InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome Do you Love me? ❯ Back to federal era and the big fight ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Back to Inu Yasha’s time and the big fight
By: YukinaKagomeSerenaDisclaimer: I don’t own Inu Yasha~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kagome took the pregnancy test in her hands were shaking she sat on her tub and read it out loud. “Not pregnant thank god!” Kagome said. Kagome chuckled in shock and happiness. She embraced Sango and hugged her. Sango laughed. “This is great news!” Sango said. Kagome agreed.

Than Kagome and Sango went to Kagome’s room and packed up more of Kagome’s clothes and more of her stuff, like food, hair brush, tooth brush and girl products. Happily from in her room knowing she’s not pregnant. She took the blanket, mattress, and pillow out back and her clothes that she was raped in and burned them in the backyard. Sango watched the raven hair girl, as Kagome stood watching it burn with a stern face.

“Good bye bad memories never come back to me again and hello new memories good bye future hello federal,” Kagome said. Sango walked to the well with Kagome both holding boxes of Kagome’s things that she will need and Kagome had her backpack on. Sango held onto Kagome as they jumped back through the well.

Once they were back to Inu Yasha’s time. They were greeted by Miroku, Inu Yasha, and Shippo. “Are you okay Kagome?” Miroku asked. Kagome nodded and laid her backpack to the side of the well with a smile and flicked her hair out of the way that caught in her eyes. “I’m not pregnant!” Kagome squealed in happiness. Inu Yasha grabbed Kagome and swung her around.

“This is great news!” Inu Yasha said. Kagome giggled as they kissed deeply and held each other in their arms. “I love you Kagome,” Inu Yasha said. Kagome smiled loving to hear that word. “I love you too Inu Yasha,” Kagome said.

With that they meet with a kiss and both sent warm sensation down their backs and all over their bodies. They took the boxes to Kaeda’s hut. “So you finally decided to live here?” Kaeda asked. Kagome nodded putting her backpack down. “Yes I will just have to learn all the old culture so here I am! I’m sure you will help me learn new things,” Kagome said. Kaeda nodded. “Of course my child,” Kaeda said. Kagome now had to get use to Inu Yasha’s time which she was already use to it. But on other parts she will have to get use to.

Shippo jumped up and down he was happy that Kagome was staying forever. Inu Yasha took Kagome’s hand and they walked away from everyone to have their alone time. “Are you happy your staying?” Inu Yasha asked. Kagome looked at him like maybe he didn’t want her there. “Yes I am. I am happy that I can start a new and be living with you. Are you happy?” Kagome asked.

“Well, I thought you wouldn’t be because of your brother back in your time,” Inu Yasha said. Kagome looked at him discouraged. “No I will miss my brother but I made a choice to stay here with you and when we get the shard I will make or you will make the final wish and I won’t be able to cross back over which is fine and Souta will understand,” Kagome said. Inu Yasha kissed Kagome and she kissed him back.

They headed back to the village to get Sango, Miroku, and Shippo ready to leave to go on their adventure to find the jewel shards. They were waiting on Inu Yasha and Kagome to get ready well Kagome cause she was packing her things in her backpack so she had a things to have at night and to change in the morning.

Kagome packed the last thing in her backpack which was her tooth brush because she had tooth paste and her hair brush and blanket in with the backpack. “Are you ready to go now?” Inu Yasha asked belly aching. Kagome nodded and she threw her backpack over her shoulders and walked out of the hut.

They walked after saying good bye to Kaeda and left to go on their adventure they needed to get the jewel shards they knew Naraku all ready had almost a had full one so there must be more out there. They talked a bit about how they will defeat Naraku and what should be made of the jewel when it’s fully completed.

Maybe I can wish to become half demon like Inu Yasha so we can live together forever’ Kagome thought. Inu Yasha had his arms folded over thinking to himself. ‘If I become human me and Kagome will be together forever and nothing would stop us from being together’ Inu Yasha thought.

They were coming to a cliff, where they knew they would have to be more careful walking so they don’t fall. Kagome felt a presence come by “Something or Someone is heading this way be careful guys!!” Kagome said. Soon enough Kagura appeared and attacked which lead too, Kagome getting knocked off the cliff before the others could get to her. Kagura attacked again than she was gone in the wind. Inu Yasha and the others yelled for Kagome

Naraku wants Kagome dead so I think this warning should be good enough I will be back to kill her and get the jewel shards for my master, Naraku will be please because once Kagome is gone Inu Yasha will not function right in battling against Naraku since his bitch is dead’ Kagura said in her head. She took off on her feather.

