InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Return to the castle (Lemon) ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/n: Once again, this is an older story, a couple of months old and I really, really, really didn't get the hang of writing yet. But after reading some wonderful stories and practicing I made Student/Teacher Relationship? This actually came just a day after I ended this story. It does have a lemon, towards the end but no it is not marked so you may not want to read this chapter.
Return to the castle
Sesshomaru looked down at Kagome. She was frightened about flying on the cloud.
“Momma, when are we going to get there?” Shippo asked.
“I'm sure it'll be soon” Kagome reassured.
Shippo rested in her arms. Kagome was really hoping it would be soon. She wanted to have a chance to unpack her things and see Rin again. She kinda liked the castle; it had some almost modern things.
Kagome was holding onto Sesshomaru's left arm. Shippo ended up falling asleep in her arms. Kagome was a little weary of going back to the castle, although they are back together, she didn't feel like they had a real relationship. But she wasn't entirely sure, maybe Sesshomaru wasn't use to being in a relationship so he didn't know, but for someone over many centuries old shouldn't he know something.
“Sess, I was wondering….” Kagome started.
“Continue Kagome” Sesshomaru rushed.
“How is Rin?” Kagome asked. She seemed tense but calmed when Sesshomaru started to speak again.
“Rin is ok” he answered. After a few more minutes in silence, Sesshomaru landed the cloud.
“Thanks for the ride” Kagome smiled. She held Shippo in her arms and she walked through the castle.
“I'll put him to bed” Kagome announced.
She took Shippo up to Rin's wing. She saw that Rin was already fast asleep so she took him to the room next door. She was glad, to finally have a bed, instead of having to use her sleeping bag. But her old room was locked. She went to Sesshomaru's study.
“Why is my room locked?” Kagome asked.
“I didn't want Rin to wander in there, I assumed you'd stay in this Sesshomaru's room” Sesshomaru answered.
“I hope you don't mind but I want to stay in my old room” Kagome whispered
`She's probably a little awkward, after what happened with that half-breed'
He didn't fight her over it.
“Good night Sess” Kagome said as she left the study.
Kagome took her clothes and put them into the dresser. She then quickly changed into her nightclothes, a light little gown with thin spaghetti strap. Then she blew out the candle and went to bed.
“Inuyasha let go of me” Kagome said, attempting to fight him off.
He set her onto the ground. She tried to get up but Inuyasha pushed her down again. His hands went up under her dress; he cut away at her underwear.
“Please stop” Kagome cried. He quickly stripped himself down to nothing. He spread her legs wide and thrusted into her.
Kagome's scent was filled with fear and pain, she began to yell out. Sesshomaru ran into her room, he was relieved when he saw that she was ok.
“Wake up” Sesshomaru shook her.
“Ah” Kagome screamed. Sesshomaru winced at the shriek.
“Oh sorry, I thought you were…” but Kagome stopped.
“It's alright, will you be able to go back to sleep?” He asked.
“Can I come sleep with you?” Kagome asked. Sesshomaru didn't answer; he picked her up and carried her bridal style to his bedroom.
He placed her on the bed and covered her up and then he sat in the chair next to the fire. “Sesshy, will you join me?” Kagome whispered. He came over and joined her. Kagome slowly fell back into a light slumber.
Kagome was bleeding, she didn't even try to wipe it away from her legs, with all her might she got up off the ground and started to walk aimlessly through the forest, hoping to find help.
“Sesshomaru will never want you” A voice said.
“You lie” Kagome yelled, looking around for the person who spoke. It was Jaken.
“This Sesshomaru doesn't want the half-breed's leftovers” Sesshomaru said. Kagome began to cry. They laughed at her.
“Kagome, wake up” Sesshomaru sighed.
Once again she had had a nightmare and was screaming. Kagome awoke, but wasn't sure if she was still dreaming or not.
“Get away from me” Kagome yelled at him. Sesshomaru was confused.
“This Sesshomaru won't hurt you” Sesshomaru started to say but Kagome cut in.
“Yeah, you won't even touch me” Kagome cried. Sesshomaru hugged her.
“This isn't a dream” Kagome said.
“No, it isn't” Sesshomaru replied
“What happened in your dreams” Sesshomaru asked. Kagome thought back to the dreams.
`Should I tell him? It'd upset him and I don't want him to hurt Inuyasha'
“I can't remember” She lied. Sesshomaru knew she was but decided not to pressure her to answer.
“Why did you say that This Sesshomaru won't touch you?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Because, in the dream you said you wouldn't touch me, and honestly we haven't done much as a couple” Kagome answered shamefully.
“This Sesshomaru does want you, if not you wouldn't be here” He said.
“I just feel like you don't even see me as your girlfriend” Kagome whined.
“What is a girlfriend?” Sesshomaru asked.
“A significant other” Kagome explained.
“This Sesshomaru is not use to showing emotions or being romantic” Sesshomaru expressed.
“There's so much we could do if you were willing” Kagome hinted.
“This Sesshomaru is interested” Sesshomaru said.
Kagome turned to speak but was silenced by his lips. His tongue once more reclaimed her mouth; she felt the tension in her body drift away on a wave of heat. While all that was happening, Sesshomaru was stripping her and himself down.
His fingers just inches from her private place. She looked away, closing her eyes to the sight of his red eyes. She could something wet stroked across her inner thigh. Startled, she opened her eyes and saw the top of his head between her legs as his tongue lapped at her skin. Legs twitched with each stroke of his tongue.
“Sesshomaru,” she breathed.
Immediately tears sprang to her eyes as she felt herself stretch uncomfortably tight around his size. Her tears falling to her flushed cheeks while he stilled within her, clawed hands clenched tightly against her thighs. Sesshomaru's teeth grinding as he throbbed painfully within her, she was tight! The urge to thrust was incredibly hard to resist. He settled with a slow pace, she panted with each thrust.

He sped up, her beautiful breasts bounced delightfully with each thrust.
"Please go faster" Kagome cried out. Sesshomaru went harder and faster as waves of pleasure and euphoria swept over them. Kagome moaned not caring if the whole castle heard as they both exploded into each other. Sesshomaru slowly pulled out, and panted, he collapsed next to her, wrapping his strong muscular arms around her.
“That was amazing” Kagome whispered.
“Do you expect any less from This Sesshomaru” Sesshomaru asked.
“Of course not” Kagome replied.
She was exhausted, that took a lot out of her. She was glad that everyone was asleep because she was sure her moaning could wake them up. She drift off to sleep and soon after Sesshomaru followed.