InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Living a Lie ❯ Travels Pt 1 ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

At first light the group set out. Miroku and Inuyasha in the front for protection with Sango and Sesshomaru guarded the back while Kirara flew overhead with packs on her back - leaving Kikyo and Kagome walking side by side in the middle. Sango attempted to make small talk with “Lord Sesshomaru”, while Miroku and Inuyasha whispered in the front. Yet, the two women walked in silence.
As the sun rose high in the air signaling noon, the group stopped to take a break. As Inuyasha and Sesshomaru rushed off to hunt some lunch, Miroku and Sango began preparing a fire. Walking up to Kagome, Kikyo spoke for the first time.
“Now would be a good time to begin your training.”
“If you say so.” Kagome replied as the women walked off to the side a ways.
“I've been told by Inuyasha and our mother that you can form a crude barrier.”
“I've done it once or twice, but I've never meant to. It was a gut reaction.”
“Well it's time you learned how to do it, and how to do it on a large scale. Watch me.”
Kikyo took a step back, and as she did the two brothers returned to the campfire - rabbits in hand. Raising her hand above her head, Kikyo closed her eyes and began to concentrate. As she did, the wind began to pick up around her feet and swirl around her. Her hair billowed in the air, creating a halo effect about her head. As the group watched on in awe, Kagome began to see Kikyo's powers emanating from her body - almost like an ethereal shine. And in a heartbeat, the light flashed and rushed to her extended palm. As it reaches the palm of her hand it expands outward, creating a dome shape around her and Kagome and enveloping the campsite as well. Lowering her hand, Kikyo took a deep breath as she was clearly worn out from her work.
“That was amazing.” Kagome stated as she smiled at Kikyo. “Brilliant, beautiful, and amazing.”
The rest of the group went back to what they were doing as they saw the women interacting before them. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha cleaned the rabbits as Miroku collected sticks to skewer them on and Sango fed Kirara.
“Thank you, but the point was to demonstrate to you the control required. The light you saw was the aura, our powers. Only you and I could see it. The power that Lord Sesshomaru has taught you to concentrate on and control is the same power that you wield to form barriers. Although your miko powers form into a demon whip due to the Inu blood within your veins, it is ultimately the miko within you that controls it.”
“So both my miko powers and demon powers stem from the same energy.”
“Correct. You have to control that power and project it forth to create a barrier. Simple small barriers are easy to erect, even shield-like barriers are possible. It takes great concentration and skill to create a barrier around the campsite as I just did. It will take a lot of practice on your part to get that far, but that is what I want you to concentrate on doing first. The barrier will protect you from being seen by demons and humans and will keep most demons out. It will be your greatest defense.”
“Alright. I'll begin working on it immediately.”
As Kagome began to concentrate on the powers flowing within her, Kikyo smiled and walked back to the rest of the group.
She's much smarter and much more diligent than I expected.
Kikyo walked up to the fire, and as she approached Inuyasha he stood and turned away.
“I'm going to go get more rabbits and perhaps some fish as well. Miroku, care to help?”
The two walked off into the woods towards a nearby stream as Kikyo watched on. A sad sigh escaped her lips as she settled on the ground beside the fire.
“He's still not forgiven you.” Sesshomaru stated bluntly.
“What gave you that idea, him walking away from me, or his avoiding my gaze?”
“Even still. He cares for you. I can see it in his eyes, we all can.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because even though I still think you are scum for what you did to him and for attempting to kill your own flesh and blood, not even scum deserves the stupidity of my brother.”
Placing the last rabbit on a skewer, Sesshomaru handed them to Sango and walked off to observe Kagome. Kikyo and Sango watched on in awe as they saw Kagome disappear from sight behind a small barrier and reappear, Sesshomaru standing to the side watching.
“He cares about her doesn't he?” Kikyo asked.
“I think so.”
“And what about her?”
“I'm not sure. I think she's confused right now.”
The two women continued to idly chat, speaking of their own villages and their personal fighting skills.
Sesshomaru watched as Kagome raised another barrier, but as she lowered it she fell to the ground. As he began to rush to her side, he stopped abruptly as he saw her catch her self and sit on the ground, her back to him. Reaching to her side, she opened a small sack she had on her waist and pulled out what seemed to be random knickknacks.
“What are those?” Sesshomaru asked as he walked forward and knelt beside her.
“Keepsakes from back home. I brought them with me when I ran away. Something to remind me of them always.”
Holding her hand out, she showed him little figurines and necklaces as she slipped a folded piece of paper back into the sack with her other hand.
“They are little gives from my grandfather, mother and brother. Jewelry, small toys and fake protective charms my gramps believed in. Just little reminders of my old life.”
Miroku and Inuyasha entered back into the camp, arms full of fish. Inuyasha froze in his spot as he sees his brother and Kagome sitting nice and cozy beside each other, off in the distance. Pausing to look back at him, Miroku looked ahead and saw them too.
“You said it yourself Inu, Sess cares for her and you think she cares for him too. Do you really expect for her to stand by and wait for you forever?”
“Shut up. I know it's all my fault” casting his eyes down at the ground, a scowl plastered itself upon his face. “I'm such an idiot. I've lied to her so much, and kept even more from her. I'm pushing her away and into his open and waiting arms.”
“I hate to say it, but if that's where she finds herself happy maybe you should let her go.” with that Miroku walked off, leaving Inuyasha alone with is thoughts.
The group ate lunch and rested a bit before finally heading out. This time though, the arrangement was shuffled. Kikyo was still a little worn out from the barrier so she was riding on Kirara's back above it all. Miroku and Inuyasha walked ahead whispering, Sango and Kagome were in the middle whispering, and Sesshomaru walked in the back snickering at the four since he could hear everything but they were too distracted to hear each other's conversations.
