tongues brushing against each other, getting harder and harder until they needed air. They broke the kiss, panting heavily.

"I'm sorry. You were in heat. I- I- couldn't resist." He stuttered.

"It's ok. Like you said it was a punishment."

"Ok, come on I'll walk you home," said Sesshoumaru calmly.

"Sure," replied Kagome.

Sesshoumaru's thought~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

`I know she was in heat and it was a punishment, but why did I kiss her? Why did I even save her?'

`Like I said maybe because you like her. That's why you saved her. That's why you told her to kiss you.


`Then why did you kiss her'?

`Because she was in heat and I couldn't resist'

`Ha, because you couldn't resist. A youkai like you can resist any girl in heat but her. Meaning you like her besides did you enjoy the two minuet kiss?'


`That's proof. If it's just a punishment or just in heat I don't think you would have enjoyed it.'

`Fine I like her now go.'

`Finally! I will go now.'

Kagome's thought~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

`I know I'm in heat, but why did he kiss me? I mean I'm sure he can resist a girl in heat and I thought he doesn't like anyone?'

`Perhaps he likes you?'

`I don't think so. He's always so cold to me and everyone.'

`You night not have noticed it, but when he looks at you he has lust in his eyes.'

`I still don't think so.'

`Well, did you think he enjoyed the kiss? Did you enjoy the kiss?'


`There. You like him and he likes you. Why can't you guys get this right?'

`Well, ah, I don't think I like him. More like a small crush.'

`Fine, but it still counts as love.'

`You know what?'




"Kagome, is that your house?" asked the ice prince kindly.

"Hai," answered Kagome, "well, see you later. Bye."

"Sayonara," muttered Sesshoumaru as Kagome walked in the house.