InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Kagome explains ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/n: About Kagome, it may seem a bit unrealistic that a day after her rapist attacks her that he is back in her face and she's alright with it. She loves him and she knows it was his demon side not his regular self that attacked her. And about Inuyasha & Sesshomaru, though they despise each other and often try to kill each other, they are still brothers and are still connected through the love for Kagome and the love Kagome has for each of them.
Kagome explains
Inuyasha traveled without sleep to the campsite, he was nervous, unsteady, and a little shaky.
“Whose there?” Inuyasha demanded.
`Shit This Sesshomaru got too close'
“Do not make me hurt you” Inuyasha threatened.
“As if a hanyou could hurt This Sesshomaru” Sesshomaru said.
`Did he hear what happened between me and Kikyo?'
“How long have you been following me?” Inuyasha asked.
“This Sesshomaru is going in the same direction” Sesshomaru stated.
“Where exactly are you going?” Inuyasha asked.
“This Sesshomaru is going to see the miko” Sesshomaru answered.
“Why?” Inuyasha asked.
“This Sesshomaru does not have to answer your question” Sesshomaru brushed him aside.
“I have something to tell you, about when you caught Kagome and I rutting” Inuyasha started.
“Hurry up hanyou, we're almost to the campsite” Sesshomaru urged.
“I… I…. I raped her, I went full demon. It was a mistake and I regret it” Inuyasha confessed.
“Do not apologize to this Sesshomaru” Sesshomaru said.
Inuyasha walked alongside him for awhile, a couple of inches away.
“Do you think the miko will forgive This Sesshomaru?” Sesshomaru asked.
“I know she will she's forgiven me several times” Inuyasha answered.
They did most of the walking in silence, Sesshomaru's face icy and stoic, his eyes showed no emotion but internally, he is a wreck. He hated how he treated Kagome and now he was worried, she'd never want him again.
They came up onto the campsite.
“Lord Sesshomaru, welcome” Sango greeted. Inuyasha didn't speak, he looked away.
“What do you want, rapist?” Sango questioned.
“To talk to Kagome” Inuyasha answered wearily.
“IF she'll allow it” he added. Kagome came out from the forest.
“Hi” She said softly.
“Are you alright, you appear to be upset?” Sesshomaru commented.
“I am alright” Kagome lied.
She walked over to the log to sit down. She nearly fell, Sesshomaru caught her in an instant.
“Are you alright?” He asked. He helped her to sit down. Inuyasha hadn't spoke much since he got there, probably because he knows that there isn't much he can say.
“Kagome, I wanted to apologize, I am soo sorry that, that ever happened to you. I went full demon when you chose fluffy over me and I lost it when Kikyo suggested I go see you, I am sorry and I don't expect you to forgive me” Inuyasha blurted out.
“Inuyasha it's fine, honestly, you couldn't control it” Kagome reassured.
“I am worthless, I don't deserve for forgiveness, and I'm nothing but filth” Inuyasha lowered himself.
“You are not filth and you're right, you don't deserve my forgiveness, but I forgive you anyways” Kagome smiled weakly.
“Why are you here Sess?” Kagome asked.
“To apologize, this Sesshomaru should have listened to you” Sesshomaru said. Kagome got up to hug each guy.
“What did Inuyasha do? Why did you have sex with Inuyasha?” Shippo asked. Kagome held him in her arms.
“I didn't want to have sex with Inuyasha, it was an accident, and Inuyasha wasn't in control when it happened” Kagome explained.
Shippo jumped up and smacked Inuyasha on the back of his head.
“Why you runt” Inuyasha growled, Inuyasha punched him in the head.
“Sit boy” Kagome said. Inuyasha slammed into the ground.
“Momma, why did you forgive him? He doesn't deserve it” Shippo commented.
“Shut up runt” Inuyasha yelled.
“Sit boy” Kagome said. Inuyasha once again slammed into the ground.
“Sesshomaru, do you think that I am filthy, now that Inuyasha got to my innocence first” Kagome whispered.
“Of course not, this Sesshomaru will still love you, no matter whom or what is gotten to you” Sesshomaru answered. Kagome was still pretty much in bad shape, both of her loves in the same area. But at least Sesshomaru said that he still loves her, and Inuyasha apologized.
“Kagome, will you be ok?” Inuyasha asked.
“Yes of course” Kagome said quickly.
“Kagome, I have something to ask you" Inuyasha started.
“Yes” Kagome responded.
“Are you and Sesshy here still together?” He asked.
“It's up to Sess” Kagome answered.
“This Sesshomaru really wants to continue our relationship” Sesshomaru smiled. A rare moment to see Sesshomaru smile.
“Sesshy, I'd like to return to castle with you, Shippo should come along to see Rin” Kagome smiled.
“OF course this Sesshomaru would be more than happy to take you and the kitsune back to the castle” He said.
“Thank you and Inuyasha make sure to visit sometimes” Kagome added.
“Of course Kagome, I'll be leaving now” Inuyasha announced.
“Where are you going?” Sango asked.
“To tell Kikyo, she thought I'd be dead from telling Sesshomaru” Inuyasha said. Kagome waved him goodbye.
“Bye Sango, Kilala, Miroku, see you soon” Kagome yelled as she, Shippo and Sesshomaru flew off on the cloud.