InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ The Choice ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Choices of the Heart
“You need to choose Kagome, either me or fluffy” Inuyasha demanded.
“How can you expect me to choose so quickly?” Kagome asked.
“Who do you adore more, who would you want to share your life with to raise Shippo and your pups” Inuyasha added. Kagome was a little taken back.
“Why can't I have both, why can't you guys share me?” Kagome questioned.
“This Sesshomaru will not share you, miko” Sesshomaru said. Kagome was on the brink of tears.
`How can they expect me to choose, so quickly? It's almost impossible' Kagome thought.
“How can you expect me to choose” Kagome cried.
“Kagome… please, please don't cry” Inuyasha begged but Kagome kept crying.
`So much pain and hurt coming from her, how many times has Inuyasha hurt her' Sesshomaru thought.
“Kagome, why don't you take some time off, it'd be better if you spent some time away” Sesshomaru suggested. Kagome nodded through her tears. Sesshomaru called Jaken and Ah-uh to take her back to the well.
`Hopefully she'll choose this Sesshomaru. Rin would love to have her as a mother' Sesshomaru dreamed.
Kagome went through the well and popped up at the other side.
“Hey Kagome, you alright?” Souta asked.
“Just upset is all” Kagome answered. She went to her mom.
“Oh mom, Inuyasha wants me to choose between him and sesshy, what should I do?” She whispered.
“Kagome, I can not tell you how to pick. It is entirely up to you, choose from the heart” Mrs. H said, hugging Kagome.
`How can I choose from the heart, when my heart aches for both' Kagome wondered.
Kagome snuggled up with her mother for awhile.
“I think I'll go to bed early” Kagome smiled weakly. Mrs. H just nodded as Kagome went up the stairs to her room.
“Maybe something in a dream will come to me” she said aloud softly.
Dream # 1
Mommy” The Hanyou girl whined.
“Inuyasha, your daughter is sleepy” Kagome whined.
“She's a hanyou, she needs to learn endurance” Inuyasha shot back. He began to sprint towards her, his claws ready to slice. Kagome stared at her daughter, she looked exactly like him, fuzzy ears on the top of her head, little claws and fangs. But Kagome didn't appear happy; she matured as Inuyasha stayed the same.
“Sit boy” She yelled, Inuyasha came crashing down in front of their daughter.
“Fine, let your momma save you, she can't even fight herself” Inuyasha taunted
“Ah” Kagome awoke. “Wow that was horrible. Will I be that miserable with Inuyasha?” Kagome thought aloud. After getting a quick drink of water, she went back to sleep.
Dream #2
 “Come along, this Sesshomaru waits for no one” Sesshomaru said, 4 little miko demons trailed behind him. Kagome was smiling, she knew he still ruled with an iron fist, even his children. 2 boys and 2 girls.
“Mate” He called me to me, I smiled, seeing as how he called me by my title.
“Mate” I answered and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.
Kagome awoke, this time calmer. She knew exactly what her decision was, but it'd still hurt to know she was rejecting one for the other. She got dressed and strolled downstairs.
“Bye Mom, Souta, grandpa” Kagome yelled. She already had her backpack refilled and was ready to go back.
“Bye Kagome” They yelled in unison.
`Could she have really made her choice that quickly” Mrs. H wondered.
Kagome ran to the well house. She climbed the ladder once she was on the other side.
“Kagome” Miroku exclaimed.
“You came back to camp here?” Kagome asked.
“Inuyasha got us kicked out” Shippo complained.
“Where is he anyways?” Kagome wondered.
“Still at the castle” Sango answered.
“Can I borrow Kilala, so I can ride to the castle” Kagome asked.
“Of course, go ahead” Sango smiled. Kagome hopped on Kilala and they rode off into the forest.
`I hope Inuyasha can take the hint' Kagome thought.
The trip was cut back 2 hours.
“Thanks Kilala” Kagome said. Kilala meowed.
“Lady Kagome, welcome back” Kagura greeted.