InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Like My Master ❯ Ch. 7: Sparring and an Angry Demoness ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters.
Flames welcome.

Like My Master
By: Miyukyshan

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Chapter Seven: Sparring and an Angry Demoness

Sesshomaru leaned forward in his chair and glared at the pile of scrolls on the table in front of him. Lady Amaya came on the pretense of setting up a treaty between their two clans, and the stack of paperwork that came with her was as irritating as she was. However, Sesshomaru wasn’t stupid. He heard the talk of the castle and had been on the brunt end of the demoness’ forwardness for the better part of four months. He knew the alliance she wanted included more than just a few signatures.

Soft laughter filtered through the window in his library and made his ears tingle. He looked down at the garden and saw Rin with her bodyguard playing in the flowers. The woman held Rin tightly in her lap and seemed to be playing some game with her hands. His eyes softened when the game ended in Rin being mercilessly tickled. Her laughter was infectious and soon the woman was chiming in, too. A sense of calm and happiness filled him and he eased back into his chair. He wondered if being bonded to her wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be, so long as she felt such peaceful emotions. Sesshomaru shook his head the second the thought entered his mind. He glared down at the pair of giggling girls and wrinkled his nose when he noticed the clothes the woman was wearing.

As if sensing someone was watching her, Sayu looked up at Sesshomaru and immediately stood and bowed. Rin watched her, confused as to why their little game ended so abruptly. When she looked up and saw Sesshomaru a bright smile lit up her face and she waved frantically.

“Lord Sesshomaru!” she called sweetly.

Sesshomaru dipped his head to acknowledge her and looked back at the woman. He was frustrated when her name didn’t come to him. He heard it only a handful of times and never spoken it himself. Kaito approached the door and Sesshomaru looked away from the tattered clothes of his slave to see him enter.

“Lord Sesshomaru, everything is prepared as you asked,” he reported.

“Kaito, there’s one more thing I need you to do.”


Sayu followed Jaken as he led her through the more familiar halls of the castle. Shortly after her master’s inspection the toad appeared in the garden and tore her away from Rin. She was sad to leave the beautiful, happy place but promised Rin she would be back later. Jaken told her not to count on it. Now they were heading back to what appeared to be the training room. Sayu couldn’t help the small bubble of excitement that formed in her chest. She hoped Kaito would be waiting on the other side of the doors to spar with her. She wanted to long before now, but Kaito said they would have to wait for Sesshomaru’s permission.

Jaken stopped before the massive double doors and Sayu’s heart sank when she felt the presence of her master on the other side.

Hopefully he won’t stay the whole time we’re sparring. Sayu thought as Jaken pushed open the door. She was surprised to find Kaito nowhere in sight and her master standing in the middle of the room staring at her.

“I heard you needed a good fight,” he said before rushing forward.

Sayu gasped and ducked out of the way, narrowly missing his claws. “Master, please I cannot,” she shrieked and dropped to the ground to avoid his quick movements.

Sesshomaru stopped and stared at the woman trembling on the floor beneath him. “Stand up,” he ordered. “You will fight me and you won’t hold back.”

He could see the defiance in her eyes and realized she had never been permitted to train with her past owners.

“As you wish, Master,” she said before lashing out at him.

Sesshomaru easily dodged her hit and chuckled. “Is that all you’ve got, little woman?” he teased.

Sayu let out an inhuman growl and nearly landed a punch to his side. Sesshomaru appeared behind her and leaned close to her ear.

“Too slow,” he whispered.

Sayu shivered as his breath tickled her neck and immediately turned to hit. Her master caught her fist with ease and she stared at him in shock. Sesshomaru smirked and hit her square in the gut. Sayu was sent flying back and crashed into the wall. She watched as he slowly advanced and was irritated by the smug look on his face. She located the nearest weapon and stood on shaky feet. As if sensing her upcoming move, Sesshomaru appeared before her and growled. Sayu returned the gesture and raised her fist. He caught it and pinned it against the wall. Sesshomaru caught her other wrist as soon as she raised it and hoisted her off the ground.

Sayu looked down at her dangling feet and then back up to her master, a large frown on her face. Sesshomaru chuckled and shifted so both her wrists were secured in one of his hands. Sayu grunted and moved to kick him, immediately regretting her decision.

Sesshomaru pressed his body flush against hers so she was caught between the wall and his hard physique. Her face burned red as she tried to stamp down her emotions before he felt them.

“Master,” she panted, “please…”

Sesshomaru growled in satisfaction at her submission. It vibrated through his chest and sent shivers down her spine.

