InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Jealousy In The Air ❯ Pills, Pills, and MORE Pills ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Jealousy In The Air

Summary: A plain and unpopular girl soon begins to be accepted into the in-crowd. The popular guy she longed to be with finally notices her, but things aren't always the way it seems to be……… Inu/Kag


Chapter 4: Pills, Pills, and MORE Pills!

Inu yasha watched from his point-of-view as Kagome rushed into the bathroom once again. He stared, then glanced away as she disappeared out of sight.

(A/N: As you can tell, there's not gonna be much from Inu yasha's point-of-view. It would be more interesting that way. ^-^


Kagome opened the door to the girls' bathroom. Once she pushed the door opened, she was surprised to see what she did. Sango was in the bathroom……… and smiling, like she knew something. Her face must have shown it all because Sango got right to the point. "I was waiting for you! I knew you'd be in here," Sango said enthusiastically.

Kagome blushed even redder than she already was. It must be obvious that she didn't have anywhere to go during the time when they didn't have class. Sango even knew that that's where she'd usually find her, so everyone else must know as well.

Sango looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to reply. "Uh……… yeah? What is it?" Kagome asked.

"I just got the best idea on how you can lose your weight!" Sango exclaimed. "I'm almost positive it'll work. My mom's friend did this before and lost at least 10 pounds each week!" (A/N: I'm not sure how this weight thing works. Can u lose five pounds in a week??)

"What is it?" Kagome repeated.

"PILLS! So, all you have to do is eat one everyday before you go to bed. Once you eat it, you won't feel the desire to eat. You'll feel kind of full. Of course, you can still eat, but you won't have much of an appetite. I'll show it to you tomorrow."

Kagome suddenly became interested. "That means I don't have to starve myself! Well, not exactly."

Sango laughed and suggested, "You can always jog with me everyday in the morning before school. That's what I always do."

"So that's how you stay so fit……… Anyways, where are your friends?"

"Emergency cheerleading practice. I don't know. Kikyo's always doing things like that."

At the sound of that name, Kagome instantly felt disgusted and a ton of hatred wash over her. Not wanting to talk about her, Kagome cleared her throat and asked, "What about your boyfriend?" She thought it may be kind of rude to just ask that question, but she was curious. It's not everyday, a popular girl would willingly spend an entire lunch period with Kagome.

"Miroku?" Sango asked. Kagome could almost hear bitterness in her tone. "He's……… well, the truth is, we kinda got into a fight last Friday."

"Oh, what about?" Kagome said. Then she quickly added, "You don't have to tell me. I didn't mean to pry, so………"

"It's okay. Ugh. Miroku is such a jerk! That pervert can't keep his hands off other girls even when he SHOULD know that he has a girlfriend!"

Kagome laughed. "Is that why you two aren't together right now?"

"Uh……… yeah. Now that I think of it that way, it seems kind of pathetic," Sango said. "Well, it's not like he had to mess around with Kikyo."

"Kikyo? Why is it only Kikyo you mind?"

Sango stared at her. "You don't know why? You of all people should know why. She treats people like crap, she thinks she's all beautiful, and worst of all, she's a playboy!"

"Oh, I thought you were her friend or something. You know, because you guys are both popular and in the same league."

"Popular? ER……… ok. Just because of that, it doesn't mean all like each other. Do you see me talk to her? Well, of course, when we have to, but otherwise, no, I don't talk to her at all." Sango stated. "Isn't she the one who always picks on you?"

Kagome nodded slowly. "Yeah."

"Anyways, lets go to the cafeteria and get something to eat. I'm hungry," Sango said.

"Uh, sure. I'm sure that's good for my diet." Kagome said as they walked out the bathroom door.

Sango laughed, then immediately shut up. Kagome looked up to see Miroku coming there way.

"Sango! There you are, my darling! It's so nice to see your glamorous smile again," Miroku exclaimed. "I couldn't stand not talking to you for the whole weekend. I couldn't stand knowing that you were so mad at me that you didn't bother calling me."

