InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome and Kikyo:Soul Switchers ❯ Day two's silent vow ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 6

All day they had been just talking under the God tree.

Inuyasha was getting frustrated now, each time he would ask her a question she would answer with two words or less and then be silent again.

"So Kikyo, how has traveling been?"



However Kagome was a nervous wreck. 'Sometimes it pays not to have an actual heartbeat, if I did he would probably hear how hard it's beating and ask me what’s wrong, I hate this! I don't want him to find out, I know how moody he can get and if he finds out I'm as good as dead. I can't risk angering him, especially around the new moon.'

However Inuyasha's thought had revolved around the similarities of the to women in his life. 'They are so different from one another but damn, they can be so similar.
Maybe they're just hell bent on making my life miserable.'

"Inuyasha, what're you thinking?"

"I was just thinking about how alike you and Kagome are lately."

Kagome felt her heart beat (if it had been working) stop.
"Wha-what would make you think that?"

"I don't know, you two are just acting like each other lately, maybe I'm just being paranoid."

She smiled "Yes, that’s probably it." They looked up just as the sun was
about to set.

Inuyasha jumped up "Sorry Kikyo, I better get back before the others start getting worried."

"Alright Inuyasha, I'll see you tomorrow then."

Inuyasha just looked at her, he started walking slowly towards her. He had a glint in his eyes, almost lustful, but maybe that was just her hoping. When he reached her,
he took her head in his hand gently, tipped her head and brought his mouth on hers.

She gasped into his mouth, for he had never shown her amount of affection before.

'Gods this feels so... heavenly.' That was her last thought before she got pulled helplessly and passionately into the kiss. Inuyasha moaned into her mouth.

'She tastes so different, I wonder why?'

Kagome had finally started to get back her thoughts and the first that she had was
'He thinks I'm Kikyo.' She pulled back, tears in her eyes but not letting them fall.
"Inuyasha, it's late you have to get back."

He nodded, leaned in, gave her a chaste kiss and leapt off towards the village.

When he was totally out of sight she fell to the ground and started sobbing uncontrollably. She felt like her heart was being wrenched out of her. It had been bruised before, but nothing like this, this felt like her heart was breaking into unthinkably small pieces that could never be put back together again.
As she lay there on the ground she silently made a vow, she would never let
herself forget that she was Kikyo in this form again, for if she did she would probably kill herself after remembering, or maybe something worse.

With that vow made she gracefully got up and silently got ready to sleep and mentally prepared herself for the time she saw Inuyasha.