InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blood ❯ Inuyasha's Territory and Kagome's Mourning ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Seven
Inuyasha's Territory and Kagome's Mourning
Feet apart and gripping a blazing Tetsusiaga, a growl rising from deep within Inuyasha's chest, and a scowl on his angered red face, he watched Kikyou's soul stealers weave their way through the treetops. This is his territory, his world. No one uninvited, no one, would be allowed to invade the one part of this world on which he had staked his claim. He may have rejected his father's title and lands, and his brother may have rejected him, but that did not mean that he had completely given up his pride, dignity, and right to own some part of this world. Inuyasha clenched his jaw until every single soul stealer had disappeared from his sight. Blood dripped down his fingers from the puncture wounds caused by his claws digging into the palm of his hand. He could care less.
“Keh! Stupid bitch!” He growled putting particular emphasis on `bitch'.
He relaxed his stance and Tetsusiaga's pulsing blaze slowly waned. He sheathed the sword and turned only to see Kagome hesitantly walking toward him, hands clasped between her breasts, shoulders drawn up and tense. He quickly changed from battle mode to Kagome's lover. Kagome now stood, unmoving. Her raven hair and violet orbs blackened by the night, sparkled with the reflection of starlight. To Inuyasha's heart, the beauty she possessed seemed to hush any sound that might try to rise from his forest.
Kagome had felt Inuyasha's warmth leave her. Half opening her sleepy eyes, she saw Inuyasha striding toward the spring. At first, she thought he might be going to take a swim. But then she noticed Tetsusiaga and her eyes flew open, completely awake. Quickly rising to her knees, she nervously wondered what this meant.
Kagome gazed with pleasure at Inuyasha's lean muscular figure. His muscles were taut and tense, his arms slightly outstretched as if he were about to go into battle. She could see by the light of the stars and their reflection on his silvery mane that his ears were perked and straining forward as they always did when he was intensely absorbed in searching something out. In response to Inuyasha's demeanor, she tensed also wishing she had her bow and arrows. Inuyasha had stopped at the edge of the pool, legs drawn apart as though he were about to leap into the sky. His mane began to lower down his back. Kagome raised her eyes to see Inuyasha turning his face upward toward his treetops. She traced his line of sight.
`Oh Kami! It's Kikyou's soul stealers.” She whispered drawing in a startled breath.
Kagome shuddered dropping her head and clutching her chest.
`What is he going to do? He promised he would always be beside me. Oh gods, Oh gods!' her mind screamed as tears began to well up in her eyes.
Light began to reach the grass below her blurred gaze. Believing it had to be Kikyou coming down to meet with Inuyasha, she shut her eyes tightly, forcing out the tears that fell, disappearing into the soft blades of grass. Slowly lifting her head and opening her eyes, desperately not wanting to see Inuyasha in Kikyou's arms, she stared across the clearing. Relief swept over her. Kikyou was nowhere to be seen. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
Inuyasha was standing naked and as straight as the God tree, shoulders pulled back, chest bared, his silver mane lifted and swayed by the breeze. Tetsusiaga was flaming, pulsing in his iron tight grip. Kagome was stunned. Standing there in the blazing light of Tetsusiaga, he was a powerful God/King ringed by his wall of forest. She had never seen him looking like this. Sure, he was larger than life with strength and agility during battle. But this, this was different. His commanding presence was awe inspiring. What a formidable foe to anyone who stood against him!
Gods! He was gorgeous. She lifted herself longing to stand beside him. She was drinking in the sight of him when his silvery mane, lifting in the air, brought back the memories. Just as she was walking up behind him now, she was running then, holding Tetsusiaga toward her transformed Inuyasha so he could take it and return to his hanyou form when her foot slid into an unlevel track on the ground. Falling forward, Tetsusiaga slipped from her grasp and struck Inuyasha in the back. With all his force, Inuyasha had spun around, claws extended. Searing pain entered her left arm and side. Had it not been for Tetsusiaga landing in his arms, she would have been a shredded mass of blood and bone lying in a pool of blood. Seeing the way the breeze was lifting his mane, unfounded fear gripped her heart. However, looking over to Tetsusiaga, her fears were quelled. Nevertheless, it left her feeling weak and dazed. Kagome watched as the light of Tetsusiaga subsided. Inuyasha turned as he began to sheath his fang. She could see the scowl on his face as he watched the sword enter its sheath. But when he looked up and saw her, his countenance quickly changed to concern.
“Kagome...Are you okay?”
Inuyasha's eyes widened as Kagome suddenly ran to him throwing her arms around his neck. She clung to him and began to sob into the silvery soft hair that draped over his chest. Wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly against his body, he felt her sobs and trembling.
`Damn Kikyou and damn her soul stealers to hell!' Inuyasha thought as he caressed Kagome's back and sides.
Pressing his face into her hair, he slid his cheek down to hers, pressing her face firmly into his chest.
“Everything is okay Kagome,” Inuyasha whispered into her ear, but her sobs only became louder.
“What's wrong?” he asked deeply concerned about Kagome's odd behavior.
When she gazed up at him, cheeks soaked with tears, she opened her mouth to speak, but each time she tried, the words hung up in her throat. Inuyasha could only see the pain in her eyes. He could see that she wouldn't be able to communicate with him at all until she got this out of her system. He easily swept her up into his arms and waded into the pool hoping that the cool water would somehow ease her pain.
Sitting in the shallows, Inuyasha pulled Kagome close to him as she curled up into his lap and tried to bury her face into the warmth and comfort of his protective body. She had begun weeping uncontrollably. He was beginning to get really worried, almost scared.
`Did my brother's sword do this? Kikyou? Me? What does it matter? What am I going to do? What can I do to help her? She can't even tell me what is wrong.'
Inuyasha pulled Kagome into him as tightly as he could without hurting her and began to rock her in slow motions forward and back.
It had all been too much for Kagome. After all those battles, heartache, squabbles and small precious moments, her world had been ripped apart. She could still see his red glowing eyes as he spun around and she felt searing pain course through are left arm and side. She could feel it now as if it just happened. And then, waking up to see the brother of her beloved sweeping his sword toward Inuyasha's neck. Now, finally, after her longings seemed to be granted, she is reminded of being trapped to a tree while Inuyasha expressed his love for Kikyou and had allowed her to kiss him while dragging him into hell. It was just too much to bear all at once.
The closer Inuyasha held her, the more painful it became. Soon the memories and thoughts faded as the pain in her heart took over. She could feel water stinging her skin. Normally the crisp coldness experienced when first entering water is a short lived nuisance, but now it burned. At first, she didn't notice the gentle rocking motion. But, slowly it crept up on her senses. The water warmed and became as a blanket.
Inuyasha could feel Kagome's body begin to relax. With each rocking motion, her weeping seemed to fade to sobs. Eventually she became quiet. Not wanting to disturb her again, Inuyasha continued to rock Kagome. Once her face slid down his tear soaked chest as she drifted off to sleep Inuyasha spoke his thoughts to her.
“Kagome...I promise you this,” Inuyasha whispered, “As soon as we get back to Kaede's, I'm going to put that clay bitch back in the ground where she belongs. We won't worry about the putting the Shikon jewel back together for awhile and you can take as much time as you need. Visit your family, play with Shippou, gossip with Kaede and Sango about Miroku. Stay away from that pervert. I don't trust him.”
Inuyasha held Kagome against his chest pressing his lips to the top of her head and continued to rock.
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Reviewer Recognition
I Lurv You All
Thanks for your encouragement. You're a real sweetheart
I do not own Inuyasha or any of the associated characters. I only own the characters Kaiaela and Mr. Sesshou.