InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Revelations ❯ True Friends and Forgotten Feelings ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 9~ True Friends and Forgotten Feelings

(We're going back to right after Kagome left.) Kikyo watched as Inuyasha cried at her incarnates name. It was filled with longing and pain, and all for that bitch. 'I will kill her. He's mine! What right does she have to just waltz in here and take what's mine?!?!'

Inuyasha stood up and looked at his friends, they were all glaring at him, they couldn't believe that Inuyasha had just attacked Kagome. "What the hell do you think you were doing?" They screamed in unison, "That was Kagome, the one who risks her life, and sacrifices her happiness for you daily." That was Sango.

"Not only that, you tried to kill her when all she did was save her own life, look at the corpse, there isn't even a scratch on her." Miroku was pissed, Kagome was the sister he never had, just as she was to Sango. "That bitch tried to kill Kagome, you tried to kill Kagome, and what's worse, she left. She left with Sesshoumaru, your murderous half brother."

"Your murderous half brother that seems to have grown an attachment to Kagome. How could you let her leave, how could you let Sesshoumaru take her."

"Shut up, I am not a bitch, and she tried to kill me. She betrayed you by going to Sesshoumaru, and yet you protect her." Kikyo was upset that Inuyasha had not stood up for her.

"You've tried to kill Inuyasha many times, and would have succeeded had Kagome not stopped you." She then proceeded to ignore her and berate Inuyasha, "And you, how could you betray Kag-chan like that. You wanted to give her soul to the pot over there. How could you betray her to that thing? You promised to give Kag's soul to that, what is wrong with you?"

Inuyasha had a blank look on his face, 'Why did I do that?' *Kikyo is more important.* 'I promised to protect Kagome.' *I promised to protect Kikyo.* 'I don't want to hurt Kagome.' *I want Kikyo to live.* 'Kagome is my first true friend' *She betrayed me for my half brother.* 'I tried to kill her.' Silence, 'Ohh Kami-sama, I tried to kill Kagome!'

Kikyo narrowed her eyes, 'It looks like the spell is wearing off. I will have to renew it, and soon.'


Kikyo watched as Kagome entered the well and returned to her time. Shippo, Kirara, Miroku, and Sango had gone back to the village so as to avoid Kikyo, when she had stopped by earlier, Kaede had ignored her, as if she wasn't there. Kikyo started to walk to where she sensed Inuyasha's aura headed toward her. She had barely walked thirty meters when Inuyasha embraced her from behind.

"Where'd you go?" He mumbled into her ear while trying to remember what she used to smell like.

"Nowhere, I just got something for you."


"This," Kikyo said while blowing some kind of powder into his face, He coughed when he was forced to inhale, his eyes went dull and Kikyo said, "You love me Inuyasha, Kagome means absolutely nothing to you. You want to kill her so that I may have my soul back. I cannot lie. Kagome wants to hurt you, she lies to you. She is envious of me and wants to kill me because of her jealousy."

Kikyo smirked as Inuyasha's eyes returned to normal, and She convinced him to kill Kagome for her. Inuyasha remembered only arriving at the clearing, nothing more.

*~End Flashback~*

Kikyo came out of her trance as Inuyasha started weeping. He had tried to hurt Kagome, she would hate him now. 'Why did I do that. Kagome is my friend. I have to find her, I have to apologize. Even if she doesn't forgive me, I have to tell her. "Get ready to leave," he barked at his companions. "We're going after Kagome, I have to apologize." Kikyo narrowed her eyes and glared at them all.

'Hmm, it appears I will have to kill her on my own, I will make Inuyasha believe it was Sesshoumaru. He will come to hell with me then.' Kikyo smirked for just a moment, then returned to her emotionless face.

'She's changed, she is not the woman I once loved, I don't love anyone, not like that. This isn't my Kikyo,' he suddenly realized with crystal clarity. 'This isn't even a poor copy, this is something of pure hatred.' He still however felt responsible for Kikyo's death, and present... Existence.

"It's about time you realized that," Miroku commented with a smirk. Inuyasha started, at first he thought he had spoken his thoughts out loud, then he realized that he was talking about going after Kagome.

"Yay, we're going to find Kagome-chan. Come on Kirara, I know you miss Shippo, and Rin's bound to be there too." Sango said with utter joy in her voice.

