InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome and Kikyo:Soul Switchers ❯ Worse Punishment ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N In this chapter there is a lemon, so if you are not of age, or do
not like that sort of thing, do not read further. Also if you have
problems with rape, do not read further. This is my warning to you,
so if you do not like this chapter, remember that I warned you. So
read on if you want.
She felt someone else's presence in the room, but she didn't care, she
just wanted to be free.
Oh great, the bastard's back, just what she needed.
"What Naraku?"
"Your little hanyou's coming, so you had better get ready, but before
that, I think I will have a little fun with you."
Now that spiked some fear from her. He strode over to where she
was laying, and forced her upright.
"After this, I doubt your hanyou will ever want you back."
He kissed her again, with the same force as last time, and it made her
as sick as before. This time however it was going farther than
kissing. He was slowly unclothing, she almost retched in his mouth,
but he pulled away from her before she could. He finished pulling
off her Kimono, and she could do nothing to stop him, couldn't find
the strength to, nor the will. Inuyasha didn't want her, so why should
she care, she was as good as dead anyway. He brought his finger
slowly to her womanhood, and started stroking it. When he felt her
tremble, he smirked. He brought his finger all the way in and began
to thrust into her. Her body ran on instinct and thrust into him,
almost automatically. She felt sicker than ever before, but the bile
would not come up her throat. He finished fingering her and brought
his finger out, and inspected it, when he saw the juice from her
climax, he licked it. This time the bile did come up, and she did
retch. He started to unclothe himself, and silently brought his
manhood to her womanhood. He begun the process of sex, and broke
through her virgin barrier, and thrust harder in her. She kept
screaming, and couldn't stop, he was hurting her, and wouldn't slow
down. Finally he finished with her, and started to clothe himself,
after he was finished her turned to her.
"Be ready soon, your hanyou will be here soon."
There he left her, crunched up in a ball, sobbing uncontrollably.
Finally she picked herself up and got dressed. She was officially
broken, and nothing could bring her back to how she was before. She
wished she was dead, and vowed to make that happen that day.
"Kikyo, we're almost there."
"Yes, Inuyasha that's correct."
"Promise me something, alright?"
"Of course Inuyasha."
"If I'm fighting Naraku, get yourself and Kagome out of there.
Switch back bodies, alright?"
"Fine, I will do anything for you Inuyasha."
"Thank you Kikyo, know that I love you, and I will make a decision
after the fight, and know that today Naraku will die."
"I believe you Inuyasha."
At that they stopped, and looked around. This is where the last battle
would take place. It was where no buildings were, only caves, and
standing at the mouth of one, was Naraku! Standing beside him
"Kagome, get away from him!"
She looked at him with unseeing eyes, and then the scent hit him, she
smelled exactly like Naraku. Like they had procreated! It was a vile
stench, and he growled, knowing that Naraku had forced her.
"Naraku today you die!!"
Naraku replied with, "Let the game begin."