InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Karma sucks, Life of a lowly Hanyou *edited* ❯ THE TRUTH REVEALED ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey people!!! I'm giving this story a new twist I think I've made poor Kagome seem whiny and weak and I don't like that! I'm going to make her strong mentally and physically no more weak Kagome!!! And I also think its time for that gay date along with the truth behind Kikyio after all I did bother bringing her into this story she should at least have a decent trashing right? Exactly any way here I go!!!
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“Inuyasha what are you still doing here all the cooks were supposed to leave at 9:30.” Questioned Kagome coldly. “I wanted to talk to you.” Replied Inuyasha. “Inuyasha there is nothing to talk about now as your boss I instructed you to leave the work place.” Answered Kagome getting annoyed. “Kagome please listen to me I want to patch things up with you please.” Begged Inuyasha. “Inuyasha NO you have cost me enough trouble because of you and all the damn stress I might have to prolong my wedding!” yelled Kagome. “Look Inuyasha you can work here I won't fire you because of my personal issues with you but I will not befriend you...not again now please go.” “But!” “Go” shouted Kagome, `Once he left Kagome locked up the restaurant and went home to her apartment.'
When Kagome entered her apartment she was tackled to the ground by 3 fluffy monsters which turned out to be Keiko chan, Sesshomaru, and Kouga in there demon form. Sesshomaru was his normal silver dog only instead of the giant pooch he was about the size of a great dane (&A/N think of Beethoven you know the dog.) Kouga looked like any other wolf only his tail was 3 times fluffier and his ears were flopped down at the corners.
“All right guys off I love you guys too.” Laughed Kagome as Sessh, Kouga, and Keiko chan licked her face, “*Yawn* ok guys I'm tired I'm going to bed you three stay out here in the living room tonight.”
Replied Kagome receiving a loud whine from all three canines, “All right you guys can sleep with me but only if you two stay in demon form more room on the bed.” Laughed Kagome putting on her puppy pal Jamies and hopping into bed followed by 3 tired Puppies. (*A/N yeah I know I called em puppies but Sessh and kouga are really just bug puppies all bark and no bite….well when it comes to Kagome at least!)
_______________the following day at 7 pm
Kouga and Sesshomaru were still in there demon form due to the fact they loved it when Kagome scratched their heads and bellies and she would never do that while they were in their human form. Kagome needed to talk to Sessh and took this as and advantage grabbing Kouga by the scruff of his neck and dumping the poor thing on the other side of Kagome's front door.
“Sessh I need you to turn back into your humanoid form please.” Stated Kagome, a minuet later wear the fluffy silver pooch was now a naked lord Sesshomaru. (*A/N drools.)
“Uh Sessh would you mind uh covering up down south.” Stuttered Kagome looking away her face blood red, in response Sesshomaru covered his loli pop (A/N his dig dig, fireman, wee wee, pee pee, penis what ever you call it i call it a loli pop.) with his fluffy tail that was still there as always. “Kagome what is it you need to talk about with this Sesshomaru?” asked Sesshomaru, “Well Sessh with every thing going on I-I think we should uhm take a break.” Muttered Kagome nervously feeling guilty, “You mean split up?” asked Sesshomaru feeling his heart break, “yeah.” “But Kagome….*sigh* I know what you mean.” Replied Sesshomaru emotionless
“Sessh what I mean is we haven't dated any one else since we met what if we're wrong?” replied Kagome, “I was thinking we could do this for a month and if we're not happy then we could you no get back together.” Said Kagome nervously, “I don't like this but you are right Kagome but I want you to know I'll always love you forever.” Whispered Sesshomaru embracing Kagome in a warm hug, “Thank you Sessh you will still stay here right? I mean we are still friends.” Asked Kagome, “Of course Kagome I wouldn't have left if you wanted me too laughed Sesshomaru turning into his dog Form, as Kagome opened the door letting Kouga in.
