InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Insanity ❯ Kagome's Journey to Sanity Begins! ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Love and Insanity

A/N: Ok Demonic Demons is back up on now with a new chapter and all. yay! lol It took me FOREVER to go through it and edit it and all that shit. Don't worry, its still un edited at Anyways, on with the story.

Chapter 8

Kagome's Journey to Sanity Begins!

Kagome was huddled in a ball in nothing but darkness, waiting for it to end. She just wanted to get out. She couldn't stand it anymore. But then, a miracle happened! She could see an orange light at the end of the tunnel of darkness. She picked herself up and ran as fast as she could to it, afraid that if she were to wait another moment, it would disappear.

When she reached it, she looked around to see nothing but flames and a path, covered by the flames. As soon as she walked up to the path, the fire cleared the path for her. She hesitated, and thought of turning back, but she knew she couldn't just turn back. Something was telling her that this was her path out of here, the only way.

She walked through the path of fire for miles and miles. She was so tired, she could’ve passed out. It was so hot, but she kept going. She wasn't about to give up. She was terrified for what awaited her at the end of the path. She could see the end of the path now.

It was a portal of some sort. She was close now. Just a couple more steps. She reached her hand through the portal and was sucked in by it. She yelped at the sudden force and closed her eyes. She felt really dizzy, like the ground just slipped away from her feet.

Then it stopped. She wasn't moving anymore. She opened her eyes to see she was in a place of nothing but mirrors. These weren't ordinary mirrors; they showed a different memory of her life in each mirror.

She looked into a mirror of an image in her memory she did not ever remember happening. The Kagome in this mirror had an arrow in her hand, and was on her knees in the grass, slicing at her arms. She heard herself talk, and she watched carefully.

"This is my flesh... this is my blood, I'm not her... I'm nothing like her" she heard the Kagome in the mirror say as she sliced at her arm again, blood dripping down to her finger tips then on to the soft earthy ground.

"I'm better! I bleed! I AM human! But why does he pick her over me.... why?! She doesn't even bleed, she's not human, she's not demon, she's NOTHING!!!" She said as she took the arrow in her other hand and started to slice at that one too.

She dropped the arrow and stared down at her bloody arms and hands and once again began to cry into them, covering her face with blood as well.

As Kagome looked into this mirror of a memory she did not know of, she started having flashes of what had happened that night. She kept watching the mirror, wondering what happened next. She knew this had happened to her at some point, but she just couldn't ever remember it really happening, like it was just one of her dreams.

She continued to watch and saw Inu yasha in the mirror. He looked sad and confused. "Kagome, what did you do?" she heard him whisper from the other side of the mirror. The Kagome in the mirror held out her arms to him. "Look at me! This is my blood, I bleed! I breathe, I bleed, and I feel pain! Why do you pick HER over me?! Why? She doesn't breathe, she doesn't bleed... So why?!?"

"Ohh... Kagome" he said as he bent down to her and wrapped his arms around her. She lightly started to punch his chest as she cried. Her punches got lighter and lighter until she just stopped punching him and cried into his chest.

"Why can't you love me... why?" The Kagome in the mirror asked him. Kagome watched on the other side of the mirror, her heart pounding in her chest. How could she not remember something like this?

She couldn’t really remember anything after Naraku had made her drink all those potions; accept the second time he did it. She remembered that. But everything else was a blur. Kagome jerked her head from the image when she heard a woman’s voice screaming, her own voice to be exact.

She looked around; she could hear her own torturous screams in the back round. She covered her ears; it reminded her of what had happened with Naraku. She looked into a different mirror to her left to see the memory of her chained to a table, the time Naraku made her drink all those horrible potions.

She watched the mirror, watching her own body kick and scream as Naraku laughed. It was horrible. She buried her face in her hands. She couldn't take this, it was too much, but then, she heard nothing. She looked up from her hands and looked into the mirror once more. The image in the mirror had stopped, the Kagome in the mirror was no longer kicking and screaming, and Naraku was no longer laughing.

What scared her was that they had stopped and looked directly at her, seeing her through the mirror. She freaked out and took off running. As she was running through the room of mirrors, she noticed that all of the images in her memory were staring right at her.

She looked down at the ground, keeping her eyes on the path. She didn't want to look at any more of these memories. She heard them laughing at her as she ran. She covered her ears as she kept running. "This isn't real, this isn't real" she kept repeating over and over. But no matter how much she said it, she could still hear them laughing at her.

She came to a door and quickly opened it and slammed it shut behind her. Her breath was harsh as she leaned against the door for support.

"Well, well, well, look who finally showed up". She heard a woman’s voice in front of her. She looked up and her eyes widened as she saw who it was.
"K...Kikyo! What are you doing here?" Kagome stuttered.

"Well, I'm not really here you see, I am simply a figment of your imagination" Kikyo said flatly. Kagome looked past her to see a large red gate. Kikyo saw her eyes fix to the gate and smiled coldly.