“So what happened yesterday?” Sango whispered, attempting to prod information out of Kagome.
“What are you talking about?”
“Don't play coy. Miroku and I saw you two holding one another when he ran after you. He was comforting you and you were accepting it. Now spill!”
“He just helped me calm down and realize I was being irrational, that's all.”
“Sure, and that's why we all caught you two together in his private study on the other side of the fortress.”

“Alright fine, something happened. We kissed.”
“You're what?!” Miroku yelled at Inuyasha, drawing everyone's attention and preventing Sango from yelling out at Kagome.
“Shut up Miroku.”
“Are you sure about that though?”
“Yes, I have to fight for her. I think I love her.”
“You think. Inu, you can't ruin her chance at happiness because you THINK. Sesshomaru is not the type to be shot down and give them another chance later.”
“I know, I know. I just can't stand the idea of her with him.” Smirking at the thought, Sesshomaru took pleasure in his brother's dismay.
“You kissed? Did he kiss you or you kiss him?”
“He kissed me.”
“What does this mean? Are you two going to be mates? Do you love him?”
“Sango, calm down. It was just a kiss.” Sesshomaru inwardly flinched as he heard this, but continued listening in on both conversations.
“Just a kiss? Well did you kiss him back?”
“And I don't know. I care about him, of that I'm sure.”
“But I care about Inuyasha as well. I just don't know where my heart lies these days. I need more time to figure it out. It was reassuring when Sesshomaru told me he wasn't expecting anything out of me now.”
“Awww, he said that? What else?”
“Well, is someone trying to live vicariously through me?”
“What? No, never.”
“Uh huh, and what's going on with you and Miroku?”
As the topic changed, Sesshomaru tuned out both conversations and was lost in his own thoughts.
She does care about me then. But what about my idiot brother. I know he cares for both of them, but he is willing to fight me for Kagome. Well, I've never lost a fight to him before, I'm not about to start now.
As Sesshomaru steeled his determination, he brought his concentration back to their safety and keeping watch the rest of the day's walk.
As the group found a clearing for the night, Kagome and Kikyo stood off to the side as Kikyo prepared to erect the barrier.
“Kikyo wait.”
“Yes, what is it?”
“Would you mind if I tried first?”
“I told you it would take a lot of training and practice, but go ahead. Just don't over do it.”
Closing her eyes to concentrate on the powers flowing through her veins, Kagome raised her hand in the air and willed her powers outward.
All eyes watched the two sisters' actions as Kagome began to form a barrier that expanded outwards, enveloping them all. Kikyo's eyes widened in shock and admiration as she watched her sister's barrier form. Granted it wasn't as high or wide as Kikyo's was, it managed to envelop quite a distance.
Noticing her body begin to waver, Sesshomaru ran forward to support Kagome as Kikyo reached out a hand to stop her.
“Very good Kagome, but please stop.”
“A-alright.” Kagome gasped out as she lowered the barrier and fell backwards against Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's golden eyes watching from the sides.
“You've done well, but it has taken too much out of you. Once you have trained yourself more, it will be much easier to form a barrier. Also, if we weren't walking as much as we have been, neither of us would have been as exhausted as we are.” Raising her own hand into the air, Kikyo quickly erected a new barrier and watched as Sesshomaru helped Kagome to sit by Kirara.
She's much more powerful than I expected. She truly is who everyone said she'd be - the most powerful demon and priestess in one being.
Following behind, Kikyo noticed Inuyasha's gaze fall upon Kagome and his brother. A sad pain wafted over Kikyo as she watched the emotion in Inuyasha's eyes, that is until he met her gaze. Two pained expressions stared back at one another, the two locked together - neither willing to look away. It wasn't until Kagome called out to Kikyo, that the two broke each other's gaze.
“Yes Kagome?”
“Was that alright?”
“Yes, you did very well. I am quite impressed. Just rest now, we'll begin training again once we've reached our destination.”
The group settled down for the night and all eventually drifted off to sleep. Kagome, Sango and Kikyo on one side of the campfire, and Miroku on the other. An arrangement insisted upon by Sango after frequent gropes by the pervert monk that evening. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha had disappeared from sight up into a tree or the shadows to rest and watch over the group.
A cold wind blew over the group, causing Kagome to shudder and reach for her blanket that had fallen off. Opening her eyes slightly, she noticed that both Kikyo and Inuyasha were missing. A pain shot to her heart as realization dawned on her.
He's still hiding something from me. How can I be with someone who hurts me this much. She thought as Sesshomaru's words echoed in her mind. I swear to you that I will never do anything to hurt you.”
As she pondered their interactions, a ruffling of grasses nearby caused her to snap her eyes shut, sensing the pair returning. Peaking her eyes open, she saw a solemn expression on both their faces as Inuyasha leaped back into his tree and Kikyo settled into the bedroll beside Kagome.
A little while later, Inuyasha had drifted back to sleep and Kagome heard a quiet sniffling and sob from her side. Kikyo was hurting and was obviously trying to hide it.
Inuyasha, you baka! Kagome thought as she made up her mind and drifted off to sleep.
Another long chapter for you all to enjoy. Thank you all for the reviews, keep them coming. I just wanted to let you all know that the next few chapters may be spaced out a little bit more than usual. I will be attending training for an RA position starting in just a few days and will have a very busy schedule until September. I will do my best to update again before training begins, and even if they are short will attempt to update during my training. Please bear with me through this busy time. Thanks again for the reviews!