Sango almost choked. "Me? Me call you? You've got to be out of your mind. If there should have been any calling, it would be YOU calling ME. I didn't do anything wrong, it was YOU! You idiot! Do you have a brain or what?"

Miroku looked as if he'd been slapped, but then recovered quickly. "What did I do?" he asked innocently.

"Oh, just SHUT UP! Just go away! I don't need you near me!" Sango growled. Many people were starting to surround them, as if watching a scene from a drama show, but she didn't care. She stomped away, and Kagome quickly trailed after her. Miroku looked so surprised at her outburst that he went chasing after Sango.

"Wait………" he said. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I guess what I did on Friday was unacceptable, considering the fact that I have a much more beautiful lady to………"

"You know what?" Sango said tightly. "I'd prefer if you DON'T TOUCH ME!" She slapped his arm away and elbowed him in the stomach.

"Sorry," Miroku winced. "But if you don't want me to do that to you or anyone else, what can I do?"

Sango glared at him.

"Actually, take back what I said. Just pretend you never heard a word I said to you."

"I didn't hear you all right. In fact, I don't ever want to hear a word come out of that big mouth of yours again," Sango snapped. She continued to glare at him for another couple of minutes before Miroku asked, "So, really. What did you do this weekend?"

"Nothing you need to know about," Sango said. "Just some important stuff with someone else."

"You-you didn't go see another guy, did you?" Miroku asked, looking alert, and almost sad.

Sango couldn't keep herself from smiling. "No." Then, she turned and dragged Kagome along with her.

"So everything between you and Miroku is okay now?" Kagome asked as they approached the cafeteria.

"I guess. Who knows? Stuff like this always happens."


They each grabbed something to eat from the cafeteria and ate in silence. The bell soon rang. Kagome grabbed the remainder of her sandwich and trailed after Sango and then tossed it in the trashcan. "So," Sango said. "I'll try to find you tomorrow sometimes after 2nd period and give you the pills I was talking about." She waved good-bye and ran off.

Kagome was now more hopeful that Sango was going to succeed with what she was trying to help her with. Kagome couldn't help, but become excited. She thought that the pills just might do the trick.

On the next day, Kagome didn't talk to Sango until in between going through 3rd and 4th period. She'd seen her a couple of times, but she was always with her friends. She was about to talk to her, but then thought better of it. Kagome predicted that Sango wouldn't want to be seen with her, so she waited until she was alone.

"Hey," Sango said as Kagome approached to her.

"Hi," Kagome greeted back. "So, do you have the pills?"

"Huh?" Sango asked, confused. Then she suddenly remembered. "Oh, yeah! The pills. Hold on………" She dug into her backpack and pulled out a small container half filled with tiny pills. "So you know that you take one a day and always before you go to bed right?"

"Yeah. Thanks a lot!"

"No problem. So have you thought about the morning runs with me yet?" Sango asked.

"Uh……… well, let's just say I'm not really the morning kind of person," Kagome began. She saw that Sango's face showed disapproval and then finished, "but I'll try." She knew that Sango wasn't trying to be mean, but with all this done, she'll get a better life really soon.

"I'll call you tonight." Sango said.

The school day went by the same as usual. Little greetings from `friends', teasing from Kikyo's group and schoolwork. It wasn't exactly a kind of day you would look forward to.


Just like Sango promised, she called Kagome after school to make sure they were going to go jogging together the next morning. Kagome hesitated before she agreed completely.

At dinner, she ate with her family like usual, but limited herself to half the amount she usually ate. Her mom had asked if she was feeling sick or not and Kagome told her that she already ate a lot before dinner. Right before she went to bed that night, she took a pill like she was supposed to.


Kagome's alarm clock went off at exactly 5:30 the next morning. The first that came to her that morning was, `oh, great, exercise time. Isn't a run in the morning on a Tuesday morning so great?' She got dressed out of her pajamas, and then brushed her teeth and hair. It felt so great to be brushing out her long, silky raven-black hair once again.