"This is your path, Kagome, your journey begins beyond this gate"

"May.... May I pass?"

Kikyo laughed at her question. "I am the guardian of this gate, you may pass when I say you can pass, but first, you must complete a test"

"A test?" Kagome got nervous; she wasn't any good at tests. Kagome regained her posture. "What kind of test?"

"Just answer my question, and you may pass". Kagome sweat dropped. "What’s the question?" Kagome asked.

"Torn between paths, and torn between worlds, a person continues to live. Lost and confused, yet so pure and happy, until a day of pain. A person who fights, yet hates war, a person who hates, but loves even more. Who is this person I speak of? Think carefully child, for you will only get 2 chances to answer this question correctly. If not, you will be stuck here, forever" Kikyo finished her little riddle and waited for Kagome to answer.

Kagome could think of a few people that this could be. She said the name that first popped in her head. "Is it Inu yasha?" she asked, thinking of his past.

"You are incorrect, you have one more chance". Kagome thought over and over, replayed the question in her mind.
"Speak quickly child!”Kikyo said impatiently. Kagome thought about it over and over again, and then it hit her. She knew all to well of whom Kikyo spoke of.

"It’s... its me..." Kagome said as she looked into Kikyo's deep cold eyes. Kikyo smirked. "Correct" she said as she moved aside and the gates began to open. Kagome walked through the gates and turned back to get a last glance of Kikyo. She didn't want to be alone, and she would have even welcomed Kikyo's company. But when she looked back, Kikyo had disappeared.

So Kagome just kept walking straight ahead, following the path in front of her. The path was dark and cold. She stared at the ground, watching her feet and stopped when she saw something on the ground. It was her bow and arrows. She picked them up and put the onto her back, who knows, she might need them.

She continued to walk down the path that seemed to be never ending. She was beginning to doubt she would ever get out of here. She was scared and alone. Tears began to weld up in her eyes. Normally Inu yasha was there to save her. But he was not here, yet hope still remained in her heart that he might show up.

"Inu yasha...." She whispered as a tear fell down her cheek. She then heard sounds, horrible growling and roaring sounds. She held her bow in hand and took out an arrow. She pointed it in the direction she heard the sounds coming from.

Out of no where, demons and monsters came and attacked her. She let her arrows fly, hitting each demon as it approached her. She killed one after the other with her bow and arrows, but it was no use, they just kept coming. She shot so many arrows, she thought she should have been out by now, yet every time she reached back for one, one was always there.

She killed every single demon that attacked her, and was surrounded by nothing but mangled demon body part. She pinched her nose with her fingers at the smell of so much blood. She felt like she was going to be sick. She turned her head and looked down at the ground. But as she looked at the ground, it seemed to change bellow her feet.

She looked around to see not demon body parts on the ground, but lots and lots of people. People covered with blood, dead. All dead. What got Kagome the most was the horror filled expressions on their faces. She looked and noticed arrows pierced the hearts of all these people.

She looked down at her bow and arrow in her hands in horror and dropped them to the ground. She couldn't have! There was no way! She killed them..... She killed them all. She saw not only men, but women, and children. She felt tears weld up in her eyes. She felt even sicker than before. She started crying and at the same time, threw up on the ground beside her.

"This isn't right, they were demons! They were all demons! But now they are all human! I've killed them all" She cried out as she dropped to the floor and buried her face in her knees.


Meanwhile, in the real world with Inu yasha....


Inu yasha watched Kagome carefully as he held her hand in his. She was becoming sweaty and pale and she was jerking her head from side to side, mumbling. It was like she was having a nightmare. She struggled in her sleep even more until she threw up all over Inu yasha's fire rat robe.

Inu yasha wrinkled his nose at the smell of it and took it off him carefully with only one arm, afraid to let go of Kagome's hand. He did only for a half of a second to slip the fire rat rob off and toss it to the corner of the hut.

He quickly took hold of her hand once more and watched her worriedly. He put his clawed hand to her face and wiped away the strands of hair covering her face. He put her hand up to his lips and gently kissed the back of it.

He saw tears fall from her eyes. He was really worried. "What going on in that head of yours Kagome..." He whispered. He felt the intense need just to hold her and tell her it was all going to be ok. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her body. "Come on, Kagome, You can do this..." he whispered in her ear, knowing that she probably couldn't hear him, but hope she had.


Kagome felt something warm surround her body, and then she heard a voice... Inu yasha's voice. "Come on Kagome, you can do this" she heard wringing through her ears. This made her get back on her feet. She couldn't stop now, she had to keep going.

She looked around and noticed that the dead bodies were gone. She sighed in relief. It wasn't real. Yet something in her mind told her that it just might have been. She pushed that thought aside and kept walking the path in front of her.


A/N: I know its short, but I'm already working on the next chapter as you read this. I know this was a bit confusing, I hope I didn't lose your interest in it Anyways, ya, like I said, Demonic Demons is back on with a new chapter and everything. Hope you decide to read it! and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. REVIEW!!!!!!