Kagome screamed as she held onto a rock that stuck out for dear life she didn’t dare look down at the rocky grounds that lied ahead of her if no one saves her in time she would be killed instantly. “Kagome!” They yelled. Kagome screamed holding on still for dear life. Kagome was bleeding from hitting another rock against her side. “She’s bleeding,” Inu Yasha said when he sniffed the air. He growled cause he didn’t save her from the blast.

Inu Yasha bent down and held his hand out but he was not able to reach her. Miroku took his staff and placed it next to Kagome. “Grab hold!” Miroku said. Kagome reached for it but couldn’t grab it. She screamed when she almost lost her grip. “I can’t reach your still to far!” Kagome said. “Kirara transform now, I will grab Kagome from Kirara hopefully we will get to her in time before she falls,” Sango said.

Kirara transformed went down with Sango on her back. Kagome was slipping as she desperately tried to hold on. Kirara was near Kagome now. “Kagome push off when I grab your hands,” Sango said. Kagome nodded Sango grabbed Kagome’s hands and Kagome carefully pushed herself off trying not to slip from Sango’s hold.

Once Kagome got to the ground with Sango and Kirara. Kagome jumped into Inu Yasha’s arms he hugged her tight and protectively. “You okay?” Inu Yasha asked. Kagome nodded slowly she was shaking badly and bleeding pretty good still.

“I’m fine a little shook up,” Kagome said. Inu Yasha kissed Kagome and put her on his back as they kept on walking till they got to a forest. “I’m hungry,” Shippo complained. Sango and Miroku agreed with Shippo.

“I am getting a bit hungry as well,” Kagome said. They all sat down and began to eat the food from Kagome’s world. “This is the best food ever!” Shippo shouted. Kagome smiled. “Well, till we eat all of it in our journey it will be the last food from the future from me,” Kagome said. They knew what she meant and did not blame her.

“Kagome your never going back there?” Sango asked. Kagome nodded. “Only to see my brother for his birthday and holiday visits,” Kagome said. Shippo looked up along with Miroku. “But Kagome Souta is the most important person in your life now he is your only family member and brother left,” Miroku said.

Kagome looked down she was about to cry. “Miroku you idiot look what you done! Shut your mouth about this!” Inu Yasha yelled. Miroku shrugged and frowned. “Look Kagome I am sorry but you know it’s the truth,” Miroku said. Kagome started to cry he was right but she couldn’t bring her little brother to these times.

“Excuse me I need to be alone,” Kagome said in a crying tone. Kagome stood up and ran away from them in tears. Inu Yasha smelt the tears. Kagome ran as fast as her legs could take her. “Way to go asshole she is crying cause of you, Miroku you know she is sensitive about that stuff especially after her mother and grandfather was killed,” Inu Yasha said.

Sango agreed with Inu Yasha. “I lost my family and all I have is my brother but I don’t get to see him because of Naraku so if I seen it as Kagome’s way I would be sad like her too,” Sango said. Inu Yasha got up and took off running to find his love hoping to calm her down and talk to her hoping that she don’t do anything too extreme that would endanger her life. Inu Yasha found Kagome huddled against the tree sobbing.

Inu Yasha walked up to her and took Kagome in his arms. “Shh it’s all right now I am here cry all you want my sweet Kagome your not alone in this I will help you through it I promise you that,” Inu Yasha said. He held her tight brushing her raven hair from her face

Kagome buried her head into Inu Yasha’s chest and sobbed till she could not cry anymore she was fast asleep when Sango, Miroku, and Shippo found Inu Yasha and Kagome. “Is she okay?” Sango asked worried about her friend. Inu Yasha nodded. “Let’s set up camp here for the day I don’t want to move Kagome,” Inu Yasha said.

Sango, Miroku, and Shippo agreed they set up camp. Sango and Miroku got fire wood together and Shippo made a circle with the rocks. Sango and Miroku laid some fire wood in there they did not start the fire yet till the sun was almost gone. “I am sorry for what I said,” Miroku said.

“Don’t tell me tell Kagome when she wakes up,” Inu Yasha said snarling a little. Kagome was resting peacefully in Inu Yasha’s arms she snuggled in his chest. She felt comfort and protected from everything and everyone. She just wanted to stay like that for days and days on end and not feel afraid anymore

Stay tune for Ch. 7!!