“Woman, are you afraid of me?”

His question surprised her and she turned to look in his golden eyes. His face was so close she could feel his breath against her cheek. She expected to find the usual hardness in his expression but his eyes were soft and warm.

“Master, I…”

“Do not call me Master. I am Lord Sesshomaru,” he said.

She was startled into silence, but his prodding eyes helped her find her voice. “L-Lord Sesshomaru, I’m not afraid of you,” she breathed.

His eyes flashed with some emotion she couldn’t understand, but she could feel his contentment. Sayu suddenly became very aware of the pain in her wrists and realized she was still in the middle of a sparring session with her master. He grinned when he felt the change in her but was taken back when she thrust her hips forward.

Sayu took advantage of the space she acquired and pushed her feet hard against his torso. Sesshomaru released her wrists and stared at her with wide eyes. The little minx copied his smirk and ran towards the wall holding the weapons. He easily beat her there and grabbed two blades. She quickly followed suit and stumbled to block his first attack. Her movement was too slow and one of the blades nicked her left forearm. The blunt training swords had been replaced with real weapons.

Sayu ignored the wound and brought her sword up in a high arc, sending the dog demon toward the ceiling to avoid the sharp metal. He landed gracefully beside her and brought both swords down. Sayu caught his blades where they crossed and the sharp tips pointed out from either side of her face in a dangerous X. Sesshomaru pressed his swords forward a little more, surprised by her strength.

Sayu’s arms shook with determination, but her own swords were pushed closer towards her and she dropped to her knees. In a last ditch effort to escape Sesshomaru’s blades, she pushed hard against him and dropped her swords down and twisted to get away, but she wasn’t quick enough and the edge of her master’s weapon caught part of her jaw and slid down her throat.

Sesshomaru sensed her pain and immediately backed off. He watched as she pulled an already bloody arm up and covered the new wound with her hand. Sesshomaru dropped his weapons and walked to her, the smell of her blood making him dizzy. He knelt before her and reached out for her hand.

“Let me see your wounds,” he said.

Sayu looked at him warily before holding out her arm for him to inspect.

“The wound is not deep,” he said before dropping his head to her skin.

Sayu squealed and pulled away when his tongue dipped out and slid over her wound. Sesshomaru looked up at her and frowned.

“Be still,” he said before grabbing her arm again.

Sayu watched in wonder as his tongue slowly traced over the cut. The exposed flesh tingled and slowly closed. When he finished he released her and Sayu studied her smooth arm with fascination.

“My saliva has healing properties,” he said simply. “Now let me see your neck.”

Sayu’s eyes widened and she leaned away from him. “Lord Sesshomaru, it wouldn’t be decent,” she whispered, even as her shackles hummed from her disobedience.

“I will not repeat myself,” he said.

Sayu sighed and moved her hair away from her neck. Sesshomaru frowned at the blood staining her clothes. The wound was deeper than the one on her arm. He moved closer and placed a hand at the nape of her neck, gently tilting her back against it with his other hand on her chin. She grimaced as the wound stretched farther apart. He wiped away most of the blood with his sleeve and glanced at her closed eyes before leaning forward. Sesshomaru moved slowly and carefully, sucking and lapping at the deep gash. Starting at the bottom, it slowly closed and he moved up where the wound started next to her ear. He felt her shiver in his grasp and whimper as he traced his tongue gently along her skin. Her scent spiked and Sesshomaru purred against her throat, his body reacting to the delicious change in her scent. He lost himself in the delicate smell of her arousal and nipped at the outer shell of her ear.

Sayu clutched at the opening of his haori. She couldn’t focus and stifled another moan when Sesshomaru dragged his teeth along her newly repaired flesh. She instinctively tilted her head back farther to allow him better access and quivered when he growled his approval. His other hand moved to her back and she felt her hips press into his.

“M-My Lord,” she whimpered.

Sesshomaru grunted and nuzzled into the curve of her throat, inhaling her scent and nipping at the soft flesh.

Something snapped in Sayu and she came out of her haze. “Lord Sesshomaru, please! Remember yourself,” Sayu pleaded while gently pushing him away.

Sesshomaru pulled back from her and looked into her eyes. He knew she wanted him, he could feel it, smell it. He suddenly remembered her discussion with Kaito about her past owners and the consequences of their failed coupling. Sesshomaru released her slowly and stood.

“I’m sorry,” Sayu whispered hoarsely before running from him.