Sango jogged by her house 10 minutes later, when Kagome finished breakfast. She'd only eaten one piece of toast, when she usually ate two pieces. Kagome was even surprised at herself. Then, together, they jogged around the blocks and neighborhood.

At the beginning, Kagome was keeping up with Sango all right, but about 5 minutes later, she began to gasp for air. Her legs felt so weak and she felt as if she were dragging a piano on her back. As much as she wanted to go on, she couldn't.

Sango realized this, and suddenly stopped. "Let's rest for a while."

"Thanks," Kagome pant. "Gee, how do you do this? And continuously for an hour? I can't even keep up with you for 5 minutes!"

"Well, it gets easier as you do more," Sango said simply. "By next week, that may happen to you, too. You'll soon be running nonstop for 20 minutes!"


"Yeah, and the good thing is that we don't have school next, next Monday!" Sagno exclaimed happily.

"Really? How come I didn't know that?" Kagome asked.

"Oh. Well, we do. So did you get your contacts yet?" Sango asked.

"Uh……… no, not yet. I'm supposed to get them next Saturday. My mom took me yesterday to get them and they said it'll be ready by Saturday," Kagome explained. "I'm going to try them on and if I can't stand them, I'm going to forget it."

Kagome's mom had thought it was weird that she would suddenly want to get them, but didn't comment on it.

"Oh. Yeah. Well, some people did say it felt weird the first time they tried it on."


That went on for another couple of weeks. Kagome woke up early at 5:30 every morning, took a jog with Sango, went to school, went to school, and took a pill every night before bed. Kagome was never hungry during lunch or dinner, but she knew she ought to eat something, so that her mom wouldn't notice. If her mom had known what she was up to, she wouldn't have agreed with Kagome. Her mom didn't think it mattered how people looked, she thought that all that matters was what was inside you. Kagome agreed with that, but she couldn't help, but wanted the looks as well.

When she stepped upon the scale that Friday for the first time ever since last, last week, she had jumped with elation. She used to be 130 pounds, but now, she was 105 pounds. She was so happy that she lost 25 pounds in two weeks with just pills and lots of exercise. Of course, her mom had noticed. She kept telling Kagome to eat more and more, but didn't succeed.

All she did was repeat this line over and over. "Kagome, dear, I'd love for you to beautiful and happy, but don't let this thing starve you." Her mom could always see right through her.

On Saturday at 1:00, Kagome arrived to pick up her hard contact lenses. First, the eye doctor put the contact lenses on for her, so that she knew how it would feel. Kagome looked up and felt her eyelid flicker and her eyes squint. Then she looked down. She thought it was much easier that way.

After 15 minutes of getting `acquainted' with the contacts, Kagome was told to try putting them back on herself.

She held the contact carefully, then dropped some solution onto it and washed it in water. Then, she was instructed to put a drop of eye drop. She then pulled the top and bottom of her eyelid apart with her middle and index finger. (Sorry, it's kinda hard to explain)

It took her a few times before she finally got it in. She did the same with her left eye. Everything turned out to be okay, so Kagome's mom filled out a form to really get the contacts.


Kagome stared at herself. (She's got her contacts on right now, no glasses.) If she said so herself, there was a huge difference from how she looked like from before and now. Her hair was in pretty waves, her waist was slim, along with other body parts, and now, her eyes were free from glasses. She wasn't trying to brag, but she thought she looked kind of pretty.

`This Monday, I am going to go to school with a new and exchanged me,' she thought firmly. She had tried on some of the clothes that didn't fit her before. Now, it fit her perfectly, if not, better. `I hope everyone will like the new me better or at least respect me more.'


Kagome pushed open the doors of the school entrance and thought she saw a brand new life ahead of her. She wore her red halter-top, along with a mini skirt, with her hair hanging loosely against her back. She didn't have her glasses on, and was still trying to get used to the contacts.

She saw Sango at her locker and decided to go say hi to her.

Right as she was getting there, she felt someone smack against her body hard.

She turned to glare at whoever it was, and found herself melting at the sight of the same intense and golden eyes she had seen in her dreams.


A/N: plz review!!! Sorry if it took a long time!