Kikyo watches this through slitted eyes, 'He's mine, I will take him to hell with me. I will make that bitch pay for trying to steal him from me.'

~~~~Back at the Castle~~~~

Two months had passed since the dream mating, they still had yet to finish the ritual due to exhaustion from the training, and lack of opportunity. Kagome was now as skilled as Sesshoumaru in daggers, Katas, hand-to-hand combat, and speed. She was his better in archery, and he hers with the whip (I don't know what that green whip thing he does is, hers is bright blue.). Both were improving daily.

Tomorrow is Kagome's birthday and Shippo and Rin are taking care of all the arrangements for the party and Jaken is taking care of the adoption ceremony, they will have it first. At the moment, our favorite couple is in the hot spring soaking off the tension from their sparring match.

"Ummm, I feel like someone beat with a stick, then dragged me over a really rocky trail." Kagome murmured, half asleep from exhaustion. 'Well, I was beat with a stick, just a metal one with sharp edges.'

Sesshoumaru chuckled catching the edge of her thoughts, "If I remember correctly, I got 'beat' just as much as you." He smirked inwardly when she groaned.

"Can't you just let me complain for once? I mean it just feels better to whine sometimes." Kagome was beginning to drift off, so the last of her words were very slurred.

Sesshoumaru sighed and picked her up to take her back to their chambers, 'Gods, I'm just as exhausted as she is, I think we'd better reduce the training, she's as good as me and getting better. We don't need to work ourselves into exhaustion everyday.'

He reached their chambers and was fast asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

The sun was well up when the two awoke the next morning, they had gotten into the habit of waking at the same time.

"Happy Birthday Kagome, it's almost noon, we'd better get ready for the ceremony." She just mumbled and snuggled closer to his warmth, trying to get back to sleep.

He smirked evilly, 'If you don't get up, I'll have to wake you up.' No answer. He brought his lips to her ear and began to gently nibble, lightly flicking his tongue across the tip. His hands roamed down her body on reaching between her thighs, and the other to the base of her tail. She moaned and turned into the caress. Out of instinct more than anything else she reached out to pull him closer and began attacking the mating mark she gave him. She sucked and nipped till he thought he'd go insane, 'Gods Kagome, don't.'

She smirked into her torture, "Don't what Sesshoumaru?" She nipped a little bit harder and he moaned in response silently begging for more. "Don't what?"

She was administering the most exotic torment imaginable. Liquid fire was spreading from the mark all throughout his body. He was getting hard from the attention directed at his erogenous zone. "Don't stop," he moaned through his panting. She was driving him to the edge with every lick and bite, every caress and touch, he couldn't take it any more. He flipped her onto her back and kissed her deeply, consuming the taste of her, delving deeper to explore the vastness of her mouth. He broke the kiss and smiled at her whimper, he went lower, kissing her neck and removing her yukata, Kagome had long since shredded his sleeping shirt. His hands explored her body traveling the familiar territory and continuing his downward journey. He passed her breasts with a loving kiss and circled her belly button, just as he was about to reach her nether regions he stopped and pulled away from her.

"Sess, what's wrong?"

"I'm waiting for the inevitable, as soon as things get interesting, someone or something interferes." He said this with great exasperation.

"There is no one here." Kagome straddled him and began to move down his chest leaving a trail of openmouthed kisses in her wake, just as she was about to take his length into her mouth..

"Sesshoumaru-sama, your baka half brother is at the gates demanding you return the miko to him." Jaken said fearfully to him.

"Tell him to come back tomorrow." Kagome said irritably.

There was a long pause, "He said no."

Kagome sighed 'I told you so.' Sesshoumaru said with annoyance, "We'll be out shortly. They quickly got dressed in the outfits for the ceremony, Kagome was wearing a pure black Kimono with a silver obi and under kimono, there were silver fox prints on the hem of the kimono with black ones on the obi. Sesshoumaru was wearing his trademark white, but instead of flowers, there were fox prints on his shoulder, this was to represent Shippo's last night as a Kitsune.

They walked out to the Courtyard where Inuyasha, Sango, Kirara, Miroku, and Kikyo stood waiting. Kikyo was glaring at everything in sight, and Inuyasha looked like he was going to kill some thing soon. Everyone froze when they saw Kagome.

"Now you will die bitch." Kikyo screamed as she released her poisoned arrow at the miko turned demon.