Lady Amaya was just outside the doors and Sayu stopped briefly to bow to her before running to her room. The dog demoness scowled when she scented the air. The human was covered in Sesshomaru’s scent, and both of their arousal. She turned to step into the room, but Sesshomaru was already gone. The floor was covered with the girl’s blood and their discarded weapons. Amaya growled and clenched her fists. The human would have to be dealt with.


Sayu didn’t stop running until she was in her room. She checked the bath next door and found it already filled and waiting.

They must have known I would need one after fighting Lord Sesshomaru. She thought as she dropped her bloodied clothing to the ground.

She needed to get his scent off her before anyone else in the castle caught wind of their little moment. Sayu slipped into the hot water and sighed. It was a little too hot, but she ignored the burning sensation and thought back to what transpired in the training room. Sesshomaru had appeared more than eager to have his way with her, and if she hadn’t snapped out of it she was sure he would have mated with her right there on the floor. The thought of sleeping with her handsome lord brought a blush to her cheeks and she shook her head vigorously. It was impossible, even if they both really wanted it.

But there’s no way he really would. Sayu thought sadly. Her shoulders slumped as she recalled all the harsh comments the other servants made about their lord’s hatred of humans. Rin was the only exception. No, my scent must have overpowered him.

Sayu suddenly remembered running into Lady Amaya during her quick exit. Her eyes widened and she moaned in agony. There was no way her sensitive nose missed their intermingled scents.

Hopefully I didn’t ruin Lord Sesshomaru’s chances with her, even if she is a pain… Sayu thought before sinking even deeper into the water and starting the long process of scrubbing away Sesshomaru’s scent.


Sesshomaru looked out of the window in his chambers and scowled. He didn’t know how he lost complete control of himself like that. In all his years he had never succumbed so easily to a woman. And a human woman! The worst part was she had been the one to stop him. Disgraceful. The smell of her arousal was still all over him and he began to feel dizzy. The delicious aroma made his mouth water and he felt a deep need to taste her soft skin again.

The confused demon growled and turned away from the window. He needed to get her scent off his body before he did something he would regret.

An hour later he had effectively rid himself of the enticing female’s scent. While bathing he had deduced that his bond with her was what made her so difficult to pull away from. Not only had he been fighting against his own arousal, but hers as well. Everything was intensified to a level he had never experienced because he was tied to her in a way he hadn’t been with any other woman. His conclusion satisfied him and he vowed to never give in to her again.


Sayu dressed in the thin white kimono left for her in place of her ragged clothes and stepped into the hallway. She gasped and stumbled back when she saw Lady Amaya standing just outside the door glaring at her. Sayu bowed to her and moved to go into her room.

“I see you had fun with Lord Sesshomaru today,” she heard Amaya hiss.

Sayu groaned and dropped her head to her chest.

“That’s right. I smelled him all over you, human. I don’t think I even need to tell you to keep your grimy paws off him,” Amaya said with a sneer.

Sayu mentally checked herself before turning to the pretentious demoness. “Is there anything I can assist you with, Lady Amaya?” she asked.

“I heard you have to do whatever someone tells you because of those shackles around your wrists.”

Sayu’s eyes snapped open and she glared at the woman in front of her. “I only obey my master’s orders.”

Amaya gave her a devilish grin. “Is that so?” she said before turning down the hallway that led to Sesshomaru’s chambers.

Sayu’s heart skipped a beat and she called after the demoness. When Amaya ignored her and picked up her pace Sayu shot after her. “My Lady, please. What is it that you want?” she cried as she rushed after her, but Amaya was blessed with demon speed and disappeared ahead of her.

Sayu ran all the way to Sesshomaru’s chambers, ignoring every warning Jaken gave her about not going unless strictly invited. She arrived at the screen doors just as they closed behind Amaya. She dropped to her knees and pressed her ear against the delicate screens.

“What are you doing here?” she heard Sesshomaru’s gruff voice.

“Lord Sesshomaru, it’s that slave of yours. I asked her the most basic of tasks and she refuses to do them unless you tell her to.”

“I don’t have time for this, Lady Amaya. Ask another servant.”

Sayu smiled and silently thanked her master.

“But Lord Sesshomaru, I have a special task only she can perform.”

Sayu felt her master’s curiosity peak and held her breath.

“It’s a surprise for Rin, my Lord.”

There was a long pause as her master contemplated the odd request.

“So be it. The woman is to follow your orders.”

Sayu nearly cried when she felt her shackles send a tingling sensation through her body. She lifted her eyes to the demoness when she came back out, her eyes filled with dread.

“Follow me and keep quiet,” Amaya said while walking past Sayu.

A sharp pain shot up her arm when she resisted. Sayu stood slowly and followed obediently after the jealous woman.