InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha The Gum Shoe ❯ Scene 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Back at Inuyasha's office

April 15, 4:37pm

Inuyasha sits at his desk with files on Koga's henchmen and a woman named
Kagura Le' Canaryson, a highly respected buisness women. She runs a exocit bird museum in Kyoto. Since Ayame spilled the beans and rice, he got all the clues he needed. It seems Kagura would send her people over to Kouga's factory to buy exclusive and rare furs in exchange for exotic feathures from the burds at Kagura's museum.

Inuyasha: Now if I can put 2+2 together, I might be able to find those damn earrings...but where to began? (All of a sudden starts playing Tales of Symphonia)


Inuyasha,shocked from the unexpected ring falls down then picks up his arm to answer the phone

Inuyasha: (Groans) Sweet mother son of a--(picks up phone) Hello?
Kagome: Good afternoon, good for nothing!
Inuyasha: Hehe...hello Kagome...sorry I didn't call, but I've been really busy...


Inuyasha gloating then the phone fings and he falls in slow motion

*end of flashback*

Kagome: I bet you in fact, I bet you weren't going to call me and was in the mix of playing a damn game, am I correct?
Inuyasha: (sits in seat)Look, I was working on your case you know..I DO have some new info
Kagome:(In "Like I believe that crap" voice) OOOOOH reaaaallllllyy now? Enlightin
me "all knowing one!"

Inuyasha:(As he talks he takes out PS2 and starts playing Ratchet and Clank)
Well, by any chance, do you know a Kagura Le' Canaryson?

Kagome: Hmm..I bought a bird from her for my Grampa...he likes birds.
Inuyasha: (holds phone to ear still playing game) Really, is that all?
Kagome: Pretty much...(Half paying attention due to playing Resident Evil 4)

Inuyasha then tells Kagome about the exchanges

Inuyasha: So, still think Kouga didn't do it?
Kagome: Yes, and if Kouga's a theif, then I'll do your brother's laundry for a week!
(As soon as done saying that phone beeps)
Hold on, Yasha, got someone on the other line
Inuyasha: Sure, go ahead

Kagome: (Pauses game and clicks to other line) Moushi Moushi (sp?) Hugarashi residence! Kagome speaking!
Sesshoumaru: (Bored voice) Why hello Miss Higarashi. I heard my name being said
betting wise as "you would do my laundry for a week" Am I correct?

WTF!?!(Looks around room and as she turns whip sounds can be heard) HOW THE HELL DID YOU KNOW?!?!?! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE?!?!?!
Sesshoumaru: Miss Higarashi, the bet please. If I went into "How" you wouldn't even begin to comprehend this elaborate situation.
Look, Mr.....uh..ah..
Sesshoumaru: Just call me Sesshoumaru for now...I'm not in a magnanimous mood today, so we should get to the climax of this conversation.

Kagome: (Gulps and looks grimly as she saw the grim reaper playing cards with the devil) was just a know...hahaha.....yeah...ok,first how the hell you got my number? Are you america's most funniest home videoing me with Inuyasha or something bub, because if you are, your in for it!

-She's a bold woman...Yea, she's gonna get her ass handed to her if she keeps this up....

Sessoumaru: (Cold scary laugh then growls)Miss Higarashi, I don't have these ears for nothing, and further more, my dear slave, I would NEVER be anywhere near that insipid half breed if my life depended on it, which i doubt would ever happen,got it?
Kagome: Sesshoumaru...
Sesshoumaru: Very good. You learn quickly, slave. The bet will proceed as followed.(hangs up)

Kagome: (droops down) Great..just great...real smooth Kagome, real smooth...doing laundry for a sadistic murdering monster...

Just then a letter cane in for Kagome from Sesshoumaru saying "Unless you want your life exceeedingly shorten, NEVER call me sadistic agan

-Best wishes, Sesshoumaru

Kagome alittle shaken from the letter goes back to pick up the phone not knowing 30 minutes past


Crap...what I ment was, I'm so close on your case--
Kagome: Oh can it Inuyasha, ya dog earred bastard! I know you were playing a game since I called!