____________________________Mean while at Kags restaurant
Inuyasha was in a horrible mood dressed in plane jeans and a red t-shirt driving up in his black camarrow. J ankotsu was excited dressed in a white dress with Cherrie blossoms on the chest he could pass for a chick if it wasn't for the fact his boobs were flat and squarish. (hehe)
“INUYASHA HONEY!!” squealed Jankotsu, jumping into the passenger seat. “So where are we eating?” asked Jankotsu, “I thought you liked Movies!” growled Inuyasha, “Yeah but I'm hungry!” whined Jankotsu. “Fine we'll go to wacnodls.” Mumbled Inuyasha, “OK but I thought it was MacDonald's here.” Giggled Jankotsu receiving a growl from Inuyasha driving off in the direction of the NEAREST MacDonald's.
Sesshomaru and Kouga were play fighting like puppies while Kagome was watching them intensively envying them. “You guys are so lucky I wish I could turn into a dog or a wolf!” commented Kagome catching Kouga's and Sesshomaru's attention turning back into their humanoid forms causing Kagome to blush furiously before they wrapped their tails around their wastes. "God damit guys you two may be demons an di may be your friend bu tim still a girl and i DON'T need to see your digaligs every time yu transform!!" laughed Kagome.
“Do you really want to be able to transform?” asked Kouga seriously. “Answer truthfully Miko!” added Sesshomaru (as if kags would lie.) “Yes of course in fact I've always wanted a tail!” answered Kagome excitedly, “We could make it happen.” Answered Kouga and Sesshomaru, at the same time.
“YOU CAN REALLY!” said Kagome excitedly
“Yash honey why are you soo grumpy you've been in a horrible mood since the beginning of our date.” Whined/ asked Jankotsu. “You would be pissed off too if you were in my place!” growled Inuyasha, “Oh poo stop being that way tell me what's wrong honey.” Answered Jankotsu, “FIRST OF ALL MY BOSS MADE ME GO ON A GAY DATE AND SECOND I THINK I MADE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE WHEN I LEFT KAGOME AND NOW SHE'S MARRING MY BROTHER!” snapped Inuyasha not realizing what he just admited.
then suddenly Jankotsu gets a flash back.
_______________flash back
“Hay kaggie what yah doin?” asked Jankotsu looking over Kagome's shoulder, “Just looking at some photo's of my ex boy friend, this one was taken 2 days before we split up.” Said Kagome showing Jankotsu a picture of a hunk of a hanyou with silver hair and a short chubby Kagome. “Hey Kagome who is that in the back round is that your twin she looks just like you.” Asked Jankotsu, 'Only skinnier!" thought Jankotsu
“Oh no I'm not related to her she was and might still be Inuyasha's new girl friend he got together with after we split up.” Said Kagome with a slight hint of sadness in her voice.
______________end of flash back
“I-I I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU KAGOME HASN'T CHANGED AT ALL SINCE THEN THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS SHE'S SKINNYER YOU PIG YOU ONLY LIKE HER NOW THAT SHE'S GOT A NICE BODY!” shouted Jankotsu pouring his smoothie over Inuyasha's head and storming out of the fast food place. "maybe he's right I am a pig I did choose her over Kikyio for obvious reasons so why would I want her back now?” thought Inuyasha feeling guilty
“yeah we can but the affects will be Permanente.” Warned Kouga. “I'm ok with that so how do you do it?” asked Kagome, “We have to bite your wrist in our dog youki form.” Answered Sesshomaru, “OK bite away.” Said Kagome excited, “It will leave a tattoo and what do you want to be a dog or wolf youki?” asked Kouga, “Uhm is there any way I can be both?” asked Kagome scratching the back of her head,
Sesshomaru looked at Kouga, Kouga returned his glance and they both let out a big sigh.
“Yeah it may hurt a bit and you will pass out the average is a day so you should sit on your bed while we do this.” Said Kouga motion to her bed.
Kagome sat down and held out her wrist while Sessh and Kouga transformed. She felt a prickle of pain as they cautiously bit into her wrists and the next thing she new every thing went black.
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Hehe I'm soo evil what a place to stop!!! Any way I hope you liked the chapter R&R or I'll feel unloved boo hoo poor me! Any way read the next chapter to find out how Kagome's “transformation” turns out and what will Inuyasha do about the new truth towards his renewed feelings for Kagome