InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome and Kikyo:Soul Switchers ❯ Almost the end ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

And so the games did begin. Inuyasha tried to get Kagome over to
the side with Kikyo but Naraku would have none of it. He kept
Kagome right by his side through the whole thing, and she did
nothing to get away. Inuyasha was getting frustrated now.
"Why the hell won't you move Kagome?"
"She won't speak to you, she can't, for you see I have broken through
your miko's will."
"You bastard!! What did you do to her?"
"Simple really, I, how should I put this? I simply had sexual pleasure
from her."
"Yes, you heard me, it was quite pleasurable, I did take her virginity.
I must say I haven't had the pleasure of taking a virgin for quite a
while. But she does have Kikyo's body so my human side was
"You are such a BASTARD, YOU WILL DIE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Oh, really, not if you die first."
"Like you could ever kill me."
"No, but your little miko might."
"Kagome would never."
"Oh, really? How do you know? You've made your choice, how do
you know that Kagome holds no ill thoughts towards you?"
Inuyasha was silent.
"That's right, you can't. That's because you love Kikyo, not Kagome.
Kagome's just the copy, now Kikyo has a real body, and you no
longer need Kagome, and she knows it."
"You're a liar!! Kagome is not just a copy!!!"
"You just say that because you want Kagome to help you defeat me."
"That's not true!!"
"You can't prove that. Even if you do love Kagome, which I doubt,
then would you still want her now that I've taken her inoccence?"
Naraku didn't give him a chance to answer, he started to manipulate
her mind.
'Kill him, he doesn't love you, kill them both. They don't deserve to
live, why should they live a life of happiness when you're so
"No, no, no, no, no, NOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Kagome couldn't stand all the thoughts in her head, she was losing
her sanity fast, and without her knowledge, she started to glow blue.
"I can't do this, I can't do it!!!!!!!!! NOOOOO I CAN'T DO
Blue shot through every part of her body, it went everywhere,
shooting everything, leaving nothing together. It shot the ground, and
grass dissolved. Naraku was hit by it, and he was no more. Before
the others had a chance to celebrate they too were hit by it. First was
Kikyo and since she had Priestess powers she held out a minute, but
then she fell to the ground, a soul less corpse. Next it hit Inuyasha,
but because of his human blood he held up longer than anyone.
"Inuyasha!" She ran over to his dying body, sobbing all the while.
"I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to," she sobbed like a little child, who
was being punished.
"Shhh, it's ok, I won't be here for very much longer, but know that I
love you, I wanted to be with you, but I just realized that when I
almost lost you. Don't regret anything to do with me, I lived loving
you, and I died loving you. I'll see you on the other side."
With those last words, all his life's breathe left him, leaving him, like
Kikyo, a soul less corpse.
"NO INUYASHA DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"