Kagome: Cuz I'm in the middle of playing Resident Evil 4!
Inuyasha: TSK! TSK! Kag's I'm ashamed! And you're calling me a liar?! Liar liar, thy pantaloons are a blaze...what would the children think Miss Liar Magee!
By the way, I heard that game is bitchin' sssoooo....can I borrow it?

*Kags Hangs Up*

Inuyasha: Hello? Hellloooo? Kagome?(looks at phone then hangs up) rude!

Inuyasha puts away his PS2 and takes out his PSP from his back pocket. He then starts playing Hot Shots Golf. He goes to the coat rack, puts on his coat and hat,while playing the game, and heads for home.

Inuyasha: How DO those kids play golf with such HUGH heads?

He crosses the strees and walks down the avenue, not realising he was being stalked by one of his most dangerous and deadly adversaries...It was.....
Kikyo De`Assasin, was his own secretary....wait! With a name like De`Assasin....Wouldn't you think that she would try to kill you? So why the hell did he hire her? Oh yea...I forgot...this is Inuyasha we're talking about....anyways...Kikyo De`Assasin was her name and killin' folks were her game. Her boss,Mr. Unknown But Will Be Revealed Later In The Story,is a bad, bad unknown who wants nothing more but Inuyasha ear muffs with some Inuyasha brand coffee in a new Inuyasha fang coffe mug.

Kikyo was dressed up in a skin tight black jump suit and matching mask,also loaded to the brim with shuriken she won over Naruto in a poker game and a skin slicing katana she "borrowed" from a local ninja. If she is going to kill him in the middle of the day, she'd better do it quick!

Kikyo: (walks near store window and looks at self) I look damn good for a ninja. Shinobi eat your heart out!

Inuyasha reaches his building,climbs the steps and pauses the game to search for his keys. Kikyo sees this and runs towards him, rolling and throwing her shuriken at the same time. Inuyasha drops his keys like the lucky dope he his and the shuriken end up hitting an old lady.

Old lady: Thhheeee......p..pain....*dead*

Kikyo: (jumps up and down like a 5 year old) Motherfudging butterfinger crisp!

Inuyasha unlocks the door and goes inside. Kikyo throws a shuriken before the closes on her. She pulls it back out and goes inside.Inuyasha gets his mail and ,after cursing like a sailor for seeing another out of order sign on the elevator, begins to go up the stairs.Kikyo waits in the shadows for him. Now, folks,...wherever the hell shadows appear in the middle of a bright, very bright looby please let me know cause it freaking stumps me!!

Inuyasha gets up to the fifth floor and looks at his mail, as Kikyo creeps slowly behind him with her katana.

Inuyasha: (searches threw mail while PSP is in mouth)

Ok...since this idiot is preocupied with a damn game in his mouth, I'm gonna have to buy a mumble translater....

Inuyasha: *mumbles* (Mom, mom, dad, bill for me...*tosses over shoulder towards Kikyo*)

Kikyo: *dodged* Damn..he must have knew I was coming...he's more clever than I thought...

Inuyasha: *mumbles* (Bill for me...*tosses over shoulder and hits Kikyo on the forehead* dad, dad again, *with anger in his voice* Sesshoumaru...Feh! *tosses over shoulder, hits Kikyo in the eye, she fell down all those stairs,and yes, Inuyasha doesn't notice a damn thing!

Inuyasha finishes searching through the mail and finally makes it up to the 6th floor to his house. He unlocks the door and goes inside.

Inutaishou: *watching television* STOP YELLING GOD DAMMIT!!!!
Sesshoumaru: Just drop dead...

Inuyasha: Glad to see ya too ya ingrates! in the kitchen) Man...I need some ramen...(searches and in desperation for ramen turns into a zombie from Night of the Living Dead) Raaaaaaammmmeeennnnnnnnnn

Muuussssstttt eeeaaaaaaatttttt rrrrraaameeeeeeeeennnnn!

end scene